doc: upload budget/rewrite/read-related mockups

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This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2017-01-16 07:55:12 -08:00
parent 3af81a73ca
commit 7b69abf62c
3 changed files with 168 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
budget report mockups
$ hledger bal ^expenses -M --depth 1 --average # add average & total columns
Change of balance (flow):
|| 2014/01/01-2014/01/31 2014/02/01-2014/02/28 2014/03/01-2014/03/31 average total
expenses || $3500.00 $3400.00 $4200.00 $3700.00 $11100.00
|| $3500.00 $3400.00 $4200.00 $3700.00 $11100.00
$ hledger bal ^expenses -M --depth 1 --budget-simple # assume a fixed budget
Change of balance (flow, with simple budget):
|| | 2014/01/01-2014/01/31 2014/02/01-2014/02/28 2014/03/01-2014/03/31 | average total
|| budget | actual over actual over actual over | over over
expenses || $4000 | $3500.00 $-500.00 $3400.00 $-600.00 $4200.00 $200.00 | $-300.00 $-900.00
|| $4000 | $3500.00 $-500.00 $3400.00 $-600.00 $4200.00 $200.00 | $-300.00 $-900.00
$ hledger bal ^expenses -M --depth 1 --budget # budget can change per period
Change of balance (flow, with budget):
|| 2014/01/01-2014/01/31 2014/02/01-2014/02/28 2014/03/01-2014/03/31 average total
|| budget actual over budget actual over budget actual over over over
expenses || $4000 $3500.00 $-500.00 $4000 $3400.00 $-600.00 $4000 $4200.00 $200.00 $-300.00 $-900.00
|| $4000 $3500.00 $-500.00 $4000 $3400.00 $-600.00 $4000 $4200.00 $200.00 $-300.00 $-900.00
$ hledger bal ^expenses -M --depth 1 --budget --cumulative
Ending balance (cumulative, with budget):
|| 2014/01/01-2014/01/31 2014/02/01-2014/02/28 2014/03/01-2014/03/31 average final
|| budget actual over budget actual over budget actual over over over
expenses || $4000 $3500.00 $-500.00 $8000 $6900.00 $-1100.00 $12000 $11100.00 $-900.00 $-833.33 $-900.00
|| $4000 $3500.00 $-500.00 $8000 $6900.00 $-1100.00 $12000 $11100.00 $-900.00 $-833.33 $-900.00
$ hledger bal ^expenses -M --depth 1 --budget --historical # assume $10000 budget, $20000 expenses starting balances
Ending balance (historical, with budget):
|| 2014/01/01-2014/01/31 2014/02/01-2014/02/28 2014/03/01-2014/03/31 average final
|| budget actual over budget actual over budget actual over over over
expenses || $14000 $23500.00 $9500.00 $18000 $26900.00 $8900.00 $22000 $31100.00 $9100.00 $9166.66 $9100.00
|| $14000 $23500.00 $9500.00 $18000 $26900.00 $8900.00 $22000 $31100.00 $9100.00 $9166.66 $9100.00

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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
Journal entry macro/template mockups -*- org -*-
* hledger-entry
$ hledger-entry --help
hledger-entry NAME [ARGS..]
Generates a journal entry using the named template, interpolating any ARGS.
$ ls *.entry
laundry.entry date.entry
$ hledger entry laundry 20
2015-05-06 laundry ; household:$20
expenses:personal:home:laundry $10
liabilities:personal:accounts payable:household $10
assets:personal:cash:wallet $-20
$ hledger entry date 5/3 23.24
2015/05/03 date ; date:$23.24
expenses:personal:food:dining $11.62
expenses:personal:gifts:eleonore $11.62
assets:personal:bank:wf:checking:food $-11.62
assets:personal:bank:wf:checking:gifts $-11.62
* hledger-expand
$ hledger-expand --help
hledger-expand ... < STDIN
Expands any entry macros in the journal data provided on stdin.
$ cat t.j
2015/04/29 * trader joes personal 0 1 18 2.07 50
$ hledger expand < t.j
2015/04/29 * trader joes
expenses:personal:food:snacks $1.00
expenses:personal:gifts:eleonore $18.00
expenses:personal:spiritual:lodge $2.07
assets:personal:cash:wallet $50.00
assets:personal:bank:wf:checking:food $-1.00
assets:personal:bank:wf:checking:gifts $-20.07
assets:personal:bank:wf:checking:available $-50.00
* entry macros defined in the journal
$ cat t.j
expenses:personal:food:groceries $%GROCERIES
expenses:personal:food:snacks $%SNACKS
expenses:personal:gifts:eleonore $%ELEONORE
expenses:personal:spiritual:lodge $%LODGE
assets:personal:cash:wallet $%CASH
assets:personal:bank:wf:checking:food $-%(GROCERIES+SNACKS)
assets:personal:bank:wf:checking:gifts $-%(ELEONORE+LODGE)
assets:personal:bank:wf:checking:available $-%CASH
2015/04/29 * trader joes personal 0 1 18 2.07 50
$ hledger print -f t.j
2015/04/29 * trader joes personal
expenses:personal:gifts:eleonore $18.00
expenses:personal:spiritual:lodge $2.07
expenses:personal:food:snacks $1.00
assets:personal:cash:wallet $50.00
assets:personal:bank:wf:checking:gifts $-20.07
assets:personal:bank:wf:checking:food $-1.00
assets:personal:bank:wf:checking:available $-50.00

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
2014/5/11: new read system spec.
Reading a journal from some data source conceptually consists of:
1. Parse the data records into fields providing some or all of the standard
journal transaction fields - at least date, description and amount.
2. Expand (if needed) these partial journal transactions into
complete ones.
In practical terms, it happens in one of these ways:
1. the data source is a file or stdin
If FILE.rules (or other file specified with --rules-file)
exists, it can define rules which help with parsing. Eg the skip,
fields, and date-format rules.
2. Expansion: partial transactions are fleshed out into complete ones.
Eg partial transactions from CSV records need to have an account and
a balancing posting added. Expansion is done in several ways:
1a. Rules: if FILE.rules (or other file specified with --rules-file)
exists, it can define rules which help with expansion. Eg field
assignments and conditional blocks.
Pro: easy, somewhat backward compatible, built in, cross platform.
Con: limited flexibility.
1b. Filter: or, if FILE-read (or other file specified with --read-filter)
exists, it is used as a filter to translate FILE into (partial) journal
format, which is then parsed with the (partial) journal reader.
Pro: powerful, flexible.
Con: requires programming & tools, data is parsed twice.
2a. History: if a transaction is still not complete, the best recent match
for it among existing transactions is used as a template to fill out
missing fields/postings (as with hledger add or ledger-autosync).
Pro: no rules or programming required, learns from past manual corrections.
Con: less precise, more likely to require manual correction, requires existing data.
2b. Guess: or, if there is no existing data or no acceptable match (or
history matching has been disabled with --no-history-match), we guess
default values for the missing fields.