add: ui cleanups

- tidier output
- show more help
- suggest . only for recording, not for quitting (though it still works)
- show each transaction after adding it (#52)
- don't parse . as a zero amount
- don't show [] when there's no default
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2013-02-23 00:57:16 +00:00
parent 2a6a028222
commit 7fcd45614b
2 changed files with 30 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -48,10 +48,14 @@ add :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ()
add opts j
| f == "-" = return ()
| otherwise = do
hPrintf stderr "Adding transactions to journal file \"%s\".\n" f
hPutStrLn stderr $
"To complete a transaction, enter . (period) at an account prompt.\n"
++"To stop adding transactions, enter . at a date prompt, or control-d/control-c."
hPutStrLn stderr $ unlines [
"Adding transactions to journal file "++f
,"Provide field values at the prompts, or press enter to accept defaults."
,"Use readline keys to edit, use tab key to complete account names."
-- ,"If you make a mistake, enter < at any prompt to restart the transaction."
,"To record a transaction, enter . when prompted."
,"To quit, press control-d or control-c."
today <- getCurrentDay
getAndAddTransactions j opts today
`C.catch` (\e -> unless (isEOFError e) $ ioError e)
@ -65,6 +69,7 @@ getAndAddTransactions :: Journal -> CliOpts -> Day -> IO ()
getAndAddTransactions j opts defaultDate = do
(t, d) <- getTransaction j opts defaultDate
j <- journalAddTransaction j opts t
hPrintf stderr "\nRecorded transaction:\n%s" (show t)
getAndAddTransactions j opts d
-- | Read a transaction from the command line, with history-aware prompting.
@ -72,7 +77,7 @@ getTransaction :: Journal -> CliOpts -> Day
-> IO (Transaction,Day)
getTransaction j opts defaultDate = do
today <- getCurrentDay
datestr <- runInteractionDefault $ askFor "date, or . to end"
datestr <- runInteractionDefault $ askFor "date"
(Just $ showDate defaultDate)
(Just $ \s -> null s
|| s == "."
@ -97,15 +102,20 @@ getTransaction j opts defaultDate = do
retry msg = do
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "\n" ++ msg ++ "please re-enter."
let msg' = capitalize msg
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "\n" ++ msg' ++ "please re-enter."
either retry (return . flip (,) date) $ balanceTransaction Nothing t -- imprecise balancing
unless (null historymatches)
(liftIO $ do
hPutStrLn stderr "Similar transactions found, using the first for defaults:\n"
hPutStr stderr $ concatMap (\(n,t) -> printf "[%3d%%] %s" (round $ n*100 :: Int) (show t)) $ take 3 historymatches)
unless (null historymatches) $
liftIO $ hPutStr stderr $
"\nSimilar transactions found, using the first for defaults:\n"
++ concatMap (\(n,t) -> printf "[%3d%%] %s" (round $ n*100 :: Int) (show t)) (take 3 historymatches)
capitalize :: String -> String
capitalize "" = ""
capitalize (c:cs) = toUpper c : cs
-- fragile
-- | Read postings from the command line until . is entered, using any
-- provided historical postings and the journal context to guess defaults.
@ -117,7 +127,7 @@ getPostings st enteredps = do
where Just ps = historicalps
defaultaccount = maybe Nothing (Just . showacctname) bestmatch
ordot | null enteredps || length enteredrealps == 1 = "" :: String
| otherwise = ", or . to record"
| otherwise = " (or . to record)"
account <- runInteraction j $ askFor (printf "account %d%s" n ordot) defaultaccount (Just accept)
if account=="."
@ -175,7 +185,8 @@ getPostings st enteredps = do
postingtype ('(':_) = VirtualPosting
postingtype _ = RegularPosting
validateamount = Just $ \s -> (null s && not (null enteredrealps))
|| isRight (runParser (amountp >> many spacenonewline >> eof) ctx "" s)
|| (s /= "."
&& isRight (runParser (amountp >> many spacenonewline >> eof) ctx "" s))
-- | Prompt for and read a string value, optionally with a default value
-- and a validator. A validator causes the prompt to repeat until the
@ -183,7 +194,7 @@ getPostings st enteredps = do
askFor :: String -> Maybe String -> Maybe (String -> Bool) -> InputT IO String
askFor prompt def validator = do
l <- fmap (maybe eofErr id)
$ getInputLine $ prompt ++ maybe "" showdef def ++ ": "
$ getInputLine $ prompt ++ " ? " ++ maybe "" showdef def ++ ": "
let input = if null l then fromMaybe l def else l
case validator of
Just valid -> if valid input
@ -191,7 +202,8 @@ askFor prompt def validator = do
else askFor prompt def validator
Nothing -> return input
showdef s = " [" ++ s ++ "]"
showdef "" = ""
showdef s = "[" ++ s ++ "]"
eofErr = C.throw $ mkIOError eofErrorType "end of input" Nothing Nothing
-- | Append this transaction to the journal's file, and to the journal's

View File

@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
hledgerdev -f $$-add.j add; rm -f $$-add.j
>>> /date, or \. to end.*: date, or \. to end.*/
>>> /date .*: date .*/
# 2. should accept a blank date
hledgerdev -f $$-add.j add; rm -f $$-add.j
>>> /date,.*: description/
>>> /date .*: description /
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ a
>>> /^date, or \. to end \[.*\]: description \[\]: account 1: amount 1: account 2: amount 2 \[-1000.0\]: account 3, or \. to record: date, or \. to end \[.*\]: $/
>>> /^date.*: description.*: account 1.*: amount 1.*: account 2.*: amount 2.*: account 3.*or \. to record.*: date.*: $/
# 4. default commodity with greater precision
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ a
>>> /amount 3 \[-0.75\]/
>>> /amount 3 \? \[-0.75\]/
## 10. shouldn't add decimals if there aren't any