mirror of
synced 2025-01-04 00:07:29 +03:00
lib: Generalise CBCSubreportSpec to allow more subreport control.
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ module Hledger.Reports.MultiBalanceReport (
@ -86,7 +85,6 @@ import Hledger.Reports.ReportTypes
type MultiBalanceReport = PeriodicReport DisplayName MixedAmount
type MultiBalanceReportRow = PeriodicReportRow DisplayName MixedAmount
type CompoundBalanceReport = CompoundPeriodicReport DisplayName MixedAmount
-- type alias just to remind us which AccountNames might be depth-clipped, below.
type ClippedAccountName = AccountName
@ -131,14 +129,15 @@ multiBalanceReportWith rspec' j priceoracle = report
-- | Generate a compound balance report from a list of CBCSubreportSpec. This
-- shares postings between the subreports.
compoundBalanceReport :: ReportSpec -> Journal -> [CBCSubreportSpec]
-> CompoundBalanceReport
compoundBalanceReport :: ReportSpec -> Journal -> [CBCSubreportSpec a]
-> CompoundPeriodicReport a MixedAmount
compoundBalanceReport rspec j = compoundBalanceReportWith rspec j (journalPriceOracle infer j)
where infer = infer_value_ $ rsOpts rspec
-- | A helper for compoundBalanceReport, similar to multiBalanceReportWith.
compoundBalanceReportWith :: ReportSpec -> Journal -> PriceOracle
-> [CBCSubreportSpec] -> CompoundBalanceReport
-> [CBCSubreportSpec a]
-> CompoundPeriodicReport a MixedAmount
compoundBalanceReportWith rspec' j priceoracle subreportspecs = cbr
-- Queries, report/column dates.
@ -160,16 +159,16 @@ compoundBalanceReportWith rspec' j priceoracle subreportspecs = cbr
generateSubreport CBCSubreportSpec{..} =
( cbcsubreporttitle
-- Postprocess the report, negating balances and taking percentages if needed
, prNormaliseSign cbcsubreportnormalsign $
generateMultiBalanceReport rspec' j valuation colspans colps' startbals'
, cbcsubreporttransform $
generateMultiBalanceReport rspec{rsOpts=ropts} j valuation colspans colps' startbals'
, cbcsubreportincreasestotal
rspec' = rspec{rsOpts=ropts}
ropts = (rsOpts rspec){normalbalance_=Just cbcsubreportnormalsign}
-- Filter the column postings according to each subreport
colps' = filter (matchesPosting $ cbcsubreportquery j) <$> colps
startbals' = HM.filterWithKey (\k _ -> matchesAccount (cbcsubreportquery j) k) startbals
colps' = filter (matchesPosting q) <$> colps
startbals' = HM.filterWithKey (\k _ -> matchesAccount q k) startbals
ropts = cbcsubreportoptions $ rsOpts rspec
q = cbcsubreportquery j
-- Sum the subreport totals by column. Handle these cases:
-- - no subreports
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ module Hledger.Reports.ReportTypes
, Average
, periodicReportSpan
, prNormaliseSign
, prMapName
, prMapMaybeName
@ -40,8 +39,10 @@ import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Query (Query)
import Hledger.Reports.ReportOptions (ReportOpts)
type Percentage = Decimal
@ -109,12 +110,6 @@ periodicReportSpan :: PeriodicReport a b -> DateSpan
periodicReportSpan (PeriodicReport [] _ _) = DateSpan Nothing Nothing
periodicReportSpan (PeriodicReport colspans _ _) = DateSpan (spanStart $ head colspans) (spanEnd $ last colspans)
-- | Given a PeriodicReport and its normal balance sign,
-- if it is known to be normally negative, convert it to normally positive.
prNormaliseSign :: Num b => NormalSign -> PeriodicReport a b -> PeriodicReport a b
prNormaliseSign NormallyNegative = fmap negate
prNormaliseSign NormallyPositive = id
-- | Map a function over the row names.
prMapName :: (a -> b) -> PeriodicReport a c -> PeriodicReport b c
prMapName f report = report{prRows = map (prrMapName f) $ prRows report}
@ -157,10 +152,11 @@ data CompoundPeriodicReport a b = CompoundPeriodicReport
-- | Description of one subreport within a compound balance report.
-- Part of a "CompoundBalanceCommandSpec", but also used in hledger-lib.
data CBCSubreportSpec = CBCSubreportSpec
data CBCSubreportSpec a = CBCSubreportSpec
{ cbcsubreporttitle :: String
, cbcsubreportquery :: Journal -> Query
, cbcsubreportnormalsign :: NormalSign
, cbcsubreportoptions :: ReportOpts -> ReportOpts
, cbcsubreporttransform :: PeriodicReport DisplayName MixedAmount -> PeriodicReport a MixedAmount
, cbcsubreportincreasestotal :: Bool
@ -24,13 +24,15 @@ balancesheetSpec = CompoundBalanceCommandSpec {
,cbcsubreportoptions=(\ropts -> ropts{normalbalance_=Just NormallyPositive})
,cbcsubreportoptions=(\ropts -> ropts{normalbalance_=Just NormallyNegative})
,cbcsubreporttransform=fmap negate
@ -24,19 +24,22 @@ balancesheetequitySpec = CompoundBalanceCommandSpec {
,cbcsubreportoptions=(\ropts -> ropts{normalbalance_=Just NormallyPositive})
,cbcsubreportoptions=(\ropts -> ropts{normalbalance_=Just NormallyNegative})
,cbcsubreporttransform=fmap negate
,cbcsubreportoptions=(\ropts -> ropts{normalbalance_=Just NormallyNegative})
,cbcsubreporttransform=fmap negate
@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ cashflowSpec = CompoundBalanceCommandSpec {
cbcsubreporttitle="Cash flows"
,cbcsubreportoptions=(\ropts -> ropts{normalbalance_= Just NormallyPositive})
@ -23,13 +23,15 @@ incomestatementSpec = CompoundBalanceCommandSpec {
,cbcsubreportoptions=(\ropts -> ropts{normalbalance_=Just NormallyNegative})
,cbcsubreporttransform=fmap negate
,cbcsubreportoptions=(\ropts -> ropts{normalbalance_=Just NormallyPositive})
@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ import Hledger.Cli.Utils (unsupportedOutputFormatError, writeOutput)
-- it should be added to or subtracted from the grand total.
data CompoundBalanceCommandSpec = CompoundBalanceCommandSpec {
cbcdoc :: CommandDoc, -- ^ the command's name(s) and documentation
cbctitle :: String, -- ^ overall report title
cbcqueries :: [CBCSubreportSpec], -- ^ subreport details
cbctype :: BalanceType -- ^ the "balance" type (change, cumulative, historical)
-- this report shows (overrides command line flags)
cbcdoc :: CommandDoc, -- ^ the command's name(s) and documentation
cbctitle :: String, -- ^ overall report title
cbcqueries :: [CBCSubreportSpec DisplayName], -- ^ subreport details
cbctype :: BalanceType -- ^ the "balance" type (change, cumulative, historical)
-- this report shows (overrides command line flags)
-- | Generate a cmdargs option-parsing mode from a compound balance command
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ Balance Sheet
Total || 1 1 1
compoundBalanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> CompoundBalanceReport -> String
compoundBalanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> CompoundPeriodicReport DisplayName MixedAmount -> String
compoundBalanceReportAsText ropts
(CompoundPeriodicReport title _colspans subreports (PeriodicReportRow _ coltotals grandtotal grandavg)) =
title ++ "\n\n" ++
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ concatTables (Table hLeft hTop dat) (Table hLeft' _ dat') =
-- Subreports' CSV is concatenated, with the headings rows replaced by a
-- subreport title row, and an overall title row, one headings row, and an
-- optional overall totals row is added.
compoundBalanceReportAsCsv :: ReportOpts -> CompoundBalanceReport -> CSV
compoundBalanceReportAsCsv :: ReportOpts -> CompoundPeriodicReport DisplayName MixedAmount -> CSV
compoundBalanceReportAsCsv ropts (CompoundPeriodicReport title colspans subreports (PeriodicReportRow _ coltotals grandtotal grandavg)) =
addtotals $
padRow title :
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ compoundBalanceReportAsCsv ropts (CompoundPeriodicReport title colspans subrepor
-- | Render a compound balance report as HTML.
compoundBalanceReportAsHtml :: ReportOpts -> CompoundBalanceReport -> Html ()
compoundBalanceReportAsHtml :: ReportOpts -> CompoundPeriodicReport DisplayName MixedAmount -> Html ()
compoundBalanceReportAsHtml ropts cbr =
CompoundPeriodicReport title colspans subreports (PeriodicReportRow _ coltotals grandtotal grandavg) = cbr
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