lib,cli: Some efficiency improvements in register reports.

Strip prices after valuing postings in PostingsReport.
Use renderRow interface for Register report.

For reg -f examples/10000x10000x10.journal, this results in:
- Heap allocations decreasing by 55%, from 68.6GB to 31.2GB
- Resident memory decreasing by 75%, from 254GB to 65GB
- Total (profiled) time decreasing by 55%, from 37s to 20s
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Morgan 2021-03-09 11:35:48 +11:00 committed by Simon Michael
parent d54e276658
commit 7aa3d3e760
2 changed files with 25 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -91,10 +91,13 @@ postingsReport rspec@ReportSpec{rsOpts=ropts@ReportOpts{..}} j = items
fromMaybe (error' "postingsReport: expected a non-empty journal") $ -- PARTIAL: shouldn't happen
reportPeriodOrJournalLastDay rspec j
-- Posting report does not use prices after valuation, so remove them.
displaypsnoprices = map (\(p,md) -> (removePrices p, md)) displayps
-- Posting report items ready for display.
items =
dbg4 "postingsReport items" $
postingsReportItems displayps (nullposting,Nothing) whichdate mdepth startbal runningcalc startnum
postingsReportItems displaypsnoprices (nullposting,Nothing) whichdate mdepth startbal runningcalc startnum
-- In historical mode we'll need a starting balance, which we
-- may be converting to value per "Effect

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Register (
) where
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
@ -27,12 +27,14 @@ import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit (flagNone, flagReq)
import Hledger.Read.CsvReader (CSV, CsvRecord, printCSV)
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
import Hledger.Cli.Utils
import Text.Tabular (Header(..), Properties(..))
import Text.Tabular.AsciiWide
registermode = hledgerCommandMode
$(embedFileRelative "Hledger/Cli/Commands/Register.txt")
@ -129,22 +131,21 @@ postingsReportAsText opts items =
postingsReportItemAsText :: CliOpts -> Int -> Int -> PostingsReportItem -> TB.Builder
postingsReportItemAsText opts preferredamtwidth preferredbalwidth (mdate, menddate, mdesc, p, b) =
-- use elide*Width to be wide-char-aware
-- trace (show (totalwidth, datewidth, descwidth, acctwidth, amtwidth, balwidth)) $
foldMap TB.fromText . concat . intersperse (["\n"]) $
[ fitText (Just datewidth) (Just datewidth) True True date
, " "
, fitText (Just descwidth) (Just descwidth) True True desc
, " "
, fitText (Just acctwidth) (Just acctwidth) True True acct
, " "
, amtfirstline
, " "
, balfirstline
[ [ spacer, a, " ", b ] | (a,b) <- zip amtrest balrest ]
[ textCell TopLeft $ fitText (Just datewidth) (Just datewidth) True True date
, spacerCell
, textCell TopLeft $ fitText (Just descwidth) (Just descwidth) True True desc
, spacerCell2
, textCell TopLeft $ fitText (Just acctwidth) (Just acctwidth) True True acct
, spacerCell2
, Cell TopRight amt
, spacerCell2
, Cell BottomRight bal
render = renderRowB def{tableBorders=False, borderSpaces=False} . Group NoLine . map Header
spacerCell = Cell BottomLeft [WideBuilder (TB.singleton ' ') 1]
spacerCell2 = Cell BottomLeft [WideBuilder (TB.fromString " ") 2]
-- calculate widths
(totalwidth,mdescwidth) = registerWidthsFromOpts opts
(datewidth, date) = case (mdate,menddate) of
@ -181,18 +182,9 @@ postingsReportItemAsText opts preferredamtwidth preferredbalwidth (mdate, mendda
VirtualPosting -> (\s -> wrap "(" ")" s, acctwidth-2)
_ -> (id,acctwidth)
wrap a b x = a <> x <> b
amt = TL.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . wbBuilder . showamt amtwidth $ pamount p
bal = TL.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . wbBuilder $ showamt balwidth b
showamt w = showMixedAmountB noPrice{displayColour=color_ . rsOpts $ reportspec_ opts, displayMinWidth=Just w, displayMaxWidth=Just w}
-- alternate behaviour, show null amounts as 0 instead of blank
-- amt = if null amt' then "0" else amt'
-- bal = if null bal' then "0" else bal'
(amtlines, ballines) = (T.lines amt, T.lines bal)
(amtlen, ballen) = (length amtlines, length ballines)
numlines = max 1 (max amtlen ballen)
(amtfirstline:amtrest) = take numlines $ amtlines ++ repeat (T.replicate amtwidth " ") -- posting amount is top-aligned
(balfirstline:balrest) = take numlines $ replicate (numlines - ballen) (T.replicate balwidth " ") ++ ballines -- balance amount is bottom-aligned
spacer = T.replicate (totalwidth - (amtwidth + 2 + balwidth)) " "
amt = showAmountsLinesB (dopts amtwidth) . (\x -> if null x then [nullamt] else x) . amounts $ pamount p
bal = showAmountsLinesB (dopts balwidth) $ amounts b
dopts w = noPrice{displayColour=color_ . rsOpts $ reportspec_ opts, displayMinWidth=Just w, displayMaxWidth=Just w}
-- tests