web: allow arbitrary commodities and an implicit second amount in add form

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2009-11-19 19:18:29 +00:00
parent 34019d5973
commit 70e33a5fdf

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import Options hiding (value)
import System.Directory (getModificationTime)
import System.IO.Storage (withStore, putValue, getValue)
import System.Time (ClockTime, getClockTime, diffClockTimes, TimeDiff(TimeDiff))
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (parse)
-- import Text.XHtml hiding (dir, text, param, label)
-- import Text.XHtml.Strict ((<<),(+++),(!))
import qualified HSP (Request(..))
@ -296,8 +297,9 @@ handleAddform l = do
validateAmt1 _ = []
validateAcct2 "" = ["missing account 2"]
validateAcct2 _ = []
validateAmt2 "" = ["missing amount 2"]
validateAmt2 _ = []
amt1' = either (const missingamt) id $ parse someamount "" amt1
amt2' = either (const missingamt) id $ parse someamount "" amt2
t = LedgerTransaction {
ltdate = parsedate $ fixSmartDateStr today date
@ -306,11 +308,14 @@ handleAddform l = do
Posting False acct1 (Mixed [dollars $ read amt1]) "" RegularPosting
,Posting False acct2 (Mixed [dollars $ read amt2]) "" RegularPosting
Posting False acct1 amt1' "" RegularPosting
,Posting False acct2 amt2' "" RegularPosting
(t', berr) = case balanceLedgerTransaction t of
Right t'' -> (t'', [])
Left e -> (t, [e])
errs = concat [
validateDate date
,validateDesc desc
@ -318,13 +323,11 @@ handleAddform l = do
,validateAmt1 amt1
,validateAcct2 acct2
,validateAmt2 amt2
errs' | null errs = either (:[]) (const []) (balanceLedgerTransaction t)
| otherwise = errs
] ++ berr
case null errs' of
False -> Failure errs'
True -> Success t
case null errs of
False -> Failure errs
True -> Success t'
handle :: Failing LedgerTransaction -> AppUnit
handle (Failure errs) = hsp errs addform