refactor, allow in-module unit tests

Until now, all unit tests were defined in Tests.hs. Pro: simple, makes
code/test line counting easy. Con: tests are far from code, Tests.hs turns
into a big wall of test code. Now, unit tests can also be defined in modules.

To avoid name clashes and template haskell complexity, a dumb manual
naming scheme is used: any module may export a hunit Test(List) named
tests_ModuleName. These are manually aggregated and re-exported when
appropriate, eg in Commands.All and finally in Tests.hs.
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2010-03-08 21:47:36 +00:00
parent 3969dff3fc
commit a50d3e2b71
5 changed files with 82 additions and 49 deletions

View File

@ -22,8 +22,9 @@ module Commands.All (
module Commands.Web,
#ifdef CHART
module Commands.Chart
module Commands.Chart,
import Commands.Add
@ -42,3 +43,25 @@ import Commands.Web
#ifdef CHART
import Commands.Chart
import Test.HUnit (Test(TestList))
tests_Commands = TestList
-- Commands.Add.tests_Add
-- ,Commands.Balance.tests_Balance
-- ,Commands.Convert.tests_Convert
-- ,Commands.Histogram.tests_Histogram
-- ,Commands.Print.tests_Print
-- ,Commands.Stats.tests_Stats
-- #ifdef VTY
-- ,Commands.UI.tests_UI
-- #endif
-- #if defined(WEB) || defined(WEBHAPPSTACK)
-- ,Commands.Web.tests_Web
-- #endif
-- #ifdef CHART
-- ,Commands.Chart.tests_Chart
-- #endif

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ A ledger-compatible @register@ command.
module Commands.Register (
) where
import Safe (headMay, lastMay)
@ -133,3 +134,10 @@ showposting withtxninfo p b = concatBottomPadded [txninfo ++ pstr ++ " ", bal] +
(da,de) = case ptransaction p of Just (Transaction{tdate=da',tdescription=de'}) -> (da',de')
Nothing -> (nulldate,"")
tests_Register :: Test
tests_Register = TestList [
"summarisePostings" ~: do
summarisePostings Quarterly Nothing False (DateSpan Nothing Nothing) [] ~?= []

View File

@ -61,9 +61,6 @@ setYear y = updateState (\ctx -> ctx{ctxYear=Just y})
getYear :: GenParser tok LedgerFileCtx (Maybe Integer)
getYear = liftM ctxYear getState
printParseError :: (Show a) => a -> IO ()
printParseError e = do putStr "ledger parse error at "; print e
-- let's get to it
parseLedgerFile :: LocalTime -> FilePath -> ErrorT String IO Journal

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Debug.Trace
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 610
import Prelude hiding (readFile)
import Prelude hiding (readFile,putStr,print)
import System.IO.UTF8
import Test.HUnit
@ -267,6 +267,37 @@ getCurrentLocalTime = do
tz <- getCurrentTimeZone
return $ utcToLocalTime tz t
-- testing
-- | Get a Test's label, or the empty string.
tname :: Test -> String
tname (TestLabel n _) = n
tname _ = ""
-- | Flatten a Test containing TestLists into a list of single tests.
tflatten :: Test -> [Test]
tflatten (TestLabel _ t@(TestList _)) = tflatten t
tflatten (TestList ts) = concatMap tflatten ts
tflatten t = [t]
-- | Filter TestLists in a Test, recursively, preserving the structure.
tfilter :: (Test -> Bool) -> Test -> Test
tfilter p (TestLabel l ts) = TestLabel l (tfilter p ts)
tfilter p (TestList ts) = TestList $ filter (any p . tflatten) $ map (tfilter p) ts
tfilter _ t = t
-- | Simple way to assert something is some expected value, with no label.
is :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> Assertion
a `is` e = assertEqual "" e a
-- | Assert a parse result is some expected value, or print a parse error.
assertParse :: (Show a, Eq a) => (Either ParseError a) -> a -> Assertion
assertParse parse expected = either printParseError (`is` expected) parse
printParseError :: (Show a) => a -> IO ()
printParseError e = do putStr "parse error at "; print e
-- misc
isLeft :: Either a b -> Bool

View File

@ -31,17 +31,18 @@ where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Time.Format
import Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Test.HUnit.Tools (runVerboseTests)
import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitWith, ExitCode(ExitSuccess)) -- base 3 compatible
import System.Time (ClockTime(TOD))
import Commands.All
import Ledger
import Ledger -- including testing utils in Ledger.Utils
import Options
import Utils
-- | Run unit tests.
runtests :: [Opt] -> [String] -> IO ()
runtests opts args = do
(counts,_) <- runner ts
if errors counts > 0 || (failures counts > 0)
@ -50,44 +51,18 @@ runtests opts args = do
runner | Verbose `elem` opts = runVerboseTests
| otherwise = liftM (flip (,) 0) . runTestTT
ts = TestList $ filter matchname $ concatMap tflatten tests
--ts = tfilter matchname $ TestList tests -- unflattened
ts = TestList $ filter matchname $ tflatten tests -- show flat test names
-- ts = tfilter matchname $ TestList tests -- show hierarchical test names
matchname = matchpats args . tname
-- | Get a Test's label, or the empty string.
tname :: Test -> String
tname (TestLabel n _) = n
tname _ = ""
-- | hledger's unit tests, defined here and also (new) in the respective modules.
-- The latter is probably the way forward.
tests :: Test
tests = TestList [
-- | Flatten a Test containing TestLists into a list of single tests.
tflatten :: Test -> [Test]
tflatten (TestLabel _ t@(TestList _)) = tflatten t
tflatten (TestList ts) = concatMap tflatten ts
tflatten t = [t]
-- | Filter TestLists in a Test, recursively, preserving the structure.
tfilter :: (Test -> Bool) -> Test -> Test
tfilter p (TestLabel l ts) = TestLabel l (tfilter p ts)
tfilter p (TestList ts) = TestList $ filter (any p . tflatten) $ map (tfilter p) ts
tfilter _ t = t
-- | Simple way to assert something is some expected value, with no label.
is :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> Assertion
a `is` e = assertEqual "" e a
-- | Assert a parse result is some expected value, or print a parse error.
parseis :: (Show a, Eq a) => (Either ParseError a) -> a -> Assertion
parse `parseis` expected = either printParseError (`is` expected) parse
assertParse :: (Show a, Eq a) => (Either ParseError a) -> a -> Assertion
assertParse = parseis
-- | Tests for any function or topic. Mostly ordered by test name.
tests :: [Test]
tests = [
"account directive" ~:
"account directive" ~:
let sameParse str1 str2 = do l1 <- journalFromString str1
l2 <- journalFromString str2
l1 `is` l2
@ -462,10 +437,10 @@ tests = [
assertBool "ledgerFile parsing an empty file should give an empty ledger" $ null $ jtxns r
,"ledgerHistoricalPrice" ~:
parseWithCtx emptyCtx ledgerHistoricalPrice price1_str `parseis` price1
assertParse (parseWithCtx emptyCtx ledgerHistoricalPrice price1_str) price1
,"ledgerTransaction" ~: do
parseWithCtx emptyCtx ledgerTransaction entry1_str `parseis` entry1
assertParse (parseWithCtx emptyCtx ledgerTransaction entry1_str) entry1
assertBool "ledgerTransaction should not parse just a date"
$ isLeft $ parseWithCtx emptyCtx ledgerTransaction "2009/1/1\n"
assertBool "ledgerTransaction should require some postings"
@ -481,7 +456,7 @@ tests = [
assertBool "ledgeraccountname rejects an empty trailing component" (isLeft $ parsewith ledgeraccountname "a:b:")
,"ledgerposting" ~:
parseWithCtx emptyCtx ledgerposting rawposting1_str `parseis` rawposting1
assertParse (parseWithCtx emptyCtx ledgerposting rawposting1_str) rawposting1
,"normaliseMixedAmount" ~: do
normaliseMixedAmount (Mixed []) ~?= Mixed [nullamt]
@ -867,15 +842,14 @@ tests = [
-- ]
,"postingamount" ~: do
parseWithCtx emptyCtx postingamount " $47.18" `parseis` Mixed [dollars 47.18]
parseWithCtx emptyCtx postingamount " $1." `parseis`
Mixed [Amount Commodity {symbol="$",side=L,spaced=False,comma=False,precision=0} 1 Nothing]
assertParse (parseWithCtx emptyCtx postingamount " $47.18") (Mixed [dollars 47.18])
assertParse (parseWithCtx emptyCtx postingamount " $1.")
(Mixed [Amount Commodity {symbol="$",side=L,spaced=False,comma=False,precision=0} 1 Nothing])
-- test data
-- fixtures/test data
date1 = parsedate "2008/11/26"
t1 = LocalTime date1 midday