web: add handler cleanup, rename vars

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2014-08-14 00:26:22 -07:00
parent 6bf599ae9e
commit 834fef7389

View File

@ -33,21 +33,20 @@ handlePost = do
handleAdd :: Handler Html
handleAdd = do
VD{..} <- getViewData
-- XXX port to yesod-form later
-- get form input values. M means a Maybe value.
journalM <- lookupPostParam "journal"
dateM <- lookupPostParam "date"
descM <- lookupPostParam "description"
let dateE = maybe (Left "date required") (either (\e -> Left $ showDateParseError e) Right . fixSmartDateStrEither today . strip . unpack) dateM
descE = Right $ maybe "" unpack descM
journalE = maybe (Right $ journalFilePath j)
-- gruesome adhoc form handling, port to yesod-form later
mjournal <- lookupPostParam "journal"
mdate <- lookupPostParam "date"
mdesc <- lookupPostParam "description"
let edate = maybe (Left "date required") (either (\e -> Left $ showDateParseError e) Right . fixSmartDateStrEither today . strip . unpack) mdate
edesc = Right $ maybe "" unpack mdesc
ejournal = maybe (Right $ journalFilePath j)
(\f -> let f' = unpack f in
if f' `elem` journalFilePaths j
then Right f'
else Left $ "unrecognised journal file path: " ++ f'
estrs = [dateE, descE, journalE]
estrs = [edate, edesc, ejournal]
(errs1, [date,desc,journalpath]) = (lefts estrs, rights estrs) -- XXX irrefutable
(params,_) <- runRequestBody
@ -65,17 +64,17 @@ handleAdd = do
, isRight en
, let Right n = en
num' = length acctparams
paramErrs | not $ length amtparams `elem` [num', num'-1] = ["different number of account and amount parameters"]
num = length acctparams
paramErrs | not $ length amtparams `elem` [num, num-1] = ["different number of account and amount parameters"]
| otherwise = catMaybes
[if map fst acctparams == [1..num'] then Nothing else Just "misnumbered account parameters"
,if map fst amtparams == [1..num'] || map fst amtparams == [1..(num'-1)] then Nothing else Just "misnumbered amount parameters"
[if map fst acctparams == [1..num] then Nothing else Just "misnumbered account parameters"
,if map fst amtparams == [1..num] || map fst amtparams == [1..(num-1)] then Nothing else Just "misnumbered amount parameters"
eaccts = map (parsewith (accountnamep <* eof) . strip . T.unpack . snd) acctparams
eamts = map (parseWithCtx nullctx (amountp <* eof) . strip . T.unpack . snd) amtparams
(accts, acctErrs) = (rights eaccts, map show $ lefts eaccts)
(amts', amtErrs) = (rights eamts, map show $ lefts eamts)
amts | length amts' == num' = amts'
amts | length amts' == num = amts'
| otherwise = amts' ++ [missingamt]
-- if no errors so far, generate a transaction and balance it or get the error.
@ -145,18 +144,18 @@ handleEdit = do
VD{..} <- getViewData
-- get form input values, or validation errors.
-- getRequest >>= liftIO (reqRequestBody req) >>= mtrace
textM <- lookupPostParam "text"
journalM <- lookupPostParam "journal"
let textE = maybe (Left "No value provided") (Right . unpack) textM
journalE = maybe (Right $ journalFilePath j)
mtext <- lookupPostParam "text"
mjournal <- lookupPostParam "journal"
let etext = maybe (Left "No value provided") (Right . unpack) mtext
ejournal = maybe (Right $ journalFilePath j)
(\f -> let f' = unpack f in
if f' `elem` journalFilePaths j
then Right f'
else Left "unrecognised journal file path")
strEs = [textE, journalE]
errs = lefts strEs
[text,journalpath] = rights strEs
estrs = [etext, ejournal]
errs = lefts estrs
[text,journalpath] = rights estrs
-- display errors or perform edit
if not $ null errs
then do