parsing: historical price directives may contain a numeric time zone, like ledger; note that the time is ignored

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2011-06-01 01:50:04 +00:00
parent 946e5ffcbc
commit 8d62452260
3 changed files with 60 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -290,6 +290,8 @@ historical price directive (P) as shown:
expenses:foreign currency €100
Note: a time and numeric time zone are allowed in historical price directives, but currently ignored.
Or, you can write a transaction in two commodities, without prices but
with all amounts specified, and a conversion price will be inferred so as
to balance the transaction:

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@ -123,8 +123,11 @@ import Data.List
import Data.List.Split (wordsBy)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time.Calendar
-- import Data.Time.Clock
-- import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Safe (headDef)
-- import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import Test.HUnit
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (parse)
import Text.Printf
@ -364,6 +367,8 @@ ledgerTransaction = do
postings <- ledgerpostings
return $ txnTieKnot $ Transaction date edate status code description comment md postings ""
-- | Parse a date in YYYY/MM/DD format. Fewer digits are allowed. The year
-- may be omitted if a default year has already been set.
ledgerdate :: GenParser Char JournalContext Day
ledgerdate = do
-- hacky: try to ensure precise errors for invalid dates
@ -383,6 +388,10 @@ ledgerdate = do
Just date -> return date
<?> "full or partial date"
-- | Parse a date and time in YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM[:SS][+-ZZZZ] format. Any
-- timezone will be ignored; the time is treated as local time. Fewer
-- digits are allowed, except in the timezone. The year may be omitted if
-- a default year has already been set.
ledgerdatetime :: GenParser Char JournalContext LocalTime
ledgerdatetime = do
day <- ledgerdate
@ -394,14 +403,22 @@ ledgerdatetime = do
m <- many1 digit
let m' = read m
guard $ m' >= 0 && m' <= 59
s <- optionMaybe $ do
char ':'
many1 digit
s <- optionMaybe $ char ':' >> many1 digit
let s' = case s of Just sstr -> read sstr
Nothing -> 0
Nothing -> 0
guard $ s' >= 0 && s' <= 59
let tod = TimeOfDay h' m' (fromIntegral s')
return $ LocalTime day tod
{- tz <- -}
optionMaybe $ do
plusminus <- oneOf "-+"
d1 <- digit
d2 <- digit
d3 <- digit
d4 <- digit
return $ plusminus:d1:d2:d3:d4:""
-- ltz <- liftIO $ getCurrentTimeZone
-- let tz' = maybe ltz (fromMaybe ltz . parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%z") tz
-- return $ localTimeToUTC tz' $ LocalTime day $ TimeOfDay h' m' (fromIntegral s')
return $ LocalTime day $ TimeOfDay h' m' (fromIntegral s')
ledgereffectivedate :: Day -> GenParser Char JournalContext Day
ledgereffectivedate actualdate = do
@ -729,13 +746,20 @@ tests_Hledger_Read_JournalReader = TestList [
assertParse (parseWithCtx nullctx{ctxYear=Just 2011} ledgerdate "1/1")
,"ledgerdatetime" ~: do
assertParseFailure (parseWithCtx nullctx ledgerdatetime "2011/1/1")
assertParseFailure (parseWithCtx nullctx ledgerdatetime "2011/1/1 24:00:00")
assertParseFailure (parseWithCtx nullctx ledgerdatetime "2011/1/1 00:60:00")
assertParseFailure (parseWithCtx nullctx ledgerdatetime "2011/1/1 00:00:60")
assertParse (parseWithCtx nullctx ledgerdatetime "2011/1/1 00:00")
assertParse (parseWithCtx nullctx ledgerdatetime "2011/1/1 23:59:59")
assertParse (parseWithCtx nullctx ledgerdatetime "2011/1/1 3:5:7")
let p = do {t <- ledgerdatetime; eof; return t}
bad = assertParseFailure . parseWithCtx nullctx p
good = assertParse . parseWithCtx nullctx p
bad "2011/1/1"
bad "2011/1/1 24:00:00"
bad "2011/1/1 00:60:00"
bad "2011/1/1 00:00:60"
good "2011/1/1 00:00"
good "2011/1/1 23:59:59"
good "2011/1/1 3:5:7"
-- timezone is parsed but ignored
let startofday = LocalTime (fromGregorian 2011 1 1) (TimeOfDay 0 0 (fromIntegral 0))
assertParseEqual (parseWithCtx nullctx p "2011/1/1 00:00-0800") startofday
assertParseEqual (parseWithCtx nullctx p "2011/1/1 00:00+1234") startofday
,"ledgerDefaultYear" ~: do
assertParse (parseWithCtx nullctx ledgerDefaultYear "Y 2010\n")

tests/timezone.test Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# timezone-related tests
# 1. as in ledger, historical prices may contain a time and timezone.
# hledger ignores them and uses 00:00 local time instead.
bin/hledger -f - balance --no-total --cost
P 2011/01/01 00:00:00 A $1
P 2011/01/01 15:00:00-0100 A $2
(20101231) 1 A
(20110101) 1 A
(20110102) 1 A
1 A 20101231
$2 20110101
$2 20110102