eight balancereportacctnames tests and some cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2008-11-22 04:38:27 +00:00
parent 14168d90e3
commit c75da36d8d

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@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ runtests args = do
putStrLn $ printf "Running %d tests%s ..\n" n s
runTestTT flattests
tests = [unittests, functests]
deeptests = tfilter matchname $ TestList tests
flattests = TestList $ filter matchname $ concatMap tflatten tests
matchname = matchpats args . tname
@ -25,9 +24,17 @@ runtests args = do
(intercalate ", " $ map (printf "\"%s\"") args)
-- tests
unittests = TestList [
-- remember to indent assertequal arguments, contrary to haskell-mode auto-indent
tests =
[TestList []
misc_tests = TestList [
"show dollars" ~: show (dollars 1) ~?= "$1.00"
"show hours" ~: show (hours 1) ~?= "1.0h"
@ -93,14 +100,26 @@ unittests = TestList [
where parse = fromparse . parsewith transactionamount . (" "++)
balancereportacctnames_tests = TestList
"balancereportacctnames0" ~: ("-s",[]) `gives` ["assets","assets:cash","assets:checking","assets:saving",
,"balancereportacctnames1" ~: ("", []) `gives` ["assets","expenses","income","liabilities"]
,"balancereportacctnames2" ~: ("", ["assets"]) `gives` ["assets"]
,"balancereportacctnames3" ~: ("", ["as"]) `gives` ["assets","assets:cash"]
,"balancereportacctnames4" ~: ("", ["assets:cash"]) `gives` ["assets:cash"]
,"balancereportacctnames5" ~: ("", ["-assets"]) `gives` ["expenses","income","liabilities"]
,"balancereportacctnames6" ~: ("", ["-e"]) `gives` []
,"balancereportacctnames7" ~: ("-s",["assets"]) `gives` ["assets","assets:cash","assets:checking","assets:saving"]
,"balancereportacctnames8" ~: ("-s",["-e"]) `gives` []
] where
gives (opt,pats) e = do
l <- ledgerfromfile "sample.ledger"
let t = pruneZeroBalanceLeaves $ ledgerAccountTree 999 l
assertequal e (balancereportacctnames l (opt=="-s") pats t)
functests = TestList [
balancecommandtests = TestList [
balancecommand_tests = TestList [
"simple balance report" ~: do
l <- ledgerfromfile "sample.ledger"
@ -221,7 +240,7 @@ balancecommandtests = TestList [
$ showBalanceReport [] ["expenses","-food"] l
registercommandtests = TestList [
registercommand_tests = TestList [
"register report" ~:
l <- ledgerfromfile "sample.ledger"