lib,cli,ui: Implement all showMixed* functions in terms of DisplayAmountOpts and WideBuilder.

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Morgan 2020-12-22 23:35:20 +11:00
parent 0a686e220e
commit b9c00dce61
9 changed files with 152 additions and 143 deletions

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@ -68,10 +68,15 @@ module Hledger.Data.Amount (
-- ** rendering
@ -119,11 +124,7 @@ module Hledger.Data.Amount (
-- * misc.
@ -135,8 +136,8 @@ import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Data.Decimal (DecimalRaw(..), decimalPlaces, normalizeDecimal, roundTo)
import Data.Default (Default(..))
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (genericSplitAt, groupBy, intercalate, mapAccumL,
partition, sortBy)
import Data.List (groupBy, intercalate, intersperse, mapAccumL, partition,
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), nonEmpty)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (findWithDefault)
@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Safe (lastDef, lastMay)
import Safe (headDef, lastDef, lastMay)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Hledger.Data.Types
@ -154,12 +155,15 @@ import Hledger.Utils
deriving instance Show MarketPrice
-- | Options for the display of Amount and MixedAmount.
data AmountDisplayOpts = AmountDisplayOpts
{ displayPrice :: Bool -- ^ Whether to display the Price of an Amount.
, displayZeroCommodity :: Bool -- ^ If the Amount rounds to 0, whether to display its commodity string.
, displayColour :: Bool -- ^ Whether to colourise negative Amounts.
, displayNormalised :: Bool -- ^ Whether to normalise MixedAmounts before displaying.
, displayOneLine :: Bool -- ^ Whether to display on one line.
{ displayPrice :: Bool -- ^ Whether to display the Price of an Amount.
, displayZeroCommodity :: Bool -- ^ If the Amount rounds to 0, whether to display its commodity string.
, displayColour :: Bool -- ^ Whether to colourise negative Amounts.
, displayNormalised :: Bool -- ^ Whether to normalise MixedAmounts before displaying.
, displayOneLine :: Bool -- ^ Whether to display on one line.
, displayMinWidth :: Maybe Int -- ^ Minimum width to pad to
, displayMaxWidth :: Maybe Int -- ^ Maximum width to clip to
} deriving (Show)
instance Default AmountDisplayOpts where
@ -168,8 +172,22 @@ instance Default AmountDisplayOpts where
, displayZeroCommodity = False
, displayNormalised = True
, displayOneLine = False
, displayMinWidth = Nothing
, displayMaxWidth = Nothing
-- | Display Amount and MixedAmount with no colour.
noColour :: AmountDisplayOpts
noColour = def{displayColour=False}
-- | Display Amount and MixedAmount with no prices.
noPrice :: AmountDisplayOpts
noPrice = def{displayPrice=False}
-- | Display Amount and MixedAmount on one line with no prices.
oneLine :: AmountDisplayOpts
oneLine = def{displayOneLine=True, displayPrice=False}
-- Amount styles
@ -348,8 +366,8 @@ withDecimalPoint = flip setAmountDecimalPoint
showAmountPrice :: Maybe AmountPrice -> WideBuilder
showAmountPrice Nothing = mempty
showAmountPrice (Just (UnitPrice pa)) = WideBuilder (TB.fromString " @ ") 3 <> showAmountB def{displayColour=False} pa
showAmountPrice (Just (TotalPrice pa)) = WideBuilder (TB.fromString " @@ ") 4 <> showAmountB def{displayColour=False} pa
showAmountPrice (Just (UnitPrice pa)) = WideBuilder (TB.fromString " @ ") 3 <> showAmountB noColour pa
showAmountPrice (Just (TotalPrice pa)) = WideBuilder (TB.fromString " @@ ") 4 <> showAmountB noColour pa
showAmountPriceDebug :: Maybe AmountPrice -> String
showAmountPriceDebug Nothing = ""
@ -381,7 +399,7 @@ amountUnstyled a = a{astyle=amountstyle}
-- zero are converted to just \"0\". The special "missing" amount is
-- displayed as the empty string.
showAmount :: Amount -> String
showAmount = wbUnpack . showAmountB def{displayColour=False}
showAmount = wbUnpack . showAmountB noColour
-- | Get the string representation of an amount, based on its
-- commodity's display settings and the display options. The
@ -395,7 +413,7 @@ showAmountB opts a@Amount{astyle=style} =
quantity = showamountquantity a
(quantity',c) | amountLooksZero a && not (displayZeroCommodity opts) = (WideBuilder (TB.singleton '0') 1,"")
| otherwise = (quantity, quoteCommoditySymbolIfNeeded $ acommodity a)
| otherwise = (quantity, quoteCommoditySymbolIfNeeded $ acommodity a)
space = if not (T.null c) && ascommodityspaced style then WideBuilder (TB.singleton ' ') 1 else mempty
c' = WideBuilder (TB.fromText c) (textWidth c)
price = if displayPrice opts then showAmountPrice (aprice a) else mempty
@ -408,16 +426,11 @@ cshowAmount = wbUnpack . showAmountB def
-- | Get the string representation of an amount, without any \@ price.
showAmountWithoutPrice :: Amount -> String
showAmountWithoutPrice = wbUnpack . showAmountB def{displayColour=False, displayPrice=False}
-- | Get the string representation of an amount, based on its commodity's
-- display settings except using the specified precision.
showAmountWithPrecision :: AmountPrecision -> Amount -> String
showAmountWithPrecision p = showAmount . setAmountPrecision p
showAmountWithoutPrice = wbUnpack . showAmountB noPrice{displayColour=False}
-- | Like showAmount, but show a zero amount's commodity if it has one.
showAmountWithZeroCommodity :: Amount -> String
showAmountWithZeroCommodity = wbUnpack . showAmountB def{displayColour=False, displayZeroCommodity=True}
showAmountWithZeroCommodity = wbUnpack . showAmountB noColour{displayZeroCommodity=True}
-- | Get a string representation of an amount for debugging,
-- appropriate to the current debug level. 9 shows maximum detail.
@ -434,29 +447,29 @@ showamountquantity amt@Amount{astyle=AmountStyle{asdecimalpoint=mdec, asdigitgro
Decimal e n = amountRoundedQuantity amt
strN = show $ abs n
len = length strN
strN = T.pack . show $ abs n
len = T.length strN
intLen = max 1 $ len - fromIntegral e
dec = fromMaybe '.' mdec
padded = replicate (fromIntegral e + 1 - len) '0' ++ strN
(intPart, fracPart) = splitAt intLen padded
padded = T.replicate (fromIntegral e + 1 - len) "0" <> strN
(intPart, fracPart) = T.splitAt intLen padded
intB = applyDigitGroupStyle mgrps intLen $ if e == 0 then strN else intPart
signB = if n < 0 then WideBuilder (TB.singleton '-') 1 else mempty
fracB = if e > 0 then WideBuilder (TB.singleton dec <> TB.fromString fracPart) (fromIntegral e + 1) else mempty
fracB = if e > 0 then WideBuilder (TB.singleton dec <> TB.fromText fracPart) (fromIntegral e + 1) else mempty
-- | Split a string representation into chunks according to DigitGroupStyle,
-- returning a Text builder and the number of separators used.
applyDigitGroupStyle :: Maybe DigitGroupStyle -> Int -> String -> WideBuilder
applyDigitGroupStyle Nothing l s = WideBuilder (TB.fromString s) l
applyDigitGroupStyle (Just (DigitGroups _ [])) l s = WideBuilder (TB.fromString s) l
applyDigitGroupStyle :: Maybe DigitGroupStyle -> Int -> T.Text -> WideBuilder
applyDigitGroupStyle Nothing l s = WideBuilder (TB.fromText s) l
applyDigitGroupStyle (Just (DigitGroups _ [])) l s = WideBuilder (TB.fromText s) l
applyDigitGroupStyle (Just (DigitGroups c (g:gs))) l s = addseps (g:|gs) (toInteger l) s
addseps (g:|gs) l s
| l' > 0 = addseps gs' l' rest <> WideBuilder (TB.singleton c <> TB.fromString part) (fromIntegral g + 1)
| otherwise = WideBuilder (TB.fromString s) (fromInteger l)
| l' > 0 = addseps gs' l' rest <> WideBuilder (TB.singleton c <> TB.fromText part) (fromIntegral g + 1)
| otherwise = WideBuilder (TB.fromText s) (fromInteger l)
(rest, part) = genericSplitAt l' s
(rest, part) = T.splitAt (fromInteger l') s
gs' = fromMaybe (g:|[]) $ nonEmpty gs
l' = l - toInteger g
@ -651,39 +664,33 @@ mixedAmountUnstyled = mapMixedAmount amountUnstyled
-- normalising it to one amount per commodity. Assumes amounts have
-- no or similar prices, otherwise this can show misleading prices.
showMixedAmount :: MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmount = fst . showMixed showAmount Nothing Nothing False
showMixedAmount = wbUnpack . showMixed noColour
-- | Get the one-line string representation of a mixed amount.
showMixedAmountOneLine :: MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmountOneLine = fst . showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing Nothing False
showMixedAmountOneLine = wbUnpack . showMixed oneLine{displayColour=False}
-- | Like showMixedAmount, but zero amounts are shown with their
-- commodity if they have one.
showMixedAmountWithZeroCommodity :: MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmountWithZeroCommodity = fst . showMixed showAmountWithZeroCommodity Nothing Nothing False
-- | Get the string representation of a mixed amount, showing each of its
-- component amounts with the specified precision, ignoring their
-- commoditys' display precision settings.
showMixedAmountWithPrecision :: AmountPrecision -> MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmountWithPrecision p = fst . showMixed (showAmountWithPrecision p) Nothing Nothing False
showMixedAmountWithZeroCommodity = wbUnpack . showMixed noColour{displayZeroCommodity=True}
-- | Get the string representation of a mixed amount, without showing any transaction prices.
-- With a True argument, adds ANSI codes to show negative amounts in red.
showMixedAmountWithoutPrice :: Bool -> MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmountWithoutPrice c = fst . showMixed showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing Nothing c
showMixedAmountWithoutPrice c = wbUnpack . showMixed noPrice{displayColour=c}
-- | Get the one-line string representation of a mixed amount, but without
-- any \@ prices.
-- With a True argument, adds ANSI codes to show negative amounts in red.
showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice :: Bool -> MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice c = fst . showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing Nothing c
showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice c = wbUnpack . showMixed oneLine{displayColour=c}
-- | Like showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice, but show at most the given width,
-- with an elision indicator if there are more.
-- With a True argument, adds ANSI codes to show negative amounts in red.
showMixedAmountElided :: Int -> Bool -> MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmountElided w c = fst . showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing (Just w) c
showMixedAmountElided w c = wbUnpack . showMixed oneLine{displayColour=c, displayMaxWidth=Just w}
-- | Get an unambiguous string representation of a mixed amount for debugging.
showMixedAmountDebug :: MixedAmount -> String
@ -691,59 +698,62 @@ showMixedAmountDebug m | m == missingmixedamt = "(missing)"
| otherwise = printf "Mixed [%s]" as
where as = intercalate "\n " $ map showAmountDebug $ amounts m
-- | General function to display a MixedAmount, one Amount on each line.
-- It takes a function to display each Amount, an optional minimum width
-- to pad to, an optional maximum width to display, and a Bool to determine
-- whether to colourise negative numbers. Amounts longer than the maximum
-- width (if given) will be elided. The function also returns the actual
-- width of the output string.
showMixed :: (Amount -> String) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> MixedAmount -> (String, Int)
showMixed showamt mmin mmax c =
showMixedUnnormalised showamt mmin mmax c . normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay
-- | Like showMixed, but does not normalise the MixedAmount before displaying.
showMixedUnnormalised :: (Amount -> String) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> MixedAmount -> (String, Int)
showMixedUnnormalised showamt mmin mmax c (Mixed as) =
(intercalate "\n" $ map finalise elided, width)
-- | General function to generate a WideBuilder for a MixedAmount,
-- according the supplied AmountDisplayOpts. If a maximum width is
-- given then:
-- - If displayed on one line, it will display as many Amounts as can
-- fit in the given width, and further Amounts will be elided.
-- - If displayed on multiple lines, any Amounts longer than the
-- maximum width will be elided.
showMixed :: AmountDisplayOpts -> MixedAmount -> WideBuilder
showMixed opts ma
| displayOneLine opts = showMixedOneLine opts ma
| otherwise = WideBuilder (wbBuilder . mconcat $ intersperse sep lines) width
width = maximum $ fromMaybe 0 mmin : map adLength elided
astrs = amtDisplayList sepwidth showamt as
sepwidth = 0 -- "\n" has width 0
lines = showMixedLines opts ma
width = headDef 0 $ map wbWidth lines
sep = WideBuilder (TB.singleton '\n') 0
finalise = adString . pad . if c then colourise else id
pad amt = amt{ adString = applyN (width - adLength amt) (' ':) $ adString amt
, adLength = width
-- | Helper for showMixed to show a MixedAmount on multiple lines. This returns
-- the list of WideBuilders: one for each Amount in the MixedAmount (possibly
-- normalised), and padded/elided to the appropriate width. This does not
-- honour displayOneLine: all amounts will be displayed as if displayOneLine
-- were False.
showMixedLines :: AmountDisplayOpts -> MixedAmount -> [WideBuilder]
showMixedLines opts@AmountDisplayOpts{displayMaxWidth=mmax,displayMinWidth=mmin} ma =
map (adBuilder . pad) elided
Mixed amts = if displayNormalised opts then normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay ma else ma
astrs = amtDisplayList (wbWidth sep) (showAmountB opts) amts
sep = WideBuilder (TB.singleton '\n') 0
width = maximum $ fromMaybe 0 mmin : map (wbWidth . adBuilder) elided
pad amt = amt{ adBuilder = WideBuilder (TB.fromText $ T.replicate w " ") w <> adBuilder amt }
where w = width - wbWidth (adBuilder amt)
elided = maybe id elideTo mmax astrs
elideTo m xs = maybeAppend elisionStr short
elisionStr = elisionDisplay (Just m) sepwidth (length long) $ lastDef nullAmountDisplay short
(short, long) = partition ((m>=) . adLength) xs
elisionStr = elisionDisplay (Just m) (wbWidth sep) (length long) $ lastDef nullAmountDisplay short
(short, long) = partition ((m>=) . wbWidth . adBuilder) xs
-- | General function to display a MixedAmount on a single line. It
-- takes a function to display each Amount, an optional minimum width to
-- pad to, an optional maximum width to display, and a Bool to determine
-- whether to colourise negative numbers. It will display as many Amounts
-- as it can in the maximum width (if given), and further Amounts will be
-- elided. The function also returns the actual width of the output string.
showMixedOneLine :: (Amount -> String) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> MixedAmount -> (String, Int)
showMixedOneLine showamt mmin mmax c =
showMixedOneLineUnnormalised showamt mmin mmax c . normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay
-- | Like showMixedOneLine, but does not normalise the MixedAmount before
-- displaying.
showMixedOneLineUnnormalised :: (Amount -> String) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> MixedAmount -> (String, Int)
showMixedOneLineUnnormalised showamt mmin mmax c (Mixed as) =
(pad . intercalate ", " $ map finalise elided, max width $ fromMaybe 0 mmin)
-- | Helper for showMixed to deal with single line displays. This does not
-- honour displayOneLine: all amounts will be displayed as if displayOneLine
-- were True.
showMixedOneLine :: AmountDisplayOpts -> MixedAmount -> WideBuilder
showMixedOneLine opts@AmountDisplayOpts{displayMaxWidth=mmax,displayMinWidth=mmin} ma =
WideBuilder (wbBuilder . pad . mconcat . intersperse sep $ map adBuilder elided) . max width $ fromMaybe 0 mmin
width = maybe 0 adTotal $ lastMay elided
astrs = amtDisplayList sepwidth showamt as
sepwidth = 2 -- ", " has width 2
n = length as
Mixed amts = if displayNormalised opts then normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay ma else ma
finalise = adString . if c then colourise else id
pad = applyN (fromMaybe 0 mmin - width) (' ':)
width = maybe 0 adTotal $ lastMay elided
astrs = amtDisplayList (wbWidth sep) (showAmountB opts) amts
sep = WideBuilder (TB.fromString ", ") 2
n = length amts
pad = (WideBuilder (TB.fromText $ T.replicate w " ") w <>)
where w = fromMaybe 0 mmin - width
elided = maybe id elideTo mmax astrs
elideTo m = addElide . takeFitting m . withElided
@ -756,39 +766,36 @@ showMixedOneLineUnnormalised showamt mmin mmax c (Mixed as) =
dropWhileRev p = foldr (\x xs -> if null xs && p x then [] else x:xs) []
-- Add the elision strings (if any) to each amount
withElided = zipWith (\num amt -> (amt, elisionDisplay Nothing sepwidth num amt)) [n-1,n-2..0]
withElided = zipWith (\num amt -> (amt, elisionDisplay Nothing (wbWidth sep) num amt)) [n-1,n-2..0]
data AmountDisplay = AmountDisplay
{ adAmount :: !Amount -- ^ Amount displayed
, adString :: !String -- ^ String representation of the Amount
, adLength :: !Int -- ^ Length of the string representation
, adTotal :: !Int -- ^ Cumulative length of MixedAmount this Amount is part of,
-- including separators
} deriving (Show)
{ adBuilder :: !WideBuilder -- ^ String representation of the Amount
, adTotal :: !Int -- ^ Cumulative length of MixedAmount this Amount is part of,
-- including separators
nullAmountDisplay :: AmountDisplay
nullAmountDisplay = AmountDisplay nullamt "" 0 0
nullAmountDisplay = AmountDisplay mempty 0
amtDisplayList :: Int -> (Amount -> String) -> [Amount] -> [AmountDisplay]
amtDisplayList :: Int -> (Amount -> WideBuilder) -> [Amount] -> [AmountDisplay]
amtDisplayList sep showamt = snd . mapAccumL display (-sep)
display tot amt = (tot', AmountDisplay amt str width tot')
display tot amt = (tot', AmountDisplay str tot')
str = showamt amt
width = strWidth str
tot' = tot + width + sep
tot' = tot + (wbWidth str) + sep
-- The string "m more", added to the previous running total
elisionDisplay :: Maybe Int -> Int -> Int -> AmountDisplay -> Maybe AmountDisplay
elisionDisplay mmax sep n lastAmt
| n > 0 = Just $ AmountDisplay 0 str len (adTotal lastAmt + len)
| n > 0 = Just $ AmountDisplay (WideBuilder (TB.fromText str) len) (adTotal lastAmt + len)
| otherwise = Nothing
fullString = show n ++ " more.."
fullString = T.pack $ show n ++ " more.."
-- sep from the separator, 7 from " more..", 1 + floor (logBase 10 n) from number
fullLength = sep + 8 + floor (logBase 10 $ fromIntegral n)
str | Just m <- mmax, fullLength > m = take (m - 2) fullString ++ ".."
str | Just m <- mmax, fullLength > m = T.take (m - 2) fullString <> ".."
| otherwise = fullString
len = case mmax of Nothing -> fullLength
Just m -> max 2 $ min m fullLength
@ -797,10 +804,6 @@ maybeAppend :: Maybe a -> [a] -> [a]
maybeAppend Nothing = id
maybeAppend (Just a) = (++[a])
colourise :: AmountDisplay -> AmountDisplay
colourise amt = amt{adString=markColour $ adString amt}
where markColour = if isNegativeAmount (adAmount amt) then color Dull Red else id
-- | Compact labelled trace of a mixed amount, for debugging.
ltraceamount :: String -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
ltraceamount s = traceWith (((s ++ ": ") ++).showMixedAmount)

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@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ showPosting p@Posting{paccount=a,pamount=amt,ptype=t} =
BalancedVirtualPosting -> (wrap "[" "]", acctnamewidth-2)
VirtualPosting -> (wrap "(" ")", acctnamewidth-2)
_ -> (id,acctnamewidth)
showamount = fst . showMixed showAmount (Just 12) Nothing False
showamount = wbUnpack . showMixed noColour{displayMinWidth=Just 12}
showComment :: Text -> String

View File

@ -57,12 +57,13 @@ module Hledger.Data.Transaction (
import Data.List
import Data.List (intercalate, partition)
import Data.List.Extra (nubSort)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, fromGregorian)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Hledger.Utils
@ -258,12 +259,11 @@ postingAsLines elideamount onelineamounts pstoalignwith p = concat [
-- currently prices are considered part of the amount string when right-aligning amounts
| elideamount = [""]
| onelineamounts = [fst . showMixedOneLineUnnormalised showAmount (Just amtwidth) Nothing False $ pamount p]
| null (amounts $ pamount p) = [""]
| otherwise = lines . fst . showMixedUnnormalised showAmount (Just amtwidth) Nothing False $ pamount p
| elideamount || null (amounts $ pamount p) = [""]
| otherwise = lines . wbUnpack . showMixed displayopts $ pamount p
amtwidth = maximum $ 12 : map (snd . showMixedUnnormalised showAmount Nothing Nothing False . pamount) pstoalignwith -- min. 12 for backwards compatibility
displayopts = noColour{displayOneLine=onelineamounts, displayMinWidth = Just amtwidth, displayNormalised=False}
amtwidth = maximum $ 12 : map (wbWidth . showMixed displayopts{displayMinWidth=Nothing} . pamount) pstoalignwith -- min. 12 for backwards compatibility
(samelinecomment, newlinecomments) =
case renderCommentLines (pcomment p) of [] -> ("",[])

View File

@ -27,18 +27,17 @@ module Hledger.Reports.BudgetReport (
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Data.Decimal
import Data.Decimal (roundTo)
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.List
import Data.List (nub, partition, transpose)
import Data.List.Extra (nubSort)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Safe
import Safe (headDef)
--import Data.List
--import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
@ -245,7 +244,7 @@ budgetReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} budgetr = TB.toLazyText $
actual' = fromMaybe 0 actual
budgetAndPerc b = (showamt b, showper <$> percentage actual' b)
showamt = first T.pack . showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing (Just 32) color_
showamt = (\(WideBuilder b w) -> (TL.toStrict $ TB.toLazyText b, w)) . showMixed oneLine{displayColour=color_, displayMaxWidth=Just 32}
showper p = let str = T.pack (show $ roundTo 0 p) in (str, T.length str)
cellWidth ((_,wa), Nothing) = (wa, 0, 0)
cellWidth ((_,wa), Just ((_,wb), Nothing)) = (wa, wb, 0)

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@ -93,10 +93,12 @@ rsInit d reset ui@UIState{aopts=_uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec
,rsItemDescription = T.unpack $ tdescription t
,rsItemOtherAccounts = T.unpack otheracctsstr
-- _ -> "<split>" -- should do this if accounts field width < 30
,rsItemChangeAmount = showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing (Just 32) False change
,rsItemBalanceAmount = showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing (Just 32) False bal
,rsItemChangeAmount = showamt change
,rsItemBalanceAmount = showamt bal
,rsItemTransaction = t
where showamt = \((WideBuilder b w) -> (TL.toStrict $ TB.toLazyText b, w))
. showMixed oneLine{displayMaxWidth=Just 32}
-- blank items are added to allow more control of scroll position; we won't allow movement over these.
-- XXX Ugly. Changing to 0 helps when debugging.
blankitems = replicate 100 -- "100 ought to be enough for anyone"

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@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ amountAndCommentWizard PrevInput{..} EntryState{..} = do
balancingamt = negate $ sum $ map pamount realps where realps = filter isReal esPostings
balancingamtfirstcommodity = Mixed $ take 1 $ amounts balancingamt
showamt =
showMixedAmount . setMixedAmountPrecision
-- what should this be ?
-- 1 maxprecision (show all decimal places or none) ?
-- 2 maxprecisionwithpoint (show all decimal places or .0 - avoids some but not all confusion with thousands separators) ?

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@ -144,9 +144,9 @@ accountTransactionsReportAsText copts reportq thisacctq items
title :
map (accountTransactionsReportItemAsText copts reportq thisacctq amtwidth balwidth) items
amtwidth = maximumStrict $ 12 : map (snd . showamt . itemamt) items
balwidth = maximumStrict $ 12 : map (snd . showamt . itembal) items
showamt = showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice (Just 12) mmax False -- color_
amtwidth = maximumStrict $ 12 : map (wbWidth . showamt . itemamt) items
balwidth = maximumStrict $ 12 : map (wbWidth . showamt . itembal) items
showamt = showMixed oneLine{displayMinWidth=Just 12, displayMaxWidth=mmax, displayColour=False} -- color_
where mmax = if no_elide_ . rsOpts . reportspec_ $ copts then Nothing else Just 32
itemamt (_,_,_,_,a,_) = a
itembal (_,_,_,_,_,a) = a
@ -216,8 +216,9 @@ accountTransactionsReportItemAsText
-- gather content
accts = -- T.unpack $ elideAccountName acctwidth $ T.pack
amt = T.pack . fst $ showMixed showAmountWithoutPrice (Just amtwidth) (Just balwidth) color_ change
bal = T.pack . fst $ showMixed showAmountWithoutPrice (Just balwidth) (Just balwidth) color_ balance
amt = TL.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . wbBuilder $ showamt amtwidth change
bal = TL.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . wbBuilder $ showamt balwidth balance
showamt w = showMixed noPrice{displayColour=color_, displayMinWidth=Just w, displayMaxWidth=Just w}
-- alternate behaviour, show null amounts as 0 instead of blank
-- amt = if null amt' then "0" else amt'
-- bal = if null bal' then "0" else bal'

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@ -254,7 +254,6 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Balance (
) where
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.List (intersperse, transpose)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList)
@ -435,10 +434,13 @@ renderComponent topaligned opts (acctname, depth, total) (FormatField ljust mmin
DepthSpacerField -> Cell align [(T.replicate d " ", d)]
where d = maybe id min mmax $ depth * fromMaybe 1 mmin
AccountField -> Cell align [(t, textWidth t)] where t = formatText ljust mmin mmax acctname
TotalField -> Cell align . pure . first T.pack $ showMixed showAmountWithoutPrice mmin mmax (color_ opts) total
TotalField -> Cell align . pure $ showamt total
_ -> Cell align [("", 0)]
where align = if topaligned then (if ljust then TopLeft else TopRight)
else (if ljust then BottomLeft else BottomRight)
align = if topaligned then (if ljust then TopLeft else TopRight)
else (if ljust then BottomLeft else BottomRight)
showamt = (\(WideBuilder b w) -> (TL.toStrict $ TB.toLazyText b, w))
. showMixed noPrice{displayColour=color_ opts, displayMinWidth=mmin, displayMaxWidth=mmax}
-- rendering multi-column balance reports
@ -627,7 +629,7 @@ balanceReportTableAsText ReportOpts{..} =
Tab.renderTableB def{tableBorders=False, prettyTable=pretty_tables_}
(Tab.alignCell TopLeft) (Tab.alignCell TopRight) showamt
showamt = Cell TopRight . (\(a,w) -> [(T.pack a,w)]) . showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing mmax color_
showamt = Cell TopRight . (\(WideBuilder b w) -> [(TL.toStrict $ TB.toLazyText b, w)]) . showMixed oneLine{displayColour=color_, displayMaxWidth=mmax}
mmax = if no_elide_ then Nothing else Just 32

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@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Register (
) where
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
-- import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
@ -96,12 +96,13 @@ postingsReportAsText opts items =
TB.toLazyText . unlinesB $
map (postingsReportItemAsText opts amtwidth balwidth) items
amtwidth = maximumStrict $ map (snd . showMixed showAmount (Just 12) Nothing False . itemamt) items
balwidth = maximumStrict $ map (snd . showMixed showAmount (Just 12) Nothing False . itembal) items
amtwidth = maximumStrict $ map (wbWidth . showAmt . itemamt) items
balwidth = maximumStrict $ map (wbWidth . showAmt . itembal) items
itemamt (_,_,_,Posting{pamount=a},_) = a
itembal (_,_,_,_,a) = a
unlinesB [] = mempty
unlinesB xs = mconcat (intersperse (TB.fromText "\n") xs) <> TB.fromText "\n"
showAmt = showMixed noColour{displayMinWidth=Just 12,displayColour=False}
-- | Render one register report line item as plain text. Layout is like so:
-- @
@ -179,8 +180,9 @@ postingsReportItemAsText opts preferredamtwidth preferredbalwidth (mdate, mendda
VirtualPosting -> (\s -> wrap "(" ")" s, acctwidth-2)
_ -> (id,acctwidth)
wrap a b x = a <> x <> b
amt = T.pack . fst $ showMixed showAmountWithoutPrice (Just amtwidth) (Just amtwidth) (color_ . rsOpts $ reportspec_ opts) $ pamount p
bal = T.pack . fst $ showMixed showAmountWithoutPrice (Just balwidth) (Just balwidth) (color_ . rsOpts $ reportspec_ opts) b
amt = TL.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . wbBuilder . showamt amtwidth $ pamount p
bal = TL.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . wbBuilder $ showamt balwidth b
showamt w = showMixed noPrice{displayColour=color_ . rsOpts $ reportspec_ opts, displayMinWidth=Just w, displayMaxWidth=Just w}
-- alternate behaviour, show null amounts as 0 instead of blank
-- amt = if null amt' then "0" else amt'
-- bal = if null bal' then "0" else bal'