filter by account patterns when caching a ledger, fix balance report totals

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2008-11-22 05:51:48 +00:00
parent ea5a87815b
commit c46189a75b
4 changed files with 38 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
A 'Ledger' stores, for efficiency, a 'RawLedger' plus its tree of account
names, and a map from account names to 'Account's. Typically it also has
had uninteresting 'Entry's filtered out.
names, and a map from account names to 'Account's. It may also have had
uninteresting 'Entry's and 'Transaction's filtered out.
@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ instance Show Ledger where
(showtree $ accountnametree l)
-- | Convert a raw ledger to a more efficient cached type, described above.
cacheLedger :: RawLedger -> Ledger
cacheLedger l = Ledger l ant amap
cacheLedger :: [String] -> RawLedger -> Ledger
cacheLedger apats l = Ledger l ant amap
ant = rawLedgerAccountNameTree l
anames = flatten ant
ts = rawLedgerTransactions l
ts = filtertxns apats $ rawLedgerTransactions l
sortedts = sortBy (comparing account) ts
groupedts = groupBy (\t1 t2 -> account t1 == account t2) sortedts
txnmap = Map.union
@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ cacheLedger l = Ledger l ant amap
(Map.fromList [(a,Mixed []) | a <- anames])
amap = Map.fromList [(a, Account a (txnmap ! a) (balmap ! a)) | a <- anames]
filtertxns :: [String] -> [Transaction] -> [Transaction]
filtertxns apats ts = filter (matchpats apats . account) ts
-- | List a ledger's account names.
accountnames :: Ledger -> [AccountName]
accountnames l = drop 1 $ flatten $ accountnametree l

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@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ misc_tests = TestList [
(accountnames ledger7)
"cacheLedger" ~: do
assertequal 15 (length $ Map.keys $ accountmap $ cacheLedger rawledger7)
assertequal 15 (length $ Map.keys $ accountmap $ cacheLedger [] rawledger7)
"transactionamount" ~: do
assertparseequal (Mixed [dollars 47.18]) (parsewith transactionamount " $47.18")
@ -115,13 +115,13 @@ balancereportacctnames_tests = TestList
,"balancereportacctnames8" ~: ("-s",["-e"]) `gives` []
] where
gives (opt,pats) e = do
l <- ledgerfromfile "sample.ledger"
l <- ledgerfromfile pats "sample.ledger"
let t = pruneZeroBalanceLeaves $ ledgerAccountTree 999 l
assertequal e (balancereportacctnames l (opt=="-s") pats t)
balancecommand_tests = TestList [
"simple balance report" ~: do
l <- ledgerfromfile "sample.ledger"
l <- ledgerfromfile [] "sample.ledger"
" $-1 assets\n\
\ $2 expenses\n\
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ balancecommand_tests = TestList [
(showBalanceReport [] [] l)
"balance report with --subtotal" ~: do
l <- ledgerfromfile "sample.ledger"
l <- ledgerfromfile [] "sample.ledger"
" $-1 assets\n\
\ $-2 cash\n\
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ balancecommand_tests = TestList [
(showBalanceReport [SubTotal] [] l)
"balance report with account pattern o" ~: do
l <- ledgerfromfile "sample.ledger"
l <- ledgerfromfile ["o"] "sample.ledger"
" $1 expenses:food\n\
\ $-2 income\n\
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ balancecommand_tests = TestList [
(showBalanceReport [] ["o"] l)
"balance report with account pattern o and --subtotal" ~: do
l <- ledgerfromfile "sample.ledger"
l <- ledgerfromfile ["o"] "sample.ledger"
" $1 expenses:food\n\
\ $-2 income\n\
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ balancecommand_tests = TestList [
(showBalanceReport [SubTotal] ["o"] l)
"balance report with account pattern a" ~: do
l <- ledgerfromfile "sample.ledger"
l <- ledgerfromfile ["a"] "sample.ledger"
" $-1 assets\n\
\ $-2 cash\n\
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ balancecommand_tests = TestList [
(showBalanceReport [] ["a"] l)
"balance report with account pattern e" ~: do
l <- ledgerfromfile "sample.ledger"
l <- ledgerfromfile ["e"] "sample.ledger"
" $-1 assets\n\
\ $2 expenses\n\
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ balancecommand_tests = TestList [
"balance report with unmatched parent of two matched subaccounts" ~:
l <- ledgerfromfile "sample.ledger"
l <- ledgerfromfile ["cash","saving"] "sample.ledger"
" $-2 assets:cash\n\
\ $1 assets:saving\n\
@ -205,16 +205,17 @@ balancecommand_tests = TestList [
"balance report with multi-part account name" ~:
l <- ledgerfromfile "sample.ledger"
let pats = ["expenses:food"]
l <- ledgerfromfile pats "sample.ledger"
" $1 expenses:food\n\
\ $1\n\
\" --"
$ showBalanceReport [] ["expenses:food"] l
$ showBalanceReport [] pats l
"balance report with negative account pattern" ~: do
l <- ledgerfromfile "sample.ledger"
l <- ledgerfromfile ["-assets"] "sample.ledger"
assertequal (
" $2 expenses\n" ++
" $-2 income\n" ++
@ -226,24 +227,25 @@ balancecommand_tests = TestList [
"balance report negative account pattern always matches full name" ~:
l <- ledgerfromfile "sample.ledger"
l <- ledgerfromfile ["-e"] "sample.ledger"
assertequal "" $ showBalanceReport [] ["-e"] l
"balance report negative patterns affect totals" ~:
l <- ledgerfromfile "sample.ledger"
let pats = ["expenses","-food"]
l <- ledgerfromfile pats "sample.ledger"
assertequal (
" $1 expenses\n" ++
"--------------------\n" ++
" $1\n" ++
$ showBalanceReport [] ["expenses","-food"] l
$ showBalanceReport [] pats l
registercommand_tests = TestList [
"register report" ~:
l <- ledgerfromfile "sample.ledger"
l <- ledgerfromfile [] "sample.ledger"
assertequal (
"2007/01/01 income assets:checking $1 $1\n" ++
" income:salary $-1 0\n" ++
@ -551,7 +553,7 @@ rawledger7 = RawLedger
ledger7 = cacheLedger rawledger7
ledger7 = cacheLedger [] rawledger7
timelogentry1_str = "i 2007/03/11 16:19:00 hledger\n"
timelogentry1 = TimeLogEntry 'i' (parsedatetime "2007/03/11 16:19:00") "hledger"

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@ -17,11 +17,13 @@ rawledgerfromfile f = do
parsed <- parseLedgerFile f
return $ either (\_ -> RawLedger [] [] [] "") id parsed
-- | get a cached Ledger from the given file path
ledgerfromfile :: FilePath -> IO Ledger
ledgerfromfile f = do
-- | get a cached Ledger from the given file path, filtered by the patterns.
ledgerfromfile :: [String] -> FilePath -> IO Ledger
ledgerfromfile args f = do
l <- rawledgerfromfile f
return $ cacheLedger $ filterRawLedger Nothing Nothing [] False False l
return $ cacheLedger apats $ filterRawLedger Nothing Nothing dpats False False l
(apats,dpats) = parseAccountDescriptionArgs args
-- | get a RawLedger from the file your LEDGER environment variable
-- variable points to or (WARNING) an empty one if there was a problem.
@ -35,7 +37,7 @@ myrawledger = do
myledger :: IO Ledger
myledger = do
l <- myrawledger
return $ cacheLedger $ filterRawLedger Nothing Nothing [] False False l
return $ cacheLedger [] $ filterRawLedger Nothing Nothing [] False False l
-- | get a named account from your ledger file
myaccount :: AccountName -> IO Account

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ You can use the command line:
or ghci:
> $ ghci hledger
> > l <- ledgerfromfile "sample.ledger"
> > l <- ledgerfromfile [] "sample.ledger"
> > balance [] [] l
> $-1 assets
> $2 expenses
@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ parseLedgerAndDo :: [Opt] -> [String] -> ([Opt] -> [String] -> Ledger -> IO ())
parseLedgerAndDo opts args cmd =
ledgerFilePathFromOpts opts >>= parseLedgerFile >>= either printParseError runcmd
runcmd = cmd opts args . cacheLedger . canonicaliseAmounts . filterRawLedger b e dpats c r
runcmd = cmd opts args . cacheLedger apats . canonicaliseAmounts . filterRawLedger b e dpats c r
b = parsemaybedate (beginDateFromOpts opts)
e = parsemaybedate (endDateFromOpts opts)
dpats = snd $ parseAccountDescriptionArgs args
(apats,dpats) = parseAccountDescriptionArgs args
c = Cleared `elem` opts
r = Real `elem` opts