cli: first of several cleanups; separate commands list & usage (#297)

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2017-03-28 18:39:35 -07:00
parent e24eb155e7
commit 895a66eb06
5 changed files with 180 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ import Hledger.Cli.Version
-- | Common help flags: --help, --debug, --version...
helpflags :: [Flag RawOpts]
helpflags = [
flagNone ["h"] (setboolopt "h") "show general usage or (after COMMAND, the command's usage"
,flagNone ["help"] (setboolopt "help") "show the current program's manual as plain text (or after an add-on COMMAND, the add-on's manual)"
flagNone ["h"] (setboolopt "h") "show general usage or (after CMD, the command's usage"
,flagNone ["help"] (setboolopt "help") "show the current program's manual as plain text (or after an addon CMD, the add-on's manual)"
,flagNone ["man"] (setboolopt "man") "show the current program's manual with man"
,flagNone ["info"] (setboolopt "info") "show the current program's manual with info"
-- ,flagNone ["browse-args"] (setboolopt "browse-args") "use a web UI to select options and build up a command line"

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@ -36,11 +36,15 @@ See "Hledger.Data.Ledger" for more examples.
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Hledger.Cli.Main where
-- import Control.Monad
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.String.Here
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Safe
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as C
import System.Environment
@ -76,52 +80,63 @@ import Hledger.Utils
-- | The overall cmdargs mode describing command-line options for hledger.
mainmode addons = defMode {
modeNames = [progname]
,modeHelp = unlines []
,modeHelpSuffix = [""]
modeNames = [progname ++ " [CMD]"]
,modeArgs = ([], Just $ argsFlag "[ARGS]")
,modeHelp = unlines ["hledger's command line interface"]
,modeGroupModes = Group {
-- modes (commands) in named groups:
groupNamed = [
("Data entry commands", [
,("\nReporting commands", [
-- subcommands in the unnamed group, shown first:
groupUnnamed = [
++ case addons of [] -> []
cs -> [("\nAdd-on commands", map quickAddonCommandMode cs)]
-- modes in the unnamed group, shown first without a heading:
,groupUnnamed = [
-- subcommands in named groups:
,groupNamed = [
-- modes handled but not shown
-- subcommands handled but not shown in the help:
,groupHidden = [
] ++ map quickAddonCommandMode addons
,modeGroupFlags = Group {
-- flags in named groups:
groupNamed = [generalflagsgroup3]
-- flags in the unnamed group, shown last without a heading:
groupNamed = [
( "General input flags", inputflags)
,("\nGeneral reporting flags", reportflags)
,("\nGeneral help flags", helpflags)
-- flags in the unnamed group, shown last:
,groupUnnamed = []
-- flags accepted but not shown in the help:
-- flags handled but not shown in the help:
,groupHidden =
detailedversionflag :
inputflags -- included here so they'll not raise a confusing error if present with no COMMAND
-- ++ inputflags -- included here so they'll not raise a confusing error if present with no COMMAND
,modeHelpSuffix = lines $ regexReplace "PROGNAME" progname [here|Examples:
PROGNAME list commands
PROGNAME CMD [--] [OPTS] [ARGS] run a command (use -- with addon commands)
PROGNAME-CMD [OPTS] [ARGS] or run addon commands directly
PROGNAME -h hledger usage
PROGNAME CMD -h command usage
PROGNAME --man PROGNAME manual as man page
PROGNAME --info PROGNAME manual as info manual
PROGNAME help list help topics
PROGNAME man TOPIC TOPIC manual as man page
PROGNAME info TOPIC TOPIC manual as info manual
oldconvertmode = (defCommandMode ["convert"]) {
@ -160,8 +175,8 @@ argsToCliOpts args addons = do
-- Since we're not parsing flags as precisely as cmdargs here, this is
-- imperfect. We make a decent effort to:
-- - move all no-argument help and input flags
-- - move all required-argument help and input flags along with their values, space-separated or not
-- - move all no-argument help/input/report flags
-- - move all required-argument help/input/report flags along with their values, space-separated or not
-- - not confuse things further or cause misleading errors.
moveFlagsAfterCommand :: [String] -> [String]
moveFlagsAfterCommand args = moveArgs $ ensureDebugHasArg args
@ -197,11 +212,93 @@ isValue "-" = True
isValue ('-':_) = False
isValue _ = True
flagstomove = inputflags ++ helpflags
flagstomove = inputflags ++ reportflags ++ helpflags
noargflagstomove = concatMap flagNames $ filter ((==FlagNone).flagInfo) flagstomove
reqargflagstomove = -- filter (/= "debug") $
concatMap flagNames $ filter ((==FlagReq ).flagInfo) flagstomove
-- | Template for the commands list. Includes an entry for known (or
-- hypothetical) builtin and addon commands; these will be filtered
-- based on the commands found at runtime. COUNT is replaced with the
-- number of commands found. OTHERCMDS is replaced with an entry for
-- each unknown addon command found. The command descriptions here
-- should be synced with the commands' builtin help and the command
-- list in the hledger manual.
commandsListTemplate :: String
commandsListTemplate = [here|Commands available (COUNT):
Standard reports:
accounts show chart of accounts
balancesheet (bs) show a balance sheet
cashflow (cf) show a cashflow statement
incomestatement (is) show an income statement
transactions (txns) show transactions in some account
General reporting:
activity show a bar chart of posting counts per interval
balance (bal) show accounts and balances
budget add automated postings/txns/bucket accts (experimental)
chart generate simple balance pie charts (experimental)
check check more powerful balance assertions
check-dates check transactions are ordered by date
check-dupes check for accounts with the same leaf name
irr calculate internal rate of return of an investment
prices show market price records
print show transaction journal entries
print-unique show only transactions with unique descriptions
register (reg) show postings and running total
register-match show best matching transaction for a description
stats show some journal statistics
add console ui for adding transactions
api web api server
iadd curses ui for adding transactions
ui curses ui
web web ui
autosync download/deduplicate/convert OFX data
equity generate transactions to zero & restore account balances
interest generate interest transactions
rewrite add automated postings to certain transactions
test run some self tests
Help: (see also -h, CMD -h, --help|---man|--info)
help|man|info show any of the hledger manuals in text/man/info format
knownCommands :: [String]
knownCommands = sort $ commandsFromCommandsList commandsListTemplate
-- | Extract the command names from a commands list like the above:
-- the first word (or words separated by |) of lines beginning with a space.
commandsFromCommandsList :: String -> [String]
commandsFromCommandsList s = concatMap (splitOn "|") [w | ' ':l <- lines s, let w:_ = words l]
-- | Print the commands list, modifying the template above based on
-- the currently available addons. Missing addons will be removed, and
-- extra addons will be added under Misc.
printCommandsList :: [String] -> IO ()
printCommandsList addonsFound = putStr commandsList
commandsFound = builtinCommandNames ++ addonsFound
unknownCommandsFound = addonsFound \\ knownCommands
adjustline (' ':l) | not $ w `elem` commandsFound = []
where w = takeWhile (not . (`elem` "| ")) l
adjustline l = [l]
commandsList1 =
regexReplace "OTHERCMDS" (init $ unlines [' ':w | w <- unknownCommandsFound]) $
unlines $ concatMap adjustline $ lines commandsListTemplate
commandsList =
regexReplace "COUNT" (show $ length $ commandsFromCommandsList commandsList1)
-- | Let's go.
main :: IO ()
main = do
@ -234,21 +331,21 @@ main = do
dbgIO "raw args after command" argsaftercmd
-- Search PATH for add-ons, excluding any that match built-in command names
addonNames' <- hledgerAddons
let addonNames = filter (not . (`elem` builtinCommandNames) . dropExtension) addonNames'
addons' <- hledgerAddons
let addons = filter (not . (`elem` builtinCommandNames) . dropExtension) addons'
-- parse arguments with cmdargs
opts <- argsToCliOpts args addonNames
opts <- argsToCliOpts args addons
-- select an action and run it.
cmd = command_ opts -- the full matched internal or external command name, if any
isInternalCommand = cmd `elem` builtinCommandNames -- not (null cmd) && not (cmd `elem` addons)
isExternalCommand = not (null cmd) && cmd `elem` addonNames -- probably
isExternalCommand = not (null cmd) && cmd `elem` addons -- probably
isBadCommand = not (null rawcmd) && null cmd
hasVersion = ("--version" `elem`)
hasDetailedVersion = ("--version+" `elem`)
printUsage = putStr $ showModeUsage $ mainmode addonNames
printUsage = putStr $ showModeUsage $ mainmode addons
badCommandError = error' ("command "++rawcmd++" is not recognized, run with no command to see a list") >> exitFailure
hasShortHelpFlag args = any (`elem` args) ["-h"]
hasLongHelpFlag args = any (`elem` args) ["--help"]
@ -276,16 +373,16 @@ main = do
-- high priority flags and situations. -h, then --help, then --info are highest priority.
| hasShortHelpFlag argsbeforecmd = dbgIO "" "-h before command, showing general usage" >> printUsage
| hasLongHelpFlag argsbeforecmd = dbgIO "" "--help before command, showing general manual" >> printHelpForTopic (topicForMode $ mainmode addonNames)
| hasManFlag argsbeforecmd = dbgIO "" "--man before command, showing general manual with man" >> runManForTopic (topicForMode $ mainmode addonNames)
| hasInfoFlag argsbeforecmd = dbgIO "" "--info before command, showing general manual with info" >> runInfoForTopic (topicForMode $ mainmode addonNames)
| hasLongHelpFlag argsbeforecmd = dbgIO "" "--help before command, showing general manual" >> printHelpForTopic (topicForMode $ mainmode addons)
| hasManFlag argsbeforecmd = dbgIO "" "--man before command, showing general manual with man" >> runManForTopic (topicForMode $ mainmode addons)
| hasInfoFlag argsbeforecmd = dbgIO "" "--info before command, showing general manual with info" >> runInfoForTopic (topicForMode $ mainmode addons)
| not (hasSomeHelpFlag argsaftercmd) && (hasVersion argsbeforecmd || (hasVersion argsaftercmd && isInternalCommand))
= putStrLn prognameandversion
| not (hasSomeHelpFlag argsaftercmd) && (hasDetailedVersion argsbeforecmd || (hasDetailedVersion argsaftercmd && isInternalCommand))
= putStrLn prognameanddetailedversion
-- \| (null externalcmd) && "binary-filename" `inRawOpts` rawopts = putStrLn $ binaryfilename progname
-- \| "--browse-args" `elem` args = System.Console.CmdArgs.Helper.execute "cmdargs-browser" mainmode' args >>= (putStr . show)
| isNullCommand = dbgIO "" "no command, showing general usage" >> printUsage
| isNullCommand = dbgIO "" "no command, showing commands list" >> printCommandsList addons
| isBadCommand = badCommandError
-- internal commands

View File

@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ library
, directory
, file-embed >=0.0.10 && <0.1
, filepath
, here
, pretty-show >=1.6.4
, process
, temporary
@ -171,6 +172,7 @@ executable hledger
, directory
, file-embed >=0.0.10 && <0.1
, filepath
, here
, pretty-show >=1.6.4
, process
, temporary
@ -232,6 +234,7 @@ test-suite test
, directory
, file-embed >=0.0.10 && <0.1
, filepath
, here
, pretty-show >=1.6.4
, process
, temporary
@ -292,6 +295,7 @@ benchmark bench
, directory
, file-embed >=0.0.10 && <0.1
, filepath
, here
, pretty-show >=1.6.4
, process
, temporary

View File

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ dependencies:
- directory
- file-embed >=0.0.10 && <0.1
- filepath
- here
- pretty-show >=1.6.4
- process
- temporary

View File

@ -71,63 +71,67 @@ hledger balance --version
# help
# 3. with no command, show general help
# 3. with no command, show commands list
>>> /^hledger \[COMMAND\]/
>>> /^Commands available/
# 4. no-command help still works if there are flags, at least the common ones
hledger -fsomefile
>>> /^hledger \[COMMAND\]/
>>> /^Commands available/
# 5. and also with a space between flag and value
hledger -f somefile
>>> /^hledger \[COMMAND\]/
>>> /^Commands available/
# 6. with -h, and possibly other common flags present, show general usage
hledger -h --version -f /dev/null
>>> /^hledger \[COMMAND\]/
>>> /^hledger \[CMD\]/
# 7. with -h before COMMAND, show general usage
hledger -h balance --cost
>>> /^hledger \[COMMAND\]/
>>> /^hledger \[CMD\]/
# 8. with -h after command, show command usage
hledger balance -h
>>> /^balance \[OPTIONS\]/
>>> /balance \[OPTIONS\]/
# 9. should work with deprecated commands too
hledger convert -h
>>>2 /no longer needed/
# 10. with an unrecognised command, give general usage and non-zero exit status
# 9. with an unrecognised command, give an error and non-zero exit status
hledger nosuchcommand
>>>2 /not recognized/
>>>2 /not recognized.*to see a list/
# flag positions
# 11. most flags can not go before command
hledger --daily register
>>>2 /Unknown flag: --daily/
# 12. help and input flags can go before command
hledger -f /dev/null --alias somealiases --rules-file -h --help --version --debug 1 register --daily
>>> /^hledger \[COMMAND\]/
# 10. general flags can go before command
hledger -f /dev/null --alias somealiases --rules-file -h --help --version --debug 1 --daily register
>>> /^hledger \[CMD\]/
# 13. or after it, and spaces in options are optional
# 11. or after it, and spaces in options are optional
hledger register -f/dev/null --alias=somealiases --rules-file -h --version --debug 1 --daily
>>> /^register \[OPTIONS\]/
# 12. general flags before command should work
hledger -f /dev/null --daily register
# 13. command-specific flags can go after command
hledger -f /dev/null register --daily
# 14. but not before it
hledger --related register
>>>2 /Unknown flag: --related/