Hlint: Warning: Use :

This commit is contained in:
marko.kocic 2009-09-23 09:22:53 +00:00
parent 1bac7a92af
commit c6eac33d32
10 changed files with 16 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ accountNameAt buf lineno = accountNameFromComponents anamecomponents
anamecomponents = reverse $ map strip $ dropsiblings thisbranch
dropsiblings :: [AccountName] -> [AccountName]
dropsiblings [] = []
dropsiblings (x:xs) = [x] ++ dropsiblings xs'
dropsiblings (x:xs) = x : dropsiblings xs'
xs' = dropWhile moreindented xs
moreindented = (>= myindent) . indentof
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ currentLedgerTransaction a@AppState{aledger=l,abuf=buf} = entryContainingTransac
t = safehead nulltxn $ filter ismatch $ ledgerTransactions l
ismatch t = tdate t == parsedate (take 10 datedesc)
&& take 70 (showtxn False t nullmixedamt) == (datedesc ++ acctamt)
datedesc = take 32 $ fromMaybe "" $ find (not . (" " `isPrefixOf`)) $ [safehead "" rest] ++ reverse above
datedesc = take 32 $ fromMaybe "" $ find (not . (" " `isPrefixOf`)) $ safehead "" rest : reverse above
acctamt = drop 32 $ safehead "" rest
safehead d ls = if null ls then d else head ls
(above,rest) = splitAt y buf

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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ parentAccountNames :: AccountName -> [AccountName]
parentAccountNames a = parentAccountNames' $ parentAccountName a
parentAccountNames' "" = []
parentAccountNames' a = [a] ++ parentAccountNames' (parentAccountName a)
parentAccountNames' a = a : parentAccountNames' (parentAccountName a)
isAccountNamePrefixOf :: AccountName -> AccountName -> Bool
isAccountNamePrefixOf = isPrefixOf . (++ [acctsepchar])

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@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ punctuatethousands s =
(int,frac) = break (=='.') num
addcommas = reverse . concat . intersperse "," . triples . reverse
triples [] = []
triples l = [take 3 l] ++ triples (drop 3 l)
triples l = take 3 l : triples (drop 3 l)
-- | Does this amount appear to be zero when displayed with its given precision ?
isZeroAmount :: Amount -> Bool

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@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ splitspan start next span@(DateSpan (Just b) (Just e))
splitspan' start next (DateSpan (Just b) (Just e))
| b >= e = []
| otherwise = [DateSpan (Just s) (Just n)]
++ splitspan' start next (DateSpan (Just n) (Just e))
| otherwise = DateSpan (Just s) (Just n)
: splitspan' start next (DateSpan (Just n) (Just e))
where s = start b
n = next s
splitspan' _ _ _ = error "won't happen, avoids warnings"

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@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ showLedgerTransaction' elide effective t =
| otherwise = showdate (ltdate t) ++ maybe "" showedate (lteffectivedate t)
status = if ltstatus t then " *" else ""
code = if length (ltcode t) > 0 then printf " (%s)" $ ltcode t else ""
desc = " " ++ ltdescription t
desc = ' ' : ltdescription t
showdate = printf "%-10s" . showDate
showedate = printf "=%s" . showdate
showpostings ps

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ instance Read TimeLogCode where
entriesFromTimeLogEntries :: LocalTime -> [TimeLogEntry] -> [LedgerTransaction]
entriesFromTimeLogEntries _ [] = []
entriesFromTimeLogEntries now [i]
| odate > idate = [entryFromTimeLogInOut i o'] ++ entriesFromTimeLogEntries now [i',o]
| odate > idate = entryFromTimeLogInOut i o' : entriesFromTimeLogEntries now [i',o]
| otherwise = [entryFromTimeLogInOut i o]
o = TimeLogEntry Out end ""
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ entriesFromTimeLogEntries now [i]
o' = o{tldatetime=itime{localDay=idate, localTimeOfDay=TimeOfDay 23 59 59}}
i' = i{tldatetime=itime{localDay=addDays 1 idate, localTimeOfDay=midnight}}
entriesFromTimeLogEntries now (i:o:rest)
| odate > idate = [entryFromTimeLogInOut i o'] ++ entriesFromTimeLogEntries now (i':o:rest)
| otherwise = [entryFromTimeLogInOut i o] ++ entriesFromTimeLogEntries now rest
| odate > idate = entryFromTimeLogInOut i o' : entriesFromTimeLogEntries now (i':o:rest)
| otherwise = entryFromTimeLogInOut i o : entriesFromTimeLogEntries now rest
(itime,otime) = (tldatetime i,tldatetime o)
(idate,odate) = (localDay itime,localDay otime)

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@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ binaryfilename = prettify $ splitAtElement '.' buildversion :: String
| bugfix `elem` ["0"{-,"98","99"-}] = ""
| otherwise = "."++bugfix
| otherwise = '.' : bugfix
| patches/="0" = "+"++patches
| patches/="0" = '+' : patches
| otherwise = ""
| os == "darwin" = ("mac","")
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ versionstr = prettify $ splitAtElement '.' buildversion :: String
| bugfix `elem` ["0"{-,"98","99"-}] = ""
| otherwise = "."++bugfix
| otherwise = '.' : bugfix
| patches/="0" = "+"++patches
| otherwise = ""

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@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ parseargs as =
optValueWithDefault :: (String -> Opt) -> String -> [Opt] -> String
optValueWithDefault optcons def opts =
last $ [def] ++ optValuesForConstructor optcons opts
last $ def : optValuesForConstructor optcons opts
optValuesForConstructor :: (String -> Opt) -> [Opt] -> [String]
optValuesForConstructor optcons opts = concatMap get opts

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@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ doctests s = filter isDocTest $ haddockLiterals s
haddockLiterals :: String -> [String]
haddockLiterals "" = []
haddockLiterals s | null lit = []
| otherwise = [lit] ++ haddockLiterals rest
| otherwise = lit : haddockLiterals rest
ls = drop 1 $ dropWhile (not . isLiteralBoundary) $ lines s
lit = unlines $ takeWhile (not . isLiteralBoundary) ls

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ uniqueacctnames' depth uniquenames = group some ++ uniqueacctnames' depth rest
-- group ["a", "b", "c"] = ["a","a:b","a:b:c"]
group :: [String] -> [String]
group [] = []
group (a:as) = [a] ++ map ((a++":")++) (group as)
group (a:as) = a : map ((a++":")++) (group as)
pair :: [a] -> [(a,a)]
pair [] = []