;tools: relnotes.hs: generate/update release notes from changelogs

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2024-04-22 10:05:43 -10:00
parent 27d5f14553
commit 7749483849

tools/relnotes.hs Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
Make/update hledger release notes from the latest release's changelogs.
Run this in the root of the hledger repo, in a release branch.
If you have switched branch recently you may have to kill an unhelpful
ghc environment file first. Eg: rm -f .ghc.environment* && tools/relnotes.hs
This reads the latest release's changes from the main CHANGES.md files,
converts to release notes format, and inserts this into relnotes.md.
If there already were release notes for this release (at top of relnotes),
they will be replaced, except for a manually added "highlights" paragraph if any
(after the release heading, beginning and ending with **), which is preserved.
The release's version is taken from the the first h1 heading in the project CHANGES.md.
It is assumed that all the other changelogs' first section is also for this version (XXX),
and that changelogs and relnotes are non-empty with specific layout and heading formats.
In the end I wrote this in haskell because everything else was harder.
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import System.IO
import System.Process
import Text.Printf
main = do
-- gather latest release changes & info
(projectChangesHeading, projectChanges) <- changelogFirstSection <$> readFile "CHANGES.md"
(hledgerChangesHeading, hledgerChanges) <- changelogFirstSection <$> readFile "hledger/CHANGES.md"
(hledgerUiChangesHeading, hledgerUiChanges) <- changelogFirstSection <$> readFile "hledger-ui/CHANGES.md"
(hledgerWebChangesHeading, hledgerWebChanges) <- changelogFirstSection <$> readFile "hledger-web/CHANGES.md"
reltags <- lines <$> readProcess "git" ["tag", "--sort=-creatordate", "-l", "[0-9]*"] ""
[_, ver, date] = words projectChangesHeading
prevver:_ = drop 1 $ dropWhile (/=ver) reltags
relauthors <- map (unwords . drop 1 . words) . lines <$> readProcess "git" ["shortlog", "-sn", prevver<>".."<>ver] ""
-- convert to release notes format
newrelnotesheading = printf "## %s hledger-%s\n" date ver
newrelnotesbody = intercalate "\n\n" [
changelogHeadingToRelnotesHeading "hledger" hledgerChangesHeading, hledgerChanges,
changelogHeadingToRelnotesHeading "hledger-ui" hledgerUiChangesHeading, hledgerUiChanges,
changelogHeadingToRelnotesHeading "hledger-web" hledgerWebChangesHeading, hledgerWebChanges,
"### project changes " <> ver <> "\n", projectChanges,
"### credits " <> ver <> "\n", intercalate ",\n" relauthors <> ".\n"
] <> "\n\n"
-- insert or update in relnotes.md
let relnotesfile = "doc/relnotes.md"
(preamble, rnlatestver, rnlatesthighlights, rnlatestbody, rest) <-
relnotesSections <$> readFile' relnotesfile
-- putStrLn $
writeFile relnotesfile $
unlines [
if null rnlatesthighlights then "" else rnlatesthighlights <> "\n",
if rnlatestver == ver then "" else rnlatestbody,
] <> "\n"
changelogFirstSection alltext =
case uncons $ dropWhile (not.isReleaseHeading) $ lines alltext of
Nothing -> ("","")
Just (l,ls) -> (nl l, strip' $ unlines $ takeWhile (not.isReleaseHeading) ls)
isReleaseHeading = isPrefixOf "# "
changelogHeadingToRelnotesHeading pkgname heading =
let [_, ver, _] = words heading
in printf "### %s %s\n" pkgname ver
relnotesSections alltext = (unlines preamble, firstsectionver, firstsectionhighlights, firstsectionbody, rest)
isReleaseHeading = isPrefixOf "## "
(preamble, (firstsectionheading:ls)) = span (not.isReleaseHeading) $ lines alltext
firstsectionver = drop 8 $ (!!2) $ words firstsectionheading
ls2 = dropWhile null ls
(firstsectionhighlights, ls3) =
case ls2 of
('*':'*':_):_ -> (unlines $ takeWhile (not.null) ls2, dropWhile (not.null) ls2)
_ -> ("", ls2)
(firstsectionls, restls) = span (not.isReleaseHeading) ls3
firstsectionbody = unlines $ firstsectionheading : firstsectionls
rest = unlines restls
unlines' = intercalate "\n"
lstrip = dropWhile isSpace
rstrip = reverse . lstrip . reverse
strip = lstrip . rstrip
strip' = nl . strip
nl = (<>"\n")