accountNameTreeFrom optimisation experiments

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2009-05-29 03:00:56 +00:00
parent df3eb6a2cb
commit 8cb526f655

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction#-}
'AccountName's are strings like @assets:cash:petty@.
@ -9,6 +10,9 @@ module Ledger.AccountName
import Ledger.Utils
import Ledger.Types
import Data.Map ((!), fromList, Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- change to use a different separator for nested accounts
@ -46,29 +50,85 @@ parentAccountNames a = parentAccountNames' $ parentAccountName a
parentAccountNames' a = [a] ++ (parentAccountNames' $ parentAccountName a)
isAccountNamePrefixOf :: AccountName -> AccountName -> Bool
p `isAccountNamePrefixOf` s = ((p ++ [acctsepchar]) `isPrefixOf` s)
p `isAccountNamePrefixOf` s = ((p ++ [acctsepchar] ) `isPrefixOf` s)
isSubAccountNameOf :: AccountName -> AccountName -> Bool
s `isSubAccountNameOf` p =
(p `isAccountNamePrefixOf` s) && (accountNameLevel s == (accountNameLevel p + 1))
-- | From a list of account names, select those which are direct
-- subaccounts of the given account name.
subAccountNamesFrom :: [AccountName] -> AccountName -> [AccountName]
subAccountNamesFrom accts a = filter (`isSubAccountNameOf` a) accts
-- | We could almost get by with just the AccountName manipulations
-- above, but we need smarter structures to eg display the account
-- tree with boring accounts elided. This converts a list of
-- AccountName to a tree (later we will convert that to a tree of
-- 'Account'.)
-- | Convert a list of account names to a tree.
accountNameTreeFrom :: [AccountName] -> Tree AccountName
accountNameTreeFrom accts =
Node "top" (accountsFrom (topAccountNames accts))
accountNameTreeFrom = accountNameTreeFrom1
accountNameTreeFrom1 accts =
Node "top" (accounttreesfrom (topAccountNames accts))
accountsFrom :: [AccountName] -> [Tree AccountName]
accountsFrom [] = []
accountsFrom as = [Node a (accountsFrom $ subs a) | a <- as]
accounttreesfrom :: [AccountName] -> [Tree AccountName]
accounttreesfrom [] = []
accounttreesfrom as = [Node a (accounttreesfrom $ subs a) | a <- as]
subs = subAccountNamesFrom (expandAccountNames accts)
accountNameTreeFrom2 accts =
Node "top" $ unfoldForest (\a -> (a, subs a)) $ topAccountNames accts
subs = subAccountNamesFrom allaccts
allaccts = expandAccountNames accts
-- subs' a = subsmap ! a
-- subsmap :: Map AccountName [AccountName]
-- subsmap = Data.Map.fromList [(a, subAccountNamesFrom allaccts a) | a <- allaccts]
accountNameTreeFrom3 accts =
Node "top" $ forestfrom allaccts $ topAccountNames accts
-- drop accts from the list of potential subs as we add them to the tree
forestfrom :: [AccountName] -> [AccountName] -> Forest AccountName
forestfrom subaccts accts =
[let subaccts' = subaccts \\ accts in Node a $ forestfrom subaccts' (subAccountNamesFrom subaccts' a) | a <- accts]
allaccts = expandAccountNames accts
-- a more efficient tree builder from Cale Gibbard
newtype Tree' a = T (Map a (Tree' a))
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
mergeTrees :: (Ord a) => Tree' a -> Tree' a -> Tree' a
mergeTrees (T m) (T m') = T (M.unionWith mergeTrees m m')
emptyTree = T M.empty
pathtree :: [a] -> Tree' a
pathtree [] = T M.empty
pathtree (x:xs) = T (M.singleton x (pathtree xs))
fromPaths :: (Ord a) => [[a]] -> Tree' a
fromPaths = foldl' mergeTrees emptyTree . map pathtree
-- the above, but trying to build Tree directly
-- mergeTrees' :: (Ord a) => Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
-- mergeTrees' (Node m ms) (Node m' ms') = Node undefined (ms `union` ms')
-- emptyTree' = Node "top" []
-- pathtree' :: [a] -> Tree a
-- pathtree' [] = Node undefined []
-- pathtree' (x:xs) = Node x [pathtree' xs]
-- fromPaths' :: (Ord a) => [[a]] -> Tree a
-- fromPaths' = foldl' mergeTrees' emptyTree' . map pathtree'
converttree :: [AccountName] -> Tree' AccountName -> [Tree AccountName]
converttree parents (T m) = [Node (accountNameFromComponents $ parents ++ [a]) (converttree (parents++[a]) b) | (a,b) <- M.toList m]
accountNameTreeFrom4 :: [AccountName] -> Tree AccountName
accountNameTreeFrom4 accts = Node "top" (converttree [] $ fromPaths $ map accountNameComponents accts)
-- | Elide an account name to fit in the specified width.
-- From the ledger 2.6 news: