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synced 2024-12-29 05:11:33 +03:00
imp:print:beancount: more robust conversion of commodity names
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,9 +32,11 @@ import Hledger.Utils
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.AccountName
import Hledger.Data.Amount
import Hledger.Data.Currency (currencySymbolToCode)
import Hledger.Data.Dates (showDate)
import Hledger.Data.Posting (renderCommentLines, showBalanceAssertion, postingIndent)
import Hledger.Data.Transaction (payeeAndNoteFromDescription')
import Data.Function ((&))
--- ** doctest setup
-- $setup
@ -135,10 +137,10 @@ type BeancountAccountName = AccountName
type BeancountAccountNameComponent = AccountName
-- | Convert a hledger account name to a valid Beancount account name.
-- It replaces non-supported characters with @-@ (warning: in extreme cases
-- separate accounts could end up with the same name), it prepends the letter B
-- to any part which doesn't begin with a letter or number, and it capitalises
-- each part. It also checks that the first part is one of the required english
-- It replaces non-supported characters with a dash, it prepends the letter B
-- to any part which doesn't begin with a letter or number, and it capitalises each part.
-- It's possible this could generate the same beancount name for distinct hledger account names.
-- It also checks that the first part is one of the required english
-- account names Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Income, or Expenses, and if not
-- it raises an informative error suggesting --alias.
-- Ref: https://beancount.github.io/docs/beancount_language_syntax.html#accounts
@ -198,24 +200,75 @@ beancountTopLevelAccounts = ["Assets", "Liabilities", "Equity", "Income", "Expen
type BeancountAmount = Amount
-- | Do some best effort adjustments to make an amount that renders
-- in a way that Beancount can read: forces the commodity symbol to the right,
-- converts a few currency symbols to names, capitalises all letters.
-- in a way that Beancount can read: force the commodity symbol to the right,
-- capitalise all letters, convert a few currency symbols to codes.
amountToBeancount :: Amount -> BeancountAmount
amountToBeancount a@Amount{acommodity=c,astyle=s,acost=mp} = a{acommodity=c', astyle=s', acost=mp'}
-- https://beancount.github.io/docs/beancount_language_syntax.html#commodities-currencies
c' = T.toUpper $
T.replace "$" "USD" $
T.replace "€" "EUR" $
T.replace "¥" "JPY" $
T.replace "£" "GBP" $
c' = commodityToBeancount c
s' = s{ascommodityside=R, ascommodityspaced=True}
mp' = costToBeancount <$> mp
costToBeancount (TotalCost amt) = TotalCost $ amountToBeancount amt
costToBeancount (UnitCost amt) = UnitCost $ amountToBeancount amt
type BeancountCommoditySymbol = CommoditySymbol
-- | Convert a hledger commodity name to a valid Beancount commodity name.
-- That is: 2-24 uppercase letters / digits / apostrophe / period / underscore / dash,
-- starting with a letter, and ending with a letter or digit.
-- Ref: https://beancount.github.io/docs/beancount_language_syntax.html#commodities-currencies
-- So this: removes any enclosing double quotes,
-- replaces some common currency symbols with currency codes,
-- capitalises all letters,
-- replaces any invalid characters with a dash (-),
-- prepends a B if the first character is not a letter,
-- and appends a B if the last character is not a letter or digit.
-- It's possible this could generate unreadable commodity names,
-- or the same beancount name for distinct hledger commodity names.
-- >>> commodityToBeancount ""
-- "B"
-- >>> commodityToBeancount "$"
-- "USD"
-- >>> commodityToBeancount "Usd"
-- "USD"
-- >>> commodityToBeancount "\"a1\""
-- "A1"
-- >>> commodityToBeancount "\"A 1!\""
-- "A-1-B"
commodityToBeancount :: CommoditySymbol -> BeancountCommoditySymbol
commodityToBeancount com =
dbg9 "beancount commodity name" $
let com' = stripquotes com
in case currencySymbolToCode com' of
Just code -> code
Nothing ->
& T.toUpper
& T.map (\d -> if isBeancountCommodityChar d then d else '-')
& fixstart
& fixend
fixstart bcom = case T.uncons bcom of
Just (c,_) | isBeancountCommodityStartChar c -> bcom
_ -> "B" <> bcom
fixend bcom = case T.unsnoc bcom of
Just (_,c) | isBeancountCommodityEndChar c -> bcom
_ -> bcom <> "B"
-- | Is this a valid character in the middle of a Beancount commodity name (a capital letter, digit, or '._-) ?
isBeancountCommodityChar :: Char -> Bool
isBeancountCommodityChar c = (isLetter c && isUpperCase c) || isDigit c || c `elem` ['\'', '.', '_', '-']
-- | Is this a valid character to start a Beancount commodity name (a capital letter) ?
isBeancountCommodityStartChar :: Char -> Bool
isBeancountCommodityStartChar c = isLetter c && isUpperCase c
-- | Is this a valid character to end a Beancount commodity name (a capital letter or digit) ?
isBeancountCommodityEndChar :: Char -> Bool
isBeancountCommodityEndChar c = (isLetter c && isUpperCase c) || isDigit c
--- ** tests
@ -694,34 +694,42 @@ It is a good format to use if you are exporting to their spreadsheet app.
This is [Beancount's journal format][beancount journal].
You can use this to export your hledger data to [Beancount],
perhaps to query it with [Beancount Query Language] or with the [Fava] web app.
hledger will try to adjust your data to suit Beancount.
If you plan to export often, you may want to follow Beancount's conventions in your hledger data,
to ease conversion. Eg use Beancount-friendly account names, currency codes instead of currency symbols,
and avoid virtual postings, redundant cost notation, etc.
Here are more details, included here for now
(see also "hledger and Beancount" <https://hledger.org/beancount.html>).
#### Beancount account names
hledger will try adjust your account names to the more restricted
[Beancount account names](https://beancount.github.io/docs/beancount_language_syntax.html#accounts), by
capitalising, replacing unsupported characters with `-`, and/or
hledger will try adjust your account names, if needed, to
[Beancount account names](https://beancount.github.io/docs/beancount_language_syntax.html#accounts),
by capitalising, replacing unsupported characters with `-`, and
prepending `B` to parts which don't begin with a letter or digit.
(It's possible for this to convert distinct hledger account names to the same beancount name.
Eg, hledger's automatic equity conversion accounts can have currency symbols in their name,
so `equity:conversion:$-€` becomes `equity:conversion:B---`.)
But you must ensure that the top level account names are `Assets`, `Liabilities`, `Equity`, `Income`, and `Expenses`.
If yours are not, you can use [account aliases](#alias-directive), usually in the form of `--alias` options,
possibly stored in a [config file](#config-file).
(Example: [hledger2beancount.conf](https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/blob/master/examples/hledger2beancount.conf))
In addition, you must ensure that the top level account names are `Assets`, `Liabilities`, `Equity`, `Income`, and `Expenses`,
which Beancount requires.
If yours are named differently, you can use [account aliases](#alias-directive),
usually in the form of `--alias` options, possibly stored in a [config file](#config-file).
(An example: [hledger2beancount.conf](https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/blob/master/examples/hledger2beancount.conf))
#### Beancount commodity names
[Beancount commodity/currency names](https://beancount.github.io/docs/beancount_language_syntax.html#commodities-currencies)
also are more restricted: they must be 2-24 uppercase letters, digits, or `'`, `.`, `_`, `-`,
hledger will adjust your commodity names, if needed, to
[Beancount commodity/currency names](https://beancount.github.io/docs/beancount_language_syntax.html#commodities-currencies),
which must be 2-24 uppercase letters, digits, or `'`, `.`, `_`, `-`,
beginning with a letter and ending with a letter or digit.
Currently hledger helps only a little with this:
if you are using currency symbols `$`, `€`, `£` or `¥`, these will be converted
to the equivalent [ISO 4217](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217#Active_codes) currency codes.
Other symbols, or other commodity names not valid for Beancount, must be adjusted by you,
either permanently in your journal, or in a temporary copy used just for export.
Amounts with no currency symbol will also not work for Beancount.
If you want to keep using those, the [`D` directive](#d-directive) is one way to add a temporary commodity symbol.
hledger will convert known currency symbols to [ISO 4217 currency codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217#Active_codes).
Otherwise, it will capitalise letters,
replace unsupported characters with a dash (-),
and prepend/append a "B" when needed.
(It's possible for this to generate unreadable commodity names,
or to convert distinct hledger commodity names to the same beancount name.)
#### Beancount virtual postings
@ -730,6 +738,11 @@ so you will need to comment those,
or use `--real` to exclude transactions that use them.
(If you have transactions which are a mixture of balanced and unbalanced postings, you'll have to do something more.)
#### Beancount costs
Beancount doesn't allow [redundant cost notation](https://hledger.org/hledger.html#combining-costs-and-equity-conversion-postings)
as hledger does. If you have entries like this, you may need to comment out either the costs or the equity postings.
[Beancount]: https://beancount.github.io
[beancount journal]: https://beancount.github.io/docs/beancount_language_syntax.html
[Beancount Query Language]: https://beancount.github.io/docs/beancount_query_language.html
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