refactor: lib: hlint cleanups

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2019-02-14 05:14:52 -08:00
parent 03877057fb
commit bc7a1476ed
14 changed files with 579 additions and 472 deletions

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@ -47,10 +47,11 @@
# - ignore: {name: Use let}
# - ignore: {name: Use const, within: SpecialModule} # Only within certain modules
- ignore: {name: Use camelCase}
- ignore: {name: Reduce duplication}
- ignore: {name: Redundant $}
- ignore: {name: Redundant bracket}
- ignore: {name: Redundant do}
- ignore: {name: Use camelCase}
# Define some custom infix operators

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@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ sortAccountTreeByDeclaration :: Account -> Account
sortAccountTreeByDeclaration a
| null $ asubs a = a
| otherwise = a{asubs=
sortBy (comparing accountDeclarationOrderAndName) $
sortOn accountDeclarationOrderAndName $
map sortAccountTreeByDeclaration $ asubs a

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@ -132,7 +132,6 @@ import Data.List
import Data.Map (findWithDefault)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
-- import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Safe (maximumDef)
@ -469,7 +468,7 @@ commodityValue j valuationdate c
dbg = dbg8 ("using market price for "++T.unpack c)
applicableprices =
[p | p <- sortBy (comparing mpdate) $ jmarketprices j
[p | p <- sortOn mpdate $ jmarketprices j
, mpcommodity p == c
, mpdate p <= valuationdate

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import Hledger.Utils
-- characters that may not be used in a non-quoted commodity symbol
nonsimplecommoditychars = "0123456789-+.@*;\n \"{}=" :: [Char]
nonsimplecommoditychars = "0123456789-+.@*;\n \"{}=" :: String
isNonsimpleCommodityChar :: Char -> Bool
isNonsimpleCommodityChar c = isDigit c || c `textElem` otherChars

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@ -126,21 +126,15 @@ showDateSpanMonthAbbrev = showPeriodMonthAbbrev . dateSpanAsPeriod
-- | Get the current local date.
getCurrentDay :: IO Day
getCurrentDay = do
t <- getZonedTime
return $ localDay (zonedTimeToLocalTime t)
getCurrentDay = localDay . zonedTimeToLocalTime <$> getZonedTime
-- | Get the current local month number.
getCurrentMonth :: IO Int
getCurrentMonth = do
(_,m,_) <- toGregorian `fmap` getCurrentDay
return m
getCurrentMonth = second3 . toGregorian <$> getCurrentDay
-- | Get the current local year.
getCurrentYear :: IO Integer
getCurrentYear = do
(y,_,_) <- toGregorian `fmap` getCurrentDay
return y
getCurrentYear = first3 . toGregorian <$> getCurrentDay
elapsedSeconds :: Fractional a => UTCTime -> UTCTime -> a
elapsedSeconds t1 = realToFrac . diffUTCTime t1
@ -380,14 +374,13 @@ spanFromSmartDate refdate sdate = DateSpan (Just b) (Just e)
-- | Convert a smart date string to an explicit yyyy\/mm\/dd string using
-- the provided reference date, or raise an error.
fixSmartDateStr :: Day -> Text -> String
fixSmartDateStr d s = either
(\e->error' $ printf "could not parse date %s %s" (show s) (show e))
$ (fixSmartDateStrEither d s :: Either (ParseErrorBundle Text CustomErr) String)
fixSmartDateStr d s =
either (error' . printf "could not parse date %s %s" (show s) . show) id $
(fixSmartDateStrEither d s :: Either (ParseErrorBundle Text CustomErr) String)
-- | A safe version of fixSmartDateStr.
fixSmartDateStrEither :: Day -> Text -> Either (ParseErrorBundle Text CustomErr) String
fixSmartDateStrEither d = either Left (Right . showDate) . fixSmartDateStrEither' d
fixSmartDateStrEither d = fmap showDate . fixSmartDateStrEither' d
:: Day -> Text -> Either (ParseErrorBundle Text CustomErr) Day
@ -469,34 +462,34 @@ fixSmartDateStrEither' d s = case parsewith smartdateonly (T.toLower s) of
-- "2009/01/01"
fixSmartDate :: Day -> SmartDate -> Day
fixSmartDate refdate sdate = fix sdate
fix :: SmartDate -> Day
fix ("","","today") = fromGregorian ry rm rd
fix ("","this","day") = fromGregorian ry rm rd
fix ("","","yesterday") = prevday refdate
fix ("","last","day") = prevday refdate
fix ("","","tomorrow") = nextday refdate
fix ("","next","day") = nextday refdate
fix ("","last","week") = prevweek refdate
fix ("","this","week") = thisweek refdate
fix ("","next","week") = nextweek refdate
fix ("","last","month") = prevmonth refdate
fix ("","this","month") = thismonth refdate
fix ("","next","month") = nextmonth refdate
fix ("","last","quarter") = prevquarter refdate
fix ("","this","quarter") = thisquarter refdate
fix ("","next","quarter") = nextquarter refdate
fix ("","last","year") = prevyear refdate
fix ("","this","year") = thisyear refdate
fix ("","next","year") = nextyear refdate
fix ("","",d) = fromGregorian ry rm (read d)
fix ("",m,"") = fromGregorian ry (read m) 1
fix ("",m,d) = fromGregorian ry (read m) (read d)
fix (y,"","") = fromGregorian (read y) 1 1
fix (y,m,"") = fromGregorian (read y) (read m) 1
fix (y,m,d) = fromGregorian (read y) (read m) (read d)
(ry,rm,rd) = toGregorian refdate
fixSmartDate refdate = fix
fix :: SmartDate -> Day
fix ("", "", "today") = fromGregorian ry rm rd
fix ("", "this", "day") = fromGregorian ry rm rd
fix ("", "", "yesterday") = prevday refdate
fix ("", "last", "day") = prevday refdate
fix ("", "", "tomorrow") = nextday refdate
fix ("", "next", "day") = nextday refdate
fix ("", "last", "week") = prevweek refdate
fix ("", "this", "week") = thisweek refdate
fix ("", "next", "week") = nextweek refdate
fix ("", "last", "month") = prevmonth refdate
fix ("", "this", "month") = thismonth refdate
fix ("", "next", "month") = nextmonth refdate
fix ("", "last", "quarter") = prevquarter refdate
fix ("", "this", "quarter") = thisquarter refdate
fix ("", "next", "quarter") = nextquarter refdate
fix ("", "last", "year") = prevyear refdate
fix ("", "this", "year") = thisyear refdate
fix ("", "next", "year") = nextyear refdate
fix ("", "", d) = fromGregorian ry rm (read d)
fix ("", m, "") = fromGregorian ry (read m) 1
fix ("", m, d) = fromGregorian ry (read m) (read d)
fix (y, "", "") = fromGregorian (read y) 1 1
fix (y, m, "") = fromGregorian (read y) (read m) 1
fix (y, m, d) = fromGregorian (read y) (read m) (read d)
(ry, rm, rd) = toGregorian refdate
prevday :: Day -> Day
prevday = addDays (-1)
@ -764,7 +757,7 @@ smartdateonly = do
return d
datesepchars :: [Char]
datesepchars :: String
datesepchars = "/-."
datesepchar :: TextParser m Char
@ -980,8 +973,7 @@ reportingintervalp = choice' [
return $ DayOfWeek n,
do string' "every"
skipMany spacenonewline
n <- weekday
return $ DayOfWeek n,
DayOfWeek <$> weekday,
do string' "every"
skipMany spacenonewline
n <- nth
@ -1034,7 +1026,7 @@ reportingintervalp = choice' [
return $ intcons 1,
do string' "every"
skipMany spacenonewline
n <- fmap read $ some digitChar
n <- read <$> some digitChar
skipMany spacenonewline
string' plural'
return $ intcons n
@ -1061,8 +1053,7 @@ doubledatespanp rdate = do
b <- smartdate
skipMany spacenonewline
optional (choice [string' "to", string' "-"] >> skipMany spacenonewline)
e <- smartdate
return $ DateSpan (Just $ fixSmartDate rdate b) (Just $ fixSmartDate rdate e)
DateSpan (Just $ fixSmartDate rdate b) . Just . fixSmartDate rdate <$> smartdate
fromdatespanp :: Day -> TextParser m DateSpan
fromdatespanp rdate = do
@ -1081,14 +1072,12 @@ fromdatespanp rdate = do
todatespanp :: Day -> TextParser m DateSpan
todatespanp rdate = do
choice [string' "to", string' "-"] >> skipMany spacenonewline
e <- smartdate
return $ DateSpan Nothing (Just $ fixSmartDate rdate e)
DateSpan Nothing . Just . fixSmartDate rdate <$> smartdate
justdatespanp :: Day -> TextParser m DateSpan
justdatespanp rdate = do
optional (string' "in" >> skipMany spacenonewline)
d <- smartdate
return $ spanFromSmartDate rdate d
spanFromSmartDate rdate <$> smartdate
-- | Make a datespan from two valid date strings parseable by parsedate
-- (or raise an error). Eg: mkdatespan \"2011/1/1\" \"2011/12/31\".

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@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ import Data.Maybe
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Sem
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -672,7 +671,7 @@ journalBalanceTransactionsST assrt j createStore storeIn extract =
(Just $ journalCommodityStyles j)
(getModifierAccountNames j)
flip R.runReaderT env $ do
dated <- fmap snd . sortBy (comparing fst) . concat
dated <- fmap snd . sortOn fst . concat
<$> mapM' discriminateByDate (jtxns j)
mapM' checkInferAndRegisterAmounts dated
lift $ extract txStore
@ -714,33 +713,33 @@ discriminateByDate :: Transaction
-> CurrentBalancesModifier s [(Day, Either Posting Transaction)]
discriminateByDate tx
| null (assignmentPostings tx) = do
styles <- R.reader $ eStyles
balanced <- lift $ ExceptT $ return $ balanceTransaction styles tx
storeTransaction balanced
return $
fmap (postingDate &&& (Left . removePrices)) $ tpostings $ balanced
| True = do
when (any (isJust . pdate) $ tpostings tx) $
throwError $ unlines $
["postings may not have both a custom date and a balance assignment."
,"Write the posting amount explicitly, or remove the posting date:\n"
, showTransaction tx]
[(tdate tx, Right $ tx { tpostings = removePrices <$> tpostings tx })]
styles <- R.reader $ eStyles
balanced <- lift $ ExceptT $ return $ balanceTransaction styles tx
storeTransaction balanced
return $ fmap (postingDate &&& (Left . removePrices)) $ tpostings $ balanced
| otherwise = do
when (any (isJust . pdate) $ tpostings tx) $
throwError $
unlines $
[ "postings may not have both a custom date and a balance assignment."
, "Write the posting amount explicitly, or remove the posting date:\n"
, showTransaction tx
return [(tdate tx, Right $ tx {tpostings = removePrices <$> tpostings tx})]
-- | Throw an error if a posting is in the unassignable set.
checkUnassignablePosting :: Posting -> CurrentBalancesModifier s ()
checkUnassignablePosting p = do
unassignable <- R.asks eUnassignable
if (isAssignment p && paccount p `S.member` unassignable)
then throwError $ unlines $
[ "cannot assign amount to account "
, ""
, " " ++ (T.unpack $ paccount p)
, ""
, "because it is also included in transaction modifiers."
else return ()
when (isAssignment p && paccount p `S.member` unassignable) $
throwError $
unlines $
[ "cannot assign amount to account "
, ""
, " " ++ T.unpack (paccount p)
, ""
, "because it is also included in transaction modifiers."
-- | This function takes an object describing changes to
@ -789,7 +788,7 @@ checkInferAndRegisterAmounts (Right oldTx) = do
Just ba | baexact ba -> do
diff <- setMixedBalance acc $ Mixed [baamount ba]
fullPosting diff p
Just ba | otherwise -> do
Just ba -> do
old <- liftModifier $ \Env{ eBalances = bals } -> HT.lookup bals acc
let amt = baamount ba
assertedcomm = acommodity amt
@ -884,13 +883,12 @@ commodityStylesFromAmounts amts = M.fromList commstyles
-- That is: the style of the first, and the maximum precision of all.
canonicalStyleFrom :: [AmountStyle] -> AmountStyle
canonicalStyleFrom [] = amountstyle
canonicalStyleFrom ss@(first:_) =
first{asprecision=prec, asdecimalpoint=mdec, asdigitgroups=mgrps}
canonicalStyleFrom ss@(first:_) = first {asprecision = prec, asdecimalpoint = mdec, asdigitgroups = mgrps}
mgrps = maybe Nothing Just $ headMay $ catMaybes $ map asdigitgroups ss
mgrps = headMay $ mapMaybe asdigitgroups ss
-- precision is maximum of all precisions
prec = maximumStrict $ map asprecision ss
mdec = Just $ headDef '.' $ catMaybes $ map asdecimalpoint ss
mdec = Just $ headDef '.' $ mapMaybe asdecimalpoint ss
-- precision is that of first amount with a decimal point
-- (mdec, prec) =
-- case filter (isJust . asdecimalpoint) ss of
@ -993,7 +991,7 @@ journalDateSpan secondary j
latest = maximumStrict dates
dates = pdates ++ tdates
tdates = map (if secondary then transactionDate2 else tdate) ts
pdates = concatMap (catMaybes . map (if secondary then (Just . postingDate2) else pdate) . tpostings) ts
pdates = concatMap (mapMaybe (if secondary then (Just . postingDate2) else pdate) . tpostings) ts
ts = jtxns j
-- | Apply the pivot transformation to all postings in a journal,

View File

@ -107,12 +107,13 @@ ledgerCommodities = M.keys . jinferredcommodities . ljournal
-- tests
tests_Ledger = tests "Ledger" [
tests "ledgerFromJournal" [
(length $ ledgerPostings $ ledgerFromJournal Any nulljournal) `is` 0
,(length $ ledgerPostings $ ledgerFromJournal Any samplejournal) `is` 13
,(length $ ledgerPostings $ ledgerFromJournal (Depth 2) samplejournal) `is` 7
tests_Ledger =
[ tests
[ length (ledgerPostings $ ledgerFromJournal Any nulljournal) `is` 0
, length (ledgerPostings $ ledgerFromJournal Any samplejournal) `is` 13
, length (ledgerPostings $ ledgerFromJournal (Depth 2) samplejournal) `is` 7

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@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ value of things at a given date.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}
module Hledger.Data.MarketPrice
import qualified Data.Text as T

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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
A 'PeriodicTransaction' is a rule describing recurring transactions.

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@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ import Data.MemoUgly (memo)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ord
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar
@ -176,7 +175,7 @@ postingDate2 p = headDef nulldate $ catMaybes dates
where dates = [pdate2 p
,maybe Nothing tdate2 $ ptransaction p
,pdate p
,maybe Nothing (Just . tdate) $ ptransaction p
,fmap tdate (ptransaction p)
-- | Get a posting's status. This is cleared or pending if those are
@ -237,14 +236,14 @@ isEmptyPosting = isZeroMixedAmount . pamount
postingsDateSpan :: [Posting] -> DateSpan
postingsDateSpan [] = DateSpan Nothing Nothing
postingsDateSpan ps = DateSpan (Just $ postingDate $ head ps') (Just $ addDays 1 $ postingDate $ last ps')
where ps' = sortBy (comparing postingDate) ps
where ps' = sortOn postingDate ps
-- --date2-sensitive version, as above.
postingsDateSpan' :: WhichDate -> [Posting] -> DateSpan
postingsDateSpan' _ [] = DateSpan Nothing Nothing
postingsDateSpan' wd ps = DateSpan (Just $ postingdate $ head ps') (Just $ addDays 1 $ postingdate $ last ps')
ps' = sortBy (comparing postingdate) ps
ps' = sortOn postingdate ps
postingdate = if wd == PrimaryDate then postingDate else postingDate2
-- AccountName stuff that depends on PostingType

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ boolopt :: String -> RawOpts -> Bool
boolopt = inRawOpts
maybestringopt :: String -> RawOpts -> Maybe String
maybestringopt name = maybe Nothing (Just . T.unpack . stripquotes . T.pack) . lookup name . reverse
maybestringopt name = fmap (T.unpack . stripquotes . T.pack) . lookup name . reverse
stringopt :: String -> RawOpts -> String
stringopt name = fromMaybe "" . maybestringopt name

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ formatliteralp = do
s <- some c
return $ FormatLiteral s
isPrintableButNotPercentage x = isPrint x && (not $ x == '%')
isPrintableButNotPercentage x = isPrint x && x /= '%'
c = (satisfy isPrintableButNotPercentage <?> "printable character")
<|> try (string "%%" >> return '%')
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ fieldp = do
<|> try (string "date" >> return DescriptionField)
<|> try (string "description" >> return DescriptionField)
<|> try (string "total" >> return TotalField)
<|> try (some digitChar >>= (\s -> return $ FieldNo $ read s))
<|> try ((FieldNo . read) <$> some digitChar)

View File

@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ timeclockEntriesToTransactions now (i:o:rest)
(idate,odate) = (localDay itime,localDay otime)
o' = o{tldatetime=itime{localDay=idate, localTimeOfDay=TimeOfDay 23 59 59}}
i' = i{tldatetime=itime{localDay=addDays 1 idate, localTimeOfDay=midnight}}
{- HLINT ignore timeclockEntriesToTransactions -}
-- | Convert a timeclock clockin and clockout entry to an equivalent journal
-- transaction, representing the time expenditure. Note this entry is not balanced,

View File

@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ renderCommentLines t = case lines $ T.unpack t of ("":ls) -> "":map commentpref
postingsAsLines :: Bool -> Bool -> Transaction -> [Posting] -> [String]
postingsAsLines elide onelineamounts t ps
| elide && length ps > 1 && all hasAmount ps && isTransactionBalanced Nothing t -- imprecise balanced check
= (concatMap (postingAsLines False onelineamounts ps) $ init ps) ++ postingAsLines True onelineamounts ps (last ps)
| otherwise = concatMap (postingAsLines False onelineamounts ps) ps
| elide && length ps > 1 && all hasAmount ps && isTransactionBalanced Nothing t -- imprecise balanced check
= concatMap (postingAsLines False onelineamounts ps) (init ps) ++ postingAsLines True onelineamounts ps (last ps)
| otherwise = concatMap (postingAsLines False onelineamounts ps) ps
-- | Render one posting, on one or more lines, suitable for `print` output.
-- There will be an indented account name, plus one or more of status flag,
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ balancedVirtualPostings :: Transaction -> [Posting]
balancedVirtualPostings = filter isBalancedVirtual . tpostings
transactionsPostings :: [Transaction] -> [Posting]
transactionsPostings = concat . map tpostings
transactionsPostings = concatMap tpostings
-- | Get the sums of a transaction's real, virtual, and balanced virtual postings.
transactionPostingBalances :: Transaction -> (MixedAmount,MixedAmount,MixedAmount)
@ -445,9 +445,7 @@ inferBalancingAmount update styles t@Transaction{tpostings=ps}
inferBalancingPrices :: Transaction -> Transaction
inferBalancingPrices t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=ps'}
ps' = map (priceInferrerFor t BalancedVirtualPosting) $
map (priceInferrerFor t RegularPosting) $
ps' = map (priceInferrerFor t BalancedVirtualPosting . priceInferrerFor t RegularPosting) ps
-- | Generate a posting update function which assigns a suitable balancing
-- price to the posting, if and as appropriate for the given transaction and
@ -478,7 +476,7 @@ priceInferrerFor t pt = inferprice
tocommodity = head $ filter (/=fromcommodity) sumcommodities
toamount = head $ filter ((==tocommodity).acommodity) sumamounts
unitprice = (aquantity fromamount) `divideAmount` toamount
unitprecision = max 2 ((asprecision $ astyle $ toamount) + (asprecision $ astyle $ fromamount))
unitprecision = max 2 (asprecision (astyle toamount) + asprecision (astyle fromamount))
inferprice p = p
-- Get a transaction's secondary date, defaulting to the primary date.
@ -502,371 +500,495 @@ postingSetTransaction t p = p{ptransaction=Just t}
-- tests
tests_Transaction = tests "Transaction" [
tests "showTransactionUnelided" [
showTransactionUnelided nulltransaction `is` "0000/01/01\n\n"
,showTransactionUnelided nulltransaction{
tdate=parsedate "2012/05/14",
tdate2=Just $ parsedate "2012/05/15",
pamount=Mixed [usd 1, hrs 2],
`is` unlines [
"2012/05/14=2012/05/15 (code) desc ; tcomment1",
" ; tcomment2",
" * a $1.00",
" ; pcomment2",
" * a 2.00h",
" ; pcomment2",
,tests "postingAsLines" [
postingAsLines False False [posting] posting `is` [""]
,let p = posting{
pamount=Mixed [usd 1, hrs 2],
pcomment="pcomment1\npcomment2\n tag3: val3 \n",
in postingAsLines False False [p] p `is`
" * a $1.00 ; pcomment1",
" ; pcomment2",
" ; tag3: val3 ",
" * a 2.00h ; pcomment1",
" ; pcomment2",
" ; tag3: val3 "
tests_Transaction =
[ tests
[ showTransactionUnelided nulltransaction `is` "0000/01/01\n\n"
, showTransactionUnelided
{ tdate = parsedate "2012/05/14"
, tdate2 = Just $ parsedate "2012/05/15"
, tstatus = Unmarked
, tcode = "code"
, tdescription = "desc"
, tcomment = "tcomment1\ntcomment2\n"
, ttags = [("ttag1", "val1")]
, tpostings =
[ nullposting
{ pstatus = Cleared
, paccount = "a"
, pamount = Mixed [usd 1, hrs 2]
, pcomment = "\npcomment2\n"
, ptype = RegularPosting
, ptags = [("ptag1", "val1"), ("ptag2", "val2")]
} `is`
[ "2012/05/14=2012/05/15 (code) desc ; tcomment1"
, " ; tcomment2"
, " * a $1.00"
, " ; pcomment2"
, " * a 2.00h"
, " ; pcomment2"
, ""
, tests
[ postingAsLines False False [posting] posting `is` [""]
, let p =
{ pstatus = Cleared
, paccount = "a"
, pamount = Mixed [usd 1, hrs 2]
, pcomment = "pcomment1\npcomment2\n tag3: val3 \n"
, ptype = RegularPosting
, ptags = [("ptag1", "val1"), ("ptag2", "val2")]
in postingAsLines False False [p] p `is`
[ " * a $1.00 ; pcomment1"
, " ; pcomment2"
, " ; tag3: val3 "
, " * a 2.00h ; pcomment1"
, " ; pcomment2"
, " ; tag3: val3 "
-- postingsAsLines
-- one implicit amount
timp = nulltransaction{tpostings=[
"a" `post` usd 1,
"b" `post` missingamt
, let timp = nulltransaction {tpostings = ["a" `post` usd 1, "b" `post` missingamt]}
-- explicit amounts, balanced
texp = nulltransaction{tpostings=[
"a" `post` usd 1,
"b" `post` usd (-1)
texp = nulltransaction {tpostings = ["a" `post` usd 1, "b" `post` usd (-1)]}
-- explicit amount, only one posting
texp1 = nulltransaction{tpostings=[
"(a)" `post` usd 1
texp1 = nulltransaction {tpostings = ["(a)" `post` usd 1]}
-- explicit amounts, two commodities, explicit balancing price
texp2 = nulltransaction{tpostings=[
"a" `post` usd 1,
"b" `post` (hrs (-1) `at` usd 1)
texp2 = nulltransaction {tpostings = ["a" `post` usd 1, "b" `post` (hrs (-1) `at` usd 1)]}
-- explicit amounts, two commodities, implicit balancing price
texp2b = nulltransaction{tpostings=[
"a" `post` usd 1,
"b" `post` hrs (-1)
texp2b = nulltransaction {tpostings = ["a" `post` usd 1, "b" `post` hrs (-1)]}
-- one missing amount, not the last one
t3 = nulltransaction{tpostings=[
"a" `post` usd 1
,"b" `post` missingamt
,"c" `post` usd (-1)
t3 = nulltransaction {tpostings = ["a" `post` usd 1, "b" `post` missingamt, "c" `post` usd (-1)]}
-- unbalanced amounts when precision is limited (#931)
t4 = nulltransaction{tpostings=[
"a" `post` usd (-0.01)
,"b" `post` usd (0.005)
,"c" `post` usd (0.005)
tests "postingsAsLines" [
test "null-transaction" $
let t = nulltransaction
in postingsAsLines True False t (tpostings t) `is` []
,test "implicit-amount-elide-false" $
let t = timp in postingsAsLines False False t (tpostings t) `is` [
" a $1.00"
," b" -- implicit amount remains implicit
,test "implicit-amount-elide-true" $
let t = timp in postingsAsLines True False t (tpostings t) `is` [
" a $1.00"
," b" -- implicit amount remains implicit
,test "explicit-amounts-elide-false" $
let t = texp in postingsAsLines False False t (tpostings t) `is` [
" a $1.00"
," b $-1.00" -- both amounts remain explicit
,test "explicit-amounts-elide-true" $
let t = texp in postingsAsLines True False t (tpostings t) `is` [
" a $1.00"
," b" -- explicit amount is made implicit
,test "one-explicit-amount-elide-true" $
let t = texp1 in postingsAsLines True False t (tpostings t) `is` [
" (a) $1.00" -- explicit amount remains explicit since only one posting
,test "explicit-amounts-two-commodities-elide-true" $
let t = texp2 in postingsAsLines True False t (tpostings t) `is` [
" a $1.00"
," b" -- explicit amount is made implicit since txn is explicitly balanced
,test "explicit-amounts-not-explicitly-balanced-elide-true" $
let t = texp2b in postingsAsLines True False t (tpostings t) `is` [
" a $1.00"
," b -1.00h" -- explicit amount remains explicit since a conversion price would have be inferred to balance
,test "implicit-amount-not-last" $
let t = t3 in postingsAsLines True False t (tpostings t) `is` [
" a $1.00"
," b"
," c $-1.00"
,_test "ensure-visibly-balanced" $
let t = t4 in postingsAsLines False False t (tpostings t) `is` [
" a $-0.01"
," b $0.005"
," c $0.005"
let inferTransaction :: Transaction -> Either String Transaction
inferTransaction = runIdentity . runExceptT . inferBalancingAmount (\_ _ -> return ()) Map.empty
tests "inferBalancingAmount" [
inferTransaction nulltransaction `is` Right nulltransaction
,inferTransaction nulltransaction{
"a" `post` usd (-5),
"b" `post` missingamt
`is` Right
"a" `post` usd (-5),
"b" `post` usd 5
,inferTransaction nulltransaction{
"a" `post` usd (-5),
"b" `post` (eur 3 @@ usd 4),
"c" `post` missingamt
`is` Right
"a" `post` usd (-5),
"b" `post` (eur 3 @@ usd 4),
"c" `post` usd 1
,tests "showTransaction" [
test "show a balanced transaction, eliding last amount" $
let t = Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing Unmarked "" "coopportunity" "" []
[posting{paccount="expenses:food:groceries", pamount=Mixed [usd 47.18], ptransaction=Just t}
,posting{paccount="assets:checking", pamount=Mixed [usd (-47.18)], ptransaction=Just t}
showTransaction t
["2007/01/28 coopportunity"
," expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
," assets:checking"
,test "show a balanced transaction, no eliding" $
(let t = Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing Unmarked "" "coopportunity" "" []
[posting{paccount="expenses:food:groceries", pamount=Mixed [usd 47.18], ptransaction=Just t}
,posting{paccount="assets:checking", pamount=Mixed [usd (-47.18)], ptransaction=Just t}
in showTransactionUnelided t)
["2007/01/28 coopportunity"
," expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
," assets:checking $-47.18"
t4 = nulltransaction {tpostings = ["a" `post` usd (-0.01), "b" `post` usd (0.005), "c" `post` usd (0.005)]}
in tests
[ test "null-transaction" $
let t = nulltransaction
in postingsAsLines True False t (tpostings t) `is` []
, test "implicit-amount-elide-false" $
let t = timp
in postingsAsLines False False t (tpostings t) `is`
[ " a $1.00"
, " b" -- implicit amount remains implicit
, test "implicit-amount-elide-true" $
let t = timp
in postingsAsLines True False t (tpostings t) `is`
[ " a $1.00"
, " b" -- implicit amount remains implicit
, test "explicit-amounts-elide-false" $
let t = texp
in postingsAsLines False False t (tpostings t) `is`
[ " a $1.00"
, " b $-1.00" -- both amounts remain explicit
, test "explicit-amounts-elide-true" $
let t = texp
in postingsAsLines True False t (tpostings t) `is`
[ " a $1.00"
, " b" -- explicit amount is made implicit
, test "one-explicit-amount-elide-true" $
let t = texp1
in postingsAsLines True False t (tpostings t) `is`
[ " (a) $1.00" -- explicit amount remains explicit since only one posting
, test "explicit-amounts-two-commodities-elide-true" $
let t = texp2
in postingsAsLines True False t (tpostings t) `is`
[ " a $1.00"
, " b" -- explicit amount is made implicit since txn is explicitly balanced
, test "explicit-amounts-not-explicitly-balanced-elide-true" $
let t = texp2b
in postingsAsLines True False t (tpostings t) `is`
[ " a $1.00"
, " b -1.00h" -- explicit amount remains explicit since a conversion price would have be inferred to balance
, test "implicit-amount-not-last" $
let t = t3
in postingsAsLines True False t (tpostings t) `is`
[" a $1.00", " b", " c $-1.00"]
, _test "ensure-visibly-balanced" $
let t = t4
in postingsAsLines False False t (tpostings t) `is`
[" a $-0.01", " b $0.005", " c $0.005"]
, do let inferTransaction :: Transaction -> Either String Transaction
inferTransaction = runIdentity . runExceptT . inferBalancingAmount (\_ _ -> return ()) Map.empty
[ inferTransaction nulltransaction `is` Right nulltransaction
, inferTransaction nulltransaction {tpostings = ["a" `post` usd (-5), "b" `post` missingamt]} `is`
Right nulltransaction {tpostings = ["a" `post` usd (-5), "b" `post` usd 5]}
, inferTransaction
nulltransaction {tpostings = ["a" `post` usd (-5), "b" `post` (eur 3 @@ usd 4), "c" `post` missingamt]} `is`
Right nulltransaction {tpostings = ["a" `post` usd (-5), "b" `post` (eur 3 @@ usd 4), "c" `post` usd 1]}
, tests
[ test "show a balanced transaction, eliding last amount" $
let t =
(parsedate "2007/01/28")
[ posting {paccount = "expenses:food:groceries", pamount = Mixed [usd 47.18], ptransaction = Just t}
, posting {paccount = "assets:checking", pamount = Mixed [usd (-47.18)], ptransaction = Just t}
in showTransaction t `is`
["2007/01/28 coopportunity", " expenses:food:groceries $47.18", " assets:checking", ""]
, test "show a balanced transaction, no eliding" $
(let t =
(parsedate "2007/01/28")
[ posting {paccount = "expenses:food:groceries", pamount = Mixed [usd 47.18], ptransaction = Just t}
, posting {paccount = "assets:checking", pamount = Mixed [usd (-47.18)], ptransaction = Just t}
in showTransactionUnelided t) `is`
[ "2007/01/28 coopportunity"
, " expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
, " assets:checking $-47.18"
, ""
-- document some cases that arise in debug/testing:
,test "show an unbalanced transaction, should not elide" $
(txnTieKnot $ Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing Unmarked "" "coopportunity" "" []
[posting{paccount="expenses:food:groceries", pamount=Mixed [usd 47.18]}
,posting{paccount="assets:checking", pamount=Mixed [usd (-47.19)]}
["2007/01/28 coopportunity"
," expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
," assets:checking $-47.19"
,test "show an unbalanced transaction with one posting, should not elide" $
(txnTieKnot $ Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing Unmarked "" "coopportunity" "" []
[posting{paccount="expenses:food:groceries", pamount=Mixed [usd 47.18]}
["2007/01/28 coopportunity"
," expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
,test "show a transaction with one posting and a missing amount" $
(txnTieKnot $ Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing Unmarked "" "coopportunity" "" []
[posting{paccount="expenses:food:groceries", pamount=missingmixedamt}
["2007/01/28 coopportunity"
," expenses:food:groceries"
,test "show a transaction with a priced commodityless amount" $
(txnTieKnot $ Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (parsedate "2010/01/01") Nothing Unmarked "" "x" "" []
[posting{paccount="a", pamount=Mixed [num 1 `at` (usd 2 `withPrecision` 0)]}
,posting{paccount="b", pamount= missingmixedamt}
["2010/01/01 x"
," a 1 @ $2"
," b"
, test "show an unbalanced transaction, should not elide" $
(txnTieKnot $
(parsedate "2007/01/28")
[ posting {paccount = "expenses:food:groceries", pamount = Mixed [usd 47.18]}
, posting {paccount = "assets:checking", pamount = Mixed [usd (-47.19)]}
])) `is`
[ "2007/01/28 coopportunity"
, " expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
, " assets:checking $-47.19"
, ""
, test "show an unbalanced transaction with one posting, should not elide" $
(txnTieKnot $
(parsedate "2007/01/28")
[posting {paccount = "expenses:food:groceries", pamount = Mixed [usd 47.18]}])) `is`
(unlines ["2007/01/28 coopportunity", " expenses:food:groceries $47.18", ""])
, test "show a transaction with one posting and a missing amount" $
(txnTieKnot $
(parsedate "2007/01/28")
[posting {paccount = "expenses:food:groceries", pamount = missingmixedamt}])) `is`
(unlines ["2007/01/28 coopportunity", " expenses:food:groceries", ""])
, test "show a transaction with a priced commodityless amount" $
(txnTieKnot $
(parsedate "2010/01/01")
[ posting {paccount = "a", pamount = Mixed [num 1 `at` (usd 2 `withPrecision` 0)]}
, posting {paccount = "b", pamount = missingmixedamt}
])) `is`
(unlines ["2010/01/01 x", " a 1 @ $2", " b", ""])
, tests
[ test "detect unbalanced entry, sign error" $
(parsedate "2007/01/28")
[posting {paccount = "a", pamount = Mixed [usd 1]}, posting {paccount = "b", pamount = Mixed [usd 1]}]))
, test "detect unbalanced entry, multiple missing amounts" $
expectLeft $
(parsedate "2007/01/28")
[ posting {paccount = "a", pamount = missingmixedamt}
, posting {paccount = "b", pamount = missingmixedamt}
, test "one missing amount is inferred" $
(pamount . last . tpostings <$>
(parsedate "2007/01/28")
[posting {paccount = "a", pamount = Mixed [usd 1]}, posting {paccount = "b", pamount = missingmixedamt}])) `is`
Right (Mixed [usd (-1)])
, test "conversion price is inferred" $
(pamount . head . tpostings <$>
(parsedate "2007/01/28")
[ posting {paccount = "a", pamount = Mixed [usd 1.35]}
, posting {paccount = "b", pamount = Mixed [eur (-1)]}
])) `is`
Right (Mixed [usd 1.35 @@ (eur 1 `withPrecision` maxprecision)])
, test "balanceTransaction balances based on cost if there are unit prices" $
expectRight $
(parsedate "2011/01/01")
[ posting {paccount = "a", pamount = Mixed [usd 1 `at` eur 2]}
, posting {paccount = "a", pamount = Mixed [usd (-2) `at` eur 1]}
, test "balanceTransaction balances based on cost if there are total prices" $
expectRight $
(parsedate "2011/01/01")
[ posting {paccount = "a", pamount = Mixed [usd 1 @@ eur 1]}
, posting {paccount = "a", pamount = Mixed [usd (-2) @@ eur 1]}
, tests
[ test "detect balanced" $
expect $
isTransactionBalanced Nothing $
(parsedate "2009/01/01")
[ posting {paccount = "b", pamount = Mixed [usd 1.00]}
, posting {paccount = "c", pamount = Mixed [usd (-1.00)]}
, test "detect unbalanced" $
expect $
not $
isTransactionBalanced Nothing $
(parsedate "2009/01/01")
[ posting {paccount = "b", pamount = Mixed [usd 1.00]}
, posting {paccount = "c", pamount = Mixed [usd (-1.01)]}
, test "detect unbalanced, one posting" $
expect $
not $
isTransactionBalanced Nothing $
(parsedate "2009/01/01")
[posting {paccount = "b", pamount = Mixed [usd 1.00]}]
, test "one zero posting is considered balanced for now" $
expect $
isTransactionBalanced Nothing $
(parsedate "2009/01/01")
[posting {paccount = "b", pamount = Mixed [usd 0]}]
, test "virtual postings don't need to balance" $
expect $
isTransactionBalanced Nothing $
(parsedate "2009/01/01")
[ posting {paccount = "b", pamount = Mixed [usd 1.00]}
, posting {paccount = "c", pamount = Mixed [usd (-1.00)]}
, posting {paccount = "d", pamount = Mixed [usd 100], ptype = VirtualPosting}
, test "balanced virtual postings need to balance among themselves" $
expect $
not $
isTransactionBalanced Nothing $
(parsedate "2009/01/01")
[ posting {paccount = "b", pamount = Mixed [usd 1.00]}
, posting {paccount = "c", pamount = Mixed [usd (-1.00)]}
, posting {paccount = "d", pamount = Mixed [usd 100], ptype = BalancedVirtualPosting}
, test "balanced virtual postings need to balance among themselves (2)" $
expect $
isTransactionBalanced Nothing $
(parsedate "2009/01/01")
[ posting {paccount = "b", pamount = Mixed [usd 1.00]}
, posting {paccount = "c", pamount = Mixed [usd (-1.00)]}
, posting {paccount = "d", pamount = Mixed [usd 100], ptype = BalancedVirtualPosting}
, posting {paccount = "3", pamount = Mixed [usd (-100)], ptype = BalancedVirtualPosting}
,tests "balanceTransaction" [
test "detect unbalanced entry, sign error" $
(expectLeft $ balanceTransaction Nothing
(Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing Unmarked "" "test" "" []
[posting{paccount="a", pamount=Mixed [usd 1]}
,posting{paccount="b", pamount=Mixed [usd 1]}
,test "detect unbalanced entry, multiple missing amounts" $
(expectLeft $ balanceTransaction Nothing
(Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing Unmarked "" "test" "" []
[posting{paccount="a", pamount=missingmixedamt}
,posting{paccount="b", pamount=missingmixedamt}
,test "one missing amount is inferred" $
(pamount . last . tpostings <$> balanceTransaction
(Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing Unmarked "" "" "" []
[posting{paccount="a", pamount=Mixed [usd 1]}
,posting{paccount="b", pamount=missingmixedamt}
`is` Right (Mixed [usd (-1)])
,test "conversion price is inferred" $
(pamount . head . tpostings <$> balanceTransaction
(Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing Unmarked "" "" "" []
[posting{paccount="a", pamount=Mixed [usd 1.35]}
,posting{paccount="b", pamount=Mixed [eur (-1)]}
`is` Right (Mixed [usd 1.35 @@ (eur 1 `withPrecision` maxprecision)])
,test "balanceTransaction balances based on cost if there are unit prices" $
expectRight $
balanceTransaction Nothing (Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (parsedate "2011/01/01") Nothing Unmarked "" "" "" []
[posting{paccount="a", pamount=Mixed [usd 1 `at` eur 2]}
,posting{paccount="a", pamount=Mixed [usd (-2) `at` eur 1]}
,test "balanceTransaction balances based on cost if there are total prices" $
expectRight $
balanceTransaction Nothing (Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (parsedate "2011/01/01") Nothing Unmarked "" "" "" []
[posting{paccount="a", pamount=Mixed [usd 1 @@ eur 1]}
,posting{paccount="a", pamount=Mixed [usd (-2) @@ eur 1]}
,tests "isTransactionBalanced" [
test "detect balanced" $ expect $
isTransactionBalanced Nothing $ Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (parsedate "2009/01/01") Nothing Unmarked "" "a" "" []
[posting{paccount="b", pamount=Mixed [usd 1.00]}
,posting{paccount="c", pamount=Mixed [usd (-1.00)]}
,test "detect unbalanced" $ expect $
not $ isTransactionBalanced Nothing $ Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (parsedate "2009/01/01") Nothing Unmarked "" "a" "" []
[posting{paccount="b", pamount=Mixed [usd 1.00]}
,posting{paccount="c", pamount=Mixed [usd (-1.01)]}
,test "detect unbalanced, one posting" $ expect $
not $ isTransactionBalanced Nothing $ Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (parsedate "2009/01/01") Nothing Unmarked "" "a" "" []
[posting{paccount="b", pamount=Mixed [usd 1.00]}
,test "one zero posting is considered balanced for now" $ expect $
isTransactionBalanced Nothing $ Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (parsedate "2009/01/01") Nothing Unmarked "" "a" "" []
[posting{paccount="b", pamount=Mixed [usd 0]}
,test "virtual postings don't need to balance" $ expect $
isTransactionBalanced Nothing $ Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (parsedate "2009/01/01") Nothing Unmarked "" "a" "" []
[posting{paccount="b", pamount=Mixed [usd 1.00]}
,posting{paccount="c", pamount=Mixed [usd (-1.00)]}
,posting{paccount="d", pamount=Mixed [usd 100], ptype=VirtualPosting}
,test "balanced virtual postings need to balance among themselves" $ expect $
not $ isTransactionBalanced Nothing $ Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (parsedate "2009/01/01") Nothing Unmarked "" "a" "" []
[posting{paccount="b", pamount=Mixed [usd 1.00]}
,posting{paccount="c", pamount=Mixed [usd (-1.00)]}
,posting{paccount="d", pamount=Mixed [usd 100], ptype=BalancedVirtualPosting}
,test "balanced virtual postings need to balance among themselves (2)" $ expect $
isTransactionBalanced Nothing $ Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (parsedate "2009/01/01") Nothing Unmarked "" "a" "" []
[posting{paccount="b", pamount=Mixed [usd 1.00]}
,posting{paccount="c", pamount=Mixed [usd (-1.00)]}
,posting{paccount="d", pamount=Mixed [usd 100], ptype=BalancedVirtualPosting}
,posting{paccount="3", pamount=Mixed [usd (-100)], ptype=BalancedVirtualPosting}