;tools: Shake cmddocs: ignore failures when running hledger -h

Eg if it's not yet built/buildable, carry on without updating the flag docs.
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2024-06-07 18:37:34 -07:00
parent 91d5308783
commit 8e0326b521

View File

@ -598,27 +598,38 @@ main = do
need commandmdsnew
when commit $ commitIfChanged ";doc: update command flag docs" commandmds
-- hledger/Hledger/Cli/Commands/CMD.md.new: updates the command-specific flags help
-- within hledger/Hledger/Cli/Commands/CMD.md. Runs "stack exec -- hledger CMD -h".
-- hledger/Hledger/Cli/Commands/CMD.md.new: a phony target that updates the flags doc
-- within hledger/Hledger/Cli/Commands/CMD.md. Runs "stack run -- hledger CMD -h" to get the latest.
-- If that fails, a warning is printed and it carries on, keeping the old flags doc.
phonys $ \out ->
if not $ ".md.new" `isSuffixOf` out
if not $ "hledger/Hledger/Cli/Commands/" `isPrefixOf` out && ".md.new" `isSuffixOf` out
then Nothing
else Just $ do
let src = dropExtension out
need [src]
liftIO $ putStrLn ("running hledger, updating flags in " <> src)
srcls <- fmap lines $ liftIO $ readFileStrictly src
(pre,rest) = break (=="```flags") srcls
(_,post) = span (/="```") rest
let cmdname = map toLower $ takeBaseName src
cmdhelp <- lines . fromStdout <$> (cmd Shell $ "stack exec -- hledger -h " <> cmdname :: Action (Stdout String))
cmdflagshelp = takeWhile (not.null) $ dropWhile (/="Flags:") cmdhelp
| null cmdflagshelp = ["Flags:","no command-specific flags"]
| otherwise = cmdflagshelp
liftIO $ writeFile src $ unlines $ concat [pre, ["```flags"], cmdflagshelp', post]
let shellcmd = "stack exec -- hledger -h " <> cmdname
liftIO $ putStrLn ("running " <> shellcmd <> " to update flags in " <> src)
cmdhelp <- lines . fromStdout <$> (cmd Shell shellcmd :: Action (Stdout String))
cmdflagshelp = takeWhile (not.null) $ dropWhile (/="Flags:") cmdhelp
| null cmdflagshelp = ["Flags:","no command-specific flags"]
| otherwise = cmdflagshelp
liftIO $ writeFile src $ unlines $ concat [pre, ["```flags"], cmdflagshelp', post]
-- This is supposed to print the error but otherwise ignore it, making this action a no-op,
-- in case hledger is not yet built/runnable.
`actionCatch` \(e::C.IOException) -> return ()
-- XXX should somehow control the output and elide the verbose "not found on path" errors
-- let elide err
-- | "path: [" `isInfixOf` err = takeWhile (/='[') err <> "..."
-- | otherwise = err
-- in \(e::C.IOException) -> liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ elide $ show e -- not used
-- Regenerate Hledger/Cli/Commands/*.txt, rendering the corresponding .md files as plain text.
-- Also updates cmddocs first.