mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 20:02:27 +03:00
dev: ui: debug logging improvements, export screenRegisterDescriptions
This commit is contained in:
@ -149,8 +149,11 @@ uiReloadJournal copts d ui = do
ej <-
let copts' = enableForecastPreservingPeriod ui copts
in runExceptT $ journalReload copts'
-- dlogUiTraceIO $ ("uiReloadJournal before reload: "++) $ pshow' $ map tdescription $ jtxns $ ajournal ui
return $ case ej of
Right j -> regenerateScreens j d ui
Right j ->
-- dlogUiTrace (("uiReloadJournal after reload: "++) $ pshow' $ map tdescription $ jtxns j) $
regenerateScreens j d ui
Left err ->
case ui of
UIState{aScreen=ES _} -> ui{aScreen=esNew err}
@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ module Hledger.UI.UIUtils (
@ -38,6 +36,9 @@ module Hledger.UI.UIUtils (
@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ import Brick.Widgets.Border
import Brick.Widgets.Border.Style
import Brick.Widgets.Dialog
import Brick.Widgets.Edit
import Brick.Widgets.List (List, listSelectedL, listNameL, listItemHeightL, listSelected, listMoveDown, listMoveUp, GenericList)
import Brick.Widgets.List (List, listSelectedL, listNameL, listItemHeightL, listSelected, listMoveDown, listMoveUp, GenericList, listElements)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.List
@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ import Hledger.Cli.DocFiles
import Hledger.UI.UITypes
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
-- | On posix platforms, send the system STOP signal to suspend the
-- current program. On windows, does nothing.
@ -86,47 +88,33 @@ suspendSignal = raiseSignal sigSTOP
get' = do
x <- get
dlogUiTraceM $ "getting state: " ++ (head $ lines $ pshow $ aScreen x)
-- ++ " " ++ (show $ map tdescription $ jtxns $ ajournal x)
-- dlogUiTraceM $ ("query: "++) $ pshow' $ x & aopts & uoCliOpts & reportspec_ & _rsQuery
-- dlogUiScreenStack "" "" screenId x
-- dlogUiScreenStack "getting " "with register descriptions: " showscreenregisterdescriptions x
-- dlogUiScreenStack "getting" screenId x
-- dlogUiScreenStack "getting, with register descriptions" screenRegisterDescriptions x
return x
put' x = do
dlogUiTraceM $ "putting state: " ++ (head $ lines $ pshow $ aScreen x)
-- ++ " " ++ (show $ map tdescription $ jtxns $ ajournal x)
-- dlogUiTraceM $ ("query: "++) $ pshow' $ x & aopts & uoCliOpts & reportspec_ & _rsQuery
-- dlogUiScreenStack "" "" screenId x
-- dlogUiScreenStack "putting " "with register descriptions: " showscreenregisterdescriptions x
-- dlogUiScreenStack "putting" screenId x
-- dlogUiScreenStack "putting, with register descriptions" screenRegisterDescriptions x
put x
modify' f = do
x <- get
let x' = f x
dlogUiTraceM $ "modifying state: " ++ (head $ lines $ pshow $ aScreen x')
-- ++ " " ++ (show $ map tdescription $ jtxns $ ajournal x')
-- dlogUiTraceM $ ("from: "++) $ pshow' $ x & aopts & uoCliOpts & reportspec_ & _rsQuery
-- dlogUiTraceM $ ("to: "++) $ pshow' $ x' & aopts & uoCliOpts & reportspec_ & _rsQuery
-- dlogUiScreenStack "getting" "" screenId x
-- dlogUiScreenStack "putting" "" screenId x'
-- dlogUiScreenStack "getting " "with register descriptions: " showscreenregisterdescriptions x
-- dlogUiScreenStack "putting " "with register descriptions: " showscreenregisterdescriptions x'
-- dlogUiScreenStack "getting" screenId x
-- dlogUiScreenStack "putting" screenId x'
-- dlogUiScreenStack "getting, with register descriptions" screenRegisterDescriptions x
-- dlogUiScreenStack "putting, with register descriptions" screenRegisterDescriptions x'
modify f
-- showscreenregisterdescriptions :: Screen -> String
-- showscreenregisterdescriptions scr = case scr of
-- MS _ -> "M" -- menu
-- AS _ -> "A" -- all accounts
-- BS _ -> "B" -- bs accounts
-- IS _ -> "I" -- is accounts
-- RS sst -> ("R:" ++) $ -- menu
-- intercalate "," $ map (T.unpack . rsItemDescription) $
-- takeWhile (not . T.null . rsItemDate) $ Data.Vector.toList $ listElements $ _rssList sst
-- TS _ -> "T" -- transaction
-- ES _ -> "E" -- error
-- | Run a function on each screen in a UIState's screen "stack",
-- from topmost screen down to currently-viewed screen.
mapScreens :: (Screen -> a) -> UIState -> [a]
mapScreens f UIState{aPrevScreens, aScreen} = map f $ reverse $ aScreen : aPrevScreens
-- | On posix platforms, suspend the program using the STOP signal,
-- like control-z in bash, returning to the original shell prompt,
-- and when resumed, continue where we left off.
@ -465,15 +453,33 @@ dlogUiTraceIO s = dlogUiTrace s $ return ()
dlogUiTraceM :: String -> EventM Name UIState ()
dlogUiTraceM s = dlogUiTrace s $ return ()
-- | Like dlogUiTraceM, but log a prefix, "screen stack", a postfix,
-- and a compact view of the current screen stack,
-- | Like dlogUiTraceM, but log a compact view of the current screen stack,
-- from topmost screen to currently-viewed screen,
-- with each screen rendered by the given rendering function.
-- with each screen rendered by the given rendering function
-- (and with the given extra label if any).
-- Useful for inspecting states across the whole screen stack.
-- To just show the stack: @dlogUiScreenStack "" "" screenId ui@
dlogUiScreenStack :: String -> String -> (Screen -> String) -> UIState -> EventM Name UIState ()
dlogUiScreenStack prefix postfix showscr ui =
dlogUiTraceM $ prefix ++ "screen stack: " ++ postfix ++ (unwords $ mapScreens showscr ui)
-- To just show the stack: @dlogUiScreenStack "" screenId ui@
dlogUiScreenStack :: String -> (Screen -> String) -> UIState -> EventM Name UIState ()
dlogUiScreenStack postfix showscr ui =
dlogUiTraceM $ concat [
"screen stack"
,if null postfix then "" else " (" ++ postfix ++ ")"
,": "
,unwords $ mapScreens showscr ui
-- | Run a function on each screen in a UIState's screen "stack",
-- from topmost screen down to currently-viewed screen.
mapScreens :: (Screen -> a) -> UIState -> [a]
mapScreens f UIState{aPrevScreens, aScreen} = map f $ reverse $ aScreen : aPrevScreens
-- Show a screen's compact id, plus for register screens, the transaction descriptions.
screenRegisterDescriptions :: Screen -> String
screenRegisterDescriptions scr = case scr of
RS sst -> ((screenId scr ++ ":") ++) $ -- menu
intercalate "," $ map (T.unpack . rsItemDescription) $
takeWhile (not . T.null . rsItemDate) $ V.toList $ listElements $ _rssList sst
_ -> screenId scr
-- Show a screen's compact id (first letter of its constructor).
screenId :: Screen -> String
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