Merge pull request #1885 from simonmichael/errors

Catalog, test and improve error messages
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2022-07-15 11:10:15 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit 7ecfe23a91
No known key found for this signature in database
89 changed files with 1049 additions and 339 deletions

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@ -115,12 +115,12 @@ transactionCheckBalanced BalancingOpts{commodity_styles_} t = errs
| rsumok = ""
| not rsignsok = "real postings all have the same sign"
| otherwise = "real postings' sum should be 0 but is: " ++ showMixedAmount rsumcost
| not rsignsok = "The real postings all have the same sign. Consider negating some of them."
| otherwise = "The real postings' sum should be 0 but is: " ++ showMixedAmountOneLine rsumcost
| bvsumok = ""
| not bvsignsok = "balanced virtual postings all have the same sign"
| otherwise = "balanced virtual postings' sum should be 0 but is: " ++ showMixedAmount bvsumcost
| not bvsignsok = "The balanced virtual postings all have the same sign. Consider negating some of them."
| otherwise = "The balanced virtual postings' sum should be 0 but is: " ++ showMixedAmountOneLine bvsumcost
-- | Legacy form of transactionCheckBalanced.
isTransactionBalanced :: BalancingOpts -> Transaction -> Bool
@ -157,20 +157,36 @@ balanceTransactionHelper bopts t = do
if infer_transaction_prices_ bopts then inferBalancingPrices t else t
case transactionCheckBalanced bopts t' of
[] -> Right (txnTieKnot t', inferredamtsandaccts)
errs -> Left $ transactionBalanceError t' errs
errs -> Left $ transactionBalanceError t' errs'
ismulticommodity = (length $ transactionCommodities t') > 1
errs' =
[ "Automatic commodity conversion is not enabled."
| ismulticommodity && not (infer_transaction_prices_ bopts)
] ++
errs ++
if ismulticommodity
[ "Consider adjusting this entry's amounts, adding missing postings,"
, "or recording conversion price(s) with @, @@ or equity postings."
[ "Consider adjusting this entry's amounts, or adding missing postings."
transactionCommodities :: Transaction -> S.Set CommoditySymbol
transactionCommodities t = mconcat $ map (maCommodities . pamount) $ tpostings t
-- | Generate a transaction balancing error message, given the transaction
-- and one or more suberror messages.
transactionBalanceError :: Transaction -> [String] -> String
transactionBalanceError t errs = printf (unlines
[ "unbalanced transaction: %s:",
transactionBalanceError t errs = printf "%s:\n%s\n\nThis %stransaction is unbalanced.\n%s"
(sourcePosPairPretty $ tsourcepos t)
(textChomp ex)
(if ismulticommodity then "multi-commodity " else "" :: String)
(chomp $ unlines errs)
ismulticommodity = (length $ transactionCommodities t) > 1
(_f,_l,_mcols,ex) = makeTransactionErrorExcerpt t finderrcols
finderrcols _ = Nothing
@ -193,12 +209,12 @@ inferBalancingAmount ::
inferBalancingAmount styles t@Transaction{tpostings=ps}
| length amountlessrealps > 1
= Left $ transactionBalanceError t
["can't have more than one real posting with no amount"
,"(remember to put two or more spaces between account and amount)"]
["There can't be more than one real posting with no amount."
,"(Remember to put two or more spaces between account and amount.)"]
| length amountlessbvps > 1
= Left $ transactionBalanceError t
["can't have more than one balanced virtual posting with no amount"
,"(remember to put two or more spaces between account and amount)"]
["There can't be more than one balanced virtual posting with no amount."
,"(Remember to put two or more spaces between account and amount.)"]
| otherwise
= let psandinferredamts = map inferamount ps
inferredacctsandamts = [(paccount p, amt) | (p, Just amt) <- psandinferredamts]
@ -577,42 +593,45 @@ checkBalanceAssertionOneCommodityB p@Posting{paccount=assertedacct} assertedamt
-- traceWith (("actual:"++).showAmountDebug)
errmsg = printf (unlines
[ "balance assertion: %s:",
errmsg = chomp $ printf (unlines
[ "%s:",
"This balance assertion failed.",
-- "date: %s",
"account: %-30s%s",
"commodity: %-30s%s",
"In account: %s",
"and commodity: %s",
-- "display precision: %d",
"asserted: %s", -- (at display precision: %s)",
"actual: %s", -- (at display precision: %s)",
"difference: %s"
"this balance was asserted: %s", -- (at display precision: %s)",
"but the actual balance is: %s", -- (at display precision: %s)",
"a difference of: %s",
"Consider viewing this account's register to troubleshoot. Eg:",
"hledger reg -I '%s'%s"
(sourcePosPretty pos)
(textChomp ex)
-- (showDate $ postingDate p)
(T.unpack $ paccount p) -- XXX pack
(if isinclusive then " (including subaccounts)" else "" :: String)
(if istotal then " (no other commodity balance allowed)" else "" :: String)
(if isinclusive then printf "%-30s (including subaccounts)" acct else acct)
(if istotal then printf "%-30s (no other commodities allowed)" (T.unpack assertedcomm) else (T.unpack assertedcomm))
-- (asprecision $ astyle actualbalincommodity) -- should be the standard display precision I think
(show $ aquantity actualbalincomm)
-- (showAmount actualbalincommodity)
(show $ aquantity assertedamt)
-- (showAmount assertedamt)
(show $ aquantity actualbalincomm)
-- (showAmount actualbalincommodity)
(show $ aquantity assertedamt - aquantity actualbalincomm)
(acct ++ if isinclusive then "" else "$")
(if istotal then "" else (" cur:'"++T.unpack assertedcomm++"'"))
acct = T.unpack $ paccount p
ass = fromJust $ pbalanceassertion p -- PARTIAL: fromJust won't fail, there is a balance assertion
pos = baposition ass
(_,_,_,ex) = makePostingErrorExcerpt p finderrcols
finderrcols p t trendered = Just (col, Just col2)
-- col = unPos $ sourceColumn pos
-- col2 = col + (length $ wbUnpack $ showBalanceAssertion ass)
-- The saved parse position may not correspond to the rendering in the error message.
-- Instead, we analyse the rendering to find the columns:
tlines = length $ T.lines $ tcomment t -- transaction comment can generate extra lines
-- Analyse the rendering to find the columns to highlight.
tlines = dbg5 "tlines" $ max 1 $ length $ T.lines $ tcomment t -- transaction comment can generate extra lines
(col, col2) =
let def = (5, maximum (map T.length $ T.lines trendered)) -- fallback: underline whole posting. Shouldn't happen.
@ -621,8 +640,8 @@ checkBalanceAssertionOneCommodityB p@Posting{paccount=assertedacct} assertedamt
Just idx -> fromMaybe def $ do
beforeps = take (idx-1) $ tpostings t
beforepslines = sum $ map (length . T.lines . pcomment) beforeps -- posting comment can generate extra lines (assume only one commodity shown)
assertionline <- headMay $ drop (tlines + beforepslines) $ T.lines trendered
beforepslines = dbg5 "beforepslines" $ sum $ map (max 1 . length . T.lines . pcomment) beforeps -- posting comment can generate extra lines (assume only one commodity shown)
assertionline <- dbg5 "assertionline" $ headMay $ drop (tlines + beforepslines) $ T.lines trendered
col2 = T.length assertionline
l = dropWhile (/= '=') $ reverse $ T.unpack assertionline
@ -646,7 +665,7 @@ checkBalanceAssignmentPostingDateB :: Posting -> Balancing s ()
checkBalanceAssignmentPostingDateB p =
when (hasBalanceAssignment p && isJust (pdate p)) $
throwError $ chomp $ unlines [
"can't use balance assignment with custom posting date"
"Balance assignments and custom posting dates may not be combined."
,chomp1 $ T.unpack $ maybe (T.unlines $ showPostingLines p) showTransaction $ ptransaction p
,"Balance assignments may not be used on postings with a custom posting date"
@ -662,7 +681,7 @@ checkBalanceAssignmentUnassignableAccountB p = do
unassignable <- R.asks bsUnassignable
when (hasBalanceAssignment p && paccount p `S.member` unassignable) $
throwError $ chomp $ unlines [
"can't use balance assignment with auto postings"
"Balance assignments and auto postings may not be combined."
,chomp1 $ T.unpack $ maybe (T.unlines $ showPostingLines p) (showTransaction) $ ptransaction p
,"Balance assignments may not be used on accounts affected by auto posting rules"

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import Hledger.Utils
-- on the transaction line, and a column(s) marker.
-- Returns the file path, line number, column(s) if known,
-- and the rendered excerpt, or as much of these as is possible.
-- A limitation: columns will be accurate for the rendered error message but not for the original journal data.
makeTransactionErrorExcerpt :: Transaction -> (Transaction -> Maybe (Int, Maybe Int)) -> (FilePath, Int, Maybe (Int, Maybe Int), Text)
makeTransactionErrorExcerpt t findtxnerrorcolumns = (f, tl, merrcols, ex)
-- XXX findtxnerrorcolumns is awkward, I don't think this is the final form
@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ decorateTransactionErrorExcerpt l mcols txt =
-- on the problem posting's line, and a column indicator.
-- Returns the file path, line number, column(s) if known,
-- and the rendered excerpt, or as much of these as is possible.
-- A limitation: columns will be accurate for the rendered error message but not for the original journal data.
makePostingErrorExcerpt :: Posting -> (Posting -> Transaction -> Text -> Maybe (Int, Maybe Int)) -> (FilePath, Int, Maybe (Int, Maybe Int), Text)
makePostingErrorExcerpt p findpostingerrorcolumns =
case ptransaction p of

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@ -40,12 +40,21 @@ journalCheckAccounts j = mapM_ checkacct (journalPostings j)
checkacct p@Posting{paccount=a}
| a `elem` journalAccountNamesDeclared j = Right ()
| otherwise = Left $
printf "%s:%d:%d-%d:\n%sundeclared account \"%s\"\n" f l col col2 ex a
| otherwise = Left $ printf (unlines [
,"Strict account checking is enabled, and"
,"account %s has not been declared."
,"Consider adding an account directive. Examples:"
,"account %s"
,"account %s ; type:A ; (L,E,R,X,C,V)"
]) f l ex (show a) a a
(f,l,mcols,ex) = makePostingErrorExcerpt p finderrcols
col = maybe 0 fst mcols
col2 = maybe 0 (fromMaybe 0 . snd) mcols
(f,l,_mcols,ex) = makePostingErrorExcerpt p finderrcols
-- Calculate columns suitable for highlighting the excerpt.
-- We won't show these in the main error line as they aren't
-- accurate for the actual data.
finderrcols p _ _ = Just (col, Just col2)
col = 5 + if isVirtual p then 1 else 0
@ -60,11 +69,18 @@ journalCheckCommodities j = mapM_ checkcommodities (journalPostings j)
case findundeclaredcomm p of
Nothing -> Right ()
Just (comm, _) ->
Left $ printf "%s:%d:%d-%d:\n%sundeclared commodity \"%s\"\n" f l col col2 ex comm
Left $ printf (unlines [
,"Strict commodity checking is enabled, and"
,"commodity %s has not been declared."
,"Consider adding a commodity directive. Examples:"
,"commodity %s1000.00"
,"commodity 1.000,00 %s"
]) f l ex (show comm) comm comm
(f,l,mcols,ex) = makePostingErrorExcerpt p finderrcols
col = maybe 0 fst mcols
col2 = maybe 0 (fromMaybe 0 . snd) mcols
(f,l,_mcols,ex) = makePostingErrorExcerpt p finderrcols
-- Find the first undeclared commodity symbol in this posting's amount
-- or balance assertion amount, if any. The boolean will be true if
@ -83,6 +99,10 @@ journalCheckCommodities j = mapM_ checkcommodities (journalPostings j)
assertioncomms = [acommodity a | Just a <- [baamount <$> pbalanceassertion]]
findundeclared = find (`M.notMember` jcommodities j)
-- Calculate columns suitable for highlighting the excerpt.
-- We won't show these in the main error line as they aren't
-- accurate for the actual data.
-- Find the best position for an error column marker when this posting
-- is rendered by showTransaction.
-- Reliably locating a problem commodity symbol in showTransaction output
@ -119,13 +139,22 @@ journalCheckPayees j = mapM_ checkpayee (jtxns j)
checkpayee t
| payee `elem` journalPayeesDeclared j = Right ()
| otherwise = Left $
printf "%s:%d:%d-%d:\n%sundeclared payee \"%s\"\n" f l col col2 ex payee
printf (unlines [
,"Strict payee checking is enabled, and"
,"payee %s has not been declared."
,"Consider adding a payee directive. Examples:"
,"payee %s"
]) f l ex (show payee) payee
payee = transactionPayee t
(f,l,mcols,ex) = makeTransactionErrorExcerpt t finderrcols
col = maybe 0 fst mcols
col2 = maybe 0 (fromMaybe 0 . snd) mcols
(f,l,_mcols,ex) = makeTransactionErrorExcerpt t finderrcols
-- Calculate columns suitable for highlighting the excerpt.
-- We won't show these in the main error line as they aren't
-- accurate for the actual data.
finderrcols t = Just (col, Just col2)
col = T.length (showTransactionLineFirstPart t) + 2
col = T.length (showTransactionLineFirstPart t) + 2
col2 = col + T.length (transactionPayee t) - 1

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@ -6,11 +6,12 @@ where
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Data.List (groupBy)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T (pack, unlines)
import Hledger.Data.Errors (makeTransactionErrorExcerpt)
import Hledger.Data.Transaction (transactionFile, transactionDateOrDate2)
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Utils (textChomp)
journalCheckOrdereddates :: WhichDate -> Journal -> Either String ()
journalCheckOrdereddates whichdate j = do
@ -26,15 +27,17 @@ journalCheckOrdereddates whichdate j = do
FoldAcc{fa_previous=Nothing} -> Right ()
FoldAcc{fa_error=Nothing} -> Right ()
FoldAcc{fa_error=Just t, fa_previous=Just tprev} -> Left $ printf
"%s:%d:%d-%d:\n%stransaction date%s is out of order with previous transaction date %s"
f l col col2 ex datenum tprevdate
("%s:%d:\n%s\nOrdered dates checking is enabled, and this transaction's\n"
++ "date%s (%s) is out of order with the previous transaction.\n"
++ "Consider moving this entry into date order, or adjusting its date.")
f l ex datenum (show $ getdate t)
(f,l,mcols,ex) = makeTransactionErrorExcerpt t finderrcols
col = maybe 0 fst mcols
col2 = maybe 0 (fromMaybe 0 . snd) mcols
(_,_,_,ex1) = makeTransactionErrorExcerpt tprev (const Nothing)
(f,l,_,ex2) = makeTransactionErrorExcerpt t finderrcols
-- separate the two excerpts by a space-beginning line to help flycheck-hledger parse them
ex = T.unlines [textChomp ex1, T.pack " ", textChomp ex2]
finderrcols _t = Just (1, Just 10)
datenum = if whichdate==SecondaryDate then "2" else ""
tprevdate = show $ getdate tprev
data FoldAcc a b = FoldAcc
{ fa_error :: Maybe a

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@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ import Data.List (groupBy, sortBy)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Hledger.Data.AccountName (accountLeafName)
import Hledger.Data.Errors (makePostingErrorExcerpt)
import Hledger.Data.Journal (journalPostings, journalAccountNamesUsed)
import Hledger.Data.Posting (isVirtual)
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Utils (chomp, textChomp)
-- | Check that all the journal's postings are to accounts with a unique leaf name.
-- Otherwise, return an error message for the first offending posting.
@ -26,9 +26,33 @@ journalCheckUniqueleafnames j = do
-- find all duplicate leafnames, and the full account names they appear in
case finddupes $ journalLeafAndFullAccountNames j of
[] -> Right ()
dupes ->
-- report the first posting that references one of them (and its position), for now
mapM_ (checkposting dupes) $ journalPostings j
-- pick the first duplicated leafname and show the transactions of
-- the first two postings using it, highlighting the second as the error.
(leaf,fulls):_ ->
case filter ((`elem` fulls).paccount) $ journalPostings j of
ps@(p:p2:_) -> Left $ chomp $ printf
("%s:%d:\n%s\nChecking for unique account leaf names is enabled, and\n"
++"account leaf name %s is not unique.\n"
++"It appears in these account names, which are used in %d places:\n%s"
++"\nConsider changing these account names so their last parts are different."
f l ex (show leaf) (length ps) accts
-- t = fromMaybe nulltransaction ptransaction -- XXX sloppy
(_,_,_,ex1) = makePostingErrorExcerpt p (\_ _ _ -> Nothing)
(f,l,_,ex2) = makePostingErrorExcerpt p2 finderrcols
-- separate the two excerpts by a space-beginning line to help flycheck-hledger parse them
ex = T.unlines [textChomp ex1, T.pack " ...", textChomp ex2]
finderrcols p _ _ = Just (col, Just col2)
a = paccount p
alen = T.length a
llen = T.length $ accountLeafName a
col = 5 + (if isVirtual p then 1 else 0) + alen - llen
col2 = col + llen - 1
accts = T.unlines fulls
_ -> Right () -- shouldn't happen
finddupes :: (Ord leaf, Eq full) => [(leaf, full)] -> [(leaf, [full])]
finddupes leafandfullnames = zip dupLeafs dupAccountNames
@ -42,24 +66,3 @@ finddupes leafandfullnames = zip dupLeafs dupAccountNames
journalLeafAndFullAccountNames :: Journal -> [(Text, AccountName)]
journalLeafAndFullAccountNames = map leafAndAccountName . journalAccountNamesUsed
where leafAndAccountName a = (accountLeafName a, a)
checkposting :: [(Text,[AccountName])] -> Posting -> Either String ()
checkposting leafandfullnames p@Posting{paccount=a} =
case [lf | lf@(_,fs) <- leafandfullnames, a `elem` fs] of
[] -> Right ()
(leaf,fulls):_ -> Left $ printf
"%s:%d:%d-%d:\n%saccount leaf name \"%s\" is not unique\nit is used in account names: %s"
f l col col2 ex leaf accts
-- t = fromMaybe nulltransaction ptransaction -- XXX sloppy
col = maybe 0 fst mcols
col2 = maybe 0 (fromMaybe 0 . snd) mcols
(f,l,mcols,ex) = makePostingErrorExcerpt p finderrcols
finderrcols p _ _ = Just (col, Just col2)
alen = T.length $ paccount p
llen = T.length $ accountLeafName a
col = 5 + (if isVirtual p then 1 else 0) + alen - llen
col2 = col + llen - 1
accts = T.intercalate ", " $ map (("\""<>).(<>"\"")) fulls

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@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.Dates
import Hledger.Data.Amount
import Hledger.Data.Posting
import Hledger.Data.Transaction
instance Show TimeclockEntry where
show t = printf "%s %s %s %s" (show $ tlcode t) (show $ tldatetime t) (tlaccount t) (tldescription t)
@ -65,10 +64,10 @@ timeclockEntriesToTransactions now [i]
o' = o{tldatetime=itime{localDay=idate, localTimeOfDay=TimeOfDay 23 59 59}}
i' = i{tldatetime=itime{localDay=addDays 1 idate, localTimeOfDay=midnight}}
timeclockEntriesToTransactions now (i:o:rest)
| tlcode i /= In = errorExpectedCodeButGot In i
| tlcode o /= Out =errorExpectedCodeButGot Out o
| odate > idate = entryFromTimeclockInOut i o' : timeclockEntriesToTransactions now (i':o:rest)
| otherwise = entryFromTimeclockInOut i o : timeclockEntriesToTransactions now rest
| tlcode i /= In = errorExpectedCodeButGot In i
| tlcode o /= Out = errorExpectedCodeButGot Out o
| odate > idate = entryFromTimeclockInOut i o' : timeclockEntriesToTransactions now (i':o:rest)
| otherwise = entryFromTimeclockInOut i o : timeclockEntriesToTransactions now rest
(itime,otime) = (tldatetime i,tldatetime o)
(idate,odate) = (localDay itime,localDay otime)
@ -76,10 +75,19 @@ timeclockEntriesToTransactions now (i:o:rest)
i' = i{tldatetime=itime{localDay=addDays 1 idate, localTimeOfDay=midnight}}
{- HLINT ignore timeclockEntriesToTransactions -}
errorExpectedCodeButGot expected actual = errorWithSourceLine line $ "expected timeclock code " ++ (show expected) ++ " but got " ++ show (tlcode actual)
where line = unPos . sourceLine $ tlsourcepos actual
errorWithSourceLine line msg = error $ "line " ++ show line ++ ": " ++ msg
errorExpectedCodeButGot :: TimeclockCode -> TimeclockEntry -> a
errorExpectedCodeButGot expected actual = error' $ printf
("%s:\n%s\n%s\n\nExpected timeclock %s entry but got %s.\n"
++"Only one session may be clocked in at a time.\n"
++"Please alternate i and o, beginning with i.")
(sourcePosPretty $ tlsourcepos actual)
(l ++ " | " ++ show actual)
(replicate (length l) ' ' ++ " |" ++ replicate c ' ' ++ "^")
(show expected)
(show $ tlcode actual)
l = show $ unPos $ sourceLine $ tlsourcepos actual
c = unPos $ sourceColumn $ tlsourcepos actual
-- | Convert a timeclock clockin and clockout entry to an equivalent journal
-- transaction, representing the time expenditure. Note this entry is not balanced,
@ -87,9 +95,23 @@ errorWithSourceLine line msg = error $ "line " ++ show line ++ ": " ++ msg
entryFromTimeclockInOut :: TimeclockEntry -> TimeclockEntry -> Transaction
entryFromTimeclockInOut i o
| otime >= itime = t
| otherwise = error' . T.unpack $
"clock-out time less than clock-in time in:\n" <> showTransaction t -- PARTIAL:
| otherwise =
-- Clockout time earlier than clockin is an error.
-- (Clockin earlier than preceding clockin/clockout is allowed.)
error' $ printf
("%s:\n%s\nThis clockout time (%s) is earlier than the previous clockin.\n"
++"Please adjust it to be later than %s.")
(sourcePosPretty $ tlsourcepos o)
(unlines [
replicate (length l) ' '++ " | " ++ show i,
l ++ " | " ++ show o,
(replicate (length l) ' ' ++ " |" ++ replicate c ' ' ++ replicate 19 '^')
(show $ tldatetime o)
(show $ tldatetime i)
l = show $ unPos $ sourceLine $ tlsourcepos o
c = (unPos $ sourceColumn $ tlsourcepos o) + 2
t = Transaction {
tindex = 0,
tsourcepos = (tlsourcepos i, tlsourcepos i),

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@ -498,11 +498,12 @@ datep' mYear = do
let dateStr = show year ++ [sep1] ++ show month ++ [sep2] ++ show day
when (sep1 /= sep2) $ customFailure $ parseErrorAtRegion startOffset endOffset $
"invalid date: separators are different, should be the same"
"This date is malformed because the separators are different.\n"
++"Please use consistent separators."
case fromGregorianValid year month day of
Nothing -> customFailure $ parseErrorAtRegion startOffset endOffset $
"well-formed but invalid date: " ++ dateStr
"This date is invalid, please correct it: " ++ dateStr
Just date -> pure $! date
partialDate :: Int -> Maybe Year -> Month -> Char -> MonthDay -> TextParser m Day
@ -512,12 +513,13 @@ datep' mYear = do
Just year ->
case fromGregorianValid year month day of
Nothing -> customFailure $ parseErrorAtRegion startOffset endOffset $
"well-formed but invalid date: " ++ dateStr
"This date is invalid, please correct it: " ++ dateStr
Just date -> pure $! date
where dateStr = show year ++ [sep] ++ show month ++ [sep] ++ show day
Nothing -> customFailure $ parseErrorAtRegion startOffset endOffset $
"partial date "++dateStr++" found, but the current year is unknown"
"The partial date "++dateStr++" can not be parsed because the current year is unknown.\n"
++"Consider making it a full date, or add a default year directive.\n"
where dateStr = show month ++ [sep] ++ show day
{-# INLINABLE datep' #-}
@ -1389,10 +1391,10 @@ commenttagsanddatesp mYear = do
-- Left ...not a bracketed date...
-- >>> either (Left . customErrorBundlePretty) Right $ rtp (bracketeddatetagsp Nothing) "[2016/1/32]"
-- Left ...1:2:...well-formed but invalid date: 2016/1/32...
-- Left ...1:2:...This date is invalid...
-- >>> either (Left . customErrorBundlePretty) Right $ rtp (bracketeddatetagsp Nothing) "[1/31]"
-- Left ...1:2:...partial date 1/31 found, but the current year is unknown...
-- Left ...1:2:...The partial date 1/31 can not be parsed...
-- >>> either (Left . customErrorBundlePretty) Right $ rtp (bracketeddatetagsp Nothing) "[0123456789/-.=/-.=]"
-- Left ...1:13:...expecting month or day...

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@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ makeHledgerClassyLenses ''ReportSpec
-- >>> _rsQuery <$> setEither querystring ["assets"] defreportspec
-- Right (Acct (RegexpCI "assets"))
-- >>> _rsQuery <$> setEither querystring ["(assets"] defreportspec
-- Left "this regular expression could not be compiled: (assets"
-- Left "This regular expression is malformed...
-- >>> _rsQuery $ set querystring ["assets"] defreportspec
-- Acct (RegexpCI "assets")
-- >>> _rsQuery $ set querystring ["(assets"] defreportspec

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@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ toRegexCI = memo $ \s -> mkRegexErr s (RegexpCI s <$> makeRegexOptsM defaultComp
-- | Make a nice error message for a regexp error.
mkRegexErr :: Text -> Maybe a -> Either RegexError a
mkRegexErr s = maybe (Left errmsg) Right
where errmsg = T.unpack $ "this regular expression could not be compiled: " <> s
where errmsg = T.unpack $ "This regular expression is malformed, please correct it:\n" <> s
-- Convert a Regexp string to a compiled Regex, throw an error
toRegex' :: Text -> Regexp

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@ -120,8 +120,10 @@ parseErrorAtRegion
-> HledgerParseErrorData
parseErrorAtRegion startOffset endOffset msg =
if startOffset < endOffset
then ErrorFailAt startOffset endOffset msg
else ErrorFailAt startOffset (startOffset+1) msg
then ErrorFailAt startOffset endOffset msg'
else ErrorFailAt startOffset (startOffset+1) msg'
msg' = "\n" ++ msg
--- * Re-parsing

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ $ hledger -f- check accounts
(a) 1
$ hledger -f- check accounts
>2 /undeclared account "a"/
>2 /account "a" has not been declared/
# 3. also fails for forecast accounts
@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ account a
a $1
$ hledger -f- --today 2022-01-01 --forecast check accounts
>2 /undeclared account "b"/
>2 /account "b" has not been declared/
# 4. also fails in --strict mode
$ hledger -f- --today 2022-01-01 --forecast --strict bal
>2 /undeclared account "b"/
>2 /account "b" has not been declared/
# 5. also fails for auto accounts
@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ account a
$ hledger -f- --auto check accounts
>2 /undeclared account "b"/
>2 /account "b" has not been declared/
# 6. also fails in --strict mode
$ hledger -f- --auto --strict bal
>2 /undeclared account "b"/
>2 /account "b" has not been declared/

View File

@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
a -10£
b 16$
$ hledger -f - check balancednoautoconversion
>2 /real postings' sum should be 0 but is: 16\$/
>2 /real postings' sum should be 0 but is: 16\$, -10£/

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ $ hledger -f- check commodities
(a) $1
$ hledger -f- check commodities
>2 /undeclared commodity "\$"/
>2 /commodity "\$" has not been declared/
# 3. But commodityless zero amounts will not fail
@ -27,5 +27,5 @@ $ hledger -f- check commodities
(a) $0
$ hledger -f- check commodities
>2 /undeclared commodity "\$"/
>2 /commodity "\$" has not been declared/

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ $ hledger -f- check ordereddates
(a) 1
$ hledger -f- check ordereddates
>2 /transaction date is out of order/
>2 /date .*is out of order/
# With --date2, it checks secondary dates instead
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ $ hledger -f- check ordereddates --date2
$ hledger -f- check ordereddates --date2
>2 /transaction date2 is out of order/
>2 /date2 .*is out of order/
# XXX not supported: With a query, only matched transactions' dates are checked.

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ $ hledger -f - check payees
2020-01-01 foo
$ hledger -f - check payees
>2 /undeclared payee "foo"/
>2 /payee "foo" has not been declared/
# or:
@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ $ hledger -f - check payees
payee foo
2020-01-01 the payee | foo
$ hledger -f - check payees
>2 /undeclared payee "the payee"/
>2 /payee "the payee" has not been declared/

View File

@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@ account1 assets:bank:checking
fields date, description, account2, amount
$ ./
>2 /unbalanced transaction/
>2 /transaction is unbalanced/
## .

View File

@ -1,44 +1,40 @@
# Check error messages of hledger in $PATH against current error tests.
@printf "Running error message tests with hledger $$(hledger --version | awk '{print $$2}'):\n"
shelltest *.test
HLEDGER ?= hledger
# Executable .j, .csv, .timeclock, and .timedot files are error example scripts.
# Some shenanigans here to order them nicely.
$$(find -s . -name '*.j' -perm +rwx -exec basename {} \; | grep -v csv) \
$$(find -s . -name '*.timeclock' -perm +rwx -exec basename {} \; ) \
$$(find -s . -name '*.timedot' -perm +rwx -exec basename {} \; ) \
$$(find -s . -name 'csv*' -perm +rwx -exec basename {} \; ) \
$$(find -s . -name '*.sh' -perm +rwx -exec basename {} \; ) \
@echo "Error example scripts detected:"
@for s in $(ERRORSCRIPTS); do echo $$s; done
# Check error messages of $HLEDGER against current error tests.
# A few tests ( may use "hledger" in $PATH instead of $HLEDGER.
@printf "Running error message tests with hledger $$($(HLEDGER) --version | awk '{print $$2}'):\n"
shelltest -w $(HLEDGER) *.test
# Update error message tests and readme based on the latest test journals
# and error output of hledger in $PATH.
update: tests readme
@printf "Updating *.test with the error messages of hledger $$(hledger --version | awk '{print $$2}')\n"
@printf "(Re)generating *.test with the error messages of hledger $$($(HLEDGER) --version | awk '{print $$2}')\n"
@read -p "ok ? Press enter: "
for f in $(TESTJOURNALS); do make -s $$(basename $$f .j).test; done
make -s test
@for f in $(ERRORSCRIPTS); do echo "HLEDGER=$(HLEDGER) ./hledger2shelltest $$f"; HLEDGER=$(HLEDGER) ./hledger2shelltest $$f; done
# Generate a shelltest. Run the test script/journal to generate the error message.
# Since the error will contain an absolute file path, we must:
# 1. remove most of the file path
# 2. test with a (multiline) regex rather than literal text
# 3. backslash-quote most forward slashes in error messages
# 4. neutralise any remaining problematic error text (eg in parseable-regexps.test)
%.test: %.j
head -1 $< | sed -E 's%#!/usr/bin/env -S (.*)%$$$$$$ \1 $<%' >$@
printf ">>>2 /" >>$@
-./$< 2>&1 | sed -E \
-e 's%(hledger: Error: ).*/\./(.*)%\1.*\2%' \
-e 's%/%\\/%g' \
-e 's%alias \\/\(\\/%alias \\/\\(\\/%' \
-e 's%compiled: \(%compiled: \\(%' \
printf "/\n>>>= 1" >>$@
@printf "Updating with the error messages of hledger $$(hledger --version | awk '{print $$2}')\n"
@printf "Updating with the error messages of hledger $$($(HLEDGER) --version)\n"
@read -p "ok ? Press enter: "
sed '/<!-- GENERATED: -->/q' < >
echo "$$(hledger --version | cut -d, -f1) error messages:" >>
for f in $(TESTJOURNALS); do \
printf '\n### %s\n```\n%s\n```\n\n' "$$(basename "$$f" .j)" "$$(./"$$f" 2>&1)"; \
echo "$$($(HLEDGER) --version | cut -d, -f1) error messages:" >>
for f in $(ERRORSCRIPTS); do \
printf '\n### %s\n```\n%s\n```\n\n' "$$(echo "$$f" | sed -E 's/\.[^.]+$$//')" "$$(./"$$f" 2>&1)"; \
done >>

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
$$$ hledger check accounts -f accounts.j
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*accounts.j:4:6-6:
| 2022-01-01
4 | (a) 1
| ^
undeclared account "a"
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*accounts.j:4:
\| 2022-01-01
4 \| \(a\) 1
\| \^
Strict account checking is enabled, and
account "a" has not been declared.
Consider adding an account directive. Examples:
account a
account a ; type:A ; \(L,E,R,X,C,V\)
>>>= 1
>>>= 1

View File

@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
$ hledger check -f assertions.j
>2 /hledger: Error: balance assertion: .*assertions.j:4:8:
| 2022-01-01
4 | a 0 = 1
| ^^^^^^^^^^
$$$ hledger check -f assertions.j
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*assertions.j:4:8:
\| 2022-01-01
4 \| a 0 = 1
\| \^\^\^
account: a
asserted: 0
actual: 1
difference: 1
This balance assertion failed.
In account: a
and commodity:
this balance was asserted: 1
but the actual balance is: 0
a difference of: 1
Consider viewing this account'/
>>>= 1

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
$ hledger check -f balanced.j
>2 /hledger: Error: unbalanced transaction: .*balanced.j:3-4:
3 | 2022-01-01
| a 1
real postings' sum should be 0 but is: 1
$$$ hledger check -f balanced.j
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*balanced.j:3-4:
3 \| 2022-01-01
\| a 1
This transaction is unbalanced.
The real postings' sum should be 0 but is: 1
Consider adjusting this entry's amounts, or adding missing postings.
>= 1
>>>= 1

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
$ hledger check balancednoautoconversion -f balancednoautoconversion.j
>2 /hledger: Error: unbalanced transaction: .*balancednoautoconversion.j:6-8:
6 | 2022-01-01
| a 1 A
| b -1 B
$$$ hledger check balancednoautoconversion -f balancednoautoconversion.j
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*balancednoautoconversion.j:6-8:
6 \| 2022-01-01
\| a 1 A
\| b -1 B
real postings' sum should be 0 but is: 1 A
-1 B
>= 1
This multi-commodity transaction is unbalanced.
Automatic commodity conversion is not enabled.
The real postings' sum should be 0 but is: 1 A, -1 B
Consider adjusting this entry's/
>>>= 1

View File

@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
$$$ hledger check commodities -f commodities.j
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*commodities.j:6:21-23:
| 2022-01-01
6 | (a) A 1
| ^^^
undeclared commodity "A"
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*commodities.j:6:
\| 2022-01-01
6 \| \(a\) A 1
\| \^\^\^
Strict commodity checking is enabled, and
commodity "A" has not been declared.
Consider adding a commodity directive. Examples:
commodity A1000.00
commodity 1.000,00 A
>>>= 1
>>>= 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S hledger print -f
# Non-zero for both amount-in and amount-out.
1 #!/usr/bin/env -S hledger print -f
2 # Non-zero for both amount-in and amount-out.
3 2022-01-01,1,
4 2022-01-02,1,0
5 2022-01-03,1,2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
skip 2
date %1
amount-in %2
amount-out %3

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
$$$ hledger print -f csvamountonenonzero.csv
>>>2 /hledger: Error: multiple non-zero amounts assigned,
please ensure just one. \(https:\/\/\/csv.html#amount\)
record values: "2022-01-03","1","2"
for posting: 1
assignment: amount-in %2 => value: 1
assignment: amount-out %3 => value: 2
>>>= 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S hledger print -f
# Unparseable amount.
1 #!/usr/bin/env -S hledger print -f
2 # Unparseable amount.
3 2022-01-01,1
4 2022-01-02,$1
5 2022-01-03,badamount

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
skip 2
date %1
amount %2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
$$$ hledger print -f csvamountparse.csv
>>>2 /hledger: Error: error: could not parse "badamount" as an amount
record values: "2022-01-03","badamount"
the amount rule is: %2
the date rule is: %1
the parse error is: 1:10:
1 \| badamount
\| \^
unexpected end of input
expecting '\+', '-', or number
you may need to change your/
>>>= 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S hledger print -f
# Unparseable balance amount.
1 #!/usr/bin/env -S hledger print -f
2 # Unparseable balance amount.
3 2022-01-03,badbalance

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
skip 2
date %1
balance %2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
$$$ hledger print -f csvbalanceparse.csv
>>>2 /hledger: Error: error: could not parse "badbalance" as balance1 amount
record values: "2022-01-03","badbalance"
the balance rule is: %2
the date rule is: %1
the parse error is: 1:11:
1 \| badbalance
\| \^
unexpected end of input
expecting '\+', '-', or number
>>>= 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
# See rules.
1 #!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
2 # See rules.
3 2022-01-01,1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
skip 2
date %1
balance %2
balance-type badtype

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
$$$ hledger check -f csvbalancetypeparse.csv
>>>2 /hledger: Error: balance-type "badtype" is invalid. Use =, ==, =\* or ==\*.
record values: "2022-01-01","1"
the balance rule is: %2
the date rule is: %1
>>>= 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S hledger print -f
# See rules (missing/bad date-format rule).
# Note check doesn't show this error; print was needed.
1 #!/usr/bin/env -S hledger print -f
2 # See rules (missing/bad date-format rule).
3 # Note check doesn't show this error; print was needed.
4 a,b

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
skip 3
date %1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
$$$ hledger print -f csvdateformat.csv
>>>2 /hledger: Error: error: could not parse "a" as a date using date format "YYYY\/M\/D", "YYYY-M-D" or "YYYY.M.D"
record values: "a","b"
the date rule is: %1
the date-format is: unspecified
you may need to change your date rule, add a date-format rule, or change your skip rule
for m\/d\/y or d\/m\/y d/
>>>= 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
# Date value not parseable by date-format rule.
1 #!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
2 # Date value not parseable by date-format rule.
3 2022-01-01,b
4 baddate,b

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
skip 2
date %1
date-format %Y-%m-%d

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
$$$ hledger check -f csvdateparse.csv
>>>2 /hledger: Error: error: could not parse "baddate" as a date using date format "%Y-%m-%d"
record values: "baddate","b"
the date rule is: %1
the date-format is: %Y-%m-%d
you may need to change your date rule, change your date-format rule, or change your skip rule
for m\/d\/y or d\/m\/y dates, use dat/
>>>= 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
# Rules have no date rule.
1 #!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
2 # Rules have no date rule.
3 a,b

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
skip 2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
$$$ hledger check -f csvdaterule.csv
>>>2 /hledger: Error: offset=0:
Please specify \(at top level\) the date field. Eg: date %1
>>>= 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
# See rules.
1 #!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
2 # See rules.
3 2022-01-01,1.0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
skip 2
date %1
amount %2
decimal-mark badmark

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$$$ hledger check -f csvdecimalmarkparse.csv
>>>2 /hledger: Error: decimal-mark's argument should be "." or "," \(not "badmark"\)
>>>= 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
# Rules have an empty conditional block.
1 #!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
2 # Rules have an empty conditional block.
3 a,b

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# no (indented) rules following if
if foo

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
$$$ hledger check -f csvifblocknonempty.csv
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*csvifblocknonempty.csv.rules:2:1:
2 \| if foo
\| \^
start of conditional block found, but no assignment rules afterward
\(assignment rules in a conditional block should be indented\)
>>>= 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
# See rules.
1 #!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
2 # See rules.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# if table not using valid CSV field names.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
$$$ hledger check -f csviftablefieldnames.csv
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*csviftablefieldnames.csv.rules:2:9:
2 \| if,date,nosuchfield,description
\| \^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^
unexpected "nosuchfield,"
expecting "account1", "account10", "account11", "account12", "account13", "account14", "account15", "account16", "account17", "account18", "/
>>>= 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
# See rules.
1 #!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
2 # See rules.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# no (indented) rules following if table

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
$$$ hledger check -f csviftablenonempty.csv
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*csviftablenonempty.csv.rules:2:1:
2 \| if,date,description,comment
\| \^
start of conditional table found, but no assignment rules afterward
>>>= 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
# See rules.
1 #!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
2 # See rules.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# if table where some records have wrong number of values.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
$$$ hledger check -f csviftablevaluecount.csv
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*csviftablevaluecount.csv.rules:4:1:
4 \| one,val1
\| \^
line of conditional table should have 2 values, but this one has only 1
>>>= 1

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
# Trying to include a CSV file.
include csvinclude.csv

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
$$$ hledger check -f csvnoinclude.j
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*csvnoinclude.j:4:23:
4 \| include csvinclude.csv
\| \^
No existing files match pattern: csvinclude.csv
>>>= 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
# See rules.
1 #!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
2 # See rules.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
date %1
skip badval

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$$$ hledger check -f csvskipvalue.csv
>>>2 /hledger: Error: could not parse skip value: "badval"
>>>= 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S hledger print -f
# Status value not parseable.
1 #!/usr/bin/env -S hledger print -f
2 # Status value not parseable.
3 2022-01-01,*
4 2022-01-02,!
5 2022-01-03,
6 2022-01-04,badstatus

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
skip 2
date %1
status %2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
$$$ hledger print -f csvstatusparse.csv
>>>2 /hledger: Error: error: could not parse "badstatus" as a cleared status \(should be \*, ! or empty\)
the parse error is: 1:1:
1 \| badstatus
\| \^
unexpected 'b'
expecting '!', '\*', or end of input
>>>= 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S sh
# Second space above is significant, prevents shelltest's "-w hledger" substitution.
# Try to read CSV from stdin without specifying a rules file.
echo | hledger -fcsv:- check

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$$$ sh
>>>2 /hledger: Error: please use --rules-file when reading CSV from stdin
>>>= 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
# Record(s) have less than two fields.
1 #!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
2 # Record(s) have less than two fields.
3 a,a
4 b
5 c,c

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
skip 2
date %1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$$$ hledger check -f csvtwofields.csv
>>>2 /hledger: Error: CSV record \["b"\] has less than two fields
>>>= 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# hledger2shelltest SCRIPT
# Speaking generally: given an executable hashbang script (beginning with #!/usr/bin/env),
# this generates a similarly-named shelltestrunner test that will repeatably
# run the same command as the script and test its (stderr) output.
# (Ideally, this would be built in to shelltestrunner.)
# More precisely, this generates a test expecting no stdout, the given stderr,
# and an error exit code, for scripts reproducing various hledger errors.
# The script is run once to capture its output, which is then adjusted
# for use in a shelltest regex matcher:
# - common regex metacharacters are escaped
# - file paths are simplified
# - any remaining problematic text is sanitised
# - the regex is trimmed to <= 300 chars, to avoid a shelltestrunner limitation.
TEST=$(echo "$SCRIPT" | sed -E 's/\.[^.]+$//').test
head -1 "$SCRIPT" | sed -E "s%#!/usr/bin/env -S (.*)%\$\$\$ \1 $SCRIPT%"
printf ">>>2 /"
./"$SCRIPT" 2>&1 | sed -E \
-e 's/\^/\\^/g' \
-e 's/\$/\\$/g' \
-e 's/\+/\\+/g' \
-e 's/\*/\\*/g' \
-e 's/\[/\\[/g' \
-e 's/\]/\\]/g' \
-e 's/\(/\\(/g' \
-e 's/\)/\\)/g' \
-e 's/\|/\\|/g' \
-e 's%(hledger: Error: ).*/\./(.*)%\1.*\2%' \
-e 's%/%\\/%g' \
| head -c 300
printf "/\n>>>= 1\n"
} >"$TEST"
# -e 's%alias \\/\(\\/%alias \\/\\(\\/%' \
# -e 's%compiled: \(%compiled: \\(%' \
# gnused() { # GNU sed, called gsed on mac
# if hash gsed 2>/dev/null; then gsed "$@"; else sed "$@"; fi
# }

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
$$$ hledger check ordereddates -f ordereddates.j
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*ordereddates.j:10:1-10:
10 | 2022-01-01 p
| ^^^^^^^^^^
| (a) 1
transaction date is out of order with previous transaction date 2022-01-02
>>>= 1
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*ordereddates.j:10:
7 \| 2022-01-02 p
\| \(a\) 1
10 \| 2022-01-01 p
\| \^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^
\| \(a\) 1
Ordered dates checking is enabled, and this transaction's
date \(2022-01-01\) is out of order with the previous transaction.
>>>= 1

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
$$$ hledger check -f parseable-dates.j
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*parseable-dates.j:3:1:
3 | 2022\/1\/32
| ^^^^^^^^^
well-formed but invalid date: 2022\/1\/32
3 \| 2022\/1\/32
\| \^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^
This date is invalid, please correct it: 2022\/1\/32
>>>= 1
>>>= 1

View File

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
$$$ hledger check -f parseable-regexps.j
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*parseable-regexps.j:3:8:
3 | alias \/\(\/ = a
| ^
this regular expression could not be compiled: \(
3 \| alias \/\(\/ = a
\| \^
This regular expression is malformed, please correct it:
>>>= 1
>>>= 1

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
$$$ hledger check -f parseable.j
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*parseable.j:3:2:
3 | 1
| ^
3 \| 1
\| \^
unexpected newline
expecting date separator or digit
>>>= 1
>>>= 1

View File

@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
$$$ hledger check payees -f payees.j
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*payees.j:6:12-12:
6 | 2022-01-01 p
| ^
| (a) A 1
undeclared payee "p"
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*payees.j:6:
6 \| 2022-01-01 p
\| \^
\| \(a\) A 1
Strict payee checking is enabled, and
payee "p" has not been declared.
Consider adding a payee directive. Examples:
payee p
>>>= 1
>>>= 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
$$$ hledger check -f tcclockouttime.timeclock
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*tcclockouttime.timeclock:5:1:
\| i 2022-01-01 00:01:00
5 \| o 2022-01-01 00:00:00
\| \^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^
This clockout time \(2022-01-01 00:00:00\) is earlier than the previous clockin.
Please adjust it to be later than 2022-01-01 00:01:00.
>>>= 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
# Clockout time before previous clockin.
i 2022/01/01 00:01:00
o 2022/01/01 00:00:00

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
$$$ hledger check -f tcorderedactions.timeclock
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*tcorderedactions.timeclock:8:1:
8 \| i 2022-01-01 00:01:00
\| \^
Expected timeclock o entry but got i.
Only one session may be clocked in at a time.
Please alternate i and o, beginning with i.
>>>= 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S hledger check -f
# Clockin/clockout out of order:
# two clockins without intervening clockout,
# two clockouts without intervening clockin,
# or an initial clockout with no preceding clockin.
i 2022/01/01 00:00:00
i 2022/01/01 00:01:00

View File

@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
$$$ hledger check uniqueleafnames -f uniqueleafnames.j
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*uniqueleafnames.j:9:8-8:
| 2022-01-01 p
9 | (a:c) 1
| ^
account leaf name "c" is not unique
it is used in account names: "a:c", "b:c"
>>>= 1
>>>2 /hledger: Error: .*uniqueleafnames.j:12:
\| 2022-01-01 p
9 \| \(a:c\) 1
\| 2022-01-01 p
12 \| \(b:c\) 1
\| \^
Checking for unique account leaf names is enabled, and
account leaf name "c" is not unique.
It appears in these account names, which a/
>>>= 1

View File

@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ $ hledger -f- print --auto -x
# 9.
$ hledger print -f- --auto
>2 /can't use balance assignment with auto postings/
>2 /Balance assignments and auto postings may not be combined/

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ $ hledger -f - stats
b $-1 = $-3
$ hledger -f - stats
>2 /balance assertion.*11:12/
>2 /Error: -:11:12/
# 4. should also work without commodity symbols
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ $ hledger -f - stats
b =$-1 ; date:2012/1/1
$ hledger -f - stats
>2 /can't use balance assignment with custom posting date/
>2 /Balance assignments and custom posting dates may not be combined/
# 13. Posting Date
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ $ hledger -f - stats
a 0 == $1
$ hledger -f - stats
>2 /balance assertion.*10:15/
>2 /Error: -:10:15:/
# 18. Mix different commodities and total assignments
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ commodity $1000.00
(a) $1.00 = $1.01
$ hledger -f- print
>2 /difference: 0\.004/
>2 /a difference of.*0\.004/
# 23. This fails
@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ commodity $1000.00
(a) $1.00 = $1.0061
$ hledger -f- print
>2 /difference: 0\.0001/
>2 /a difference of.*0\.0001/
# 24. Inclusive assertions include balances from subaccounts.

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ hledger -f- print
2010/31/12 x
a 1
>>>2 /invalid date/
>>>2 /date is invalid/
>>>= 1
# 2. too-large day
hledger -f- print
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ hledger -f- print
2010/12/32 x
a 1
>>>2 /invalid date/
>>>2 /date is invalid/
>>>= 1
# 3. 29th feb on leap year should be ok
hledger -f- print
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ hledger -f- print
2001/2/29 x
a 1
>>>2 /invalid date/
>>>2 /date is invalid/
>>>= 1
# 5. dates must be followed by whitespace or newline
hledger -f- print

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ $ hledger -f - print -x
$ hledger -f journal:- print
>2 /can't have more than one real posting with no amount/
>2 /can't be more than one real posting with no amount/
# 6. Two (or more) virtual postings with implicit amount cannot be balanced.
@ -123,13 +123,15 @@ $ hledger -f- print
b 1B
$ hledger -f- print
hledger: Error: unbalanced transaction: -:1-3:
hledger: Error: -:1-3:
1 | 2020-01-01
| a 1A
| b 1B
real postings all have the same sign
This multi-commodity transaction is unbalanced.
The real postings all have the same sign. Consider negating some of them.
Consider adjusting this entry's amounts, adding missing postings,
or recording conversion price(s) with @, @@ or equity postings.
# 12. Typical "hledger equity --close" transaction does not trigger sign error.

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ $ hledger -f timeclock:- print
>= 0
# Command-line account aliases are applied.
# 2. Command-line account aliases are applied.
$ hledger -ftimeclock:- print --alias '/account/=FOO'
2009-01-01 * 08:00-09:00
() 1.00h
@ -35,37 +35,29 @@ $ hledger -ftimeclock:- print --alias '/account/=FOO'
>= 0
# For a missing clock-out, now is implied
# 3. For a missing clock-out, now is implied
i 2020/1/1 08:00
$ hledger -f timeclock:- balance
> /./
>= 0
# For a log not starting with clock-out, print error
# 4. For a log not starting with clock-out, print error
o 2020/1/1 08:00
$ hledger -f timeclock:- balance
>2 /line 1: expected timeclock code i/
>2 /Expected timeclock i entry/
>= !0
# For a different log starting not with clock-out, print error
o 2020/1/1 08:00
o 2020/1/1 09:00
$ hledger -f timeclock:- balance
>2 /line 1: expected timeclock code i/
>= !0
# For two consecutive clock-in, print error
# 5. For two consecutive clock-ins, print error
i 2020/1/1 08:00
i 2020/1/1 09:00
$ hledger -f timeclock:- balance
>2 /line 2: expected timeclock code o/
>2 /Expected timeclock o entry/
>= !0
# Timeclock amounts are always rounded to two decimal places,
# 6. Timeclock amounts are always rounded to two decimal places,
# even when displayed by print (#1527).
i 2020-01-30 08:38:35 a