;doc:journal:commodity directive: clarify & fix scope of effects (#2135)

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Simon Michael 2024-02-29 16:06:46 -10:00
parent 90c824adaa
commit 8225b3dcef

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@ -1790,7 +1790,8 @@ Here are all hledger's directives, with their effects and scope summarised - nin
| **[`account`]** | Declares an account, for [checking](#check) all entries in all files; <br>and its [display order](#account-display-order) and [type](#declaring-account-types). <br>Subdirectives: any text, ignored. | N |
| **[`alias`]** | Rewrites account names, in following entries until end of current file or [`end aliases`]. <br>Command line equivalent: [`--alias`] | Y |
| **[`comment`]** | Ignores part of the journal file, until end of current file or `end comment`. | Y |
| **[`commodity`]** | Declares up to four things: <br>1. a commodity symbol, for checking all amounts in all files <br>2. the decimal mark for parsing amounts of this commodity, in the following entries until end of current file (if there is no `decimal-mark` directive) <br>3. and the display style for amounts of this commodity <br>4. which is also the precision to use for balanced-transaction checking in this commodity.<br> Takes precedence over `D`. <br>Subdirectives: `format` (Ledger-compatible syntax). <br>Command line equivalent: [`-c/--commodity-style`](#commodity-styles) | N,<br>Y,<br>N,<br>N |
| **[`commodity`]** | Declares up to four things:
<br>1. a commodity symbol, for checking all amounts in all files <br>2. the display style for all amounts of this commodity <br>3. the decimal mark for parsing amounts of this commodity, in the rest of this file and its children, if there is no `decimal-mark` directive <br>4. the precision to use for balanced-transaction checking in this commodity, in this file and its children. <br> Takes precedence over `D`. <br>Subdirectives: `format` (ignored). <br>Command line equivalent: [`-c/--commodity-style`](#commodity-styles) | N,<br>N,<br>Y,<br>Y |
| **[`decimal-mark`]** | Declares the decimal mark, for parsing amounts of all commodities in following entries until next `decimal-mark` or end of current file. Included files can override. Takes precedence over `commodity` and `D`. | Y |
| **[`include`]** | Includes entries and directives from another file, as if they were written inline. <br>Command line alternative: multiple [`-f/--file`](#multiple-files) | N |
| **[`payee`]** | Declares a payee name, for checking all entries in all files. | N |
@ -2200,23 +2201,22 @@ The `commodity` directive performs several functions:
1. It declares which commodity symbols may be used in the journal,
enabling useful error checking with [strict mode] or the check command.
(See [Commodity error checking](#commodity-error-checking) below.)
See [Commodity error checking](#commodity-error-checking) below.
2. It declares the precision with which this commodity's amounts
should be compared when checking for balanced transactions.
2. It declares how all amounts in this commodity should be displayed, eg how many decimals to show.
See [Commodity display style](#commodity-display-style) above.
3. It declares how this commodity's amounts should be displayed,
eg their symbol placement, digit group mark if any, digit group sizes,
decimal mark (period or comma), and the number of decimal places.
(See [Commodity display style](#commodity-display-style) above.)
4. It sets which decimal mark (period or comma) to expect when parsing subsequent amounts in this commodity
(if there is no `decimal-mark` directive in effect.
3. (If no `decimal-mark` directive is in effect:)
It sets the decimal mark to expect (period or comma) when parsing amounts in this commodity,
in this file and files it includes, from the directive until end of current file.
See [Decimal marks, digit group marks](hledger.md#decimal-marks-digit-group-marks) above.
For related dev discussion, see [#793](https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/issues/793).)
4. It declares the precision with which this commodity's amounts should be compared when checking for balanced transactions,
anywhere in this file and files it includes, until end of current file.
Declaring commodities solves several common parsing/display problems, so we recommend it.
Generally you should put `commodity` directives at the top of your journal file (because function 4 is position-sensitive).
(Related dev discussion: [#793](https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/issues/793).)
### Commodity directive syntax