only the add and web commands auto-create the journal file

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2011-09-23 03:53:14 +00:00
parent 992ce48093
commit 9b2a5f56e1
5 changed files with 32 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -81,9 +81,7 @@ Most [commands](#commands) query or operate on a
[journal file](#the-journal-file), which by default is `.hledger.journal`
in your home directory. You can specify a different file with the `-f`
option or `LEDGER_FILE` environment variable, or standard input with `-f
-`. If the journal file does not exist, an empty one will be
created. Aside from this, only the `add` and `web` commands can modify the
Options are similar across most commands, with some variations; use
`hledger COMMAND --help` for details. Most options must appear somewhere
@ -93,13 +91,13 @@ Arguments are also command-specific, but usually they are
[filter patterns](#filter-patterns) which select a subset of the journal,
eg transactions in a certain account.
To get started quickly, run `hledger add` and follow the prompts to enter
some transactions. Or, save this
To create an initial journal, run `hledger add` and follow the prompts to
enter some transactions. Or, save this
[sample file]( as
`.hledger.journal` in your home directory. Now try commands like these:
$ hledger # show available commands
$ hledger add # add some new transactions to the journal file
$ hledger add # add more transactions to the journal file
$ hledger balance # all accounts with aggregated balances
$ hledger balance --help # show help for balance command
$ hledger balance --depth 1 # only top-level accounts

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@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ module Hledger.Read (
import Control.Monad.Error
@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ import Data.List
import Safe (headDef)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getHomeDirectory)
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.IO (IOMode(..), withFile, stderr)
import Test.HUnit
@ -36,8 +39,8 @@ import Hledger.Data.Journal (nullctx)
import Hledger.Read.JournalReader as JournalReader
import Hledger.Read.TimelogReader as TimelogReader
import Hledger.Utils
import Prelude hiding (getContents)
import Hledger.Utils.UTF8 (getContents, hGetContents)
import Prelude hiding (getContents, writeFile)
import Hledger.Utils.UTF8 (getContents, hGetContents, writeFile)
journalenvvar = "LEDGER_FILE"
@ -91,21 +94,30 @@ journalFromPathAndString format fp s = do
readJournalFile :: Maybe String -> FilePath -> IO (Either String Journal)
readJournalFile format "-" = getContents >>= journalFromPathAndString format "(stdin)"
readJournalFile format f = do
ensureJournalFile f
requireJournalFile f
withFile f ReadMode $ \h -> hGetContents h >>= journalFromPathAndString format f
-- | Ensure there is a journal at the given file path, creating an empty one if needed.
-- | If the specified journal file does not exist, give a helpful error and quit.
requireJournalFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
requireJournalFile f = do
exists <- doesFileExist f
when (not exists) $ do
hPrintf stderr "The hledger journal file \"%s\" was not found.\n" f
hPrintf stderr "Please create it first, eg with hledger add, hledger web, or a text editor.\n"
hPrintf stderr "Or, specify an existing journal file with -f or LEDGER_FILE.\n"
-- | Ensure there is a journal file at the given path, creating an empty one if needed.
ensureJournalFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
ensureJournalFile f = do
exists <- doesFileExist f
when (not exists) $ do
hPrintf stderr "No journal file \"%s\", creating it.\n" f
hPrintf stderr "Edit this file or use \"hledger add\" or \"hledger web\" to add transactions.\n"
emptyJournal >>= writeFile f
hPrintf stderr "Creating hledger journal file \"%s\".\n" f
newJournalContent >>= writeFile f
-- | Give the content for a new auto-created journal file.
emptyJournal :: IO String
emptyJournal = do
newJournalContent :: IO String
newJournalContent = do
d <- getCurrentDay
return $ printf "; journal created %s by hledger\n\n" (show d)

View File

@ -515,7 +515,8 @@ handleAdd = do
Right t -> do
let t' = txnTieKnot t -- XXX move into balanceTransaction
liftIO $ appendToJournalFile journalpath $ showTransaction t'
liftIO $ do ensureJournalFile journalpath
appendToJournalFile journalpath $ showTransaction t'
-- setMessage $ toHtml $ (printf "Added transaction:\n%s" (show t') :: String)
setMessage [$hamlet|<span>Added transaction:<small><pre>#{chomp $ show t'}</pre></small>|]
redirectParams RedirectTemporary RegisterR [("add","1")]

View File

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ import System.Exit
import System.Process
import Text.Printf
import Hledger (ensureJournalFile)
import Hledger.Cli.Add
import Hledger.Cli.Balance
import Hledger.Cli.Convert
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ main = do
| "version" `in_` (rawopts_ opts) = putStrLn progversion
| "binary-filename" `in_` (rawopts_ opts) = putStrLn $ binaryfilename progname
| null cmd = putStr $ showModeHelp mainmode'
| cmd `isPrefixOf` "add" = showModeHelpOr addmode $ withJournalDo opts add
| cmd `isPrefixOf` "add" = showModeHelpOr addmode $ journalFilePathFromOpts opts >>= ensureJournalFile >> withJournalDo opts add
| cmd `isPrefixOf` "convert" = showModeHelpOr convertmode $ convert opts
| cmd `isPrefixOf` "test" = showModeHelpOr testmode $ runtests opts
| any (cmd `isPrefixOf`) ["accounts","balance"] = showModeHelpOr accountsmode $ withJournalDo opts balance

View File

@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
rm -f $$; bin/hledger register -f $$; rm -f $$
>>>2 /No journal file.*creating it/
>>>2 /journal file.*not found/
rm -f $$; bin/hledger balance --no-total -f $$; rm -f $$
>>>2 /No journal file.*creating it/
>>>2 /journal file.*not found/