cln: try to clarify transactionInferCostsFromEquity a bit

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Simon Michael 2023-06-06 20:36:35 -10:00
parent fb28db4320
commit 9d61e8193d

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@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ transactionAddInferredEquityPostings verbosetags equityAcct t =
type IdxPosting = (Int, Posting)
-- WARNING: twisty code ahead
-- XXX WARNING, the following code is twisty and hard to follow
-- | Add costs inferred from equity postings in this transaction.
-- For every adjacent pair of conversion postings, it will first search the postings
@ -240,62 +240,88 @@ type IdxPosting = (Int, Posting)
-- the costful and conversion postings, but don't add costs.
transactionInferCostsFromEquity :: Bool -> M.Map AccountName AccountType -> Transaction -> Either String Transaction
transactionInferCostsFromEquity dryrun acctTypes t = first (annotateErrorWithTransaction t . T.unpack) $ do
(conversionPairs, stateps) <- partitionAndCheckConversionPostings False acctTypes npostings
f <- transformIndexedPostingsF (addCostsToPostings dryrun) conversionPairs stateps
return t{tpostings = map (snd . f) npostings}
-- number the postings
let npostings = zip [0..] $ tpostings t
-- Identify all pairs of conversion postings and all other postings (with and without costs) in the transaction.
(conversionPairs, otherps) <- partitionAndCheckConversionPostings False acctTypes npostings
-- Generate a pure function that can be applied to each of this transaction's postings,
-- possibly modifying it, to produce the following end result:
-- 1. each pair of conversion postings, and the corresponding postings which balance them, are tagged for easy identification
-- 2. each pair of balancing postings which did't have an explicit cost, have had a cost calculated and added to one of them
-- 3. if any ambiguous situation was detected, an informative error is raised
updateposting <- transformIndexedPostingsF (addCostsToPostings dryrun) conversionPairs otherps
-- And if there was no error, use it to modify the transaction's postings
return t{tpostings = map (snd . updateposting) npostings}
-- Include indices for postings
npostings = zip [0..] $ tpostings t
-- A helper to apply addCostsToPostings to each pair of conversion postings,
-- while statefully consuming the other postings.
transformIndexedPostingsF f = evalStateT . fmap (appEndo . foldMap Endo) . traverse f
-- Given a pair of indexed conversion postings, and a state consisting of lists of
-- costful and costless non-conversion postings, create a function which adds a conversion cost
-- to the posting which matches the conversion postings if necessary,
-- and tags the conversion and matched postings. Then update the state by removing the
-- matched postings. If there are no matching postings or too much ambiguity,
-- return an error string annotated with the conversion postings.
-- If the first argument is true, do a dry run instead: identify and tag
-- the costful and conversion postings, but don't add costs.
-- Generate a state-updating function to be used by the above. Approximately:
-- given a pair of conversion postings, and two stateful lists representing the remaining
-- costful and costless other postings,
-- 1. consume two other postings which match the conversion postings
-- 2. add tags to the two conversion postings and the matched other postings
-- 3. add an explicit cost, if there is none, to one of matched other postings
-- or raise an informative error if ambiguity is found, or do nothing, as appropriate.
-- Or, if the first argument is true, do a dry run instead:
-- identify and tag
-- the costful and conversion postings, but don't add costs (and if there are no
-- costful postings at all, do nothing).
addCostsToPostings :: Bool -> (IdxPosting, IdxPosting)
-> StateT ([IdxPosting], [IdxPosting]) (Either Text) (IdxPosting -> IdxPosting)
addCostsToPostings dryrun' ((n1, cp1), (n2, cp2)) = StateT $ \(costps, otherps) -> do
-- Get the two conversion posting amounts, if possible
ca1 <- conversionPostingAmountNoCost cp1
ca2 <- conversionPostingAmountNoCost cp2
let -- The function to add costs and tag postings in the indexed list of postings
transformPostingF np costp (n,p) =
(n, if | n == np -> costp `postingAddTags` [("_price-matched","")]
| n == n1 || n == n2 -> p `postingAddTags` [("_conversion-matched","")]
| otherwise -> p)
-- All costful postings which match the conversion posting pair
matchingCostPs = mapMaybe (mapM $ costfulPostingIfMatchesBothAmounts ca1 ca2) costps
-- All other postings which match at least one of the conversion posting pair.
-- Add a corresponding cost to these postings, unless in dry run mode.
| dryrun' = [(n,(p, a)) | (n,p) <- otherps, let Just a = postingSingleAmount p]
| otherwise = mapMaybe (mapM $ addCostIfMatchesOneAmount ca1 ca2) otherps
-- Get the two conversion posting amounts, if possible
ca1 <- conversionPostingAmountNoCost cp1
ca2 <- conversionPostingAmountNoCost cp2
-- Approximately: add a cost and/or tag to this posting if appropriate.
transformPostingF np costp (n,p) =
(n, if | n == np -> costp `postingAddTags` [("_price-matched","")]
| n == n1 || n == n2 -> p `postingAddTags` [("_conversion-matched","")]
| otherwise -> p)
-- Annotate any errors with the conversion posting pair
first (annotateWithPostings [cp1, cp2]) $
if -- If a single costful posting matches the conversion postings,
-- delete it from the list of costful postings in the state, delete the
-- first matching costless posting from the list of costless postings
-- in the state, and return the transformation function with the new state.
| [(np, (costp, _))] <- matchingCostPs
, Just newcostps <- deleteIdx np costps
-> Right (transformPostingF np costp, (if dryrun' then costps else newcostps, otherps))
-- If no costful postings match the conversion postings, but some
-- of the costless postings match, check that the first such posting has a
-- different amount from all the others, and if so add a cost to it,
-- then delete it from the list of costless postings in the state,
-- and return the transformation function with the new state.
| [] <- matchingCostPs
, (np, (costp, amt)):nps <- matchingOtherPs
, not $ any (amountMatches amt . snd . snd) nps
, Just newotherps <- deleteIdx np otherps
-> Right (transformPostingF np costp, (costps, if dryrun' then otherps else newotherps))
-- Otherwise it's too ambiguous to make a guess, so return an error.
| otherwise -> Left "There is not a unique posting which matches the conversion posting pair:"
-- All costful postings which match the conversion posting pair
matchingCostPs = mapMaybe (mapM $ costfulPostingIfMatchesBothAmounts ca1 ca2) costps
-- All other single-commodity postings whose amount matches at least one of the conversion postings,
-- with an explicit cost added. Or in dry run mode, all other single-commodity postings.
| dryrun' = [(n,(p, a)) | (n,p) <- otherps, let Just a = postingSingleAmount p]
| otherwise = mapMaybe (mapM $ addCostIfMatchesOneAmount ca1 ca2) otherps
-- Annotate any errors with the conversion posting pair
first (annotateWithPostings [cp1, cp2]) $
-- If a single costful posting matches the conversion postings,
-- delete it from the list of costful postings in the state, delete the
-- first matching costless posting from the list of costless postings
-- in the state, and return the transformation function with the new state.
| [(np, (costp, _))] <- matchingCostPs
, Just newcostps <- deleteIdx np costps
-> Right (transformPostingF np costp, (if dryrun' then costps else newcostps, otherps))
-- If no costful postings match the conversion postings, but some
-- of the costless postings match, check that the first such posting has a
-- different amount from all the others, and if so add a cost to it,
-- then delete it from the list of costless postings in the state,
-- and return the transformation function with the new state.
| [] <- matchingCostPs
, (np, (costp, amt)):nps <- matchingOtherPs
, not $ any (amountMatches amt . snd . snd) nps
, Just newotherps <- deleteIdx np otherps
-> Right (transformPostingF np costp, (costps, if dryrun' then otherps else newotherps))
-- Otherwise it's too ambiguous to make a guess, so return an error.
| otherwise -> Left "There is not a unique posting which matches the conversion posting pair:"
-- If a posting with cost matches both the conversion amounts, return it along
-- with the matching amount which must be present in another non-conversion posting.