mirror of
synced 2024-11-07 21:15:19 +03:00
more balance-calculating extraction
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,23 +35,32 @@ cacheLedger apats l = Ledger{rawledgertext="",rawledger=l,accountnametree=ant,ac
acctmap = Map.fromList [(a, mkacct a) | a <- flatten ant]
mkacct a = Account a (txnsof a) (inclbalof a)
(ant,txnsof,_,inclbalof) = groupTransactions ts
ts = filtertxns apats $ rawLedgerTransactions l
(ant,txnsof,_,inclbalof) = groupTransactions ts
-- | Given a list of transactions, return an account name tree and three
-- query functions that fetch transactions, balance, and
-- subaccount-including balance by account name. This is to factor out
-- common logic from cacheLedger and summariseTransactionsInDateSpan.
groupTransactions :: [Transaction] -> (Tree AccountName, (AccountName -> [Transaction]), (AccountName -> MixedAmount), (AccountName -> MixedAmount))
-- subaccount-including balance by account name.
-- This is to factor out common logic from cacheLedger and
-- summariseTransactionsInDateSpan.
groupTransactions :: [Transaction] -> (Tree AccountName,
(AccountName -> [Transaction]),
(AccountName -> MixedAmount),
(AccountName -> MixedAmount))
groupTransactions ts = (ant,txnsof,exclbalof,inclbalof)
ant = accountNameTreeFrom $ expandAccountNames $ sort $ nub $ map account ts
anames = flatten ant
txnmap = Map.union (transactionsByAccount ts) (Map.fromList [(a,[]) | a <- anames])
txnsof = (txnmap !)
txnanames = sort $ nub $ map account ts
ant = accountNameTreeFrom $ expandAccountNames $ txnanames
allanames = flatten ant
txnmap = Map.union (transactionsByAccount ts) (Map.fromList [(a,[]) | a <- allanames])
balmap = Map.fromList $ flatten $ calculateBalances ant txnsof
txnsof = (txnmap !)
exclbalof = fst . (balmap !)
inclbalof = snd . (balmap !)
-- debug
-- txnsof a = (txnmap ! (trace ("ts "++a) a))
-- exclbalof a = fst $ (balmap ! (trace ("eb "++a) a))
-- inclbalof a = snd $ (balmap ! (trace ("ib "++a) a))
-- | Add subaccount-excluding and subaccount-including balances to a tree
-- of account names somewhat efficiently, given a function that looks up
@ -66,12 +75,15 @@ calculateBalances ant txnsof = addbalances ant
subs' = map addbalances subs
-- | Convert a list of transactions to a map from account name to the list
-- of all transactions in that account.
-- of all transactions in that account.
transactionsByAccount :: [Transaction] -> Map.Map AccountName [Transaction]
transactionsByAccount ts = Map.fromList [(account $ head g, g) | g <- groupedts]
transactionsByAccount ts = m'
sortedts = sortBy (comparing account) ts
groupedts = groupBy (\t1 t2 -> account t1 == account t2) sortedts
m' = Map.fromList [(account $ head g, g) | g <- groupedts]
-- The special account name "top" can be used to look up all transactions. ?
-- m' = Map.insert "top" sortedts m
filtertxns :: [String] -> [Transaction] -> [Transaction]
filtertxns apats ts = filter (matchpats apats . account) ts
@ -76,13 +76,14 @@ summariseTransactionsInDateSpan (DateSpan b e) entryno depth showempty ts
| showempty = summaryts
| otherwise = filter (not . isZeroMixedAmount . amount) summaryts
summaryts = [txn{account=a,amount=balancetoshowfor a} | a <- clippedanames]
txnanames = sort $ nub $ map account ts
-- aggregate balances by account, like cacheLedger, then do depth-clipping
(_,_,exclbalof,inclbalof) = groupTransactions ts
clippedanames = clipAccountNames depth txnanames
isclipped a = accountNameLevel a >= fromMaybe 9999 depth
balancetoshowfor a =
(if isclipped a then inclbalof else exclbalof) (if null a then "top" else a)
(_,_,exclbalof,inclbalof) = groupTransactions ts
isclipped a = accountNameLevel a >= fromMaybe 9999 depth
clippedanames = clipAccountNames depth txnanames
txnanames = sort $ nub $ map account ts
summaryts = [txn{account=a,amount=balancetoshowfor a} | a <- clippedanames]
clipAccountNames :: Maybe Int -> [AccountName] -> [AccountName]
clipAccountNames Nothing as = as
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ misc_tests = TestList [
(expandAccountNames ["assets:cash","assets:checking","expenses:vacation"])
"ledgerAccountNames" ~: do
"accountnames" ~: do
["assets","assets:cash","assets:checking","assets:saving","equity","equity:opening balances",
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