ref: Return the interval split in reportSpan, to reduce the number

of different places we call splitSpan and ease refactoring.
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Morgan 2022-01-04 16:55:28 +01:00 committed by Simon Michael
parent e33de3585b
commit ba0eec9132
8 changed files with 38 additions and 52 deletions

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@ -116,11 +116,11 @@ multiBalanceReportWith :: ReportSpec -> Journal -> PriceOracle -> Set AccountNam
multiBalanceReportWith rspec' j priceoracle unelidableaccts = report
-- Queries, report/column dates.
reportspan = dbg3 "reportspan" $ reportSpan j rspec'
rspec = dbg3 "reportopts" $ makeReportQuery rspec' reportspan
(reportspan, colspans) = reportSpan j rspec'
rspec = dbg3 "reportopts" $ makeReportQuery rspec' reportspan
-- Group postings into their columns.
colps = dbg5 "colps" $ getPostingsByColumn rspec j priceoracle reportspan
colps = dbg5 "colps" $ getPostingsByColumn rspec j priceoracle colspans
-- The matched accounts with a starting balance. All of these should appear
-- in the report, even if they have no postings during the report period.
@ -145,11 +145,11 @@ compoundBalanceReportWith :: ReportSpec -> Journal -> PriceOracle
compoundBalanceReportWith rspec' j priceoracle subreportspecs = cbr
-- Queries, report/column dates.
reportspan = dbg3 "reportspan" $ reportSpan j rspec'
rspec = dbg3 "reportopts" $ makeReportQuery rspec' reportspan
(reportspan, colspans) = reportSpan j rspec'
rspec = dbg3 "reportopts" $ makeReportQuery rspec' reportspan
-- Group postings into their columns.
colps = dbg5 "colps" $ getPostingsByColumn rspec j priceoracle reportspan
colps = dbg5 "colps" $ getPostingsByColumn rspec j priceoracle colspans
-- The matched postings with a starting balance. All of these should appear
-- in the report, even if they have no postings during the report period.
@ -242,14 +242,13 @@ makeReportQuery rspec reportspan
dateqcons = if date2_ (_rsReportOpts rspec) then Date2 else Date
-- | Group postings, grouped by their column
getPostingsByColumn :: ReportSpec -> Journal -> PriceOracle -> DateSpan -> [(DateSpan, [Posting])]
getPostingsByColumn rspec j priceoracle reportspan =
getPostingsByColumn :: ReportSpec -> Journal -> PriceOracle -> [DateSpan] -> [(DateSpan, [Posting])]
getPostingsByColumn rspec j priceoracle colspans =
groupByDateSpan True getDate colspans ps
-- Postings matching the query within the report period.
ps = dbg5 "getPostingsByColumn" $ getPostings rspec j priceoracle
-- The date spans to be included as report columns.
colspans = dbg3 "colspans" $ splitSpan (interval_ $ _rsReportOpts rspec) reportspan
getDate = postingDateOrDate2 (whichDate (_rsReportOpts rspec))
-- | Gather postings matching the query within the report period.

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@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ type SummaryPosting = (Posting, Period)
postingsReport :: ReportSpec -> Journal -> PostingsReport
postingsReport rspec@ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ropts@ReportOpts{..}} j = items
reportspan = reportSpanBothDates j rspec
(reportspan, colspans) = reportSpanBothDates j rspec
whichdate = whichDate ropts
mdepth = queryDepth $ _rsQuery rspec
multiperiod = interval_ /= NoInterval
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ postingsReport rspec@ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ropts@ReportOpts{..}} j = items
| multiperiod = [(p, Just period) | (p, period) <- summariseps reportps]
| otherwise = [(p, Nothing) | p <- reportps]
summariseps = summarisePostingsByInterval interval_ whichdate mdepth showempty reportspan
summariseps = summarisePostingsByInterval whichdate mdepth showempty colspans
showempty = empty_ || average_
-- Posting report items ready for display.
@ -164,15 +164,12 @@ mkpostingsReportItem showdate showdesc wd mperiod p b =
-- | Convert a list of postings into summary postings, one per interval,
-- aggregated to the specified depth if any.
-- Each summary posting will have a non-Nothing interval end date.
summarisePostingsByInterval :: Interval -> WhichDate -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> DateSpan -> [Posting] -> [SummaryPosting]
summarisePostingsByInterval interval wd mdepth showempty reportspan =
summarisePostingsByInterval :: WhichDate -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> [DateSpan] -> [Posting] -> [SummaryPosting]
summarisePostingsByInterval wd mdepth showempty colspans =
concatMap (\(s,ps) -> summarisePostingsInDateSpan s wd mdepth showempty ps)
-- Group postings into their columns. We try to be efficient, since
-- there can possibly be a very large number of intervals (cf #1683)
. groupByDateSpan showempty (postingDateOrDate2 wd) colspans
-- The date spans to be included as report columns.
colspans = splitSpan interval reportspan
-- | Given a date span (representing a report interval) and a list of
-- postings within it, aggregate the postings into one summary posting per
@ -377,7 +374,7 @@ tests_PostingsReport = testGroup "PostingsReport" [
,testCase "summarisePostingsByInterval" $
summarisePostingsByInterval (Quarters 1) PrimaryDate Nothing False (DateSpan Nothing Nothing) [] @?= []
summarisePostingsByInterval PrimaryDate Nothing False [DateSpan Nothing Nothing] [] @?= []
-- ,tests_summarisePostingsInDateSpan = [
-- "summarisePostingsInDateSpan" ~: do

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@ -596,10 +596,10 @@ journalApplyValuationFromOptsWith rspec@ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ropts} j priceo
-- Find the end of the period containing this posting
periodEnd = addDays (-1) . fromMaybe err . mPeriodEnd . postingDate
mPeriodEnd = case interval_ ropts of
NoInterval -> const . spanEnd $ reportSpan j rspec
NoInterval -> const . spanEnd . fst $ reportSpan j rspec
_ -> spanEnd <=< latestSpanContaining (historical : spans)
historical = DateSpan Nothing $ spanStart =<< headMay spans
spans = splitSpan (interval_ ropts) $ reportSpanBothDates j rspec
spans = snd $ reportSpanBothDates j rspec
styles = journalCommodityStyles j
err = error "journalApplyValuationFromOpts: expected all spans to have an end date"
@ -653,18 +653,20 @@ queryFromFlags ReportOpts{..} = simplifyQuery $ And flagsq
-- options or queries, or otherwise the earliest and latest transaction or
-- posting dates in the journal. If no dates are specified by options/queries
-- and the journal is empty, returns the null date span.
reportSpan :: Journal -> ReportSpec -> DateSpan
-- Also return the intervals if they are requested.
reportSpan :: Journal -> ReportSpec -> (DateSpan, [DateSpan])
reportSpan = reportSpanHelper False
-- | Like reportSpan, but uses both primary and secondary dates when calculating
-- the span.
reportSpanBothDates :: Journal -> ReportSpec -> DateSpan
reportSpanBothDates :: Journal -> ReportSpec -> (DateSpan, [DateSpan])
reportSpanBothDates = reportSpanHelper True
-- | A helper for reportSpan, which takes a Bool indicating whether to use both
-- primary and secondary dates.
reportSpanHelper :: Bool -> Journal -> ReportSpec -> DateSpan
reportSpanHelper bothdates j ReportSpec{_rsQuery=query, _rsReportOpts=ropts} = reportspan
reportSpanHelper :: Bool -> Journal -> ReportSpec -> (DateSpan, [DateSpan])
reportSpanHelper bothdates j ReportSpec{_rsQuery=query, _rsReportOpts=ropts} =
(reportspan, intervalspans)
-- The date span specified by -b/-e/-p options and query args if any.
requestedspan = dbg3 "requestedspan" $ if bothdates then queryDateSpan' query else queryDateSpan (date2_ ropts) query
@ -688,10 +690,10 @@ reportSpanHelper bothdates j ReportSpec{_rsQuery=query, _rsReportOpts=ropts} = r
(spanEnd =<< lastMay intervalspans)
reportStartDate :: Journal -> ReportSpec -> Maybe Day
reportStartDate j = spanStart . reportSpan j
reportStartDate j = spanStart . fst . reportSpan j
reportEndDate :: Journal -> ReportSpec -> Maybe Day
reportEndDate j = spanEnd . reportSpan j
reportEndDate j = spanEnd . fst . reportSpan j
-- Some pure alternatives to the above. XXX review/clean up

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@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ Print a bar chart of posting activity per day, or other report interval.
module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Activity
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Text.Printf
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Lens.Micro ((^.), set)
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
@ -31,19 +31,19 @@ activity :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ()
activity CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec} j = putStr $ showHistogram rspec j
showHistogram :: ReportSpec -> Journal -> String
showHistogram ReportSpec{_rsQuery=q,_rsReportOpts=ReportOpts{interval_=i,date2_=date2}} j =
showHistogram rspec@ReportSpec{_rsQuery=q} j =
concatMap (printDayWith countBar) spanps
interval | i == NoInterval = Days 1
| otherwise = i
span' = queryDateSpan date2 q `spanDefaultsFrom` journalDateSpan date2 j
spans = filter (DateSpan Nothing Nothing /=) $ splitSpan interval span'
spans = filter (DateSpan Nothing Nothing /=) . snd . reportSpan j $ case rspec ^. interval of
NoInterval -> set interval (Days 1) rspec
_ -> rspec
spanps = [(s, filter (isPostingInDateSpan s) ps) | s <- spans]
-- same as Register
-- should count transactions, not postings ?
-- ps = sortBy (comparing postingDate) $ filterempties $ filter matchapats $ filterdepth $ journalPostings j
ps = sortOn postingDate $ filter (q `matchesPosting`) $ journalPostings j
printDayWith f (DateSpan b _, ps) = printf "%s %s\n" (show $ fromJust b) (f ps)
printDayWith f (DateSpan (Just b) _, ps) = printf "%s %s\n" (show b) (f ps)
printDayWith _ _ = error "Expected start date for DateSpan" -- PARTIAL:
countBar ps = replicate (length ps) barchar

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@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ balancemode = hledgerCommandMode
balance :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ()
balance opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec} j = case balancecalc_ of
CalcBudget -> do -- single or multi period budget report
let reportspan = reportSpan j rspec
let reportspan = fst $ reportSpan j rspec
budgetreport = budgetReport rspec (balancingopts_ $ inputopts_ opts) reportspan j
render = case fmt of
"txt" -> budgetReportAsText ropts

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@ -81,25 +81,14 @@ roi CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts, reportspec_=rspec@ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ReportO
pnlQuery <- makeQuery "pnl"
trans = dbg3 "investments" $ jtxns $ filterJournalTransactions investmentsQuery j
journalSpan =
let dates = map (transactionDateOrDate2 wd) trans in
DateSpan (Just $ minimum dates) (Just $ addDays 1 $ maximum dates)
requestedSpan = periodAsDateSpan period_
requestedInterval = interval_
wholeSpan = dbg3 "wholeSpan" $ spanDefaultsFrom requestedSpan journalSpan
filteredj = filterJournalTransactions investmentsQuery j
trans = dbg3 "investments" $ jtxns filteredj
when (null trans) $ do
putStrLn "No relevant transactions found. Check your investments query"
let spans = case requestedInterval of
NoInterval -> [wholeSpan]
interval ->
splitSpan interval wholeSpan
let spans = snd $ reportSpan filteredj rspec
let priceDirectiveDates = dbg3 "priceDirectiveDates" $ map pddate $ jpricedirectives j

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@ -48,8 +48,7 @@ stats opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec, progstarttime_} j = do
let today = _rsDay rspec
q = _rsQuery rspec
l = ledgerFromJournal q j
reportspan = ledgerDateSpan l `spanDefaultsFrom` queryDateSpan False q
intervalspans = splitSpan (interval_ $ _rsReportOpts rspec) reportspan
intervalspans = snd $ reportSpanBothDates j rspec
showstats = showLedgerStats l today
(ls, txncounts) = unzip $ map showstats intervalspans
numtxns = sum txncounts

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@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ compoundBalanceCommand CompoundBalanceCommandSpec{..} opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=r
_ -> showDateSpan requestedspan
enddates = map (addDays (-1)) . mapMaybe spanEnd $ cbrDates cbr -- these spans will always have a definite end date
requestedspan = reportSpan j rspec
requestedspan = fst $ reportSpan j rspec
-- when user overrides, add an indication to the report title
-- Do we need to deal with overridden BalanceCalculation?