a more compatible balance report, not perfect yet

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Simon Michael 2008-10-12 06:23:55 +00:00
parent c07c149378
commit a64d320c84

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@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ With -s (--showsubs), also show the subaccounts:
- @checking@ is not shown because it has a zero balance and no interesting - @checking@ is not shown because it has a zero balance and no interesting
subaccounts. subaccounts.
- @liabilities@ is displayed only as a prefix because it has no transactions - @liabilities@ is displayed only as a prefix because it has the same balance
of its own and only one subaccount. as its single subaccount.
With an account pattern, show only the accounts with matching names: With an account pattern, show only the accounts with matching names:
@ -82,39 +82,22 @@ Again, -s adds the subaccounts:
- We do not add the subaccounts of parents included for context (@expenses@). - We do not add the subaccounts of parents included for context (@expenses@).
Here are some rules for account balance display, as seen above: Some notes for the implementation:
- grand total is omitted if it is 0 - a simple balance report shows top-level accounts
- leaf accounts and branches with 0 balance or 0 transactions are omitted - with an account pattern, it shows accounts whose leafname matches, plus their parents
- inner accounts with 0 transactions and 1 subaccount are displayed inline - with the showsubs option, it also shows all subaccounts of the above
- in a filtered report, matched accounts are displayed with their parents - zero-balance leaf accounts are removed
inline (a consequence of the above)
- in a showsubs report, all subaccounts of matched accounts are displayed - the resulting account tree is displayed with each account's aggregated
balance, with boring parents prefixed to the next line. A boring parent
has the same balance as its single child and is not explicitly matched
by the display options.
-} - the sum of the balances shown is displayed at the end, if it is non-zero
let's start over:
a simple balance report lists top-level non-boring accounts, with their aggregated balances, followed by the total
a balance report with showsubs lists all non-boring accounts, with their aggregated balances, followed by the total
a filtered balance report lists non-boring accounts whose leafname matches the filter, with their aggregated balances, followed by the total
a filtered balance report with showsubs lists non-boring accounts whose leafname matches the filter, plus their subaccounts, with their aggregated balances, followed by the total
the total is the sum of the aggregated balances shown, excluding subaccounts whose parent's balance is shown. If the total is zero it is not shown.
boring accounts are
- leaf accounts with zero balance; these are never shown
- non-matched parent accounts of matched accounts, when filtering; these are shown inline
- parent accounts with no transactions of their own and a single subaccount; these are shown inline
maxdepth may affect this further
-} -}
@ -133,119 +116,68 @@ import Utils
printbalance :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Ledger -> IO () printbalance :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Ledger -> IO ()
printbalance opts args l = putStr $ balancereport opts args l printbalance opts args l = putStr $ balancereport opts args l
balancereport = balancereport1 -- | Generate balance report output for a ledger, based on options.
balancereport :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Ledger -> String
balancereport opts args l = acctsstr ++ totalstr
acctsstr = concatMap (showAccountTreeWithBalances acctnamestoshow) $ subs treetoshow
totalstr = if isZeroAmount total
then ""
else printf "--------------------\n%20s\n" $ showAmountRounded total
showingsubs = ShowSubs `elem` opts
pats@(apats,dpats) = parseAccountDescriptionArgs args
maxdepth = if null args && not showingsubs then 1 else 9999
acctstoshow = balancereportaccts showingsubs apats l
acctnamestoshow = map aname acctstoshow
treetoshow = pruneZeroBalanceLeaves $ pruneUnmatchedAccounts $ treeprune maxdepth $ ledgerAccountTree 9999 l
total = sumAmounts $ map abalance $ nonredundantaccts
nonredundantaccts = filter (not . hasparentshowing) acctstoshow
hasparentshowing a = (parentAccountName $ aname a) `elem` acctnamestoshow
-- | List the accounts for which we should show balances in the balance -- select accounts for which we should show balances, based on the options
-- report, based on the options.
balancereportaccts :: Bool -> [String] -> Ledger -> [Account] balancereportaccts :: Bool -> [String] -> Ledger -> [Account]
balancereportaccts False [] l = topAccounts l balancereportaccts False [] l = topAccounts l
balancereportaccts False pats l = accountsMatching (regexFor pats) l balancereportaccts False pats l = accountsMatching (regexFor pats) l
balancereportaccts True pats l = addsubaccts l $ balancereportaccts False pats l balancereportaccts True pats l = addsubaccts l $ balancereportaccts False pats l
-- | Add (in tree order) any missing subacccounts to a list of accounts. -- add (in tree order) any missing subacccounts to a list of accounts
addsubaccts :: Ledger -> [Account] -> [Account]
addsubaccts l as = concatMap addsubs as where addsubs = maybe [] flatten . ledgerAccountTreeAt l addsubaccts l as = concatMap addsubs as where addsubs = maybe [] flatten . ledgerAccountTreeAt l
balancereport2 :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Ledger -> String
balancereport2 opts args l = acctsstr ++ totalstr
accts = balancereportaccts (ShowSubs `elem` opts) args l
showacct a =
bal ++ " " ++ indent ++ prefix ++ fullname ++ "\n"
bal = printf "%20s" $ show $ abalance a
indentlevel = 0
prefix = ""
indent = replicate (indentlevel * 2) ' '
fullname = aname a
leafname = accountLeafName fullname
acctsstr = concatMap showacct accts
total = sumAmounts $ map abalance $ removeduplicatebalances accts
removeduplicatebalances as = filter (not . hasparentshowing) as
hasparentshowing a = (parentAccountName $ aname a) `elem` names
names = map aname as
| isZeroAmount total = ""
| otherwise = printf "--------------------\n%20s\n" $ showAmountRounded total
-- | Generate balance report output for a ledger.
balancereport1 :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Ledger -> String
balancereport1 opts args l = acctsstr ++ totalstr
showsubs = (ShowSubs `elem` opts)
pats@(apats,dpats) = parseAccountDescriptionArgs args
maxdepth = case (pats, showsubs) of
(([],[]), False) -> 1 -- with no -s or pattern, show with depth 1
otherwise -> 9999
acctstoshow = balancereportaccts showsubs apats l
acctnames = map aname acctstoshow
treetoshow = pruneZeroBalanceLeaves $ pruneUnmatchedAccounts $ treeprune maxdepth $ ledgerAccountTree 9999 l
acctforest = subs treetoshow
acctsstr = concatMap (showAccountTree l maxdepth) acctforest
| isZeroAmount total = ""
| otherwise = printf "--------------------\n%20s\n" $ showAmountRounded total
total = sumAmounts $ map abalance $ nonredundantaccts
nonredundantaccts = filter (not . hasparentshowing) acctstoshow
hasparentshowing a = (parentAccountName $ aname a) `elem` acctnames
-- remove any accounts from the tree which are not one of the acctstoshow, -- remove any accounts from the tree which are not one of the acctstoshow,
-- or one of their parents, or one of their subaccounts when doing showsubs -- or one of their parents, or one of their subaccounts when doing --showsubs
pruneUnmatchedAccounts :: Tree Account -> Tree Account pruneUnmatchedAccounts :: Tree Account -> Tree Account
pruneUnmatchedAccounts = treefilter matched pruneUnmatchedAccounts = treefilter matched
where where
matched :: Account -> Bool
matched (Account name _ _) matched (Account name _ _)
| name `elem` acctnames = True | name `elem` acctnamestoshow = True
| any (name `isAccountNamePrefixOf`) acctnames = True | any (name `isAccountNamePrefixOf`) acctnamestoshow = True
| showsubs && any (`isAccountNamePrefixOf` name) acctnames = True | showingsubs && any (`isAccountNamePrefixOf` name) acctnamestoshow = True
| otherwise = False | otherwise = False
-- remove all zero-balance leaf accounts (recursively) -- remove zero-balance leaf accounts (recursively)
pruneZeroBalanceLeaves :: Tree Account -> Tree Account pruneZeroBalanceLeaves :: Tree Account -> Tree Account
pruneZeroBalanceLeaves = treefilter (not . isZeroAmount . abalance) pruneZeroBalanceLeaves = treefilter (not . isZeroAmount . abalance)
-- | Get the string representation of a tree of accounts. -- | Show a tree of accounts with balances, for the balance report,
-- The ledger from which the accounts come is required so that -- eliding boring parent accounts. Requires a list of the account names we
-- we can check for boring accounts. -- are interested in to help with that.
showAccountTree :: Ledger -> Int -> Tree Account -> String showAccountTreeWithBalances :: [AccountName] -> Tree Account -> String
showAccountTree l maxdepth = showAccountTree' l maxdepth 0 "" showAccountTreeWithBalances matchedacctnames =
showAccountTreeWithBalances' matchedacctnames 0 ""
where where
showAccountTree' :: Ledger -> Int -> Int -> String -> Tree Account -> String showAccountTreeWithBalances' :: [AccountName] -> Int -> String -> Tree Account -> String
showAccountTree' l maxdepth indentlevel prefix t showAccountTreeWithBalances' matchedacctnames indentlevel prefix (Node (Account fullname _ bal) subs) =
if isboringparent then showsubswithprefix else showacct ++ showsubswithindent
| isBoringParentAccount (length subaccts) (length $ subAccounts l a) maxdepth a = nextwithprefix
| otherwise = thisline ++ nextwithindent
where where
a = root t showsubswithprefix = showsubs indentlevel (fullname++":")
subaccts = subs t showsubswithindent = showsubs (indentlevel+1) ""
nextwithprefix = showsubs 0 (fullname++":") showsubs i p = concatMap (showAccountTreeWithBalances' matchedacctnames i p) subs
nextwithindent = showsubs 1 "" showacct = showbal ++ " " ++ indent ++ prefix ++ leafname ++ "\n"
showsubs i p = concatMap (showAccountTree' l maxdepth (indentlevel+i) p) subaccts showbal = printf "%20s" $ show bal
thisline = bal ++ " " ++ indent ++ prefix ++ leafname ++ "\n"
bal = printf "%20s" $ show $ abalance $ a
indent = replicate (indentlevel * 2) ' ' indent = replicate (indentlevel * 2) ' '
leafname = accountLeafName fullname leafname = accountLeafName fullname
fullname = aname a isboringparent = numsubs == 1 && (bal == subbal || not matched)
filtering = filteredaccountnames l /= (accountnames l) numsubs = length subs
doesnotmatch = not (containsRegex (acctpat l) leafname) subbal = abalance $ root $ head subs
matched = fullname `elem` matchedacctnames
-- Boring parent accounts have the same balance as their
-- single child. In other words they have exactly one child
-- (which we may not be showing) and no transactions. Also
-- their depth is less than the maximum display depth.
-- ..or some such thing..
--isBoringParentAccount :: Int -> Int -> Account -> Bool
isBoringParentAccount numsubs realnumsubs maxdepth a
| name == "top" = False
| depth < maxdepth && numtxns == 0 && numsubs == 1 = True
| otherwise = False
name = aname a
depth = accountNameLevel name
numtxns = length $ atransactions a