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synced 2024-12-28 04:46:31 +03:00
feat: check: the tags
check checks tag names
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ Helpers for making error messages.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Hledger.Data.Errors (
@ -25,13 +27,57 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Safe (headMay)
import Hledger.Data.Posting (isVirtual)
-- | Given an account name and its account directive, and a problem tag within the latter:
-- render it as a megaparsec-style excerpt, showing the original line number and
-- marked column or region.
-- Returns the file path, line number, column(s) if known,
-- and the rendered excerpt, or as much of these as is possible.
-- The returned columns will be accurate for the rendered error message but not for the original journal data.
makeAccountTagErrorExcerpt :: (AccountName, AccountDeclarationInfo) -> TagName -> (FilePath, Int, Maybe (Int, Maybe Int), Text)
makeAccountTagErrorExcerpt (a, adi) _t = (f, l, merrcols, ex)
-- XXX findtxnerrorcolumns is awkward, I don't think this is the final form
(SourcePos f pos _) = adisourcepos adi
l = unPos pos
txt = showAccountDirective (a, adi) & textChomp & (<>"\n")
ex = decorateTagErrorExcerpt l merrcols txt
-- Calculate columns which will help highlight the region in the excerpt
-- (but won't exactly match the real data, so won't be shown in the main error line)
merrcols = Nothing
-- don't bother for now
-- Just (col, Just col2)
-- where
-- col = undefined -- T.length (showTransactionLineFirstPart t') + 2
-- col2 = undefined -- col + T.length tagname - 1
showAccountDirective (a, AccountDeclarationInfo{..}) =
"account " <> a
<> (if not $ T.null adicomment then " ; " <> adicomment else "")
-- | Add megaparsec-style left margin, line number, and optional column marker(s).
decorateTagErrorExcerpt :: Int -> Maybe (Int, Maybe Int) -> Text -> Text
decorateTagErrorExcerpt l mcols txt =
T.unlines $ ls' <> colmarkerline <> map (lineprefix<>) ms
(ls,ms) = splitAt 1 $ T.lines txt
ls' = map ((T.pack (show l) <> " | ") <>) ls
colmarkerline =
[lineprefix <> T.replicate (col-1) " " <> T.replicate regionw "^"
| Just (col, mendcol) <- [mcols]
, let regionw = maybe 1 (subtract col) mendcol + 1
lineprefix = T.replicate marginw " " <> "| "
where marginw = length (show l) + 1
_showAccountDirective = undefined
-- | Given a problem transaction and a function calculating the best
-- column(s) for marking the error region:
-- render it as a megaparsec-style excerpt, showing the original line number
-- on the transaction line, and a column(s) marker.
-- Returns the file path, line number, column(s) if known,
-- and the rendered excerpt, or as much of these as is possible.
-- A limitation: columns will be accurate for the rendered error message but not for the original journal data.
-- The returned columns will be accurate for the rendered error message but not for the original journal data.
makeTransactionErrorExcerpt :: Transaction -> (Transaction -> Maybe (Int, Maybe Int)) -> (FilePath, Int, Maybe (Int, Maybe Int), Text)
makeTransactionErrorExcerpt t findtxnerrorcolumns = (f, tl, merrcols, ex)
-- XXX findtxnerrorcolumns is awkward, I don't think this is the final form
@ -14,12 +14,14 @@ module Hledger.Data.JournalChecks (
module Hledger.Data.JournalChecks.Ordereddates,
module Hledger.Data.JournalChecks.Uniqueleafnames,
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -30,13 +32,12 @@ import Hledger.Data.Errors
import Hledger.Data.Journal
import Hledger.Data.JournalChecks.Ordereddates
import Hledger.Data.JournalChecks.Uniqueleafnames
import Hledger.Data.Posting (isVirtual, postingDate, postingStatus)
import Hledger.Data.Posting (isVirtual, postingDate, postingStatus, transactionAllTags)
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.Amount (amountIsZero, amountsRaw, missingamt)
import Hledger.Data.Transaction (transactionPayee, showTransactionLineFirstPart, partitionAndCheckConversionPostings)
import Data.Time (Day, diffDays)
import Data.List.Extra
import Hledger.Utils (chomp, textChomp, sourcePosPretty)
import Hledger.Utils
-- | Check that all the journal's postings are to accounts with
-- account directives, returning an error message otherwise.
@ -157,6 +158,44 @@ journalCheckPayees j = mapM_ checkpayee (jtxns j)
col = T.length (showTransactionLineFirstPart t') + 2
col2 = col + T.length (transactionPayee t') - 1
-- | Check that all the journal's tags (on accounts, transactions, postings..)
-- have been declared with tag directives, returning an error message otherwise.
journalCheckTags :: Journal -> Either String ()
journalCheckTags j = do
mapM_ checkaccttags $ jdeclaredaccounts j
mapM_ checktxntags $ jtxns j
checkaccttags (a, adi) = mapM_ (checkaccttag.fst) $ aditags adi
checkaccttag tagname
| tagname `elem` declaredtags = Right ()
| otherwise = Left $ printf msg f l ex (show tagname) tagname
where (f,l,_mcols,ex) = makeAccountTagErrorExcerpt (a, adi) tagname
checktxntags txn = mapM_ (checktxntag . fst) $ transactionAllTags txn
checktxntag tagname
| tagname `elem` declaredtags = Right ()
| otherwise = Left $ printf msg f l ex (show tagname) tagname
(f,l,_mcols,ex) = makeTransactionErrorExcerpt txn finderrcols
finderrcols _txn' = Nothing
-- don't bother for now
-- Just (col, Just col2)
-- where
-- col = T.length (showTransactionLineFirstPart txn') + 2
-- col2 = col + T.length tagname - 1
declaredtags = journalTagsDeclared j
msg = (unlines [
,"Strict tag checking is enabled, and"
,"tag %s has not been declared."
,"Consider adding a tag directive. Examples:"
,"tag %s"
-- | In each tranaction, check that any conversion postings occur in adjacent pairs.
journalCheckPairedConversionPostings :: Journal -> Either String ()
journalCheckPairedConversionPostings j =
@ -573,8 +573,8 @@ nullpayeedeclarationinfo = PayeeDeclarationInfo {
-- | Extra information found in a tag directive.
data TagDeclarationInfo = TagDeclarationInfo {
tdicomment :: Text -- ^ any comment lines following the tag directive
newtype TagDeclarationInfo = TagDeclarationInfo {
tdicomment :: Text -- ^ any comment lines following the tag directive. No tags allowed here.
} deriving (Eq,Show,Generic)
nulltagdeclarationinfo = TagDeclarationInfo {
@ -454,6 +454,13 @@ addPayeeDeclaration (p, cmt, tags) =
,pditags = tags
-- Add a tag declaration to the journal.
addTagDeclaration :: (TagName,Text) -> JournalParser m ()
addTagDeclaration (t, cmt) =
modify' (\j@Journal{jdeclaredtags} -> j{jdeclaredtags=tagandinfo:jdeclaredtags})
tagandinfo = (t, nulltagdeclarationinfo{tdicomment=cmt})
indentedlinep :: JournalParser m String
indentedlinep = lift skipNonNewlineSpaces1 >> (rstrip <$> lift restofline)
@ -598,9 +605,10 @@ tagdirectivep :: JournalParser m ()
tagdirectivep = do
string "tag" <?> "tag directive"
lift skipNonNewlineSpaces1
_ <- lift $ some nonspace
lift restofline
tagname <- lift $ T.pack <$> some nonspace
(comment, _) <- lift transactioncommentp
skipMany indentedlinep
addTagDeclaration (tagname,comment)
return ()
-- end tag or end apply tag
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ data Check =
| Ordereddates
| Payees
| Recentassertions
| Tags
| Uniqueleafnames
deriving (Read,Show,Eq,Enum,Bounded)
@ -105,6 +106,7 @@ runCheck CliOpts{reportspec_=ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ropts}} j (chck,_) = do
Ordereddates -> journalCheckOrdereddates (whichDate ropts) j
Payees -> journalCheckPayees j
Recentassertions -> journalCheckRecentAssertions d j
Tags -> journalCheckTags j
Uniqueleafnames -> journalCheckUniqueleafnames j
-- the other checks have been done earlier during withJournalDo
_ -> Right ()
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ They are more specialised and not desirable for everyone, therefore optional:
- **recentassertions** - all accounts with balance assertions have a
balance assertion no more than 7 days before their latest posting
- **tags** - all tags used by transactions [have been declared](#tags)
- **tags** - all tags used by transactions [have been declared](#tag-directive)
- **uniqueleafnames** - all account leaf names are unique
@ -2363,6 +2363,10 @@ tag item-id
Any indented subdirectives are currently ignored.
The ["tags" check](#check) will report an error if any undeclared tag name is used.
It is quite easy to accidentally create a tag through normal use of colons in [comments](#comments];
if you want to prevent this, you can declare and check your tags .
## Periodic transactions
The `~` directive declares recurring transactions.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# 1. tags can be declared
tag atag ; this is atag. tags: on tags are not allowed and will be ignored.
indented subdirectives are ignored.
$ hledger -f - check
# 2. check tags succeeds when all tags are declared
tag atag
tag ttag
tag ptag
account a ; atag:
2023-01-01 ; ttag:
(a) 0 ; ptag:
$ hledger -f - check tags
# 3. it detects an undeclared account tag
account a ; atag:
$ hledger -f - check tags
>2 /tag "atag" has not been declared/
# 4. it detects an undeclared transaction tag
2023-01-01 ; ttag:
$ hledger -f - check tags
>2 /tag "ttag" has not been declared/
# 5. it detects an undeclared posting tag
(a) 0 ; ptag:
$ hledger -f - check tags
>2 /tag "ptag" has not been declared/
Reference in New Issue
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