mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 04:13:11 +03:00
Revert "Adding "--value"/"-V" option for balancesheet/incomestatement/cashflow and register (#361)"
This reverts commit b935cd2243
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ module Hledger.Reports.PostingsReport (
-- * Tests
@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ import Test.HUnit
import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Query
import Hledger.Utils
import Hledger.Reports.BalanceReport
import Hledger.Reports.ReportOptions
@ -89,31 +87,6 @@ postingsReport opts q j = (totallabel, items)
totallabel = "Total"
-- | Convert all the amounts in a postings report to
-- their value on the given date in their default valuation
-- commodities.
postingsReportValue :: Journal -> Day -> PostingsReport -> PostingsReport
postingsReportValue j d r = r'
(label,items) = r
r' = dbg8 "postingsReportValue" $
(label,[(pb,pe,pd,postingValue j d pp,mixedAmountValue j d a) | (pb,pe,pd,pp,a) <- items])
postingValue :: Journal -> Day -> Posting -> Posting
postingValue j d p = p'
Posting {pamount = pa, pbalanceassertion = pb, ptransaction = pt} = p
p' = p{pamount = mixedAmountValue j d pa
,pbalanceassertion = mixedAmountValue j d <$> pb
,ptransaction = transactionValue j d <$> pt
transactionValue :: Journal -> Day -> Transaction -> Transaction
transactionValue j d t = t'
Transaction {tpostings = tp} = t
t' = t{tpostings = map (postingValue j d) tp}
-- | Adjust report start/end dates to more useful ones based on
-- journal data and report intervals. Ie:
-- 1. If the start date is unspecified, use the earliest date in the journal (if any)
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Balancesheet (
) where
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as LT
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit
import Test.HUnit
@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ balancesheetmode = (defCommandMode $ ["balancesheet"]++aliases) {
groupUnnamed = [
flagNone ["flat"] (\opts -> setboolopt "flat" opts) "show accounts as a list"
,flagReq ["drop"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "drop" s opts) "N" "flat mode: omit N leading account name parts"
,flagNone ["value","V"] (setboolopt "value") "show amounts as their current market value in their default valuation commodity"
,groupHidden = []
,groupNamed = [generalflagsgroup1]
@ -43,23 +41,18 @@ balancesheet CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts} j = do
-- let lines = case lineFormatFromOpts ropts of Left err, Right ...
d <- getCurrentDay
let q = queryFromOpts d (withoutBeginDate ropts)
valuedate = fromMaybe d $ queryEndDate False $ queryFromOpts d ropts
assetreport@(_,assets) = balanceReport ropts (And [q, journalAssetAccountQuery j]) j
liabilityreport@(_,liabilities) = balanceReport ropts (And [q, journalLiabilityAccountQuery j]) j
total = assets + liabilities
convertReport | value_ ropts = balanceReportValue j valuedate
| otherwise = id
convertTotal | value_ ropts = mixedAmountValue j valuedate
| otherwise = id
LT.putStr $ [lt|Balance Sheet
#{balanceReportAsText ropts (convertReport assetreport)}
#{balanceReportAsText ropts assetreport}
#{balanceReportAsText ropts (convertReport liabilityreport)}
#{balanceReportAsText ropts liabilityreport}
#{padleft 20 $ showMixedAmountWithoutPrice (convertTotal total)}
#{padleft 20 $ showMixedAmountWithoutPrice total}
withoutBeginDate :: ReportOpts -> ReportOpts
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Cashflow (
) where
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as LT
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit
import Test.HUnit
@ -32,7 +31,6 @@ cashflowmode = (defCommandMode ["cashflow","cf"]) {
groupUnnamed = [
flagNone ["flat"] (\opts -> setboolopt "flat" opts) "show accounts as a list"
,flagReq ["drop"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "drop" s opts) "N" "flat mode: omit N leading account name parts"
,flagNone ["value","V"] (setboolopt "value") "show amounts as their current market value in their default valuation commodity"
,groupHidden = []
,groupNamed = [generalflagsgroup1]
@ -45,23 +43,18 @@ cashflow CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts} j = do
-- let lines = case lineFormatFromOpts ropts of Left err, Right ...
d <- getCurrentDay
let q = queryFromOpts d ropts
valuedate = fromMaybe d $ queryEndDate False $ queryFromOpts d ropts
cashreport@(_,total) = balanceReport ropts (And [q, journalCashAccountQuery j]) j
-- operatingreport@(_,operating) = balanceReport ropts (And [q, journalOperatingAccountMatcher j]) j
-- investingreport@(_,investing) = balanceReport ropts (And [q, journalInvestingAccountMatcher j]) j
-- financingreport@(_,financing) = balanceReport ropts (And [q, journalFinancingAccountMatcher j]) j
-- total = operating + investing + financing
convertReport | value_ ropts = balanceReportValue j valuedate
| otherwise = id
convertTotal | value_ ropts = mixedAmountValue j valuedate
| otherwise = id
LT.putStr $ [lt|Cashflow Statement
Cash flows:
#{balanceReportAsText ropts (convertReport cashreport)}
#{balanceReportAsText ropts cashreport}
#{padleft 20 $ showMixedAmountWithoutPrice (convertTotal total)}
#{padleft 20 $ showMixedAmountWithoutPrice total}
tests_Hledger_Cli_Cashflow :: Test
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Incomestatement (
) where
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as LT
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit
import Test.HUnit
@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ incomestatementmode = (defCommandMode $ ["incomestatement"]++aliases) {
groupUnnamed = [
flagNone ["flat"] (\opts -> setboolopt "flat" opts) "show accounts as a list"
,flagReq ["drop"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "drop" s opts) "N" "flat mode: omit N leading account name parts"
,flagNone ["value","V"] (setboolopt "value") "show amounts as their current market value in their default valuation commodity"
,groupHidden = []
,groupNamed = [generalflagsgroup1]
@ -42,23 +40,18 @@ incomestatement :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ()
incomestatement CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts} j = do
d <- getCurrentDay
let q = queryFromOpts d ropts
valuedate = fromMaybe d $ queryEndDate False $ queryFromOpts d ropts
incomereport@(_,income) = balanceReport ropts (And [q, journalIncomeAccountQuery j]) j
expensereport@(_,expenses) = balanceReport ropts (And [q, journalExpenseAccountQuery j]) j
total = income + expenses
convertReport | value_ ropts = balanceReportValue j valuedate
| otherwise = id
convertTotal | value_ ropts = mixedAmountValue j valuedate
| otherwise = id
LT.putStr $ [lt|Income Statement
#{balanceReportAsText ropts (convertReport incomereport)}
#{balanceReportAsText ropts incomereport}
#{balanceReportAsText ropts (convertReport expensereport)}
#{balanceReportAsText ropts expensereport}
#{padleft 20 $ showMixedAmountWithoutPrice (convertTotal total)}
#{padleft 20 $ showMixedAmountWithoutPrice total}
tests_Hledger_Cli_Incomestatement :: Test
@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ registermode = (defCommandMode $ ["register"] ++ aliases) {
,flagNone ["average","A"] (\opts -> setboolopt "average" opts)
"show running average of posting amounts instead of total (implies --empty)"
,flagNone ["related","r"] (\opts -> setboolopt "related" opts) "show postings' siblings instead"
,flagNone ["value","V"] (setboolopt "value") "show amounts as their current market value in their default valuation commodity"
,flagReq ["width","w"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "width" s opts) "N"
("set output width (default: " ++
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
@ -62,12 +61,9 @@ register :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ()
register opts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts} j = do
d <- getCurrentDay
let fmt = outputFormatFromOpts opts
valuedate = fromMaybe d $ queryEndDate False $ queryFromOpts d ropts
convert | value_ ropts = postingsReportValue j valuedate
| otherwise = id
render | fmt=="csv" = const ((++"\n") . printCSV . postingsReportAsCsv)
| otherwise = postingsReportAsText
writeOutput opts $ render opts $ convert $ postingsReport ropts (queryFromOpts d ropts) j
render | fmt=="csv" = const ((++"\n") . printCSV . postingsReportAsCsv)
| otherwise = postingsReportAsText
writeOutput opts $ render opts $ postingsReport ropts (queryFromOpts d ropts) j
postingsReportAsCsv :: PostingsReport -> CSV
postingsReportAsCsv (_,is) =
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