;csv: extract mkPosting! and refactor

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2020-02-27 11:46:36 -08:00
parent f2767477ab
commit b18f71a81b

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@ -766,21 +766,18 @@ hledgerFieldValue rules record = fmap (renderTemplate rules record) . hledgerFie
s `withDefault` def = if null s then def else s
-- warning: 200 line beast ahead
transactionFromCsvRecord :: SourcePos -> CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> Transaction
transactionFromCsvRecord sourcepos rules record = t
-- 1. Some helpers
rule = csvRule rules :: DirectiveName -> Maybe FieldTemplate
ruleval = csvRuleValue rules record :: DirectiveName -> Maybe String
-- ruleval = csvRuleValue rules record :: DirectiveName -> Maybe String
field = hledgerField rules record :: HledgerFieldName -> Maybe FieldTemplate
fieldval = hledgerFieldValue rules record :: HledgerFieldName -> Maybe String
-- 2. Gather the values needed for the transaction itself, by evaluating
-- 1. Gather the values needed for the transaction itself, by evaluating
-- the field assignment rules using the CSV record's data, and parsing a
-- bit more where needed, into dates, amounts, status..
-- bit more where needed (dates, status).
mdateformat = rule "date-format"
date = fromMaybe "" $ fieldval "date"
@ -820,85 +817,18 @@ transactionFromCsvRecord sourcepos rules record = t
precomment = maybe "" singleline $ fieldval "precomment"
-- 3. Generate the postings
-- Helper to generate posting N, if sufficient fields have been assigned
-- for it. N is provided as a string.
mkPosting ::
String -> HledgerFieldName -> HledgerFieldName -> HledgerFieldName ->
HledgerFieldName -> HledgerFieldName -> HledgerFieldName ->
Maybe (Posting, Bool)
mkPosting number accountFld amountFld amountInFld amountOutFld balanceFld commentFld =
let mdefaultcurrency = rule "default-currency"
currency = fromMaybe (fromMaybe "" mdefaultcurrency) $
fieldval ("currency"++number) `withDefault` fieldval "currency"
mamount = chooseAmount rules record currency amountFld amountInFld amountOutFld
mbalance :: Maybe (Amount, GenericSourcePos) =
fieldval balanceFld >>= parsebalance currency number
parsebalance currency n str
| all isSpace str = Nothing
| otherwise = Just
(either (balanceerror n str) id $
runParser (evalStateT (amountp <* eof) mempty) "" $
T.pack $ (currency++) $ simplifySign str
,nullsourcepos) -- XXX parse position to show when assertion fails,
-- the csv record's line number would be good
balanceerror n str err = error' $ unlines
["error: could not parse \""++str++"\" as balance"++n++" amount"
,showRecord record
,showRules rules record
,"the default-currency is: "++fromMaybe "unspecified" mdefaultcurrency
,"the parse error is: "++customErrorBundlePretty err
comment = T.pack $ fromMaybe "" $ fieldval commentFld
maccount = T.pack <$> (fieldval accountFld
-- XXX what's this needed for ? Test & document, or drop.
-- Also, this the only place we interpolate in a keyword rule, I think.
`withDefault` ruleval ("default-account" ++ number))
-- figure out the account name to use for this posting, if any, and
-- whether it is the default unknown account, which may be improved
-- later, or an explicitly set account, which may not.
maccountAndIsFinal :: Maybe (AccountName, Bool) =
case maccount of
-- accountN is set to the empty string - no posting will be generated
Just "" -> Nothing
-- accountN is set (possibly to "expenses:unknown"! cf #1192) -
-- mark it final
Just a -> Just (a, True)
-- accountN is unset
Nothing ->
case (mamount, mbalance) of
-- amountN is set, or implied by balanceN - set accountN to
-- the default unknown account ("expenses:unknown") and
-- allow it to be improved later
(Just _, _) -> Just (unknownExpenseAccount, False)
(_, Just _) -> Just (unknownExpenseAccount, False)
-- amountN is also unset - no posting will be generated
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
-- if there's an account N, make a posting N
case maccountAndIsFinal of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (acct, final) ->
Just (posting{paccount = accountNameWithoutPostingType acct
,pamount = fromMaybe missingmixedamt mamount
,ptransaction = Just t
,pbalanceassertion = mkBalanceAssertion rules record <$> mbalance
,pcomment = comment
,ptype = accountNamePostingType acct}
-- 2. Generate the postings
-- Make posting 1 if possible, with special support for old syntax, to
-- support pre-1.16 rules.
posting1 = mkPosting "1"
posting1 = mkPosting rules record "1"
("account1" `withAlias` "account")
("amount1" `withAlias` "amount")
("amount1-in" `withAlias` "amount-in")
("amount1-out" `withAlias` "amount-out")
("balance1" `withAlias` "balance")
"comment1" -- comment1 does not have legacy alias
withAlias fld alias =
case (field fld, field alias) of
@ -914,10 +844,11 @@ transactionFromCsvRecord sourcepos rules record = t
postings = catMaybes $ posting1 : otherpostings
otherpostings = [mkPostingN i | x<-[2..9], let i = show x]
mkPostingN n = mkPosting n
("account"++n) ("amount"++n) ("amount"++n++"-in")
("amount"++n++"-out") ("balance"++n) ("comment"++n)
mkPostingN n = mkPosting rules record n
("account"++n) ("amount"++n) ("amount"++n++"-in")
("amount"++n++"-out") ("balance"++n) ("comment"++n) t
-- Adjust the postings to mimic some pre-1.16 behaviour, for compatibility.
-- And also, wherever default "unknown" accounts were used,
-- refine these based on the sign of the posting amount if it's
@ -949,7 +880,7 @@ transactionFromCsvRecord sourcepos rules record = t
improveUnless final = if final then id else improveUnknownAccountName
-- 4. Build the transaction (and name it, so postings can reference it).
-- 3. Build the transaction (and name it, so the postings can reference it).
t = nulltransaction{
tsourcepos = genericSourcePos sourcepos -- the CSV line number
@ -963,6 +894,83 @@ transactionFromCsvRecord sourcepos rules record = t
,tpostings = postings'
-- | Given CSV rules and a CSV record, generate the corresponding transaction's
-- Nth posting, if sufficient fields have been assigned for it.
-- N is provided as a string.
-- The names of the required fields are provided, allowing more flexibility.
-- The transaction which will contain this posting is also provided,
-- so we can build the usual transaction<->posting cyclic reference.
mkPosting ::
CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> String ->
HledgerFieldName -> HledgerFieldName -> HledgerFieldName ->
HledgerFieldName -> HledgerFieldName -> HledgerFieldName ->
Transaction ->
Maybe (Posting, Bool)
mkPosting rules record number accountFld amountFld amountInFld amountOutFld balanceFld commentFld t =
-- if we have figured out an account N, make a posting N
case maccountAndIsFinal of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (acct, final) ->
Just (posting{paccount = accountNameWithoutPostingType acct
,pamount = fromMaybe missingmixedamt mamount
,ptransaction = Just t
,pbalanceassertion = mkBalanceAssertion rules record <$> mbalance
,pcomment = comment
,ptype = accountNamePostingType acct}
-- the account name to use for this posting, if any, and whether it is the
-- default unknown account, which may be improved later, or an explicitly
-- set account, which may not.
maccountAndIsFinal :: Maybe (AccountName, Bool) =
case maccount of
-- accountN is set to the empty string - no posting will be generated
Just "" -> Nothing
-- accountN is set (possibly to "expenses:unknown"! #1192) - mark it final
Just a -> Just (a, True)
-- accountN is unset
Nothing ->
case (mamount, mbalance) of
-- amountN is set, or implied by balanceN - set accountN to
-- the default unknown account ("expenses:unknown") and
-- allow it to be improved later
(Just _, _) -> Just (unknownExpenseAccount, False)
(_, Just _) -> Just (unknownExpenseAccount, False)
-- amountN is also unset - no posting will be generated
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
maccount = T.pack <$> (fieldval accountFld
-- XXX what's this needed for ? Test & document, or drop.
-- Also, this the only place we interpolate in a keyword rule, I think.
`withDefault` ruleval ("default-account" ++ number))
mdefaultcurrency = rule "default-currency"
currency = fromMaybe (fromMaybe "" mdefaultcurrency) $
fieldval ("currency"++number) `withDefault` fieldval "currency"
mamount = chooseAmount rules record currency amountFld amountInFld amountOutFld
mbalance :: Maybe (Amount, GenericSourcePos) =
fieldval balanceFld >>= parsebalance currency number
parsebalance currency n str
| all isSpace str = Nothing
| otherwise = Just
(either (balanceerror n str) id $
runParser (evalStateT (amountp <* eof) mempty) "" $
T.pack $ (currency++) $ simplifySign str
,nullsourcepos) -- XXX parse position to show when assertion fails,
-- the csv record's line number would be good
balanceerror n str err = error' $ unlines
["error: could not parse \""++str++"\" as balance"++n++" amount"
,showRecord record
,showRules rules record
,"the default-currency is: "++fromMaybe "unspecified" mdefaultcurrency
,"the parse error is: "++customErrorBundlePretty err
comment = T.pack $ fromMaybe "" $ fieldval commentFld
rule = csvRule rules :: DirectiveName -> Maybe FieldTemplate
ruleval = csvRuleValue rules record :: DirectiveName -> Maybe String
-- field = hledgerField rules record :: HledgerFieldName -> Maybe FieldTemplate
fieldval = hledgerFieldValue rules record :: HledgerFieldName -> Maybe String
-- | Default account names to use when needed.
unknownExpenseAccount = "expenses:unknown"
unknownIncomeAccount = "income:unknown"