site: new system for generating versioned docs

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2017-01-04 16:17:39 -08:00
parent dd86596d30
commit 99f52f719a
7 changed files with 70 additions and 52 deletions

View File

@ -53,14 +53,15 @@ usage = unlines
,"./Shake.hs # compile this script"
,"./Shake # show commands"
,"./Shake docs # generate built-in manuals (plaintext, man, info)"
,"./Shake website # generate the web site (web manuals, web pages)"
-- ,"./Shake manpages # generate nroff files for man"
-- ,"./Shake txtmanpages # generate text man pages for embedding"
-- ,"./Shake infomanpages # generate info files for info"
-- ,"./Shake webmanpages # generate individual web man pages for hakyll"
-- ,"./Shake webmanall # generate all-in-one web manual for hakyll"
,"./Shake site/doc/VER/.snapshot # generate and save a versioned web site snapshot"
,"./Shake all # generate everything"
,"./Shake docs # generate general docs"
,"./Shake website # generate the web site"
,"./Shake manpages # generate nroff files for man"
,"./Shake txtmanpages # generate text man pages for embedding"
,"./Shake infomanpages # generate info files for info"
,"./Shake webmanpages # generate web man pages for hakyll"
,"./Shake webmanual # generate combined web man page for hakyll"
,"./Shake clean # clean generated files"
,"./Shake Clean # clean harder"
,"./Shake --help # show options, eg --color"
@ -93,8 +94,7 @@ main = do
-- "Shake" %> \out -> do
-- need [out <.> "hs"]
-- unit $ cmd "./Shake.hs --version" -- install libs via shebang line
-- unit $ cmd "stack ghc Shake.hs"
-- unit $ cmd "./Shake.hs" -- running as stack script installs deps and compiles
-- putLoud "You can now run ./Shake instead of ./Shake.hs"
phony "all" $ need ["docs", "website"]
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ main = do
-- manuals rendered to markdown, ready for web output by hakyll (site/
webmanpages = ["site" </> manpageNameToUri m <.>"md" | m <- manpageNames]
-- manuals rendered to markdown and combined, ready for web output by hakyll
webmanual = "site/"
webmanall = "site/"
-- hledger.1 -> hledger/doc, hledger_journal.5 -> hledger-lib/doc
manpageDir m
@ -208,11 +208,12 @@ main = do
phony "website" $ do
need $
webmanpages ++
cmd Shell (Cwd "site") "hakyll-std/hakyll-std" "build"
-- website also links to old manuals, which are generated manually
-- with ./Shake websnapshot and committed
-- use m4 and pandoc to process macros and filter content, leaving markdown suitable for web output
phony "webmanpages" $ need webmanpages
@ -239,29 +240,30 @@ main = do
">>" out
-- adjust and combine man page mds for single-page web output, using pandoc
phony "webmanual" $ need [ webmanual ]
phony "webmanall" $ need [ webmanall ]
webmanual %> \out -> do
webmanall %> \out -> do
need webmanpages
liftIO $ writeFile webmanual "* toc\n\n"
liftIO $ writeFile webmanall "* toc\n\n"
forM_ webmanpages $ \f -> do -- site/, site/
cmd Shell ("printf '\\n\\n' >>") webmanual :: Action ExitCode
cmd Shell ("printf '\\n\\n' >>") webmanall :: Action ExitCode
cmd Shell "pandoc" f "-t markdown --atx-headers"
-- "--filter doc/pandoc-drop-man-blocks"
"--filter doc/pandoc-drop-toc"
-- "--filter doc/pandoc-capitalize-headers"
"--filter doc/pandoc-demote-headers"
">>" webmanual :: Action ExitCode
-- check out and render manual pages for the current release also
phony "releasemanual" $ need [ "releasemanual0.27" ]
phony "releasemanual0.27" $ do
-- XXX under doc so hakyll-std will render it
cmd "mkdir -p site/doc/0.27" :: Action ExitCode
cmd Shell "git show 0.27:doc/ >site/doc/0.27/" :: Action ExitCode
cmd Shell "patch site/doc/0.27/ doc/manual0.27.diff "
">>" webmanall :: Action ExitCode
-- build the currently checked out web docs and save as a named snapshot
"site/doc/*/.snapshot" %> \out -> do
need [ webmanall ]
let snapshot = takeDirectory out
cmd Shell "mkdir -p" snapshot :: Action ExitCode
forM_ webmanpages $ \f -> do -- site/, site/
cmd Shell "cp" f (snapshot </> takeFileName f) :: Action ExitCode
cmd Shell "cp" "site/" snapshot :: Action ExitCode
cmd Shell "cp -r site/images" snapshot :: Action ExitCode
cmd Shell "touch" out -- :: Action ExitCode
-- build standard hakyll script used for site rendering
hakyllstd %> \out -> do
@ -281,7 +283,9 @@ main = do
phony "clean" $ do
putNormal "Cleaning generated files"
removeFilesAfter "." webmanpages
removeFilesAfter "." [webmanual]
removeFilesAfter "." [webmanall]
-- removeFilesAfter "." ["site/doc/[0-9]*"]
cmd Shell "rm -rf site/doc/[0-9]*"
phony "Clean" $ do
need ["clean"]

View File

@ -14,16 +14,19 @@ m4_dnl Links to dev and recent release versions of a manual.
m4_dnl $1 is the manual's web slug: hledger, hledger-ui, journal, csv etc.
m4_dnl The current version is hidden (or whatever) by highlightDocVersion in site.js.
<div class="versions">
This doc is for version **_version_**.
Available versions:
<a href="$1.html">_version_</a>
| <a href="doc/1.0/$1.html">1.0</a>
| <a href="doc/0.27/manual.html{{#}}$1">0.27</a>
<span class="docversions">m4_dnl
m4_dnl Too painful for static generation, insert from site.js instead
m4_dnl Available versions:
m4_dnl <a href="/$1.html">dev</a>
m4_dnl | <a href="/doc/1.1/$1.html">1.1</a>
m4_dnl | <a href="/doc/1.0/$1.html">1.0</a>
m4_dnl | <a href="/doc/0.27/manual.html#$1">0.27</a>
m4_define({{_toc_}}, {{* toc}})m4_dnl
* toc}})m4_dnl
m4_dnl _table_({{
m4_dnl | cell1 | cell2 ...

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
> <a name="hledger" />
> <div class="versions">
> This doc is for version **0.27**.
> Available versions:
> <a href="/manual.html">1.0</a>
> | <a href="doc/0.27/manual.html">0.27</a>
> </div>

site/.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -13,3 +13,4 @@

View File

@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ Static bits of the website.
In some cases these are rendered to _site/* by hakyll (via the
hakyll-std script), in others they are served directly from the git
working copy.
working copy. (?)

site/doc/README Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Snapshots of past versions of the web content.
These are in the "doc/" subdirectory so that hakyll-std will see them.
At each release, a new snapshot should be generated and committed.
Major releases should also be added to the "available
versions" links in site.js.

View File

@ -1,12 +1,28 @@
$(document).ready( function() {
function highlightDocVersion() {
$('.versions').each( function() {
function addDocVersions() {
var parts = window.location.pathname.split('/');
var page = parts.length > 0 ? parts[parts.length-1].slice(0,-5) : '';
var hash = window.location.hash.slice(1);
var topic = (page=='manual' && hash) ? hash : page;
var newhash = (page=='manual' && topic!='manual') ? ('#'+topic) : '';
var newpage = page=='manual' ? page : topic;
$('.docversions').html('Available versions: \
<a href="/'+newpage+'.html'+(page=='manual' ? newhash : '')+'">dev</a> \
| <a href="/doc/1.1/'+newpage+'.html'+(page=='manual' ? newhash : '')+'">1.1</a> \
| <a href="/doc/1.0/'+newpage+'.html'+(page=='manual' ? newhash : '')+'">1.0</a> \
| <a href="/doc/0.27/manual.html'+(topic=='manual' ? '' : ('#'+topic))+'">0.27</a> \
function highlightCurrentDocVersion() {
$('.docversions').each( function() {
var parts = window.location.pathname.split('/');
var dir = parts.length > 1 ? parts[parts.length-2] : '';
var ver = $.isNumeric(dir) ? dir : '1.1';
var ver = $.isNumeric(dir) ? dir : 'dev';
$(this).find('a').each( function() {
if ($(this).html() == ver)