budget: fix inconsistent hiding of unbudgeted accounts

Accounts which have no budget goals within the report period are now
grouped under <unbudgeted> - not just accounts with no budget goals ever.

Haddocks have been clarified, especially for budgetRollup. In some
ways things are much clearer without this feature, but it remains
enabled by default for now.
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2018-04-23 14:18:13 -07:00
parent 8759f12b63
commit 8b650d8e4f

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@ -58,19 +58,30 @@ type BudgetAverage = Average
-- | A budget report tracks expected and actual changes per account and subperiod.
type BudgetReport = PeriodicReport (Maybe Change, Maybe BudgetGoal)
-- | Calculate budget goals from periodic transactions with the specified report interval,
-- calculate actual inflows/outflows from the regular transactions (adjusted to match the
-- budget goals' account tree), and return both as a 'BudgetReport'.
-- | Calculate budget goals from all periodic transactions,
-- actual balance changes from the regular transactions,
-- and compare these to get a 'BudgetReport'.
-- Unbudgeted accounts may be hidden or renamed (see budgetRollup).
budgetReport :: ReportOpts -> Bool -> Bool -> DateSpan -> Day -> Journal -> BudgetReport
budgetReport ropts assrt showunbudgeted reportspan d j =
budgetj = budgetJournal assrt ropts reportspan j
actualj = budgetRollUp showunbudgeted budgetj j
q = queryFromOpts d ropts
budgetedacctsinperiod =
dbg2 "budgetedacctsinperiod" $
accountNamesFromPostings $
concatMap tpostings $
concatMap (flip runPeriodicTransaction reportspan) $
jperiodictxns j
actualj =
budgetRollUp budgetedacctsinperiod showunbudgeted
-- (if showunbudgeted then id else budgetRollUp budgetedacctsinperiod True budgetj)
q = queryFromOpts d ropts
budgetgoalreport = dbg1 "budgetgoalreport" $ multiBalanceReport ropts q budgetj
actualreport = dbg1 "actualreport" $ multiBalanceReport ropts q actualj
dbg1 "budgetreport" $
dbg1 "budgetreport" $
-- (if showunbudgeted then id else hideUnbudgetedAccounts budgetedacctsinperiod) $
combineBudgetAndActual budgetgoalreport actualreport
-- | Use all periodic transactions in the journal to generate
@ -90,25 +101,68 @@ budgetJournal assrt _ropts reportspan j =
makeBudgetTxn t = txnTieKnot $ t { tdescription = T.pack "Budget transaction" }
-- | Re-map account names to closest parent with periodic transaction from budget.
-- Accounts that don't have suitable parent are either remapped to "<unbudgeted>:topAccount"
-- or left as-is if --show-unbudgeted is provided.
budgetRollUp :: Bool -> Journal -> Journal -> Journal
budgetRollUp showunbudgeted budget j = j { jtxns = remapTxn <$> jtxns j }
budgetAccounts = nub $ concatMap (map paccount . ptpostings) $ jperiodictxns budget
remapAccount origAcctName = remapAccount' origAcctName
remapAccount' acctName
| acctName `elem` budgetAccounts = acctName
| otherwise =
case parentAccountName acctName of
"" | showunbudgeted -> origAcctName
| otherwise -> unbudgetedAccount <> acctsep <> acctName
parent -> remapAccount' parent
remapPosting p = p { paccount = remapAccount $ paccount p, porigin = Just . fromMaybe p $ porigin p }
remapTxn = mapPostings (map remapPosting)
-- variations on hiding unbudgeted accounts:
-- | Adjust a journal for budget reporting, hiding all or most unbudgeted subaccounts.
-- Specifically,
-- - account names with no budget goal are rewritten to their closest parent with a budget goal
-- (thereby hiding unbudgeted subaccounts of budgeted accounts, regardless of depth limit).
-- - accounts with no budgeted parent are rewritten to "<unbudgeted>:topaccountname"
-- (hiding subaccounts of unbudgeted accounts, regardless of depth limit),
-- unless --show-unbudgeted is provided.
-- This is slightly inconsistent/confusing but probably useful.
budgetRollUp :: [AccountName] -> Bool -> Journal -> Journal
budgetRollUp budgetedaccts showunbudgeted j = j { jtxns = remapTxn <$> jtxns j }
remapTxn = mapPostings (map remapPosting)
mapPostings f t = txnTieKnot $ t { tpostings = f $ tpostings t }
remapPosting p = p { paccount = remapAccount $ paccount p, porigin = Just . fromMaybe p $ porigin p }
remapAccount origAcctName = remapAccount' origAcctName
remapAccount' a
| a `elem` budgetedaccts = a
| not (T.null parent) = remapAccount' parent
| showunbudgeted = origAcctName
| otherwise = unbudgetedAccount <> acctsep <> a
parent = parentAccountName a
--type PeriodicReportRow a =
-- ( AccountName -- A full account name.
-- , AccountName -- Shortened form of the account name to display in tree mode. Usually the leaf name, possibly with parent accounts prefixed.
-- , Int -- Indent level for displaying this account name in tree mode. 0, 1, 2...
-- , [a] -- The data value for each subperiod.
-- , a -- The total of this row's values.
-- , a -- The average of this row's values.
-- )
-- XXX doesn't work right with depth limit, show-unbudgeted, tree mode
-- | Adjust a budget report, altering the account name for any rows which have no
-- budget goals in any period, so that they are grouped under a special "unbudgeted"
-- prefix, and moving all "unbudgeted" rows to the end.
hideOrRenameUnbudgetedAccounts :: [AccountName] -> BudgetReport -> BudgetReport
hideOrRenameUnbudgetedAccounts budgetedaccts (PeriodicReport (spans, rows, totalrow)) =
PeriodicReport (spans, rs ++ unbudgetedrs, totalrow)
(rs, unbudgetedrs) = partition (any (isJust . snd) . fourth6) $ map renameacct rows
renameacct r@(a, a', indent, vals, tot, avg) =
-- if any (isJust . snd) vals
if a `elem` budgetedaccts
then r
else (rename a, mayberename a', indent, vals, tot, avg)
rename = ("<unbudgeted>:"<>)
mayberename = id -- XXX
-- | Adjust a budget report, removing any rows which do not correspond to
-- one of the provided budgeted accounts.
hideUnbudgetedAccounts :: [AccountName] -> BudgetReport -> BudgetReport
hideUnbudgetedAccounts budgetedaccts (PeriodicReport (spans, rows, totalrow)) =
PeriodicReport (spans, filter ((`elem` budgetedaccts) . first6) rows, totalrow)
-- | Combine a per-account-and-subperiod report of budget goals, and one
-- of actual change amounts, into a budget performance report.
@ -164,7 +218,7 @@ combineBudgetAndActual
-- combine and re-sort rows
-- TODO: respect hierarchy in tree mode
-- TODO: respect --sort-amount
-- TODO: add --sort-budget
-- TODO: add --sort-budget to sort by budget goal amount
rows :: [PeriodicReportRow (Maybe Change, Maybe BudgetGoal)] =
sortBy (comparing first6) $ rows1 ++ rows2
-- massive duplication from multiBalanceReport to handle tree mode sorting ?