imp!: forecast: Implements more intuitive logic for the forecast interval. (#1648)

The forecast period begins on:
- the start date supplied to the `--forecast` argument, if present
- otherwise, the later of
  - the report start date if specified with -b/-p/date:
  - the day after the latest normal (non-periodic) transaction in the journal, if any
- otherwise today.
It ends on:
- the end date supplied to the `--forecast` argument, if present
- otherwise the report end date if specified with -e/-p/date:
- otherwise 180 days (6 months) from today.

Note that the previous behaviour did not quite match the documentation,
so this also acts as a bug fix for #1665.
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Morgan 2021-08-23 15:30:54 +10:00 committed by Simon Michael
parent 65e10aebd2
commit c07ad29a87
6 changed files with 152 additions and 88 deletions

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@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ module Hledger.Read (
module Hledger.Read.Common,
module Hledger.Read.InputOptions,
-- * Tests
@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ import System.IO (hPutStr, stderr)
import Hledger.Data.Dates (getCurrentDay, parsedateM, showDate)
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Read.Common
import Hledger.Read.InputOptions
import Hledger.Read.JournalReader as JournalReader
import Hledger.Read.CsvReader (tests_CsvReader)
-- import Hledger.Read.TimedotReader (tests_TimedotReader)

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@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ module Hledger.Read.Common (
-- * parsing utilities
@ -148,7 +147,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Sem
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, addDays, fromGregorianValid, toGregorian)
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, fromGregorianValid, toGregorian)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
import Data.Time.LocalTime (LocalTime(..), TimeOfDay(..))
import Data.Word (Word8)
@ -160,7 +159,7 @@ import Text.Megaparsec.Custom
finalErrorBundlePretty, parseErrorAt, parseErrorAtRegion)
import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Query (Query(..), filterQuery, parseQueryTerm, queryEndDate, queryIsDate, simplifyQuery)
import Hledger.Query (Query(..), filterQuery, parseQueryTerm, queryEndDate, queryStartDate, queryIsDate, simplifyQuery)
import Hledger.Reports.ReportOptions (ReportOpts(..), queryFromFlags, rawOptsToReportOpts)
import Hledger.Utils
import Text.Printf (printf)
@ -234,6 +233,14 @@ rawOptsToInputOpts :: RawOpts -> IO InputOpts
rawOptsToInputOpts rawopts = do
d <- getCurrentDay
let noinferprice = boolopt "strict" rawopts || stringopt "args" rawopts == "balancednoautoconversion"
-- Do we really need to do all this work just to get the requested end date? This is duplicating
-- much of reportOptsToSpec.
ropts = rawOptsToReportOpts d rawopts
argsquery = lefts . rights . map (parseQueryTerm d) $ querystring_ ropts
datequery = simplifyQuery . filterQuery queryIsDate . And $ queryFromFlags ropts : argsquery
return InputOpts{
-- files_ = listofstringopt "file" rawopts
mformat_ = Nothing
@ -244,6 +251,7 @@ rawOptsToInputOpts rawopts = do
,new_save_ = True
,pivot_ = stringopt "pivot" rawopts
,forecast_ = forecastPeriodFromRawOpts d rawopts
,reportspan_ = DateSpan (queryStartDate False datequery) (queryEndDate False datequery)
,auto_ = boolopt "auto" rawopts
,balancingopts_ = balancingOpts{
ignore_assertions_ = boolopt "ignore-assertions" rawopts
@ -252,36 +260,21 @@ rawOptsToInputOpts rawopts = do
,strict_ = boolopt "strict" rawopts
where noinferprice = boolopt "strict" rawopts || stringopt "args" rawopts == "balancednoautoconversion"
-- | Get the date span from --forecast's PERIODEXPR argument, if any.
-- This will fail with a usage error if the period expression cannot be parsed,
-- or if it contains a report interval.
forecastPeriodFromRawOpts :: Day -> RawOpts -> Maybe DateSpan
forecastPeriodFromRawOpts d rawopts = case maybestringopt "forecast" rawopts of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just "" -> Just forecastspanDefault
Just arg ->
(\e -> usageError $ "could not parse forecast period : "++customErrorBundlePretty e)
(\(interval, requestedspan) ->
case interval of
NoInterval -> Just $ requestedspan `spanDefaultsFrom` forecastspanDefault
_ -> usageError $ unlines
[ "--forecast's argument should not contain a report interval"
, "(" ++ show interval ++ " in \"" ++ arg ++ "\")"
(parsePeriodExpr d $ stripquotes $ T.pack arg)
forecastPeriodFromRawOpts d rawopts = do
arg <- maybestringopt "forecast" rawopts
let period = parsePeriodExpr d . stripquotes $ T.pack arg
return $ if null arg then nulldatespan else either badParse (getSpan arg) period
-- "They end on or before the specified report end date, or 180 days from today if unspecified."
mspecifiedend = dbg2 "specifieddates" $ queryEndDate False datequery
forecastendDefault = dbg2 "forecastendDefault" $ addDays 180 d
forecastspanDefault = DateSpan Nothing $ mspecifiedend <|> Just forecastendDefault
-- Do we really need to do all this work just to get the requested end date? This is duplicating
-- much of reportOptsToSpec.
ropts = rawOptsToReportOpts d rawopts
argsquery = lefts . rights . map (parseQueryTerm d) $ querystring_ ropts
datequery = simplifyQuery . filterQuery queryIsDate . And $ queryFromFlags ropts : argsquery
badParse e = usageError $ "could not parse forecast period : "++customErrorBundlePretty e
getSpan arg (interval, requestedspan) = case interval of
NoInterval -> requestedspan
_ -> usageError $ "--forecast's argument should not contain a report interval ("
++ show interval ++ " in \"" ++ arg ++ "\")"
--- ** parsing utilities
@ -371,7 +364,7 @@ parseAndFinaliseJournal' parser iopts f txt = do
-- - infer transaction-implied market prices from transaction prices
journalFinalise :: InputOpts -> FilePath -> Text -> ParsedJournal -> ExceptT String IO Journal
journalFinalise InputOpts{forecast_,auto_,balancingopts_,strict_} f txt pj = do
journalFinalise iopts@InputOpts{auto_,balancingopts_,strict_} f txt pj = do
t <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
d <- liftIO getCurrentDay
-- Infer and apply canonical styles for each commodity (or throw an error).
@ -390,7 +383,7 @@ journalFinalise InputOpts{forecast_,auto_,balancingopts_,strict_} f txt pj = do
journalCheckCommoditiesDeclared j
-- Add forecast transactions if enabled
journalAddForecast d forecast_ j
journalAddForecast (forecastPeriod d iopts j) j
-- Add auto postings if enabled
& (if auto_ && not (null $ jtxnmodifiers j) then journalAddAutoPostings d balancingopts_ else pure)
-- Balance all transactions and maybe check balance assertions.
@ -412,9 +405,9 @@ journalAddAutoPostings d bopts =
-- The start & end date for generated periodic transactions are determined in
-- a somewhat complicated way; see the hledger manual -> Periodic transactions.
journalAddForecast :: Day -> Maybe DateSpan -> Journal -> Journal
journalAddForecast _ Nothing j = j
journalAddForecast d (Just requestedspan) j = j{jtxns = jtxns j ++ forecasttxns}
journalAddForecast :: Maybe DateSpan -> Journal -> Journal
journalAddForecast Nothing j = j
journalAddForecast (Just forecastspan) j = j{jtxns = jtxns j ++ forecasttxns}
forecasttxns =
map (txnTieKnot . transactionTransformPostings (postingApplyCommodityStyles $ journalCommodityStyles j))
@ -422,14 +415,6 @@ journalAddForecast d (Just requestedspan) j = j{jtxns = jtxns j ++ forecasttxns}
. concatMap (`runPeriodicTransaction` forecastspan)
$ jperiodictxns j
-- "They can start no earlier than: the day following the latest normal transaction in the journal (or today if there are none)."
mjournalend = dbg2 "journalEndDate" $ journalEndDate False j -- ignore secondary dates
forecastbeginDefault = dbg2 "forecastbeginDefault" $ mjournalend <|> Just d
-- "They end on or before the specified report end date, or 180 days from today if unspecified."
forecastspan = dbg2 "forecastspan" $ dbg2 "forecastspan flag" requestedspan
`spanDefaultsFrom` DateSpan forecastbeginDefault (Just $ addDays 180 d)
-- | Check that all the journal's transactions have payees declared with
-- payee directives, returning an error message otherwise.
journalCheckPayeesDeclared :: Journal -> Either String ()

View File

@ -6,30 +6,36 @@ Similar to CliOptions.inputflags, simplifies the journal-reading functions.
module Hledger.Read.InputOptions (
-- * Types and helpers for input options
, definputopts
-- * Types and helpers for input options
, definputopts
, forecastPeriod
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Time (Day, addDays)
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.Transaction
import Hledger.Data.Dates()
import Hledger.Data.Transaction (BalancingOpts(..), balancingOpts)
import Hledger.Data.Journal (journalEndDate)
import Hledger.Data.Dates (nulldatespan)
import Hledger.Utils
data InputOpts = InputOpts {
-- files_ :: [FilePath]
mformat_ :: Maybe StorageFormat -- ^ a file/storage format to try, unless overridden
-- by a filename prefix. Nothing means try all.
,mrules_file_ :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ a conversion rules file to use (when reading CSV)
,aliases_ :: [String] -- ^ account name aliases to apply
,anon_ :: Bool -- ^ do light anonymisation/obfuscation of the data
,new_ :: Bool -- ^ read only new transactions since this file was last read
,new_save_ :: Bool -- ^ save latest new transactions state for next time
,pivot_ :: String -- ^ use the given field's value as the account name
,forecast_ :: Maybe DateSpan -- ^ span in which to generate forecast transactions
,auto_ :: Bool -- ^ generate automatic postings when journal is parsed
,balancingopts_ :: BalancingOpts -- ^ options for balancing transactions
,strict_ :: Bool -- ^ do extra error checking (eg, all posted accounts are declared, no prices are inferred)
mformat_ :: Maybe StorageFormat -- ^ a file/storage format to try, unless overridden
-- by a filename prefix. Nothing means try all.
,mrules_file_ :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ a conversion rules file to use (when reading CSV)
,aliases_ :: [String] -- ^ account name aliases to apply
,anon_ :: Bool -- ^ do light anonymisation/obfuscation of the data
,new_ :: Bool -- ^ read only new transactions since this file was last read
,new_save_ :: Bool -- ^ save latest new transactions state for next time
,pivot_ :: String -- ^ use the given field's value as the account name
,forecast_ :: Maybe DateSpan -- ^ span in which to generate forecast transactions
,reportspan_ :: DateSpan -- ^ a dirty hack keeping the query dates in InputOpts. This rightfully lives in ReportSpec, but is duplicated here.
,auto_ :: Bool -- ^ generate automatic postings when journal is parsed
,balancingopts_ :: BalancingOpts -- ^ options for balancing transactions
,strict_ :: Bool -- ^ do extra error checking (eg, all posted accounts are declared, no prices are inferred)
} deriving (Show)
definputopts :: InputOpts
@ -42,7 +48,28 @@ definputopts = InputOpts
, new_save_ = True
, pivot_ = ""
, forecast_ = Nothing
, reportspan_ = nulldatespan
, auto_ = False
, balancingopts_ = balancingOpts
, strict_ = False
-- | Get the Maybe the DateSpan to generate forecast options from.
-- This begins on:
-- - the start date supplied to the `--forecast` argument, if present
-- - otherwise, the later of
-- - the report start date if specified with -b/-p/date:
-- - the day after the latest normal (non-periodic) transaction in the journal, if any
-- - otherwise today.
-- It ends on:
-- - the end date supplied to the `--forecast` argument, if present
-- - otherwise the report end date if specified with -e/-p/date:
-- - otherwise 180 days (6 months) from today.
forecastPeriod :: Day -> InputOpts -> Journal -> Maybe DateSpan
forecastPeriod d iopts j = do
DateSpan requestedStart requestedEnd <- forecast_ iopts
let forecastStart = requestedStart <|> max mjournalend reportStart <|> Just d
forecastEnd = requestedEnd <|> reportEnd <|> Just (addDays 180 d)
mjournalend = dbg2 "journalEndDate" $ journalEndDate False j -- ignore secondary dates
DateSpan reportStart reportEnd = reportspan_ iopts
return . dbg2 "forecastspan" $ DateSpan forecastStart forecastEnd

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ module Hledger.UI.UIState
import Brick.Widgets.Edit
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.List ((\\), foldl', sort)
import Data.Semigroup (Max(..))
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -157,11 +156,11 @@ toggleHistorical ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportspec
-- (which are usually but not necessarily future-dated).
-- In normal mode, both of these are hidden.
toggleForecast :: Day -> UIState -> UIState
toggleForecast d ui@UIState{aopts=UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{inputopts_=iopts}}} =
toggleForecast d ui@UIState{aopts=UIOpts{cliopts_=CliOpts{inputopts_=iopts}}} =
uiSetForecast ui $
case forecast_ iopts of
Just _ -> Nothing
Nothing -> forecastPeriodFromRawOpts d (rawopts_ copts) <|> Just nulldatespan
Nothing -> forecastPeriod d iopts{forecast_=Just nulldatespan} (ajournal ui)
-- | Helper: set forecast mode (with the given forecast period) on or off in the UI state.
uiSetForecast :: UIState -> Maybe DateSpan -> UIState

View File

@ -3165,15 +3165,16 @@ transactions generated "just now":
`_generated-transaction:~ PERIODICEXPR`.
Periodic transactions are generated within some forecast period.
By default, this
- begins on the later of
This begins on:
- the start date supplied to the `--forecast` argument, if present
- otherwise, the later of
- the report start date if specified with -b/-p/date:
- the day after the latest normal (non-periodic) transaction in the journal,
or today if there are no normal transactions.
- ends on the report end date if specified with -e/-p/date:,
or 6 months (180 days) from today.
- the day after the latest normal (non-periodic) transaction in the journal, if any
- otherwise today.
It ends on:
- the end date supplied to the `--forecast` argument, if present
- otherwise the report end date if specified with -e/-p/date:
- otherwise 180 days (6 months) from today.
This means that periodic transactions will begin only after the latest
recorded transaction. And a recorded transaction dated in the future can

View File

@ -196,21 +196,6 @@ $ hledger -f - reg --forecast date:202001
2020-01-28 (a) 1,000.00 USD 2,000.00 USD
(a) 1000
~ daily
(a) 1
# 11. Forecast transactions are generated up to the day before the requested end date
$ hledger -f - reg -b 2021-01-01 -e 2021-01-05 --forecast
2021-01-01 (a) 1000 1000
2021-01-02 (a) 1 1001
2021-01-03 (a) 1 1002
2021-01-04 (a) 1 1003
2021-09-01 Normal Balance Assertion Works
Checking = -60
@ -224,7 +209,7 @@ $ hledger -f - reg -b 2021-01-01 -e 2021-01-05 --forecast
Checking = -120
# 12. Forecast transactions work with balance assignments
# 11. Forecast transactions work with balance assignments
$ hledger -f - print -x --forecast -e 2021-11
2021-09-01 Normal Balance Assertion Works
Checking -60 = -60
@ -250,7 +235,7 @@ $ hledger -f - print -x --forecast -e 2021-11
income:client1 -10 USD
# 13. Generated forecast for weekday transactions
# 12. Generated forecast for weekday transactions
$ hledger -f - reg --forecast -b "2021-09-01" -e "2021-09-15" --forecast -w 100
2021-09-01 income:client1 -10 USD -10 USD
assets:receivables:contractor1 10 USD 0
@ -282,7 +267,7 @@ $ hledger -f - reg --forecast -b "2021-09-01" -e "2021-09-15" --forecast -w 100
income:client1 -10 USD
# 14. Generated forecast for weekend transactions
# 13. Generated forecast for weekend transactions
$ hledger -f - reg --forecast -b "2021-09-01" -e "2021-09-15" --forecast -w 100
2021-09-04 income:client1 -10 USD -10 USD
assets:receivables:contractor1 10 USD 0
@ -293,3 +278,68 @@ $ hledger -f - reg --forecast -b "2021-09-01" -e "2021-09-15" --forecast -w 100
2021-09-12 income:client1 -10 USD -10 USD
assets:receivables:contractor1 10 USD 0
(a) 1000
~ daily
(a) 1
# 14. Arguments to --forecast take precedence over anything. Only generate up to the day before the end date.
$ hledger -f - reg --forecast="2020-01-01..2020-01-05" -b 2019-12-01 -e 2020-02-01 -H
2020-01-01 (a) 1 1
2020-01-02 (a) 1 2
2020-01-03 (a) 1 3
2020-01-04 (a) 1 4
# 15. With no arguments to --forecast, we use the report start date if it's after the journal end date.
$ hledger -f - reg --forecast -b 2021-02-01 -e 2021-02-05 -H
2021-02-01 (a) 1 1001
2021-02-02 (a) 1 1002
2021-02-03 (a) 1 1003
2021-02-04 (a) 1 1004
# 16. With no arguments to --forecast, we use journal end date if it's after the report start date.
$ hledger -f - reg --forecast -b 2020-12-01 -e 2021-01-05 -H
2021-01-01 (a) 1000 1000
2021-01-02 (a) 1 1001
2021-01-03 (a) 1 1002
2021-01-04 (a) 1 1003
# 17. With no arguments to --forecast, and no report start, generate from journal end to 180 days from today.
# We use here the fact that we are at least 180 days from 2021-01-01. This test will fail if you travel back in time!
$ hledger -f - reg --forecast -H
> /1 1360/
~ daily
(a) 1
# 18. No real transactions.
# Arguments to --forecast take precedence over anything. Only generate up to the day before the end date.
$ hledger -f - reg --forecast="2020-01-01..2020-01-05" -b 2019-12-01 -e 2020-01-05 -H
2020-01-01 (a) 1 1
2020-01-02 (a) 1 2
2020-01-03 (a) 1 3
2020-01-04 (a) 1 4
# 19. No real transactions.
# With no arguments to --forecast, we use the report start date.
$ hledger -f - reg --forecast -b 2021-02-01 -e 2021-02-05 -H
2021-02-01 (a) 1 1
2021-02-02 (a) 1 2
2021-02-03 (a) 1 3
2021-02-04 (a) 1 4
# 20. No real transactions.
# With no arguments to --forecast, and no report start, generate from today to 180 days from today.
$ hledger -f - reg --forecast -H
> /1 180/