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synced 2024-12-27 20:36:07 +03:00
commodity & amount style parser cleanups
This commit is contained in:
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ type Year = Integer
-- is saved for later use by eg the add command.
data JournalContext = Ctx {
ctxYear :: !(Maybe Year) -- ^ the default year most recently specified with Y
, ctxCommodityAndStyle :: !(Maybe (Commodity,AmountStyle)) -- ^ the default commodity and amount style most recently specified with D
, ctxDefaultCommodityAndStyle :: !(Maybe (Commodity,AmountStyle)) -- ^ the default commodity and amount style most recently specified with D
, ctxAccount :: ![AccountName] -- ^ the current stack of parent accounts/account name components
-- specified with "account" directive(s). Concatenated, these
-- are the account prefix prepended to parsed account names.
@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ setYear y = updateState (\ctx -> ctx{ctxYear=Just y})
getYear :: GenParser tok JournalContext (Maybe Integer)
getYear = liftM ctxYear getState
setCommodityAndStyle :: (Commodity,AmountStyle) -> GenParser tok JournalContext ()
setCommodityAndStyle cs = updateState (\ctx -> ctx{ctxCommodityAndStyle=Just cs})
setDefaultCommodityAndStyle :: (Commodity,AmountStyle) -> GenParser tok JournalContext ()
setDefaultCommodityAndStyle cs = updateState (\ctx -> ctx{ctxDefaultCommodityAndStyle=Just cs})
getCommodityAndStyle :: GenParser tok JournalContext (Maybe (Commodity,AmountStyle))
getCommodityAndStyle = ctxCommodityAndStyle `fmap` getState
getDefaultCommodityAndStyle :: GenParser tok JournalContext (Maybe (Commodity,AmountStyle))
getDefaultCommodityAndStyle = ctxDefaultCommodityAndStyle `fmap` getState
pushParentAccount :: String -> GenParser tok JournalContext ()
pushParentAccount parent = updateState addParentAccount
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ defaultcommoditydirective = do
char 'D' <?> "default commodity"
many1 spacenonewline
Amount{..} <- amountp
setCommodityAndStyle (acommodity, astyle)
setDefaultCommodityAndStyle (acommodity, astyle)
return $ return id
@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ leftsymbolamount = do
c <- commoditysymbol
sp <- many spacenonewline
(q,prec,dec,sep,seppos) <- numberp
let s = amountstyle{ascommodityside=L, ascommodityspaced=not $ null sp, asdecimalpoint=dec, asprecision=prec, asseparator=sep, asseparatorpositions=seppos}
let s = amountstyle{ascommodityside=L, ascommodityspaced=not $ null sp, asprecision=prec, asdecimalpoint=dec, asseparator=sep, asseparatorpositions=seppos}
p <- priceamount
let applysign = if sign=="-" then negate else id
return $ applysign $ Amount c q p s
@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ rightsymbolamount = do
sp <- many spacenonewline
c <- commoditysymbol
p <- priceamount
let s = amountstyle{ascommodityside=R, ascommodityspaced=not $ null sp, asdecimalpoint=dec, asprecision=prec, asseparator=sep, asseparatorpositions=seppos}
let s = amountstyle{ascommodityside=R, ascommodityspaced=not $ null sp, asprecision=prec, asdecimalpoint=dec, asseparator=sep, asseparatorpositions=seppos}
return $ Amount c q p s
<?> "right-symbol amount"
@ -683,10 +683,11 @@ nosymbolamount :: GenParser Char JournalContext Amount
nosymbolamount = do
(q,prec,dec,sep,seppos) <- numberp
p <- priceamount
defcs <- getCommodityAndStyle
-- apply the most recently seen default commodity and style to this commodityless amount
defcs <- getDefaultCommodityAndStyle
let (c,s) = case defcs of
Just (defc,defs) -> (defc, defs{asprecision=max (asprecision defs) prec})
Nothing -> ("", amountstyle{asdecimalpoint=dec, asprecision=prec, asseparator=sep, asseparatorpositions=seppos})
Nothing -> ("", amountstyle{asprecision=prec, asdecimalpoint=dec, asseparator=sep, asseparatorpositions=seppos})
return $ Amount c q p s
<?> "no-symbol amount"
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