feat: hledger's tldr pages are now built in, accessible via --tldr

And a few cleanups/fixes related to flag processing.
The help flags are now listed in order of precedence.
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2024-05-29 14:34:23 -10:00
parent 4a57403684
commit c5f8444627
24 changed files with 200 additions and 77 deletions

View File

@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ hledgerUiMain = withGhcDebug' $ withProgName "hledger-ui.log" $ do -- force Hle
case True of
_ | boolopt "help" rawopts -> pager $ showModeUsage uimode ++ "\n"
_ | boolopt "tldr" rawopts -> runTldrForPage "hledger-ui"
_ | boolopt "info" rawopts -> runInfoForTopic "hledger-ui" Nothing
_ | boolopt "man" rawopts -> runManForTopic "hledger-ui" Nothing
_ | boolopt "version" rawopts -> putStrLn prognameandversion

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@ -89,10 +89,11 @@ uimode =
uihelpflags :: [Flag RawOpts]
uihelpflags = [
flagNone ["version"] (setboolopt "version") "show version information"
,flagNone ["help","h"] (setboolopt "help") "show command line help"
flagNone ["help","h"] (setboolopt "help") "show command line help"
,flagNone ["tldr"] (setboolopt "tldr") "show command examples with tldr"
,flagNone ["info"] (setboolopt "info") "show the hledger-ui manual with info"
,flagNone ["man"] (setboolopt "man") "show the hledger-ui manual with man"
,flagNone ["version"] (setboolopt "version") "show version information"
-- hledger-ui options, used in hledger-ui and above

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (runSettings, runSettingsSocket, defaultSettings
import Network.Wai.Handler.Launch (runHostPortFullUrl)
import System.Directory (removeFile)
import System.Environment ( getArgs, withArgs )
import System.Exit (exitSuccess, exitFailure)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
import System.PosixCompat.Files (getFileStatus, isSocket)
import Text.Printf (printf)
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ hledgerWebMain = withGhcDebug' $ do
when (debug_ > 0) $ printf "%s\n" prognameandversion >> printf "opts: %s\n" (show wopts)
| boolopt "help" rawopts_ -> pager $ showModeUsage webmode ++ "\n"
| boolopt "tldr" rawopts_ -> runTldrForPage "hledger-web"
| boolopt "info" rawopts_ -> runInfoForTopic "hledger-web" Nothing
| boolopt "man" rawopts_ -> runManForTopic "hledger-web" Nothing
| boolopt "version" rawopts_ -> putStrLn prognameandversion

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@ -120,10 +120,11 @@ webmode =
webhelpflags :: [Flag RawOpts]
webhelpflags = [
flagNone ["version"] (setboolopt "version") "show version information"
,flagNone ["help","h"] (setboolopt "help") "show command line help"
flagNone ["help","h"] (setboolopt "help") "show command line help"
,flagNone ["tldr"] (setboolopt "tldr") "show command examples with tldr"
,flagNone ["info"] (setboolopt "info") "show the hledger-web manual with info"
,flagNone ["man"] (setboolopt "man") "show the hledger-web manual with man"
,flagNone ["version"] (setboolopt "version") "show version information"
-- hledger-web options, used in hledger-web and above

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@ -188,23 +188,25 @@ main = withGhcDebug' $ do
opts' <- argsToCliOpts args addons
let opts = opts'{progstarttime_=starttime}
-- select an action and run it.
-- select an action and prepare to run it
cmd = command_ opts -- the full matched internal or external command name, if any
isInternalCommand = cmd `elem` builtinCommandNames -- not (null cmd) && not (cmd `elem` addons)
isExternalCommand = not (null cmd) && cmd `elem` addons -- probably
isBadCommand = not (null rawcmd) && null cmd
hasVersion = ("--version" `elem`)
printUsage = pager $ showModeUsage (mainmode addons) ++ "\n"
badCommandError = error' ("command "++rawcmd++" is not recognized, run with no command to see a list") >> exitFailure -- PARTIAL:
hasHelpFlag args1 = any (`elem` args1) ["-h","--help"]
hasManFlag args1 = (`elem` args1) "--man"
hasInfoFlag args1 = (`elem` args1) "--info"
cmd = command_ opts -- the full matched internal or external command name, if any
isInternalCommand = cmd `elem` builtinCommandNames -- not (null cmd) && not (cmd `elem` addons)
isExternalCommand = not (null cmd) && cmd `elem` addons -- probably
isBadCommand = not (null rawcmd) && null cmd
printUsage = pager $ showModeUsage (mainmode addons) ++ "\n"
badCommandError = error' ("command "++rawcmd++" is not recognized, run with no command to see a list") >> exitFailure -- PARTIAL:
helpFlag = boolopt "help" $ rawopts_ opts
tldrFlag = boolopt "tldr" $ rawopts_ opts
infoFlag = boolopt "info" $ rawopts_ opts
manFlag = boolopt "man" $ rawopts_ opts
versionFlag = boolopt "version" $ rawopts_ opts
f `orShowHelp` mode1
| hasHelpFlag args = pager $ showModeUsage mode1 ++ "\n"
| hasInfoFlag args = runInfoForTopic "hledger" (headMay $ modeNames mode1)
| hasManFlag args = runManForTopic "hledger" (headMay $ modeNames mode1)
| otherwise = f
| helpFlag = pager $ showModeUsage mode1 ++ "\n"
| tldrFlag = runTldrForPage $ maybe "hledger" (("hledger-"<>)) $ headMay $ modeNames mode1
| infoFlag = runInfoForTopic "hledger" (headMay $ modeNames mode1)
| manFlag = runManForTopic "hledger" (headMay $ modeNames mode1)
| otherwise = f
-- where
-- lastdocflag
dbgIO "processed opts" opts
@ -217,29 +219,26 @@ main = withGhcDebug' $ do
dbgIO "interval from opts" (interval_ . _rsReportOpts $ reportspec_ opts)
dbgIO "query from opts & args" (_rsQuery $ reportspec_ opts)
journallesserror = error $ cmd++" tried to read the journal but is not supposed to"
-- high priority flags and situations. -h, then --help, then --info are highest priority.
| isNullCommand && hasHelpFlag args = dbgIO "" "-h/--help with no command, showing general help" >> printUsage
| isNullCommand && hasInfoFlag args = dbgIO "" "--info with no command, showing general info manual" >> runInfoForTopic "hledger" Nothing
| isNullCommand && hasManFlag args = dbgIO "" "--man with no command, showing general man page" >> runManForTopic "hledger" Nothing
| not (isExternalCommand || hasHelpFlag args || hasInfoFlag args || hasManFlag args)
&& (hasVersion args) -- || (hasVersion argsaftercmd && isInternalCommand))
= putStrLn prognameandversion
-- \| (null externalcmd) && boolopt "binary-filename" rawopts = putStrLn $ binaryfilename progname
-- \| "--browse-args" `elem` args = System.Console.CmdArgs.Helper.execute "cmdargs-browser" mainmode' args >>= (putStr . show)
| isNullCommand = dbgIO "" "no command, showing commands list" >> printCommandsList prognameandversion addons
| isBadCommand = badCommandError
-- high priority flags and situations. -h, then --help, then --tldr, then --info, then --man are highest priority.
| isNullCommand && helpFlag = dbgIO "" "-h/--help with no command, showing general help" >> printUsage
| isNullCommand && tldrFlag = dbgIO "" "--tldr with no command, showing general tldr page" >> runTldrForPage "hledger"
| isNullCommand && infoFlag = dbgIO "" "--info with no command, showing general info manual" >> runInfoForTopic "hledger" Nothing
| isNullCommand && manFlag = dbgIO "" "--man with no command, showing general man page" >> runManForTopic "hledger" Nothing
| versionFlag && not (isExternalCommand || helpFlag || tldrFlag || infoFlag || manFlag) = putStrLn prognameandversion
| isNullCommand = dbgIO "" "no command, showing commands list" >> printCommandsList prognameandversion addons
| isBadCommand = badCommandError
-- builtin commands
| Just (cmdmode, cmdaction) <- findBuiltinCommand cmd =
(case True of
-- these commands should not require or read the journal
_ | cmd `elem` ["demo","help","test"] -> cmdaction opts journallesserror
_ | cmd `elem` ["demo","help","test"] ->
cmdaction opts $ error' $ cmd++" tried to read the journal but is not supposed to"
-- these commands should create the journal if missing
_ | cmd `elem` ["add","import"] -> do
ensureJournalFileExists . NE.head =<< journalFilePathFromOpts opts
withJournalDo opts (cmdaction opts)
ensureJournalFileExists . NE.head =<< journalFilePathFromOpts opts
withJournalDo opts (cmdaction opts)
-- other commands read the journal and should fail if it's missing
_ -> withJournalDo opts (cmdaction opts)
@ -260,6 +259,7 @@ main = withGhcDebug' $ do
-- shouldn't reach here
| otherwise = usageError ("could not understand the arguments "++show args) >> exitFailure
-- do it
when (ghcDebugMode == GDPauseAtEnd) $ ghcDebugPause'
@ -317,8 +317,11 @@ isValue "-" = True
isValue ('-':_) = False
isValue _ = True
flagstomove = inputflags ++ reportflags ++ helpflags
noargflagstomove = concatMap flagNames $ filter ((==FlagNone).flagInfo) flagstomove
flagstomove = inputflags ++ reportflags ++ clihelpflags
noargflagstomove = concatMap flagNames (filter ((==FlagNone).flagInfo) flagstomove)
-- silly special case: if someone is abbreviating --tldr, make sure it works right when written before COMMAND
-- (not needed for --info, --man, --version since their abbreviations are ambiguous)
++ ["tl", "tld"]
reqargflagstomove = -- filter (/= "debug") $
concatMap flagNames $ filter ((==FlagReq ).flagInfo) flagstomove
optargflagstomove = concatMap flagNames $ filter (isFlagOpt .flagInfo) flagstomove

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@ -240,10 +240,11 @@ reportflags = [
clihelpflags :: [Flag RawOpts]
clihelpflags = [
flagNone ["version"] (setboolopt "version") "show version information"
,flagNone ["help","h"] (setboolopt "help") "show command-line help for hledger [or COMMAND]"
,flagNone ["info"] (setboolopt "info") "show the hledger manual [for COMMAND] with info"
,flagNone ["man"] (setboolopt "man") "show the hledger manual [for COMMAND] with man"
flagNone ["help","h"] (setboolopt "help") "show command line help"
,flagNone ["tldr"] (setboolopt "tldr") "show command examples with tldr"
,flagNone ["info"] (setboolopt "info") "show the hledger manual with info"
,flagNone ["man"] (setboolopt "man") "show the hledger manual with man"
,flagNone ["version"] (setboolopt "version") "show version information"
-- XXX why are these duplicated in defCommandMode below ?

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@ -8,15 +8,11 @@ Embedded documentation files in various formats, and helpers for viewing them.
module Hledger.Cli.DocFiles (
-- ,toolDocs
-- ,toolDocNames
-- ,toolDocMan
-- ,toolDocTxt
-- ,toolDocInfo
) where
@ -28,7 +24,7 @@ import System.IO
import System.IO.Temp
import System.Process
import Hledger.Utils (first3, second3, third3, embedFileRelative)
import Hledger.Utils (first3, second3, third3, embedFileRelative, error')
import Text.Printf (printf)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import Hledger.Utils.Debug
@ -39,11 +35,30 @@ type Tool = String
-- Any heading in the hledger user manual (and perhaps later the hledger-ui/hledger-web manuals).
type Topic = String
-- Any name of a hledger tldr page (hledger, hledger-ui, hledger-print etc.)
type TldrPage = String
-- | All hledger-related pages from the tldr-pages project.
-- All are symlinked into the hledger package directory to allow embeddeding.
tldrs :: [(TldrPage, ByteString)]
tldrs = [
("hledger-accounts", $(embedFileRelative "embeddedfiles/hledger-accounts.md"))
,("hledger-add", $(embedFileRelative "embeddedfiles/hledger-add.md"))
,("hledger-aregister", $(embedFileRelative "embeddedfiles/hledger-aregister.md"))
,("hledger-balance", $(embedFileRelative "embeddedfiles/hledger-balance.md"))
,("hledger-balancesheet", $(embedFileRelative "embeddedfiles/hledger-balancesheet.md"))
,("hledger-import", $(embedFileRelative "embeddedfiles/hledger-import.md"))
,("hledger-incomestatement", $(embedFileRelative "embeddedfiles/hledger-incomestatement.md"))
,("hledger-print", $(embedFileRelative "embeddedfiles/hledger-print.md"))
,("hledger-ui", $(embedFileRelative "embeddedfiles/hledger-ui.md"))
,("hledger-web", $(embedFileRelative "embeddedfiles/hledger-web.md"))
,("hledger", $(embedFileRelative "embeddedfiles/hledger.md"))
-- | The main hledger manuals as source for man, info and as plain text.
-- Only files under the current package directory can be embedded,
-- so some of these are symlinked from the other package directories.
toolDocs :: [(Tool, (ByteString, ByteString, ByteString))]
toolDocs = [
-- All are symlinked into the hledger package directory to allow embeddeding.
manuals :: [(Tool, (ByteString, ByteString, ByteString))]
manuals = [
($(embedFileRelative "embeddedfiles/hledger.1")
,$(embedFileRelative "embeddedfiles/hledger.txt")
@ -61,29 +76,22 @@ toolDocs = [
-- toolNames :: [Tool]
-- toolNames = map fst toolDocs
-- | Get the manual as plain text for this tool, or a not found message.
toolDocTxt :: Tool -> ByteString
toolDocTxt name =
maybe (fromString $ "No text manual found for tool: "++name) second3 $ lookup name toolDocs
manualTxt :: Tool -> ByteString
manualTxt name = maybe (fromString $ "No text manual found for tool: "++name) second3 $ lookup name manuals
-- | Get the manual as man source (nroff) for this tool, or a not found message.
toolDocMan :: Tool -> ByteString
toolDocMan name =
maybe (fromString $ "No man page found for tool: "++name) first3 $ lookup name toolDocs
manualMan :: Tool -> ByteString
manualMan name = maybe (fromString $ "No man page found for tool: "++name) first3 $ lookup name manuals
-- | Get the manual as info source (texinfo) for this tool, or a not found message.
toolDocInfo :: Tool -> ByteString
toolDocInfo name =
maybe (fromString $ "No info manual found for tool: "++name) third3 $ lookup name toolDocs
manualInfo :: Tool -> ByteString
manualInfo name = maybe (fromString $ "No info manual found for tool: "++name) third3 $ lookup name manuals
-- | Print plain text help for this tool.
-- Takes an optional topic argument for convenience but it is currently ignored.
printHelpForTopic :: Tool -> Maybe Topic -> IO ()
printHelpForTopic tool _mtopic =
BC.putStr (toolDocTxt tool)
printHelpForTopic tool _mtopic = BC.putStr (manualTxt tool)
-- | Display an info manual for this topic, opened at the given topic if provided,
-- using the "info" executable in $PATH.
@ -91,7 +99,7 @@ printHelpForTopic tool _mtopic =
runInfoForTopic :: Tool -> Maybe Topic -> IO ()
runInfoForTopic tool mtopic =
withSystemTempFile ("hledger-"++tool++".info") $ \f h -> do
BC.hPutStrLn h $ toolDocInfo tool
BC.hPutStrLn h $ manualInfo tool
hClose h
callCommand $ dbg1 "info command" $
"info -f " ++ f ++ maybe "" (printf " -n '%s'") mtopic
@ -104,7 +112,7 @@ less = "less -s -i --use-backslash"
runPagerForTopic :: Tool -> Maybe Topic -> IO ()
runPagerForTopic tool mtopic = do
withSystemTempFile ("hledger-"++tool++".txt") $ \f h -> do
BC.hPutStrLn h $ toolDocTxt tool
BC.hPutStrLn h $ manualTxt tool
hClose h
envpager <- fromMaybe less <$> lookupEnv "PAGER"
@ -121,7 +129,7 @@ runManForTopic :: Tool -> Maybe Topic -> IO ()
runManForTopic tool mtopic =
-- This temp file path should have a slash in it, man requires at least one.
withSystemTempFile ("hledger-"++tool++".1") $ \f h -> do
BC.hPutStrLn h $ toolDocMan tool
BC.hPutStrLn h $ manualMan tool
hClose h
exactmatch = True
@ -130,3 +138,19 @@ runManForTopic tool mtopic =
Nothing -> ""
Just t -> "-P \"" ++ less ++ " -p'^( )?" ++ t ++ (if exactmatch then "\\\\$" else "") ++ "'\""
callCommand $ dbg1 "man command" $ unwords ["man", pagerarg, f]
-- | Get the named tldr page's source, if we know it.
tldr :: TldrPage -> Maybe ByteString
tldr name = lookup name tldrs
-- | Display one of the hledger tldr pages, using "tldr".
runTldrForPage :: TldrPage -> IO ()
runTldrForPage name =
case tldr name of
Nothing -> error' $ "sorry, there's no " <> name <> " tldr page yet"
Just b -> do
withSystemTempFile (name++".md") $ \f h -> do
BC.hPutStrLn h b
hClose h
callCommand $ dbg1 "tldr command" $ unwords ["tldr", "-r", f]

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# Scripts and notes for demos
## install.cast
Installing hledger from source with hledger-install
``` 80x44
curl -O
ls -l hledger-install.sh less hledger-install.sh
bash hledger-install.sh
- with PATH not set up, hledger-install does not find the stack it installed
## ghcup.cast
Installing hledger from source with ghcup
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://get-ghcup.haskell.org
- ghcup installs an older version of ghc 9.2
- with PATH not set up, ghcup does not find the cabal it installed
## help.cast
Getting help
### Things to cover
#### hledger
show this commands list
#### hledger -h
show hledger's command-line help
#### hledger CMD -h
show CMD's command-line help and manual
#### hledger help [-i|-m|-p] [TOPIC]
show hledger's manual with info, man, or pager
#### hledger demo [DEMO] -- [ASCOPTS]
show brief demos on various topics
#### https://hledger.org
html manuals, tutorials, support
## demo.cast
Watching the built-in demos
## add.cast
The simplest way to start a journal (add)
## print.cast
Show full transactions (print)
## balance.cast
Show account balances and changes (balance)

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ These files are embedded into the hledger executable at compile time.
They include:
- symbolic links to all the main hledger manuals in several formats, for embedding in Hledger/Cli/DocFiles.hs.
(Having these symlinked here within the hledger package allows embedding them without using absolute paths.)
(Having the hledger-ui/hledger-web files also symlinked here within the hledger package allows embedding them without using absolute paths.)
- symbolic links to all the hledger tldr pages.
- asciinema screen casts, for embedding in Hledger/Cli/Commands/Demo.hs.

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -26,15 +26,28 @@ tested-with: GHC==8.10.7, GHC==9.0.2, GHC==9.2.8, GHC==9.4.5, GHC==9.6.2
- test/unittest.hs
- bench/10000x1000x10.journal
- hledger.1
- hledger.txt
- hledger.info
- shell-completion/hledger-completion.bash
- test/unittest.hs
- embeddedfiles/add.cast
- embeddedfiles/balance.cast
- embeddedfiles/install.cast
- embeddedfiles/print.cast
- embeddedfiles/hledger-accounts.md
- embeddedfiles/hledger-add.md
- embeddedfiles/hledger-aregister.md
- embeddedfiles/hledger-balance.md
- embeddedfiles/hledger-balancesheet.md
- embeddedfiles/hledger-import.md
- embeddedfiles/hledger-incomestatement.md
- embeddedfiles/hledger-journal.md
- embeddedfiles/hledger-print.md
- embeddedfiles/hledger-ui.md
- embeddedfiles/hledger-web.md
- embeddedfiles/hledger.md
- embeddedfiles/hledger.1
- embeddedfiles/hledger.txt
- embeddedfiles/hledger.info
@ -44,7 +57,7 @@ extra-source-files:
- embeddedfiles/hledger-web.1
- embeddedfiles/hledger-web.txt
- embeddedfiles/hledger-web.info
- shell-completion/hledger-completion.bash
- Hledger/Cli/Commands/Accounts.txt
- Hledger/Cli/Commands/Activity.txt
- Hledger/Cli/Commands/Add.txt

View File

@ -82,9 +82,15 @@ $ hledger -f somefile
> /^Commands/
# ** 6. with -h, and possibly other common flags present, show general usage
$ hledger -h --version -f /dev/null
$ hledger -h --version -f/dev/null
> /^hledger \[COMMAND\]/
# ** 6b. XXX our moveFlagsAfterCommand plus the way cmdargs' argument-requiring flags
# consume a following flag rather than failing, means things like this go wrong
# (args are rearranged to -f -h --version /dev/null, shows version when it should show help):
#$ hledger -h --version -f /dev/null
#> /^hledger \[COMMAND\]/
# ** 7. with -h before a COMMAND, show command usage
$ hledger -h balance --cost
> /balance \[OPTIONS\]/
@ -104,7 +110,7 @@ $ hledger nosuchcommand
$ hledger -f /dev/null --alias somealiases --rules-file --debug 1 --daily register
# ** 11. or after it, and spaces in options are optional
$ hledger register -f/dev/null --alias=somealiases --rules-file -h --version --debug 1 --daily
$ hledger register -f/dev/null --alias=somealiases -h --version --debug 1 --daily
> /^register \[OPTIONS\]/
# ** 12. general flags before command should work
@ -117,4 +123,3 @@ $ hledger -f /dev/null register --daily
$ hledger --related register
>2 /Unknown flag: --related/
>= 1