cli: Use Text Builder for Entries Reports.

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Morgan 2020-10-27 18:06:43 +11:00
parent 12a6435c51
commit b9dbed6713

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@ -17,9 +17,10 @@ where
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit
import Hledger.Read.CsvReader (CSV, printCSV)
@ -53,18 +54,18 @@ print' opts j = do
Just desc -> printMatch opts j $ T.pack desc
printEntries :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ()
printEntries opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec} j = do
let fmt = outputFormatFromOpts opts
render = case fmt of
"txt" -> entriesReportAsText opts
"csv" -> (++"\n") . printCSV . entriesReportAsCsv
"json" -> (++"\n") . TL.unpack . toJsonText
"sql" -> entriesReportAsSql
_ -> const $ error' $ unsupportedOutputFormatError fmt -- PARTIAL:
writeOutput opts $ render $ entriesReport rspec j
printEntries opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec} j =
writeOutputLazyText opts . render $ entriesReport rspec j
fmt = outputFormatFromOpts opts
render | fmt=="txt" = entriesReportAsText opts
| fmt=="csv" = TL.pack . printCSV . entriesReportAsCsv
| fmt=="json" = toJsonText
| fmt=="sql" = entriesReportAsSql
| otherwise = error' $ unsupportedOutputFormatError fmt -- PARTIAL:
entriesReportAsText :: CliOpts -> EntriesReport -> String
entriesReportAsText opts = concatMap (showTransaction . whichtxn)
entriesReportAsText :: CliOpts -> EntriesReport -> TL.Text
entriesReportAsText opts = TB.toLazyText . foldMap (TB.fromString . showTransaction . whichtxn)
-- With -x, use the fully-inferred txn with all amounts & txn prices explicit.
@ -125,16 +126,17 @@ originalPostingPreservingAccount p = (originalPosting p) { paccount = paccount p
-- ]
-- ]
entriesReportAsSql :: EntriesReport -> String
entriesReportAsSql txns =
"create table if not exists postings(id serial,txnidx int,date1 date,date2 date,status text,code text,description text,comment text,account text,amount numeric,commodity text,credit numeric,debit numeric,posting_status text,posting_comment text);\n"++
"insert into postings(txnidx,date1,date2,status,code,description,comment,account,amount,commodity,credit,debit,posting_status,posting_comment) values\n"++
(intercalate "," (map values csv))
entriesReportAsSql :: EntriesReport -> TL.Text
entriesReportAsSql txns = TB.toLazyText $ mconcat
[ TB.fromText "create table if not exists postings(id serial,txnidx int,date1 date,date2 date,status text,code text,description text,comment text,account text,amount numeric,commodity text,credit numeric,debit numeric,posting_status text,posting_comment text);\n"
, TB.fromText "insert into postings(txnidx,date1,date2,status,code,description,comment,account,amount,commodity,credit,debit,posting_status,posting_comment) values\n"
, mconcat . intersperse (TB.fromText ",") $ map values csv
, TB.fromText ";\n"
values vs = "(" ++ (intercalate "," $ map toSql vs) ++ ")\n"
toSql "" = "NULL"
toSql s = "'" ++ (concatMap quoteChar s) ++ "'"
values vs = TB.fromText "(" <> mconcat (intersperse (TB.fromText ",") $ map toSql vs) <> TB.fromText ")\n"
toSql "" = TB.fromText "NULL"
toSql s = TB.fromText "'" <> TB.fromString (concatMap quoteChar s) <> TB.fromText "'"
quoteChar '\'' = "''"
quoteChar c = [c]
csv = concatMap transactionToCSV txns