print: replace --value=transaction with --value=cost

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2019-05-23 12:17:23 -07:00
parent 37c0edb1f9
commit ace215f5f3

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@ -34,53 +34,32 @@ type EntriesReportItem = Transaction
-- | Select transactions for an entries report.
entriesReport :: ReportOpts -> Query -> Journal -> EntriesReport
entriesReport opts q j =
(if isJust (value_ opts) then erValue opts j else id) $
sortBy (comparing date) $ filter (q `matchesTransaction`) ts
date = transactionDateFn opts
ts = jtxns $ journalSelectingAmountFromOpts opts j
-- | Convert all the posting amounts in an EntriesReport to their
-- default valuation commodities. This means using the Journal's most
-- recent applicable market prices before the valuation date.
-- The valuation date is set with --value-at and can be:
-- each posting's date,
-- the last day in the report period (or in the journal if no period,
-- or the posting dates if journal is empty - shouldn't happen),
-- or today's date (gives an error if today_ is not set in ReportOpts),
-- or a specified date.
erValue :: ReportOpts -> Journal -> EntriesReport -> EntriesReport
erValue ropts@ReportOpts{..} j ts = map txnvalue ts
entriesReport ropts@ReportOpts{..} q j@Journal{..} =
sortBy (comparing datefn) $ filter (q `matchesTransaction`) $ map tvalue jtxns
txnvalue t@Transaction{..} = t{tpostings=map postingvalue tpostings}
postingvalue p@Posting{..} = p{pamount=mixedAmountValue prices d pamount}
datefn = transactionDateFn ropts
tvalue t@Transaction{..} = t{tpostings=map pvalue tpostings}
pvalue p@Posting{..} = case value_ of
Nothing -> p
Just (AtCost _mc) -> postingToCost (journalCommodityStyles j) p
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> postingValue jmarketprices (fromMaybe (postingDate p) -- XXX shouldn't happen
mperiodorjournallastday) p
Just (AtNow _mc) -> postingValue jmarketprices (case today_ of
Just d -> d
Nothing -> error' "erValue: ReportOpts today_ is unset so could not satisfy --value-at=now") p
Just (AtDate d _mc) -> postingValue jmarketprices d p
-- prices are in parse order - sort into date then parse order,
-- & reversed for quick lookup of the latest price.
prices = reverse $ sortOn mpdate $ jmarketprices j
-- Get the last day of the report period.
-- Will be Nothing if no report period is specified, or also
-- if ReportOpts does not have today_ set, since we need that
-- to get the report period robustly.
mperiodlastday :: Maybe Day = do
t <- today_
let q = queryFromOpts t ropts
qend <- queryEndDate False q
return $ addDays (-1) qend
mperiodorjournallastday = mperiodlastday <|> journalEndDate False j
d = case value_ of
Just (AtCost _mc) -> postingDate p
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> fromMaybe (postingDate p) -- XXX shouldn't happen
Just (AtNow _mc) -> case today_ of
Just d -> d
Nothing -> error' "erValue: ReportOpts today_ is unset so could not satisfy --value-at=now"
Just (AtDate d _mc) -> d
Nothing -> error' "erValue: shouldn't happen" -- XXX
-- The last day of the report period.
-- Will be Nothing if no report period is specified, or also
-- if ReportOpts does not have today_ set, since we need that
-- to get the report period robustly.
mperiodlastday :: Maybe Day = do
t <- today_
let q = queryFromOpts t ropts
qend <- queryEndDate False q
return $ addDays (-1) qend
tests_EntriesReport = tests "EntriesReport" [
tests "entriesReport" [