;ui: refactor: consolidate EditorType definition and related code

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2019-12-14 17:37:29 -08:00
parent 47567cd770
commit a09513c3fb

View File

@ -15,9 +15,6 @@ import System.Process
import Hledger
-- | Editors we know how to create more specific command lines for.
data EditorType = Emacs | EmacsClient | Vi | Other
-- | A position we can move to in a text editor: a line and optional column number.
-- 1 (or 0) means the first and -1 means the last (and -2 means the second last, etc.
-- though this may not be well supported.)
@ -50,17 +47,34 @@ editorCommand = do
<|> Just "emacsclient -a '' -nw"
return cmd
-- | Editors which we know how to open at a specific file position,
-- and Other for the rest.
data EditorType = Emacs | EmacsClient | Vi | Other
-- Identify which text editor is being used in the basic editor command, if possible.
identifyEditor :: String -> EditorType
identifyEditor cmd
| "emacsclient" `isPrefixOf` exe = EmacsClient
| "emacs" `isPrefixOf` exe = Emacs
| exe `elem` ["vi","nvim","vim","ex","view","gvim","gview","evim","eview","rvim","rview","rgvim","rgview"]
= Vi
| otherwise = Other
exe = lowercase $ takeFileName $ headDef "" $ words' cmd
-- | Get a shell command to start the user's preferred text editor, or a default,
-- and optionally jump to a given position in the file. This will be the basic
-- editor command, with the appropriate options added, if we know how.
-- Currently we know how to do this for emacs and vi.
-- Some examples:
-- $EDITOR=notepad -> "notepad FILE"
-- $EDITOR=vi -> "vi +LINE FILE"
-- $EDITOR=vi, line -1 -> "vi + FILE"
-- $EDITOR=emacs -> "emacs +LINE:COL FILE"
-- $EDITOR=emacs, line -1 -> "emacs FILE -f end-of-buffer"
-- $EDITOR not set -> "emacs -nw FILE -f end-of-buffer"
-- Some tests:
-- With: The command should be:
-- EDITOR=notepad -> "notepad FILE"
-- EDITOR=vi -> "vi +LINE FILE"
-- EDITOR=vi, line -1 -> "vi + FILE"
-- EDITOR=emacs -> "emacs +LINE:COL FILE"
-- EDITOR=emacs, line -1 -> "emacs FILE -f end-of-buffer"
-- EDITOR not set -> "emacs -nw FILE -f end-of-buffer"
editorOpenPositionCommand :: Maybe TextPosition -> FilePath -> IO String
editorOpenPositionCommand mpos f = do
@ -78,13 +92,3 @@ editorOpenPositionCommand mpos f = do
emacsposopt l mc = "+" ++ show l ++ maybe "" ((":"++).show) mc
viposopt l = "+" ++ if l >= 0 then show l else ""
-- Identify which text editor is used in the basic editor command, if possible.
identifyEditor :: String -> EditorType
identifyEditor cmd
| "emacsclient" `isPrefixOf` exe = EmacsClient
| "emacs" `isPrefixOf` exe = Emacs
| exe `elem` ["vi","nvim","vim","ex","view","gvim","gview","evim","eview","rvim","rview","rgvim","rgview"]
= Vi
| otherwise = Other
exe = lowercase $ takeFileName $ headDef "" $ words' cmd