bs/cf/is: support --output-file and --output-format=txt|csv

The CSV output should be reasonably ok for dragging into
a spreadsheet and reformatting.
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2017-07-25 19:43:45 -07:00
parent 71b206dfc5
commit 8851ebc29f
3 changed files with 193 additions and 83 deletions

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import Hledger.Reports.BalanceReport
-- 1. a list of each column's period (date span)
-- 2. a list of row items, each containing:
-- 2. a list of rows, each containing:
-- * the full account name
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import Hledger.Reports.BalanceReport
-- * the account's depth
-- * the amounts to show in each column
-- * a list of amounts, one for each column
-- * the total of the row's amounts

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@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Balance (

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@ -12,20 +12,21 @@ module Hledger.Cli.CompoundBalanceCommand (
) where
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data.List (intercalate, foldl', isPrefixOf)
import Data.List (intercalate, foldl')
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (Sum(..), (<>))
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as C
import Text.CSV
import Text.Tabular as T
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.Balance
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
import Hledger.Cli.Utils (writeOutput)
-- | Description of a compound balance report command,
-- from which we generate the command's cmdargs mode and IO action.
-- A compound balance report shows one or more sections/subreports,
-- A compound balance report command shows one or more sections/subreports,
-- each with its own title and subtotals row, in a certain order,
-- plus a grand totals row if there's more than one section.
-- Examples are the balancesheet, cashflow and incomestatement commands.
@ -64,6 +65,8 @@ compoundBalanceCommandMode CompoundBalanceCommandSpec{..} = (defCommandMode $ cb
,flagNone ["no-elide"] (\opts -> setboolopt "no-elide" opts) "don't squash boring parent accounts (in tree mode)"
,flagReq ["format"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "format" s opts) "FORMATSTR" "use this custom line format (in simple reports)"
,flagNone ["pretty-tables"] (\opts -> setboolopt "pretty-tables" opts) "use unicode when displaying tables"
,groupHidden = []
,groupNamed = [generalflagsgroup1]
@ -76,7 +79,7 @@ compoundBalanceCommandMode CompoundBalanceCommandSpec{..} = (defCommandMode $ cb
-- | Generate a runnable command from a compound balance command specification.
compoundBalanceCommand :: CompoundBalanceCommandSpec -> (CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ())
compoundBalanceCommand CompoundBalanceCommandSpec{..} CliOpts{command_=cmd, reportopts_=ropts, rawopts_=rawopts} j = do
compoundBalanceCommand CompoundBalanceCommandSpec{..} opts@CliOpts{command_=cmd, reportopts_=ropts, rawopts_=rawopts} j = do
d <- getCurrentDay
-- use the default balance type for this report, unless the user overrides
@ -109,68 +112,70 @@ compoundBalanceCommand CompoundBalanceCommandSpec{..} CliOpts{command_=cmd, repo
| otherwise
= ropts{balancetype_=balancetype}
userq = queryFromOpts d ropts'
format = outputFormatFromOpts opts
case interval_ ropts' of
-- single-column report
-- TODO refactor, support output format like multi column
NoInterval -> do
-- concatenate the rendering and sum the totals from each subreport
(subreportstr, total) =
foldMap (uncurry (compoundBalanceCommandSingleColumnReport ropts' userq j)) cbcqueries
putStrLn $ title ++ "\n"
mapM_ putStrLn subreportstr
unless (no_total_ ropts' || cmd=="cashflow") . mapM_ putStrLn $
[ "Total:"
, "--------------------"
, padLeftWide 20 $ showamt (getSum total)
, ""
showamt | color_ ropts' = cshowMixedAmountWithoutPrice
| otherwise = showMixedAmountWithoutPrice
writeOutput opts $ unlines $
[title ++ "\n"] ++
subreportstr ++
if (no_total_ ropts' || cmd=="cashflow")
then []
[ "Total:"
, "--------------------"
, padLeftWide 20 $ showamt (getSum total)
, ""
showamt | color_ ropts' = cshowMixedAmountWithoutPrice
| otherwise = showMixedAmountWithoutPrice
-- multi-column report
_ -> do
-- list the tables, list the totals rows, and sum the totals from each subreport
(subreporttables, subreporttotals, Sum overalltotal) =
foldMap (uncurry (compoundBalanceCommandMultiColumnReport ropts' userq j)) cbcqueries
overalltable = case subreporttables of
t1:ts -> foldl' concatTables t1 ts
[] -> T.empty
| no_total_ ropts' || length cbcqueries == 1 =
| otherwise =
row "Total" overalltotals'
overalltotals = case subreporttotals of
[] -> []
ts ->
-- Sum the subtotals in each column.
-- A subreport might be empty and have no subtotals, count those as zeros (#588).
-- Short subtotals rows are also implicitly padded with zeros, though that is not expected to happen.
numcols = maximum $ map length ts
zeros = replicate numcols nullmixedamt
ts' = [take numcols $ as ++ repeat nullmixedamt | as <- ts]
in foldl' (zipWith (+)) zeros ts'
-- add values for the total/average columns if enabled
| null overalltotals = []
| otherwise =
++ (if row_total_ ropts' then [overalltotal] else [])
++ (if average_ ropts' then [overallaverage] else [])
overallaverage =
overalltotal `divideMixedAmount` fromIntegral (length overalltotals) -- depends on non-null overalltotals
putStrLn $ title ++ "\n"
putStr $ renderBalanceReportTable ropts' overalltable'
-- make a CompoundBalanceReport
namedsubreports =
map (\(subreporttitle, subreportq) ->
(subreporttitle, compoundBalanceSubreport ropts' userq j subreportq))
subtotalrows = [coltotals | MultiBalanceReport (_,_,(coltotals,_,_)) <- map snd namedsubreports]
overalltotals = case subtotalrows of
[] -> ([], nullmixedamt, nullmixedamt)
rs ->
-- Sum the subtotals in each column.
-- A subreport might be empty and have no subtotals, count those as zeros (#588).
-- Short subtotals rows are also implicitly padded with zeros, though that is not expected to happen.
numcols = maximum $ map length rs -- depends on non-null ts
zeros = replicate numcols nullmixedamt
rs' = [take numcols $ as ++ repeat nullmixedamt | as <- rs]
coltotals = foldl' (zipWith (+)) zeros rs'
grandtotal = sum coltotals
grandavg | null coltotals = nullmixedamt
| otherwise = grandtotal `divideMixedAmount` fromIntegral (length coltotals)
(coltotals, grandtotal, grandavg)
cbr =
-- render appropriately
writeOutput opts $
case format of
"csv" -> printCSV (compoundBalanceReportAsCsv ropts cbr) ++ "\n"
_ -> compoundBalanceReportAsText ropts' cbr
-- | Render a multi-column balance report as plain text suitable for console output.
-- Add the second table below the first, discarding its column headings.
concatTables (Table hLeft hTop dat) (Table hLeft' _ dat') =
Table (T.Group DoubleLine [hLeft, hLeft']) hTop (dat ++ dat')
@ -197,37 +202,141 @@ compoundBalanceCommandSingleColumnReport ropts userq j subreporttitle subreportq
| otherwise = balanceReport ropts q j
subreportstr = intercalate "\n" [subreporttitle <> ":", balanceReportAsText ropts r]
-- | A compound balance report has:
-- * an overall title
-- * one or more named multi balance reports, with the same column headings
-- * a list of overall totals for each column, and their grand total and average
-- It is used in compound balance report commands like balancesheet,
-- cashflow and incomestatement.
type CompoundBalanceReport =
( String
, [(String, MultiBalanceReport)]
, ([MixedAmount], MixedAmount, MixedAmount)
-- | Run one subreport for a compound balance command in multi-column mode.
-- Currently this returns a table of rendered balance amounts, including the
-- totals row; the totals row again, as mixedamounts; and the grand total.
-- The first two are wrapped in a list and the third in a Sum, for easy
-- monoidal combining.
:: ReportOpts
-> Query
-> Journal
-> String
-> (Journal -> Query)
-> ([Table String String MixedAmount], [[MixedAmount]], Sum MixedAmount)
compoundBalanceCommandMultiColumnReport ropts userq j subreporttitle subreportqfn =
([tabl], [coltotals], Sum tot)
-- This returns a MultiBalanceReport.
compoundBalanceSubreport :: ReportOpts -> Query -> Journal -> (Journal -> Query) -> MultiBalanceReport
compoundBalanceSubreport ropts userq j subreportqfn = r'
-- disable totals row if there's just one section and --no-total
-- force --empty to ensure same columns in all sections, or something
ropts' = ropts { no_total_ = singlesection && no_total_ ropts, empty_ = True }
singlesection = "Cash" `isPrefixOf` subreporttitle -- TODO temp
-- force --empty to ensure same columns in all sections
ropts' = ropts { empty_ = True }
-- run the report
q = And [subreportqfn j, userq]
MultiBalanceReport (dates, rows, (coltotals,tot,avg)) = multiBalanceReport ropts' q j
r@(MultiBalanceReport (dates, rows, totals)) = multiBalanceReport ropts' q j
-- if user didn't specify --empty, now remove the all-zero rows
r = MultiBalanceReport (dates, rows', (coltotals, tot, avg))
rows' | empty_ ropts = rows
| otherwise = filter (not . emptyRow) rows
r' | empty_ ropts = r
| otherwise = MultiBalanceReport (dates, rows', totals)
emptyRow (_,_,_,amts,_,_) = all isZeroMixedAmount amts
-- convert to a table for rendering
Table lefthdrs tophdrs cells = balanceReportAsTable ropts' r
-- tweak the table layout
tabl = Table (T.Group SingleLine [Header subreporttitle, lefthdrs]) tophdrs ([]:cells)
rows' = filter (not . emptyRow) rows
emptyRow (_,_,_,amts,_,_) = all isZeroMixedAmount amts
-- | Render a compound balance report as plain text suitable for console output.
{- Eg:
Balance Sheet
|| 2017/12/31 Total Average
Assets ||
assets:b || 1 1 1
|| 1 1 1
Liabilities ||
Total || 1 1 1
compoundBalanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> CompoundBalanceReport -> String
compoundBalanceReportAsText ropts (title, subreports, (coltotals, grandtotal, grandavg)) =
title ++ "\n\n" ++
renderBalanceReportTable ropts bigtable'
singlesubreport = length subreports == 1
bigtable =
case map (subreportAsTable ropts singlesubreport) subreports of
[] -> T.empty
r:rs -> foldl' concatTables r rs
| no_total_ ropts || singlesubreport =
| otherwise =
row "Total" (
++ (if row_total_ ropts then [grandtotal] else [])
++ (if average_ ropts then [grandavg] else [])
-- | Convert a named multi balance report to a table suitable for
-- concatenating with others to make a compound balance report table.
subreportAsTable ropts singlesubreport (title, r) = t
-- unless there's only one section, always show the subtotal row
ropts' | singlesubreport = ropts
| otherwise = ropts{ no_total_=False }
-- convert to table
Table lefthdrs tophdrs cells = balanceReportAsTable ropts' r
-- tweak the layout
t = Table (T.Group SingleLine [Header title, lefthdrs]) tophdrs ([]:cells)
-- | Render a compound balance report as CSV.
{- Eg:
ghci> :main -f examples/sample.journal bs -Y -O csv -AT
"Balance Sheet","","","","",""
"account","short account","indent","2008","total","average"
"account","short account","indent","2008","total","average"
compoundBalanceReportAsCsv :: ReportOpts -> CompoundBalanceReport -> CSV
compoundBalanceReportAsCsv ropts (title, subreports, (coltotals, grandtotal, grandavg)) =
addtotals $
padRow title :
concatMap (subreportAsCsv ropts singlesubreport) subreports
singlesubreport = length subreports == 1
subreportAsCsv ropts singlesubreport (subreporttitle, multibalreport) =
padRow subreporttitle :
multiBalanceReportAsCsv ropts' multibalreport
-- unless there's only one section, always show the subtotal row
ropts' | singlesubreport = ropts
| otherwise = ropts{ no_total_=False }
padRow s = take numcols $ s : repeat ""
| null subreports = 1
| otherwise =
(3 +) $ -- account name & indent columns
(if row_total_ ropts then (1+) else id) $
(if average_ ropts then (1+) else id) $
maximum $ -- depends on non-null subreports
map (\(MultiBalanceReport (amtcolheadings, _, _)) -> length amtcolheadings) $
map snd subreports
| no_total_ ropts || length subreports == 1 = id
| otherwise = (++
["Total" :
map showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice (
++ (if row_total_ ropts then [grandtotal] else [])
++ (if average_ ropts then [grandavg] else [])