remove dead code

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2008-10-09 13:16:57 +00:00
parent 11342db662
commit 81ac9bcaa5

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@ -2,10 +2,9 @@
A 'Ledger' stores, for efficiency, a 'RawLedger' plus its tree of account
names, a map from account names to 'Account's, and the display precision.
Typically it has also has had the uninteresting 'Entry's and
'Transaction's filtered out.
Also, the account filter pattern is stored.
Typically it has also has had the uninteresting 'Entry's filtered out.
In addition, it stores the account filter pattern and a second set of fields
providing the filtered entries & transactions.
@ -97,8 +96,6 @@ cacheLedger acctpat l =
-- patterns.
filterLedgerEntries :: String -> String -> Regex -> Regex -> RawLedger -> RawLedger
filterLedgerEntries begin end acctpat descpat =
-- strace .
-- filterLedgerEntriesByTransactionAccount acctpat .
filterLedgerEntriesByDate begin end .
filterLedgerEntriesByDescription descpat
@ -127,38 +124,6 @@ filterLedgerEntriesByDate begin end (RawLedger ms ps es f) =
enddate = parsedate end
entrydate = parsedate $ edate e
-- | Keep only entries which have at least one transaction with an account
-- whose (leaf) name matches the pattern.
filterLedgerEntriesByTransactionAccount :: Regex -> RawLedger -> RawLedger
filterLedgerEntriesByTransactionAccount acctpat l@(RawLedger _ _ es _) =
l{entries=filter matchentry es}
matchentry = any matchtxn . etransactions
matchtxn = containsRegex acctpat . accountLeafName . taccount
-- -- | Remove entries which have no transactions.
-- filterEmptyLedgerEntries :: RawLedger -> RawLedger
-- filterEmptyLedgerEntries (RawLedger ms ps es f) =
-- RawLedger ms ps (filter (not . null . etransactions) es) f
-- -- | In each ledger entry, filter out transactions which do not match the
-- -- matcher. Entries are no longer balanced after this.
-- filterLedgerTransactionsBy :: (RawTransaction -> Bool) -> RawLedger -> RawLedger
-- filterLedgerTransactionsBy matcher (RawLedger ms ps es f) =
-- RawLedger ms ps (map filterentrytxns es) f
-- where
-- filterentrytxns e@(Entry _ _ _ _ _ ts _) = e{etransactions=filter matcher ts}
matchtxnacctname :: Regex -> RawTransaction -> Bool
matchtxnacctname acctpat t = case matchRegex acctpat (taccount t) of
Nothing -> False
otherwise -> True
matchtxnleafname :: Regex -> RawTransaction -> Bool
matchtxnleafname acctpat t = case matchRegex acctpat (accountLeafName $ taccount t) of
Nothing -> False
otherwise -> True
-- | List a 'Ledger' 's account names.
accountnames :: Ledger -> [AccountName]
accountnames l = drop 1 $ flatten $ accountnametree l
@ -340,7 +305,7 @@ showAccountTree l maxdepth = showAccountTree' l maxdepth 0 ""
showAccountTree' :: Ledger -> Int -> Int -> String -> Tree Account -> String
showAccountTree' l maxdepth indentlevel prefix t
-- prefix boring inner account names to the next line
-- merge boring inner account names with the next line
| isBoringInnerAccount l maxdepth acct = subsindented 0 (fullname++":")
-- ditto with unmatched parent accounts when filtering by account
| filtering && doesnotmatch = subsindented 0 (fullname++":")
@ -377,13 +342,3 @@ isBoringInnerAccount l maxdepth a
isBoringInnerAccountName :: Ledger -> Int -> AccountName -> Bool
isBoringInnerAccountName l maxdepth = isBoringInnerAccount l maxdepth . ledgerAccount l
-- | Remove boring branches (and leaves) from a tree of accounts.
-- A boring branch contains only accounts which have a 0 balance or no
-- transactions.
-- pruneBoringBranches :: Tree Account -> Tree Account
-- pruneBoringBranches =
-- treefilter hastxns . treefilter hasbalance
-- where
-- hasbalance = (/= 0) . abalance
-- hastxns = (> 0) . length . atransactions