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synced 2024-12-28 12:54:07 +03:00
lib: Fix filtering by payee and note (#598)
This commit is contained in:
@ -187,16 +187,18 @@ transactionPayee :: Transaction -> Text
transactionPayee = fst . payeeAndNoteFromDescription . tdescription
transactionNote :: Transaction -> Text
transactionNote = fst . payeeAndNoteFromDescription . tdescription
transactionNote = snd . payeeAndNoteFromDescription . tdescription
-- | Parse a transaction's description into payee and note (aka narration) fields,
-- assuming a convention of separating these with | (like Beancount).
-- Ie, everything up to the first | is the payee, everything after it is the note.
-- When there's no |, payee == note == description.
payeeAndNoteFromDescription :: Text -> (Text,Text)
payeeAndNoteFromDescription t = (textstrip p, textstrip $ T.tail n)
payeeAndNoteFromDescription t
| T.null n = (t, t)
| otherwise = (textstrip p, textstrip $ T.drop 1 n)
(p,n) = T.breakOn "|" t
(p, n) = T.span (/= '|') t
-- | Tags for this posting including implicit and any inherited from its parent transaction.
postingAllImplicitTags :: Posting -> [Tag]
@ -225,6 +225,8 @@ prefixes = map (<>":") [
@ -260,6 +262,8 @@ parseQueryTerm d (T.stripPrefix "not:" -> Just s) =
Right _ -> Left Any -- not:somequeryoption will be ignored
parseQueryTerm _ (T.stripPrefix "code:" -> Just s) = Left $ Code $ T.unpack s
parseQueryTerm _ (T.stripPrefix "desc:" -> Just s) = Left $ Desc $ T.unpack s
parseQueryTerm _ (T.stripPrefix "payee:" -> Just s) = Left $ Tag "payee" $ Just $ T.unpack s
parseQueryTerm _ (T.stripPrefix "note:" -> Just s) = Left $ Tag "note" $ Just $ T.unpack s
parseQueryTerm _ (T.stripPrefix "acct:" -> Just s) = Left $ Acct $ T.unpack s
parseQueryTerm d (T.stripPrefix "date2:" -> Just s) =
case parsePeriodExpr d s of Left e -> error' $ "\"date2:"++T.unpack s++"\" gave a "++showDateParseError e
@ -294,6 +298,8 @@ tests_parseQueryTerm = [
"status:!" `gives` (Left $ StatusQ Pending)
"status:0" `gives` (Left $ StatusQ Unmarked)
"status:" `gives` (Left $ StatusQ Unmarked)
"payee:x" `gives` (Left $ Tag "payee" (Just "x"))
"note:x" `gives` (Left $ Tag "note" (Just "x"))
"real:1" `gives` (Left $ Real True)
"date:2008" `gives` (Left $ Date $ DateSpan (Just $ parsedate "2008/01/01") (Just $ parsedate "2009/01/01"))
"date:from 2012/5/17" `gives` (Left $ Date $ DateSpan (Just $ parsedate "2012/05/17") Nothing)
@ -684,8 +690,10 @@ matchesPosting q@(Amt _ _) Posting{pamount=amt} = q `matchesMixedAmount` amt
-- matchesPosting (Empty True) Posting{pamount=a} = isZeroMixedAmount a
matchesPosting (Empty _) _ = True
matchesPosting (Sym r) Posting{pamount=Mixed as} = any (regexMatchesCI $ "^" ++ r ++ "$") $ map (T.unpack . acommodity) as
matchesPosting (Tag n v) p = not $ null $ matchedTags n v $ postingAllTags p
-- matchesPosting _ _ = False
matchesPosting (Tag n v) p = case (n, v) of
("payee", Just v) -> maybe False (regexMatchesCI v . T.unpack . transactionPayee) $ ptransaction p
("note", Just v) -> maybe False (regexMatchesCI v . T.unpack . transactionNote) $ ptransaction p
(n, v) -> matchesTags n v $ postingAllTags p
tests_matchesPosting = [
"matchesPosting" ~: do
@ -737,9 +745,10 @@ matchesTransaction q@(Amt _ _) t = any (q `matchesPosting`) $ tpostings t
matchesTransaction (Empty _) _ = True
matchesTransaction (Depth d) t = any (Depth d `matchesPosting`) $ tpostings t
matchesTransaction q@(Sym _) t = any (q `matchesPosting`) $ tpostings t
matchesTransaction (Tag n v) t = not $ null $ matchedTags n v $ transactionAllTags t
-- matchesTransaction _ _ = False
matchesTransaction (Tag n v) t = case (n, v) of
("payee", Just v) -> regexMatchesCI v . T.unpack . transactionPayee $ t
("note", Just v) -> regexMatchesCI v . T.unpack . transactionNote $ t
(n, v) -> matchesTags n v $ transactionAllTags t
tests_matchesTransaction = [
"matchesTransaction" ~: do
@ -749,14 +758,16 @@ tests_matchesTransaction = [
assertBool "" $ (Desc "x x") `matchesTransaction` nulltransaction{tdescription="x x"}
-- see posting for more tag tests
assertBool "" $ (Tag "foo" (Just "a")) `matchesTransaction` nulltransaction{ttags=[("foo","bar")]}
assertBool "" $ (Tag "payee" (Just "payee")) `matchesTransaction` nulltransaction{tdescription="payee|note"}
assertBool "" $ (Tag "note" (Just "note")) `matchesTransaction` nulltransaction{tdescription="payee|note"}
-- a tag match on a transaction also matches posting tags
assertBool "" $ (Tag "postingtag" Nothing) `matchesTransaction` nulltransaction{tpostings=[nullposting{ptags=[("postingtag","")]}]}
-- | Filter a list of tags by matching against their names and
-- optionally also their values.
matchedTags :: Regexp -> Maybe Regexp -> [Tag] -> [Tag]
matchedTags namepat valuepat tags = filter (match namepat valuepat) tags
matchesTags :: Regexp -> Maybe Regexp -> [Tag] -> Bool
matchesTags namepat valuepat = not . null . filter (match namepat valuepat)
match npat Nothing (n,_) = regexMatchesCI npat (T.unpack n) -- XXX
match npat (Just vpat) (n,v) = regexMatchesCI npat (T.unpack n) && regexMatchesCI vpat (T.unpack v)
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