reduce unnecessary imports

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2008-10-10 02:19:53 +00:00
parent cdc5a23192
commit 73c49ec060
12 changed files with 41 additions and 60 deletions

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@ -6,29 +6,31 @@ It generally provides a compatible subset of C++ ledger's functionality.
module Ledger (
module Ledger.Types,
module Ledger.Currency,
module Ledger.Amount,
module Ledger.Account,
module Ledger.AccountName,
module Ledger.RawTransaction,
module Ledger.Amount,
module Ledger.Currency,
module Ledger.Entry,
module Ledger.Ledger,
module Ledger.Parse,
module Ledger.RawLedger,
module Ledger.RawTransaction,
module Ledger.TimeLog,
module Ledger.Transaction,
-- module Ledger.RawLedger,
module Ledger.Account,
module Ledger.Ledger,
module Ledger.Types,
module Ledger.Utils,
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Ledger.Types
import Ledger.Currency
import Ledger.Amount
import Ledger.Account
import Ledger.AccountName
import Ledger.RawTransaction
import Ledger.Amount
import Ledger.Currency
import Ledger.Entry
import Ledger.Ledger
import Ledger.Parse
import Ledger.RawLedger
import Ledger.RawTransaction
import Ledger.TimeLog
import Ledger.Transaction
import Ledger.RawLedger
import Ledger.Account
import Ledger.Ledger
import Ledger.Types
import Ledger.Utils

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@ -10,11 +10,7 @@ module Ledger.Account
import Ledger.Utils
import Ledger.Types
import Ledger.AccountName
import Ledger.Amount
import Ledger.Entry
import Ledger.RawTransaction
import Ledger.Transaction
instance Show Account where

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@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ currently hard-coded.
module Ledger.Currency
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map ((!))
import Ledger.Utils
import Ledger.Types
currencies =
Currency "$" 1

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@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ Parsers for standard ledger and timelog files.
module Ledger.Parse
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as P
@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ ledgerLanguageDef = LanguageDef {
lexer = P.makeTokenParser ledgerLanguageDef
whiteSpace = P.whiteSpace lexer
lexeme = P.lexeme lexer
symbol = P.symbol lexer
--symbol = P.symbol lexer
natural = P.natural lexer
parens = P.parens lexer
semi = P.semi lexer

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@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ the cached 'Ledger'.
module Ledger.RawLedger
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Ledger.Utils
import Ledger.Types
import Ledger.AccountName

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@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ module Ledger.RawTransaction
import Ledger.Utils
import Ledger.Types
import Ledger.AccountName
import Ledger.Amount

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@ -12,9 +12,6 @@ import Ledger.Utils
import Ledger.Types
import Ledger.Currency
import Ledger.Amount
import Ledger.RawTransaction
import Ledger.Entry
import Ledger.RawLedger
instance Show TimeLogEntry where

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@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ module Ledger.Transaction
import Ledger.Utils
import Ledger.Types
import Ledger.AccountName
import Ledger.Entry
import Ledger.RawTransaction
import Ledger.Amount
import Ledger.Currency
instance Show Transaction where

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@ -5,36 +5,37 @@ Standard always-available imports and utilities.
module Ledger.Utils (
module Ledger.Utils,
module Char,
module Data.List,
module Data.Tree,
module Data.Ord,
--module Data.Map,
module Data.Maybe,
module Data.Ord,
module Data.Time.Clock,
module Data.Time.Format,
module Data.Tree,
module Debug.Trace,
module Ledger.Utils,
module System.Locale,
module Test.HUnit,
module Test.QuickCheck,
module Text.Printf,
module Text.Regex,
module Debug.Trace,
module Test.QuickCheck,
module Test.HUnit,
module System.Locale,
module Data.Time.Clock,
module Data.Time.Format
import Char
import Data.List
import Data.Tree
import qualified Data.Map
import Data.Ord
--import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Text.Printf
import Text.Regex
import Debug.Trace
import Test.QuickCheck hiding (test, Testable)
import Test.HUnit
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import Data.Ord
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, diffUTCTime)
import Data.Time.Format (ParseTime, parseTime, formatTime)
import Data.Tree
import Debug.Trace
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import Test.HUnit
import Test.QuickCheck hiding (test, Testable)
import Text.Printf
import Text.Regex
-- regexps

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@ -3,10 +3,6 @@ where
import System
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Directory
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Ledger.Utils
import Ledger.Types
usagehdr = "Usage: hledger [OPTIONS] "++commands++" [ACCTPATTERNS] [-- DESCPATTERNS]\nOptions:"

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@ -2,11 +2,8 @@ module Tests
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Options
import Ledger
import Ledger.Parse
import Ledger.Utils
-- utils

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@ -32,13 +32,10 @@ This module includes some helpers for working with your ledger in ghci. Examples
module Main
import System
import qualified Data.Map as Map (lookup)
import Ledger
import Options
import Tests
import Ledger.Parse
import Ledger.Utils
import Ledger
main :: IO ()