make: showversions; more cleanup

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This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2019-02-03 17:10:13 -08:00
parent 384c555f99
commit c94cee6aae

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@ -32,14 +32,14 @@
# This defines the def-help* functions for describing make rules
# (see this file for usage details), and a default "help" rule.
# Every user-relevant rule in this makefile should use def-help to
# describe itself.
# This defines the def-help* functions for generating makefile help
# (see the file for more details), and a "help" target (our default).
# Every useful rule in this makefile should use def-help to describe itself.
# "make" or "make help" will show these descriptions.
# Show all this makefile's rule descriptions on "make" or "make help";
# or just matching descriptions on "make help-SUBSTR" or "make SUBSTR-help".
# Some calls and dummy targets to augment the default help output.
# Also, help-SUBSTR and SUBSTR-help targets to show only matching help.
$(call def-help-heading,Main rules in the hledger project Makefile:)
$(call def-help-subheading,HELP:)
dummy1: $(call def-help,[help], list documented rules in this makefile )
@ -722,13 +722,16 @@ setdate: $(call def-help,setdate, set date in manuals to current month and year
updatedate: setdate $(call def-help,updatedate, set date in manuals to current month and year and commit )
git commit -m "bump manual date to $(MONTHYEAR)" doc/lib.m4
# Updating version numbers. See Version numbers
# Updating version numbers. See VERSIONSENSITIVEFILES etc. defined
# above, and > Version numbers.
@grep 'version *:' */package.yaml
# updateversion: setdate setversion $(call def-help,updateversion, update manual date and update version strings & (lower) bounds from $(VERSIONFILE) and commit )
# @read -p "please review changes then press enter to commit $(VERSIONFILE) $(VERSIONSENSITIVEFILES)"
# git commit -m "bump version strings & bounds to $(VERSION)" $(VERSIONFILE) $(VERSIONSENSITIVEFILES)
# XXX start with early targets isclean-$(VERSIONSENSITIVEFILES) (fails due to glob) and isdirty-$(VERSIONFILE) ?
setversion: $(VERSIONSENSITIVEFILES) #$(call def-help,setversion, update version strings & bounds from $(VERSIONFILE) (might need -B) )
@echo "if this is a new major version, please manually update upper bounds in */package.yaml before generating cabal files"