lib: Make fields of Amount, AmountPrice, AmountStyle, and DigitGroupStyle strict.

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Stephen Morgan 2021-01-16 21:38:16 +11:00 committed by Simon Michael
parent 2ada289e28
commit 81b778a389

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@ -178,16 +178,16 @@ instance ToMarkup Quantity
-- | An amount's per-unit or total cost/selling price in another
-- commodity, as recorded in the journal entry eg with @ or @@.
-- Docs call this "transaction price". The amount is always positive.
data AmountPrice = UnitPrice Amount | TotalPrice Amount
data AmountPrice = UnitPrice !Amount | TotalPrice !Amount
deriving (Eq,Ord,Generic,Show)
-- | Display style for an amount.
data AmountStyle = AmountStyle {
ascommodityside :: Side, -- ^ does the symbol appear on the left or the right ?
ascommodityspaced :: Bool, -- ^ space between symbol and quantity ?
asprecision :: !AmountPrecision, -- ^ number of digits displayed after the decimal point
asdecimalpoint :: Maybe Char, -- ^ character used as decimal point: period or comma. Nothing means "unspecified, use default"
asdigitgroups :: Maybe DigitGroupStyle -- ^ style for displaying digit groups, if any
ascommodityside :: !Side, -- ^ does the symbol appear on the left or the right ?
ascommodityspaced :: !Bool, -- ^ space between symbol and quantity ?
asprecision :: !AmountPrecision, -- ^ number of digits displayed after the decimal point
asdecimalpoint :: !(Maybe Char), -- ^ character used as decimal point: period or comma. Nothing means "unspecified, use default"
asdigitgroups :: !(Maybe DigitGroupStyle) -- ^ style for displaying digit groups, if any
} deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Generic)
instance Show AmountStyle where
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ data AmountPrecision = Precision !Word8 | NaturalPrecision deriving (Eq,Ord,Read
-- point), and the size of each group, starting with the one nearest
-- the decimal point. The last group size is assumed to repeat. Eg,
-- comma between thousands is DigitGroups ',' [3].
data DigitGroupStyle = DigitGroups Char [Word8]
data DigitGroupStyle = DigitGroups !Char ![Word8]
deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Generic)
type CommoditySymbol = Text
@ -222,12 +222,12 @@ data Commodity = Commodity {
} deriving (Show,Eq,Generic) --,Ord)
data Amount = Amount {
acommodity :: CommoditySymbol, -- commodity symbol, or special value "AUTO"
aquantity :: Quantity, -- numeric quantity, or zero in case of "AUTO"
aismultiplier :: Bool, -- ^ kludge: a flag marking this amount and posting as a multiplier
-- in a TMPostingRule. In a regular Posting, should always be false.
astyle :: AmountStyle,
aprice :: Maybe AmountPrice -- ^ the (fixed, transaction-specific) price for this amount, if any
acommodity :: !CommoditySymbol, -- commodity symbol, or special value "AUTO"
aquantity :: !Quantity, -- numeric quantity, or zero in case of "AUTO"
aismultiplier :: !Bool, -- ^ kludge: a flag marking this amount and posting as a multiplier
-- in a TMPostingRule. In a regular Posting, should always be false.
astyle :: !AmountStyle,
aprice :: !(Maybe AmountPrice) -- ^ the (fixed, transaction-specific) price for this amount, if any
} deriving (Eq,Ord,Generic,Show)
newtype MixedAmount = Mixed [Amount] deriving (Eq,Ord,Generic,Show)