lib: refactor

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2018-04-19 16:49:05 -07:00
parent 0c835acd18
commit 91e3ddd4fb

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@ -485,21 +485,21 @@ filterJournalTransactionsByAccount apats j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=filter tm
-- | Do post-parse processing on a parsed journal to make it ready for
-- use. Reverse parsed data to normal order, canonicalise amount
-- use. Reverse parsed data to normal order, standardise amount
-- formats, check/ensure that transactions are balanced, and maybe
-- check balance assertions.
journalFinalise :: ClockTime -> FilePath -> Text -> Bool -> ParsedJournal -> Either String Journal
journalFinalise t path txt assrt j@Journal{jfiles=fs} = do
(journalTieTransactions <$>
(journalBalanceTransactions assrt $
journalApplyCommodityStyles $
j{ jfiles = (path,txt) : reverse fs
, jlastreadtime = t
, jtxns = reverse $ jtxns j -- NOTE: see addTransaction
, jmodifiertxns = reverse $ jmodifiertxns j -- NOTE: see addModifierTransaction
, jperiodictxns = reverse $ jperiodictxns j -- NOTE: see addPeriodicTransaction
, jmarketprices = reverse $ jmarketprices j -- NOTE: see addMarketPrice
journalFinalise t path txt assrt j@Journal{jfiles=fs} =
journalTieTransactions <$>
(journalBalanceTransactions assrt $
journalApplyCommodityStyles $
j {jfiles = (path,txt) : reverse fs
,jlastreadtime = t
,jtxns = reverse $ jtxns j -- NOTE: see addTransaction
,jmodifiertxns = reverse $ jmodifiertxns j -- NOTE: see addModifierTransaction
,jperiodictxns = reverse $ jperiodictxns j -- NOTE: see addPeriodicTransaction
,jmarketprices = reverse $ jmarketprices j -- NOTE: see addMarketPrice
journalNumberAndTieTransactions = journalTieTransactions . journalNumberTransactions
@ -521,9 +521,12 @@ journalUntieTransactions t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=map (\p -> p{
-- message if any of them fail.
journalCheckBalanceAssertions :: Journal -> Either String Journal
journalCheckBalanceAssertions j =
runST $ journalBalanceTransactionsST True j
(return ()) (\_ _ -> return ()) (const $ return j) -- noops
runST $ journalBalanceTransactionsST
(return ())
(\_ _ -> return ())
(const $ return j)
-- | Check a posting's balance assertion and return an error if it
-- fails.
@ -561,59 +564,58 @@ checkBalanceAssertion p@Posting{ pbalanceassertion = Just (ass,_)} amt
(diffplus ++ showAmount diff)
checkBalanceAssertion _ _ = Right ()
-- | Environment for 'CurrentBalancesModifier'
data Env s = Env { eBalances :: HT.HashTable s AccountName MixedAmount
, eStoreTx :: Transaction -> ST s ()
, eAssrt :: Bool
, eStyles :: Maybe (M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle) }
-- | Monad transformer stack with a reference to a mutable hashtable
-- of current account balances and a mutable array of finished
-- transactions in original parsing order.
type CurrentBalancesModifier s = R.ReaderT (Env s) (ExceptT String (ST s))
-- | Fill in any missing amounts and check that all journal transactions
-- balance, or return an error message. This is done after parsing all
-- amounts and applying canonical commodity styles, since balancing
-- depends on display precision. Reports only the first error encountered.
journalBalanceTransactions :: Bool -> Journal -> Either String Journal
journalBalanceTransactions assrt j =
runST $
assrt -- check balance assertions also ?
(journalNumberTransactions j) -- journal to process
(newArray_ (1, genericLength $ jtxns j) :: forall s. ST s (STArray s Integer Transaction)) -- initialise state
(\arr tx -> writeArray arr (tindex tx) tx) -- update state
(fmap (\txns -> j{ jtxns = txns}) . getElems) -- summarise state
runST $ journalBalanceTransactionsST
assrt -- check balance assertions also ?
(journalNumberTransactions j) -- journal to process
(newArray_ (1, genericLength $ jtxns j) :: forall s. ST s (STArray s Integer Transaction)) -- initialise state
(\arr tx -> writeArray arr (tindex tx) tx) -- update state
(fmap (\txns -> j{ jtxns = txns}) . getElems) -- summarise state
-- | Generalization used in the definition of
-- 'journalBalanceTransactionsST and 'journalCheckBalanceAssertions'
-- | Helper used by 'journalBalanceTransactions' and 'journalCheckBalanceAssertions'.
journalBalanceTransactionsST ::
-> Journal
-> ST s txns
-- ^ creates transaction store
-> (txns -> Transaction -> ST s ())
-- ^ "store" operation
-> (txns -> ST s a)
-- ^ calculate result from transactions
-> ST s txns -- ^ initialise state
-> (txns -> Transaction -> ST s ()) -- ^ update state
-> (txns -> ST s a) -- ^ summarise state
-> ST s (Either String a)
journalBalanceTransactionsST assrt j createStore storeIn extract =
runExceptT $ do
bals <- lift $ HT.newSized size
txStore <- lift $ createStore
flip R.runReaderT (Env bals (storeIn txStore) assrt $
Just $ jinferredcommodities j) $ do
let env = Env bals
(storeIn txStore)
(Just $ jinferredcommodities j)
flip R.runReaderT env $ do
dated <- fmap snd . sortBy (comparing fst) . concat
<$> mapM' discriminateByDate (jtxns j)
<$> mapM' discriminateByDate (jtxns j)
mapM' checkInferAndRegisterAmounts dated
lift $ extract txStore
where size = genericLength $ journalPostings j
size = genericLength $ journalPostings j
-- | This converts a transaction into a list of objects whose dates
-- have to be considered when checking balance assertions and handled
-- by 'checkInferAndRegisterAmounts'.
-- | Monad transformer stack with a reference to a mutable hashtable
-- of current account balances and a mutable array of finished
-- transactions in original parsing order.
type CurrentBalancesModifier s = R.ReaderT (Env s) (ExceptT String (ST s))
-- | Environment for 'CurrentBalancesModifier'
data Env s = Env { eBalances :: HT.HashTable s AccountName MixedAmount
, eStoreTx :: Transaction -> ST s ()
, eAssrt :: Bool
, eStyles :: Maybe (M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle)
-- | This converts a transaction into a list of transactions or
-- postings whose dates have to be considered when checking
-- balance assertions and handled by 'checkInferAndRegisterAmounts'.
-- Transaction without balance assignments can be balanced and stored
-- immediately and their (possibly) dated postings are returned.
@ -626,25 +628,24 @@ discriminateByDate :: Transaction
discriminateByDate tx
| null (assignmentPostings tx) = do
styles <- R.reader $ eStyles
balanced <- lift $ ExceptT $ return
$ balanceTransaction styles tx
balanced <- lift $ ExceptT $ return $ balanceTransaction styles tx
storeTransaction balanced
return $ fmap (postingDate &&& (Left . removePrices))
$ tpostings $ balanced
return $
fmap (postingDate &&& (Left . removePrices)) $ tpostings $ balanced
| True = do
when (any (isJust . pdate) $ tpostings tx) $
throwError $ unlines $
["Not supported: Transactions with balance assignments "
,"AND dated postings without amount:\n"
, showTransaction tx]
return [(tdate tx, Right
$ tx { tpostings = removePrices <$> tpostings tx })]
[(tdate tx, Right $ tx { tpostings = removePrices <$> tpostings tx })]
-- | This function takes different objects describing changes to
-- account balances on a single day. It can handle either a single
-- posting (from an already balanced transaction without assigments)
-- or a whole transaction with assignments (which is required to no
-- posting with pdate set.).
-- | This function takes an object describing changes to
-- account balances on a single day - either a single posting
-- (from an already balanced transaction without assignments)
-- or a whole transaction with assignments (which is required to
-- have no posting with pdate set).
-- For a single posting, there is not much to do. Only add its amount
-- to its account and check the assertion, if there is one. This
@ -654,9 +655,9 @@ discriminateByDate tx
-- 'addAmountAndCheckBalance', if there is an amount. If there is no
-- amount, the amount is inferred by the assertion or left empty if
-- there is no assertion. Then, the transaction is balanced, the
-- inferred amount added to the balance (all in
-- 'balanceTransactionUpdate') and the resulting transaction with no
-- missing amounts is stored in the array, for later retrieval.
-- inferred amount added to the balance (all in 'balanceTransactionUpdate')
-- and the resulting transaction with no missing amounts is stored
-- in the array, for later retrieval.
-- Again in short:
@ -682,45 +683,42 @@ checkInferAndRegisterAmounts (Right oldTx) = do
(fmap (\a -> p { pamount = a, porigin = Just $ originalPosting p }) . setBalance (paccount p) . fst)
$ pbalanceassertion p
-- | Adds a posting's amonut to the posting's account balance and
-- checks a possible balance assertion. If there is no amount, it runs
-- the supplied fallback action.
addAmountAndCheckBalance :: (Posting -> CurrentBalancesModifier s Posting)
-- ^ action to execute, if posting has no amount
-> Posting
-> CurrentBalancesModifier s Posting
-- | Adds a posting's amount to the posting's account balance and
-- checks a possible balance assertion. Or if there is no amount,
-- runs the supplied fallback action.
addAmountAndCheckBalance ::
(Posting -> CurrentBalancesModifier s Posting) -- ^ action if posting has no amount
-> Posting
-> CurrentBalancesModifier s Posting
addAmountAndCheckBalance _ p | hasAmount p = do
newAmt <- addToBalance (paccount p) $ pamount p
assrt <- R.reader eAssrt
lift $ when assrt $ ExceptT $ return
$ checkBalanceAssertion p newAmt
lift $ when assrt $ ExceptT $ return $ checkBalanceAssertion p newAmt
return p
addAmountAndCheckBalance fallback p = fallback p
-- | Sets an account's balance to a given amount and returns the
-- difference of new and old amount
-- difference of new and old amount.
setBalance :: AccountName -> Amount -> CurrentBalancesModifier s MixedAmount
setBalance acc amt = liftModifier $ \Env{ eBalances = bals } -> do
old <- HT.lookup bals acc
let new = Mixed $ (amt :) $ maybe []
(filter ((/= acommodity amt) . acommodity) . amounts) old
(filter ((/= acommodity amt) . acommodity) . amounts) old
HT.insert bals acc new
return $ maybe new (new -) old
-- | Adds an amount to an account's balance and returns the resulting
-- balance
-- | Adds an amount to an account's balance and returns the resulting balance.
addToBalance :: AccountName -> MixedAmount -> CurrentBalancesModifier s MixedAmount
addToBalance acc amt = liftModifier $ \Env{ eBalances = bals } -> do
new <- maybe amt (+ amt) <$> HT.lookup bals acc
HT.insert bals acc new
return new
-- | Stores a transaction in the transaction array in original parsing
-- order.
-- | Stores a transaction in the transaction array in original parsing order.
storeTransaction :: Transaction -> CurrentBalancesModifier s ()
storeTransaction tx = liftModifier $ ($tx) . eStoreTx
-- | Helper function
-- | Helper function.
liftModifier :: (Env s -> ST s a) -> CurrentBalancesModifier s a
liftModifier f = R.ask >>= lift . lift . f