;just: more porting, cleanups

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2023-12-16 10:46:20 -10:00
parent f4156475cf
commit 7c82c54f0b

View File

@ -1,19 +1,44 @@
#!/usr/bin/env just
# * Light project scripts, without file dependendencies
# using https://github.com/casey/just 0.16.
# * Project scripts, using https://github.com/casey/just (last tested with 1.16.0)
# Usage: alias j=just, run j to list available scripts.
# After many years with make and plain shell and haskell for
# scripting, just is better enough, and the goal of clean consolidated
# efficient project automation is so valuable, that I am relying on it
# even though it's not installed by default.
# All of Makefile has been absorbed below; uncomment/update/drop
# remaining bits when needed. Makefile will be removed some time soon.
# just currently lacks make-style file dependency tracking. When that
# is needed for efficiency, or when more powerful code is needed, use
# Shake.hs instead of just.
# Lines beginning with "# * ", "# ** ", etc are section headings,
# foldable in Emacs outshine-mode. Some extra Emacs highlighting:
# (add-hook 'just-mode-hook (lambda ()
# (display-line-numbers-mode 1)
# (highlight-lines-matching-regexp "^# \\*\\*? " 'hi-yellow) ; level 1-2 outshine headings
# (highlight-lines-matching-regexp "^@?\\w.*\\w:$" 'hi-pink) ; recipe headings (misses recipes with dependencies)
# ))
# This file is formatted by `just _fmt`, which currently eats blank lines a bit.
# ** Prelude
# Reference:
# https://docs.rs/regex/1.5.4/regex/#syntax Regexps
# https://just.systems/man/en/chapter_31.html Functions
# https://cheatography.com/linux-china/cheat-sheets/justfile Cheatsheet
# https://github.com/casey/just/discussions
# This has absorbed all of Makefile; uncomment and update remaining bits when needed.
# See also Shake.hs.
# ** prelude
just -lu
# Invocations of just in this file assume you are in this justfile's directory,
# since otherwise we must write --justfile {{ justfile() }} or {{ just }} everywhere.
# This and all other just invocations assume you are in this justfile's directory,
# otherwise we must write --justfile {{ justfile() }} or {{ just }} everywhere.
# list this justfile's recipes, optionally filtered by REGEX
@help *REGEX:
if [[ '{{ REGEX }}' =~ '' ]]; then just -lu; else just -lu | rg -i '{{ REGEX }}'; fi
# if [[ "$REGEX" =~ "" ]]; then just -lu; else just -lu | rg -i "$REGEX"; true; fi
just --fmt --unstable --check
@ -24,7 +49,29 @@
watchexec -w {{ justfile() }} -- 'just; just -q _check && echo format ok || echo non-standard format'
# ** vars
# rerun RECIPE when any git-committed file changes
watchgit RECIPE *OPTS:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
watchexec -r --filter-file <(git ls-files) -- just $RECIPE
# show watchexec env vars when any git-committed file changes
watchgitdbg *OPTS:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
watchexec -r --filter-file <(git ls-files) {{ OPTS }} -- 'env | rg "WATCHEXEC\w*"; true'
# show watchexec env vars when any file changes, ignoring nothing and printing events
watchdbg *OPTS:
watchexec --ignore-nothing --print-events {{ OPTS }} -- 'env | rg "WATCHEXEC\w*"; true'
# Constants and recipe arguments will also be available as environment variables
# in recipes, making just code easier to convert to and from shell, so you can
# write $VAR instead of {{ VAR }}. Notes:
# They handle multi-word values differently, {{ }} is better ?
# In command lines in output, {{ }} is fully evaluated, $ is not.
set export
# ** Constants
# GHC-compiled executables require a locale (and not just C) or they
# will die on encountering non-ascii data. Set LANG to something if not already set.
# export LANG? := 'en_US.UTF-8'
@ -115,6 +162,24 @@ SOURCEFILES := '\
hledger-lib/Text/*/*hs \
# hledger-*/src/*hs \
@ -191,51 +256,51 @@ BUILDFLAGS := '-rtsopts ' + WARNINGS + GHCLOWMEMFLAGS + CABALMACROSFLAGS + ' -DD
TIME := "{{ shell date +'%Y%m%d%H%M' }}"
MONTHYEAR := "{{ shell date +'%B %Y' }}"
# ** GHCI
# ** ghci
# run GHCI on hledger-lib + hledger
# run ghci on hledger-lib + hledger
{{ STACKGHCI }} exec -- {{ GHCI }} {{ BUILDFLAGS }} hledger/Hledger/Cli.hs
# run GHCI on hledger-lib + hledger with profiling/call stack information
# run ghci on hledger-lib + hledger with profiling/call stack information
stack build --profile hledger --only-dependencies
{{ STACKGHCI }} exec -- {{ GHCI }} {{ BUILDFLAGS }} -fexternal-interpreter -prof -fprof-auto hledger/Hledger/Cli.hs
# # run GHCI on hledger-lib + hledger + dev.hs script
# # run ghci on hledger-lib + hledger + dev.hs script
# @ghci-dev:
# {{ STACKGHCI }} exec -- {{ GHCI }} {{ BUILDFLAGS }} -fno-warn-unused-imports -fno-warn-unused-binds dev.hs
# run GHCI on hledger-lib + hledger + hledger-ui
# run ghci on hledger-lib + hledger + hledger-ui
{{ STACKGHCI }} exec -- {{ GHCI }} {{ BUILDFLAGS }} hledger-ui/Hledger/UI/Main.hs
# run GHCI on hledger-lib + hledger + hledger-web
# run ghci on hledger-lib + hledger + hledger-web
{{ STACKGHCI }} exec -- {{ GHCI }} {{ BUILDFLAGS }} hledger-web/app/main.hs
# run GHCI on hledger-lib + hledger + hledger-web + hledger-web test suite
# run ghci on hledger-lib + hledger + hledger-web + hledger-web test suite
{{ STACKGHCI }} exec -- {{ GHCI }} {{ BUILDFLAGS }} hledger-web/test/test.hs
# # better than stack exec ?
# # XXX does not see changes to files
# # run GHCI on hledger-lib + test runner
# # run ghci on hledger-lib + test runner
# ghci-lib-test:
# {{ STACKGHCI }} ghci --ghc-options="\'-rtsopts {{ WARNINGS }} -ihledger-lib -DDEVELOPMENT -DVERSION=\"1.26.99\"\'" hledger-lib/test/unittest.hs
# run GHCI on all the hledger
# run ghci on all the hledger
# ghci-all:
# {{ STACK }} exec -- {{ GHCI }} {{ BUILDFLAGS }} \
# hledger-ui/Hledger/UI/Main.hs \
# hledger-web/app/main.hs \
# run GHCI on hledger-lib doctests
# run ghci on hledger-lib doctests
cd hledger-lib; {{ STACKGHCI }} ghci hledger-lib:test:doctest
# run GHCI on Shake.hs
# run ghci on Shake.hs
{{ STACK }} exec {{ SHAKEDEPS }} -- ghci Shake.hs
@ -318,11 +383,11 @@ ghcid-shake:
# dev-heap-upload:
# curl -F "file=@devprof-hc.hp" -F "title='hledger parser'" http://heap.ezyang.com/upload
# curl -F "file=@devprof-hr.hp" -F "title='hledger parser'" http://heap.ezyang.com/upload
# ** building
# ** Building
# build the hledger package showing GHC codegen times/allocations
# build the hledger package showing ghc codegen times/allocations
time ({{ STACK }} build hledger --force-dirty --ghc-options='-fforce-recomp -ddump-timings' 2>&1 | grep -E '\bCodeGen \[.*time=')
@ -343,7 +408,7 @@ BUILDING:
# # build "bin/hledgercov" for coverage reports (with ghc)
# hledgercov:
# {{ STACK }} ghc {{ MAIN }} -fhpc -o bin/hledgercov -outputdir .hledgercovobjs {{ BUILDFLAGS }}
# ** testing
# ** Testing
@ -460,7 +525,7 @@ ADDONEXTS := 'pl py rb sh hs lhs rkt exe com bat'
cd; {{ justfile_directory() }}/hledger-install/hledger-install.sh
# ** benchmarking
# ** Benchmarking
@ -490,10 +555,8 @@ samplejournals:
BENCHEXES := 'hledger'
bench: quickbench
# run benchmark commands in bench.sh for each of BENCHEXES, with quickbench
printf "Running benchmarks with {{ BENCHEXES }} (times are approximate, can be skewed):\n"
which quickbench >/dev/null && quickbench -w {{ BENCHEXES }} || echo "quickbench not installed (see bench.sh), skipping"
@ -596,9 +659,9 @@ bench: quickbench
# # view the last html code coverage report\
# # )
# # $(VIEWHTML) doc/profs/coverage/index.html
# ** documentation
# ** Documenting
# see also Shake.hs
# http://www.haskell.org/haddock/doc/html/invoking.html
@ -689,7 +752,7 @@ haddock-open:
# @make -s Shake
# @(printf "\nbrowser will open in $(BROWSEDELAY)s (adjust BROWSE in Makefile if needed)...\n\n"; sleep $(BROWSEDELAY); $(BROWSE) $(LOCALSITEURL)) &
# @$(WATCHEXEC) --print-events -e md,m4 -i hledger.md -i hledger-ui.md -i hledger-web.md -r './Shake webmanuals && ./Shake orgfiles && make -sC site serve'
# ** installing
# ** Installing
@ -707,7 +770,7 @@ INSTALLING:
# # update shell completions in hledger package
# shellcompletions:
# make -C hledger/shell-completion/ clean-all all
# ** releasing
# ** Releasing
@ -889,24 +952,43 @@ _gitSwitchAutoCreate BRANCH:
# # @echo Commits since last release:
# # @darcs changes --from-tag $(FROMTAG) --count
# # @echo
# describe: $(call def-help,describe, show a precise git-describe version string )
# @git describe --tags --match 'hledger-[0-9]*' --dirty
# # showreleaseauthors: $(call def-help,showreleaseauthors, show author names since last release)
# # @echo Commit authors since last release:
# # @git shortlog -sn $(CHANGELOGSTART).. # TODO undefined
# showauthors: $(call def-help,showauthors, show all commit author names)
# @echo "Commit authors ($$(git shortlog -sn | wc -l | awk '{print $$1}'))":
# @git shortlog -sn
# cloc: $(call def-help,cloc, count lines of source code )
# @echo Lines of code including tests:
# @cloc --exclude-lang=HTML --exclude-dir=.stack-work,.idea,dist,old,bin,doc,site,.tutorial-data,static,angular .
# SCC=scc -z --cocomo-project-type semi-detached -f wide -s code
# scc: $(call def-help,scc, count lines of source code with scc)
# @echo Lines of code including tests:
# @$(SCC) -i hs,sh,m4,hamlet
# sccv: $(call def-help,sccv, count lines of source code with scc showing all files)
# @echo Lines of code including tests:
# @$(SCC) -i hs,sh,m4,hamlet --by-file
# show a precise git-describe version string
git describe --tags --match 'hledger-[0-9]*' --dirty
# show commit author names since last release
echo "Commit authors since last release:"
git shortlog -sn `git tag --sort=-creatordate -l '[0-9]*' | head -1`..
# show all commit author names
echo "Commit authors ($(git shortlog -sn | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'))":
git shortlog -sn
# show all commit author names and emails
echo "Commit authors ($(git shortlog -sn | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'))":
git shortlog -sne
# count lines of code with cloc
echo "Lines of code including tests:"
cloc --exclude-lang=HTML --exclude-dir=.stack-work,.idea,dist,old,bin,doc,site,.tutorial-data,static,angular .
SCC := 'scc -z --cocomo-project-type semi-detached -f wide -s code'
# count lines of code with scc
echo Lines of code including tests:
$SCC -i hs,sh,m4,hamlet
# count lines of code with scc showing all files
echo Lines of code including tests:
$SCC -i hs,sh,m4,hamlet --by-file
# # `ls $(SOURCEFILES)`
# # sloc: \
# # $(call def-help,sloc,\
@ -980,7 +1062,7 @@ _gitSwitchAutoCreate BRANCH:
# @open 'https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commits/master/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix'
# list-commits: $(call def-help,list-commits, list all commits chronologically and numbered)
# @git log --format='%ad %h %s (%an)' --date=short --reverse | cat -n
# ** misc
# ** Misc
@ -1052,45 +1134,43 @@ mkwebdirs:
for p in ledger hledger beancount; do git -C ../$p log --format="%cd (%h) %s%n ($p) 1%n" --date=short --reverse >> project-commits.j; done
echo "wrote project-commits.j"
# ###############################################################################
# $(call def-help-subheading,MISCELLANEOUS:)
# installcommithook: $(call def-help,installcommithook, symlink tools/commitlint as .git/hooks/commit-msg)
# ln -s ../../tools/commitlint .git/hooks/commit-msg
# watch-%: $(call def-help,watch-RULE, run make RULE repeatedly when any committed file changes)
# @git ls-files | entr -r make $*
# symlink tools/commitlint as .git/hooks/commit-msg
ln -s ../../tools/commitlint .git/hooks/commit-msg
# Shake: Shake.hs $(call def-help,Shake, ensure the Shake script is compiled )
# ./Shake.hs
# usage: cabalusage stackusage \
# $(call def-help,usage, show size of various dirs )
# du -sh .git bin data doc extra
# du -sh .
# stackusage: \
# $(call def-help,stackusage, show size of stack working dirs if any )
# -du -shc `find . -name '.stack*'`
# cabalusage: \
# $(call def-help,cabalusage, show size of cabal working dirs if any )
# -du -shc */dist* 2>/dev/null
# # Generate an emacs TAGS file. Tag:
# # 1. haskell source files with hasktags
# # 2. other source files recognised by (exuberant) ctags and not excluded by .ctags. Keep .ctags up to date.
# # 3. some extra files missed by the above, as just their file names (for tags-search, tags-query-replace etc.)
# etags:$(call def-help,etags, generate emacs TAGS file for haskell source and other project files )
# hasktags -e $(SOURCEFILES)
# ctags -a -e -R
# for f in \
# Shake.hs \
# ; do printf " \n$$f,1\n" >> TAGS; done
# -etagsls >TAGS.files
# etags-ls: # list files indexed in TAGS
# @rg -v '[  ]' TAGS | rg -r '$$1' '^(.*?)([0-9]+)?,[0-9,]+*'
# cleantags: \
# $(call def-help-hide,cleantags, remove tag files )
# rm -f TAGS tags
# show some big directory sizes
-du -sh .git bin data doc extra `find . -name '.stack*' -prune -o -name 'dist' -prune -o -name 'dist-newstyle' -prune` 2>/dev/null | sort -hr
# Tags:
# 1. haskell source files with hasktags
# 2. other source files recognised by (exuberant) ctags and not excluded by .ctags. Keep .ctags up to date.
# 3. some extra files missed by the above, as just their file names (for tags-search, tags-query-replace etc.)
# generate emacs TAGS file for haskell source and other project files, and list the tagged files in TAGS.files
hasktags -e {{ SOURCEFILES }}
# ctags -a -e -R
# for f in \
# Shake.hs \
# ; do printf " \n$f,1\n" >> TAGS; done
# -just etags-ls >TAGS.files
# list the files tagged in TAGS
rg -v '[  ]' TAGS | rg -r '$1' '^(.*?)([0-9]+)?,[0-9,]+*'
# remove TAGS files
rm -f TAGS TAGS.files
# stackclean: \
# $(call def-help-hide,stackclean, remove .stack-work/ dirs )
# $(STACK) purge