journal: account directive: stop supporting account sort codes

Eg "account   1000". (Introduced in 1.9, deprecated in 1.11, removed in 1.13.)
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2019-01-14 02:42:47 -08:00
parent cc0764eac2
commit 899946f270

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@ -263,10 +263,8 @@ accountdirectivep = do
matype :: Maybe AccountType <- lift $ fmap (fromMaybe Nothing) $ optional $ try $ do
skipSome spacenonewline -- at least one more space in addition to the one consumed by modifiedaccountp
choice [
-- a numeric account code, as supported in 1.9-1.10 ? currently ignored
some digitChar >> return Nothing
-- a letter account type code (ALERX), as added in 1.11 ?
,char 'A' >> return (Just Asset)
char 'A' >> return (Just Asset)
,char 'L' >> return (Just Liability)
,char 'E' >> return (Just Equity)
,char 'R' >> return (Just Revenue)
@ -843,7 +841,6 @@ tests_JournalReader = tests "JournalReader" [
,test "accountdirectivep" $ do
test "with-comment" $ expectParse accountdirectivep "account a:b ; a comment\n"
test "does-not-support-!" $ expectParseError accountdirectivep "!account a:b\n" ""
test "account-sort-code" $ expectParse accountdirectivep "account a:b 1000\n"
test "account-type-code" $ expectParse accountdirectivep "account a:b A\n"
test "account-type-tag" $ expectParse accountdirectivep "account a:b ; type:asset\n"