Merge Xitian9/reporttext (#1427)

Many parts of the hledger-lib and hledger APIs have become more Text-ified,
expecting or returning Text instead of String.

Some functions now use WideBuilder (a text "builder" which keeps track
of width), to concatenate text more efficiently. There are some
helpers for converting to and from WideBuilder (wbUnpack, wbToText..)

showAmountB/showMixedAmountB are new amount-displaying functions
taking an AmountDisplayOpts. These will probably replace the old
show(Mixed)Amount* functions.

This reduces hledger's time and resident memory requirements by roughly 10%.
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2021-01-02 07:11:09 -08:00
commit c96734474c
90 changed files with 1652 additions and 1373 deletions

View File

@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
{-| Construct two balance reports for two different time periods and use one of the as "budget" for
the other, thus comparing them
import Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TL
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Hledger.Cli
@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ main = do
(_,_,report1) <- mbReport report1args
(ropts2,j,report2) <- mbReport report2args
let pastAsBudget = combineBudgetAndActual ropts2 j report1{prDates=prDates report2} report2
putStrLn $ budgetReportAsText ropts2 pastAsBudget
TL.putStrLn $ budgetReportAsText ropts2 pastAsBudget
mbReport args = do
opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec} <- getHledgerCliOpts' cmdmode args

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@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ hledger-check-fancyassertions "(assets:overdraft < £2000) ==> (*assets:checkin
my checking account (including subaccounts)."
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
module Main where
@ -86,7 +87,9 @@ import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), nonEmpty, toList)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Time.Calendar (toGregorian)
import Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate (mondayStartWeek, sundayStartWeek, toOrdinalDate)
import Data.Text (isPrefixOf, pack, unpack)
import Data.Text (Text, isPrefixOf, pack, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Hledger.Data as H
import qualified Hledger.Query as H
import qualified Hledger.Read as H
@ -124,17 +127,17 @@ main = do
-- | Check assertions against a collection of grouped postings:
-- assertions must hold when all postings in the group have been
-- applied. Print out errors as they are found.
checkAssertions :: [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)] -> [(String, Predicate)] -> [NonEmpty H.Posting] -> IO Bool
checkAssertions :: [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)] -> [(Text, Predicate)] -> [NonEmpty H.Posting] -> IO Bool
checkAssertions balances0 asserts0 postingss
| null failed = pure True
| otherwise = putStrLn (intercalate "\n\n" failed) >> pure False
| otherwise = T.putStrLn (T.intercalate "\n\n" failed) >> pure False
(_, _, failed) = foldl' applyAndCheck (balances0, asserts0, []) postingss
-- Apply a collection of postings and check the assertions.
applyAndCheck :: ([(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)], [(String, Predicate)], [String])
applyAndCheck :: ([(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)], [(Text, Predicate)], [Text])
-> NonEmpty H.Posting
-> ([(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)], [(String, Predicate)], [String])
-> ([(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)], [(Text, Predicate)], [Text])
applyAndCheck (starting, asserts, errs) ps =
let ps' = toList ps
closing = starting `addAccounts` closingBalances' ps'
@ -145,25 +148,25 @@ checkAssertions balances0 asserts0 postingss
-- Check an assertion against a collection of account balances,
-- and return an error on failure.
check :: H.Posting -> [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)] -> (String, Predicate) -> Maybe String
check :: H.Posting -> [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)] -> (Text, Predicate) -> Maybe Text
check lastp balances (pstr, p)
| checkAssertion balances p = Nothing
| otherwise = Just . unlines $
| otherwise = Just . T.unlines $
let after = case H.ptransaction lastp of
Just t ->
"after transaction:\n" ++ H.showTransaction t ++
"(after posting: " ++ init (H.showPosting lastp) ++ ")\n\n"
"after transaction:\n" <> H.showTransaction t <>
"(after posting: " <> T.pack (init $ H.showPosting lastp) <> ")\n\n"
Nothing ->
"after posting:\n" ++ H.showPosting lastp
"after posting:\n" <> T.pack (H.showPosting lastp)
-- Restrict to accounts mentioned in the predicate, and pretty-print balances
balances' = map (first unpack) $ filter (flip inAssertion p . fst) balances
maxalen = maximum $ map (length . fst) balances'
accounts = [ a <> padding <> show m
balances' = filter (flip inAssertion p . fst) balances
maxalen = maximum $ map (T.length . fst) balances'
accounts = [ a <> padding <> T.pack (show m)
| (a,m) <- balances'
, let padding = replicate (2 + maxalen - length a) ' '
, let padding = T.replicate (2 + maxalen - T.length a) " "
in [ "assertion '" ++ pstr ++ "' violated", after ++ "relevant balances:"] ++ map (" "++) accounts
in [ "assertion '" <> pstr <> "' violated", after <> "relevant balances:"] ++ map (" "<>) accounts
-- | Check an assertion holds for a collection of account balances.
checkAssertion :: [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)] -> Predicate -> Bool
@ -322,17 +325,17 @@ data Opts = Opts
-- ^ Include only non-virtual postings.
, sunday :: Bool
-- ^ Week starts on Sunday.
, assertionsDaily :: [(String, Predicate)]
, assertionsDaily :: [(Text, Predicate)]
-- ^ Account assertions that must hold at the end of each day.
, assertionsWeekly :: [(String, Predicate)]
, assertionsWeekly :: [(Text, Predicate)]
-- ^ Account assertions that must hold at the end of each week.
, assertionsMonthly :: [(String, Predicate)]
, assertionsMonthly :: [(Text, Predicate)]
-- ^ Account assertions that must hold at the end of each month.
, assertionsQuarterly :: [(String, Predicate)]
, assertionsQuarterly :: [(Text, Predicate)]
-- ^ Account assertions that must hold at the end of each quarter.
, assertionsYearly :: [(String, Predicate)]
, assertionsYearly :: [(Text, Predicate)]
-- ^ Account assertions that must hold at the end of each year.
, assertionsAlways :: [(String, Predicate)]
, assertionsAlways :: [(Text, Predicate)]
-- ^ Account assertions that must hold after each txn.
deriving (Show)
@ -388,13 +391,13 @@ args = info (helper <*> parser) $ mconcat
-- Turn a Parsec parser into a ReadM parser that also returns the
-- input.
readParsec :: H.JournalParser ReadM a -> ReadM (String, a)
readParsec :: H.JournalParser ReadM a -> ReadM (Text, a)
readParsec p = do
s <- str
parsed <- P.runParserT (runStateT p H.nulljournal) "" (pack s)
parsed <- P.runParserT (runStateT p H.nulljournal) "" s
case parsed of
Right (a, _) -> pure (s, a)
Left err -> fail ("failed to parse input '" ++ s ++ "': " ++ show err)
Left err -> fail ("failed to parse input '" ++ unpack s ++ "': " ++ show err)
readParsec' :: H.SimpleTextParser a -> ReadM (String, a)
readParsec' p = do

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Hledger.Cli
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map.Merge.Strict
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TL
appendReports :: MultiBalanceReport -> MultiBalanceReport -> MultiBalanceReport
appendReports r1 r2 =
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ main = do
(_,report1) <- mbReport report1args
(rspec2,report2) <- mbReport report2args
let merged = appendReports report1 report2
putStrLn $ multiBalanceReportAsText (rsOpts rspec2) merged
TL.putStrLn $ multiBalanceReportAsText (rsOpts rspec2) merged
mbReport args = do
opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec} <- getHledgerCliOpts' cmdmode args

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@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ main = do
pr = postingsReport rspec{rsQuery = And [Acct $ accountNameToAccountRegexCI acct, q]} j
-- dates of postings to acct (in report)
pdates = map (postingDate . fourth5) (snd pr)
pdates = map (postingDate . fourth5) pr
-- the specified report end date or today's date
enddate = fromMaybe today menddate
dates = pdates ++ [enddate]

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
import Data.String.QQ (s)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ main = do
q = rsQuery rspec
ts = filter (q `matchesTransaction`) $ jtxns $ journalSelectingAmountFromOpts (rsOpts rspec) j
ts' = map transactionSwapDates ts
mapM_ (putStrLn . showTransaction) ts'
mapM_ (T.putStrLn . showTransaction) ts'
transactionSwapDates :: Transaction -> Transaction
transactionSwapDates t@Transaction{tdate2=Nothing} = t

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@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ instance Show Account where
(if aboring then "y" else "n" :: String)
(showMixedAmount aebalance)
(showMixedAmount aibalance)
(wbUnpack $ showMixedAmountB noColour aebalance)
(wbUnpack $ showMixedAmountB noColour aibalance)
instance Eq Account where
(==) a b = aname a == aname b -- quick equality test for speed
@ -265,6 +265,6 @@ showAccountsBoringFlag = unlines . map (show . aboring) . flattenAccounts
showAccountDebug a = printf "%-25s %4s %4s %s"
(aname a)
(showMixedAmount $ aebalance a)
(showMixedAmount $ aibalance a)
(wbUnpack . showMixedAmountB noColour $ aebalance a)
(wbUnpack . showMixedAmountB noColour $ aibalance a)
(if aboring a then "b" else " " :: String)

View File

@ -208,31 +208,31 @@ clipOrEllipsifyAccountName (Just 0) = const "..."
clipOrEllipsifyAccountName n = clipAccountName n
-- | Escape an AccountName for use within a regular expression.
-- >>> putStr $ escapeName "First?!#$*?$(*) !@^#*? %)*!@#"
-- >>> putStr . T.unpack $ escapeName "First?!#$*?$(*) !@^#*? %)*!@#"
-- First\?!#\$\*\?\$\(\*\) !@\^#\*\? %\)\*!@#
escapeName :: AccountName -> String
escapeName = T.unpack . T.concatMap escapeChar
escapeName :: AccountName -> Text
escapeName = T.concatMap escapeChar
escapeChar c = if c `elem` escapedChars then T.snoc "\\" c else T.singleton c
escapedChars = ['[', '?', '+', '|', '(', ')', '*', '$', '^', '\\']
-- | Convert an account name to a regular expression matching it and its subaccounts.
accountNameToAccountRegex :: AccountName -> Regexp
accountNameToAccountRegex a = toRegex' $ '^' : escapeName a ++ "(:|$)" -- PARTIAL: Is this safe after escapeName?
accountNameToAccountRegex a = toRegex' $ "^" <> escapeName a <> "(:|$)" -- PARTIAL: Is this safe after escapeName?
-- | Convert an account name to a regular expression matching it and its subaccounts,
-- case insensitively.
accountNameToAccountRegexCI :: AccountName -> Regexp
accountNameToAccountRegexCI a = toRegexCI' $ '^' : escapeName a ++ "(:|$)" -- PARTIAL: Is this safe after escapeName?
accountNameToAccountRegexCI a = toRegexCI' $ "^" <> escapeName a <> "(:|$)" -- PARTIAL: Is this safe after escapeName?
-- | Convert an account name to a regular expression matching it but not its subaccounts.
accountNameToAccountOnlyRegex :: AccountName -> Regexp
accountNameToAccountOnlyRegex a = toRegex' $ '^' : escapeName a ++ "$" -- PARTIAL: Is this safe after escapeName?
accountNameToAccountOnlyRegex a = toRegex' $ "^" <> escapeName a <> "$" -- PARTIAL: Is this safe after escapeName?
-- | Convert an account name to a regular expression matching it but not its subaccounts,
-- case insensitively.
accountNameToAccountOnlyRegexCI :: AccountName -> Regexp
accountNameToAccountOnlyRegexCI a = toRegexCI' $ '^' : escapeName a ++ "$" -- PARTIAL: Is this safe after escapeName?
accountNameToAccountOnlyRegexCI a = toRegexCI' $ "^" <> escapeName a <> "$" -- PARTIAL: Is this safe after escapeName?
-- -- | Does this string look like an exact account-matching regular expression ?
--isAccountRegex :: String -> Bool

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@ -40,7 +40,10 @@ exchange rates.
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving, RecordWildCards, OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Hledger.Data.Amount (
-- * Amount
@ -66,10 +69,15 @@ module Hledger.Data.Amount (
-- ** rendering
@ -117,11 +125,10 @@ module Hledger.Data.Amount (
-- * misc.
@ -130,17 +137,22 @@ module Hledger.Data.Amount (
) where
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.Decimal (decimalPlaces, normalizeDecimal, roundTo)
import Data.Decimal (DecimalRaw(..), decimalPlaces, normalizeDecimal, roundTo)
import Data.Default (Default(..))
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (genericSplitAt, groupBy, intercalate, mapAccumL,
partition, sortBy)
import Data.List (groupBy, intercalate, intersperse, mapAccumL, partition,
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), nonEmpty)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (findWithDefault)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Safe (lastDef, lastMay)
import Safe (headDef, lastDef, lastMay)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Hledger.Data.Types
@ -150,13 +162,45 @@ import Hledger.Utils
deriving instance Show MarketPrice
-- | Options for the display of Amount and MixedAmount.
data AmountDisplayOpts = AmountDisplayOpts
{ displayPrice :: Bool -- ^ Whether to display the Price of an Amount.
, displayZeroCommodity :: Bool -- ^ If the Amount rounds to 0, whether to display its commodity string.
, displayColour :: Bool -- ^ Whether to colourise negative Amounts.
, displayNormalised :: Bool -- ^ Whether to normalise MixedAmounts before displaying.
, displayOneLine :: Bool -- ^ Whether to display on one line.
, displayMinWidth :: Maybe Int -- ^ Minimum width to pad to
, displayMaxWidth :: Maybe Int -- ^ Maximum width to clip to
} deriving (Show)
-- | Display Amount and MixedAmount with no colour.
instance Default AmountDisplayOpts where def = noColour
-- | Display Amount and MixedAmount with no colour.
noColour :: AmountDisplayOpts
noColour = AmountDisplayOpts { displayPrice = True
, displayColour = False
, displayZeroCommodity = False
, displayNormalised = True
, displayOneLine = False
, displayMinWidth = Nothing
, displayMaxWidth = Nothing
-- | Display Amount and MixedAmount with no prices.
noPrice :: AmountDisplayOpts
noPrice = def{displayPrice=False}
-- | Display Amount and MixedAmount on one line with no prices.
oneLine :: AmountDisplayOpts
oneLine = def{displayOneLine=True, displayPrice=False}
-- Amount styles
-- | Default amount style
amountstyle = AmountStyle L False (Precision 0) (Just '.') Nothing
-- Amount
@ -327,10 +371,10 @@ setAmountDecimalPoint mc a@Amount{ astyle=s } = a{ astyle=s{asdecimalpoint=mc} }
withDecimalPoint :: Amount -> Maybe Char -> Amount
withDecimalPoint = flip setAmountDecimalPoint
showAmountPrice :: Maybe AmountPrice -> String
showAmountPrice Nothing = ""
showAmountPrice (Just (UnitPrice pa)) = " @ " ++ showAmount pa
showAmountPrice (Just (TotalPrice pa)) = " @@ " ++ showAmount pa
showAmountPrice :: Maybe AmountPrice -> WideBuilder
showAmountPrice Nothing = mempty
showAmountPrice (Just (UnitPrice pa)) = WideBuilder (TB.fromString " @ ") 3 <> showAmountB noColour pa
showAmountPrice (Just (TotalPrice pa)) = WideBuilder (TB.fromString " @@ ") 4 <> showAmountB noColour pa
showAmountPriceDebug :: Maybe AmountPrice -> String
showAmountPriceDebug Nothing = ""
@ -361,40 +405,49 @@ amountUnstyled a = a{astyle=amountstyle}
-- commodity's display settings. String representations equivalent to
-- zero are converted to just \"0\". The special "missing" amount is
-- displayed as the empty string.
-- > showAmount = wbUnpack . showAmountB noColour
showAmount :: Amount -> String
showAmount = showAmountHelper False
showAmount = wbUnpack . showAmountB noColour
-- | General function to generate a WideBuilder for an Amount, according the
-- supplied AmountDisplayOpts. The special "missing" amount is displayed as
-- the empty string. This is the main function to use for showing
-- Amounts, constructing a builder; it can then be converted to a Text with
-- wbToText, or to a String with wbUnpack.
showAmountB :: AmountDisplayOpts -> Amount -> WideBuilder
showAmountB _ Amount{acommodity="AUTO"} = mempty
showAmountB opts a@Amount{astyle=style} =
color $ case ascommodityside style of
L -> c' <> space <> quantity' <> price
R -> quantity' <> space <> c' <> price
quantity = showamountquantity a
(quantity',c) | amountLooksZero a && not (displayZeroCommodity opts) = (WideBuilder (TB.singleton '0') 1,"")
| otherwise = (quantity, quoteCommoditySymbolIfNeeded $ acommodity a)
space = if not (T.null c) && ascommodityspaced style then WideBuilder (TB.singleton ' ') 1 else mempty
c' = WideBuilder (TB.fromText c) (textWidth c)
price = if displayPrice opts then showAmountPrice (aprice a) else mempty
color = if displayColour opts && isNegativeAmount a then colorB Dull Red else id
-- | Colour version. For a negative amount, adds ANSI codes to change the colour,
-- currently to hard-coded red.
-- > cshowAmount = wbUnpack . showAmountB def{displayColour=True}
cshowAmount :: Amount -> String
cshowAmount a = (if isNegativeAmount a then color Dull Red else id) $
showAmountHelper False a
cshowAmount = wbUnpack . showAmountB def{displayColour=True}
-- | Get the string representation of an amount, without any \@ price.
-- > showAmountWithoutPrice = wbUnpack . showAmountB noPrice
showAmountWithoutPrice :: Amount -> String
showAmountWithoutPrice a = showAmount a{aprice=Nothing}
-- | Get the string representation of an amount, based on its commodity's
-- display settings except using the specified precision.
showAmountWithPrecision :: AmountPrecision -> Amount -> String
showAmountWithPrecision p = showAmount . setAmountPrecision p
showAmountHelper :: Bool -> Amount -> String
showAmountHelper _ Amount{acommodity="AUTO"} = ""
showAmountHelper showzerocommodity a@Amount{acommodity=c, aprice=mp, astyle=AmountStyle{..}} =
case ascommodityside of
L -> printf "%s%s%s%s" (T.unpack c') space quantity' price
R -> printf "%s%s%s%s" quantity' space (T.unpack c') price
quantity = showamountquantity a
(quantity',c') | amountLooksZero a && not showzerocommodity = ("0","")
| otherwise = (quantity, quoteCommoditySymbolIfNeeded c)
space = if not (T.null c') && ascommodityspaced then " " else "" :: String
price = showAmountPrice mp
showAmountWithoutPrice = wbUnpack . showAmountB noPrice
-- | Like showAmount, but show a zero amount's commodity if it has one.
-- > showAmountWithZeroCommodity = wbUnpack . showAmountB noColour{displayZeryCommodity=True}
showAmountWithZeroCommodity :: Amount -> String
showAmountWithZeroCommodity = showAmountHelper True
showAmountWithZeroCommodity = wbUnpack . showAmountB noColour{displayZeroCommodity=True}
-- | Get a string representation of an amount for debugging,
-- appropriate to the current debug level. 9 shows maximum detail.
@ -402,35 +455,40 @@ showAmountDebug :: Amount -> String
showAmountDebug Amount{acommodity="AUTO"} = "(missing)"
showAmountDebug Amount{..} = printf "Amount {acommodity=%s, aquantity=%s, aprice=%s, astyle=%s}" (show acommodity) (show aquantity) (showAmountPriceDebug aprice) (show astyle)
-- | Get the string representation of the number part of of an amount,
-- using the display settings from its commodity.
showamountquantity :: Amount -> String
-- | Get a Text Builder for the string representation of the number part of of an amount,
-- using the display settings from its commodity. Also returns the width of the
-- number.
showamountquantity :: Amount -> WideBuilder
showamountquantity amt@Amount{astyle=AmountStyle{asdecimalpoint=mdec, asdigitgroups=mgrps}} =
punctuatenumber (fromMaybe '.' mdec) mgrps . show $ amountRoundedQuantity amt
-- | Replace a number string's decimal mark with the specified
-- character, and add the specified digit group marks. The last digit
-- group will be repeated as needed.
punctuatenumber :: Char -> Maybe DigitGroupStyle -> String -> String
punctuatenumber dec mgrps s = sign ++ reverse (applyDigitGroupStyle mgrps (reverse int)) ++ frac''
(sign,num) = break isDigit s
(int,frac) = break (=='.') num
frac' = dropWhile (=='.') frac
frac'' | null frac' = ""
| otherwise = dec:frac'
applyDigitGroupStyle :: Maybe DigitGroupStyle -> String -> String
applyDigitGroupStyle Nothing s = s
applyDigitGroupStyle (Just (DigitGroups c gs)) s = addseps (repeatLast gs) s
signB <> intB <> fracB
addseps [] s = s
addseps (g:gs) s
| toInteger (length s) <= toInteger g = s
| otherwise = let (part,rest) = genericSplitAt g s
in part ++ c : addseps gs rest
repeatLast [] = []
repeatLast gs = init gs ++ repeat (last gs)
Decimal e n = amountRoundedQuantity amt
strN = T.pack . show $ abs n
len = T.length strN
intLen = max 1 $ len - fromIntegral e
dec = fromMaybe '.' mdec
padded = T.replicate (fromIntegral e + 1 - len) "0" <> strN
(intPart, fracPart) = T.splitAt intLen padded
intB = applyDigitGroupStyle mgrps intLen $ if e == 0 then strN else intPart
signB = if n < 0 then WideBuilder (TB.singleton '-') 1 else mempty
fracB = if e > 0 then WideBuilder (TB.singleton dec <> TB.fromText fracPart) (fromIntegral e + 1) else mempty
-- | Split a string representation into chunks according to DigitGroupStyle,
-- returning a Text builder and the number of separators used.
applyDigitGroupStyle :: Maybe DigitGroupStyle -> Int -> T.Text -> WideBuilder
applyDigitGroupStyle Nothing l s = WideBuilder (TB.fromText s) l
applyDigitGroupStyle (Just (DigitGroups _ [])) l s = WideBuilder (TB.fromText s) l
applyDigitGroupStyle (Just (DigitGroups c (g:gs))) l s = addseps (g:|gs) (toInteger l) s
addseps (g:|gs) l s
| l' > 0 = addseps gs' l' rest <> WideBuilder (TB.singleton c <> TB.fromText part) (fromIntegral g + 1)
| otherwise = WideBuilder (TB.fromText s) (fromInteger l)
(rest, part) = T.splitAt (fromInteger l') s
gs' = fromMaybe (g:|[]) $ nonEmpty gs
l' = l - toInteger g
-- like journalCanonicaliseAmounts
-- | Canonicalise an amount's display style using the provided commodity style map.
@ -622,40 +680,46 @@ mixedAmountUnstyled = mapMixedAmount amountUnstyled
-- | Get the string representation of a mixed amount, after
-- normalising it to one amount per commodity. Assumes amounts have
-- no or similar prices, otherwise this can show misleading prices.
-- > showMixedAmount = wbUnpack . showMixedAmountB noColour
showMixedAmount :: MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmount = fst . showMixed showAmount Nothing Nothing False
showMixedAmount = wbUnpack . showMixedAmountB noColour
-- | Get the one-line string representation of a mixed amount.
-- > showMixedAmountOneLine = wbUnpack . showMixedAmountB oneLine
showMixedAmountOneLine :: MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmountOneLine = fst . showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing Nothing False
showMixedAmountOneLine = wbUnpack . showMixedAmountB oneLine
-- | Like showMixedAmount, but zero amounts are shown with their
-- commodity if they have one.
-- > showMixedAmountWithZeroCommodity = wbUnpack . showMixedAmountB noColour{displayZeroCommodity=True}
showMixedAmountWithZeroCommodity :: MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmountWithZeroCommodity = fst . showMixed showAmountWithZeroCommodity Nothing Nothing False
-- | Get the string representation of a mixed amount, showing each of its
-- component amounts with the specified precision, ignoring their
-- commoditys' display precision settings.
showMixedAmountWithPrecision :: AmountPrecision -> MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmountWithPrecision p = fst . showMixed (showAmountWithPrecision p) Nothing Nothing False
showMixedAmountWithZeroCommodity = wbUnpack . showMixedAmountB noColour{displayZeroCommodity=True}
-- | Get the string representation of a mixed amount, without showing any transaction prices.
-- With a True argument, adds ANSI codes to show negative amounts in red.
-- > showMixedAmountWithoutPrice c = wbUnpack . showMixedAmountB noPrice{displayColour=c}
showMixedAmountWithoutPrice :: Bool -> MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmountWithoutPrice c = fst . showMixed showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing Nothing c
showMixedAmountWithoutPrice c = wbUnpack . showMixedAmountB noPrice{displayColour=c}
-- | Get the one-line string representation of a mixed amount, but without
-- any \@ prices.
-- With a True argument, adds ANSI codes to show negative amounts in red.
-- > showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice c = wbUnpack . showMixedAmountB oneLine{displayColour=c}
showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice :: Bool -> MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice c = fst . showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing Nothing c
showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice c = wbUnpack . showMixedAmountB oneLine{displayColour=c}
-- | Like showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice, but show at most the given width,
-- with an elision indicator if there are more.
-- With a True argument, adds ANSI codes to show negative amounts in red.
-- > showMixedAmountElided w c = wbUnpack . showMixedAmountB oneLine{displayColour=c, displayMaxWidth=Just w}
showMixedAmountElided :: Int -> Bool -> MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmountElided w c = fst . showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing (Just w) c
showMixedAmountElided w c = wbUnpack . showMixedAmountB oneLine{displayColour=c, displayMaxWidth=Just w}
-- | Get an unambiguous string representation of a mixed amount for debugging.
showMixedAmountDebug :: MixedAmount -> String
@ -663,59 +727,65 @@ showMixedAmountDebug m | m == missingmixedamt = "(missing)"
| otherwise = printf "Mixed [%s]" as
where as = intercalate "\n " $ map showAmountDebug $ amounts m
-- | General function to display a MixedAmount, one Amount on each line.
-- It takes a function to display each Amount, an optional minimum width
-- to pad to, an optional maximum width to display, and a Bool to determine
-- whether to colourise negative numbers. Amounts longer than the maximum
-- width (if given) will be elided. The function also returns the actual
-- width of the output string.
showMixed :: (Amount -> String) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> MixedAmount -> (String, Int)
showMixed showamt mmin mmax c =
showMixedUnnormalised showamt mmin mmax c . normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay
-- | Like showMixed, but does not normalise the MixedAmount before displaying.
showMixedUnnormalised :: (Amount -> String) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> MixedAmount -> (String, Int)
showMixedUnnormalised showamt mmin mmax c (Mixed as) =
(intercalate "\n" $ map finalise elided, width)
-- | General function to generate a WideBuilder for a MixedAmount, according the
-- supplied AmountDisplayOpts. This is the main function to use for showing
-- MixedAmounts, constructing a builder; it can then be converted to a Text with
-- wbToText, or to a String with wbUnpack.
-- If a maximum width is given then:
-- - If displayed on one line, it will display as many Amounts as can
-- fit in the given width, and further Amounts will be elided.
-- - If displayed on multiple lines, any Amounts longer than the
-- maximum width will be elided.
showMixedAmountB :: AmountDisplayOpts -> MixedAmount -> WideBuilder
showMixedAmountB opts ma
| displayOneLine opts = showMixedAmountOneLineB opts ma
| otherwise = WideBuilder (wbBuilder . mconcat $ intersperse sep lines) width
width = maximum $ fromMaybe 0 mmin : map adLength elided
astrs = amtDisplayList sepwidth showamt as
sepwidth = 0 -- "\n" has width 0
lines = showMixedAmountLinesB opts ma
width = headDef 0 $ map wbWidth lines
sep = WideBuilder (TB.singleton '\n') 0
finalise = adString . pad . if c then colourise else id
pad amt = amt{ adString = applyN (width - adLength amt) (' ':) $ adString amt
, adLength = width
-- | Helper for showMixedAmountB to show a MixedAmount on multiple lines. This returns
-- the list of WideBuilders: one for each Amount in the MixedAmount (possibly
-- normalised), and padded/elided to the appropriate width. This does not
-- honour displayOneLine: all amounts will be displayed as if displayOneLine
-- were False.
showMixedAmountLinesB :: AmountDisplayOpts -> MixedAmount -> [WideBuilder]
showMixedAmountLinesB opts@AmountDisplayOpts{displayMaxWidth=mmax,displayMinWidth=mmin} ma =
map (adBuilder . pad) elided
Mixed amts = if displayNormalised opts then normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay ma else ma
astrs = amtDisplayList (wbWidth sep) (showAmountB opts) amts
sep = WideBuilder (TB.singleton '\n') 0
width = maximum $ fromMaybe 0 mmin : map (wbWidth . adBuilder) elided
pad amt = amt{ adBuilder = WideBuilder (TB.fromText $ T.replicate w " ") w <> adBuilder amt }
where w = width - wbWidth (adBuilder amt)
elided = maybe id elideTo mmax astrs
elideTo m xs = maybeAppend elisionStr short
elisionStr = elisionDisplay (Just m) sepwidth (length long) $ lastDef nullAmountDisplay short
(short, long) = partition ((m>=) . adLength) xs
elisionStr = elisionDisplay (Just m) (wbWidth sep) (length long) $ lastDef nullAmountDisplay short
(short, long) = partition ((m>=) . wbWidth . adBuilder) xs
-- | General function to display a MixedAmount on a single line. It
-- takes a function to display each Amount, an optional minimum width to
-- pad to, an optional maximum width to display, and a Bool to determine
-- whether to colourise negative numbers. It will display as many Amounts
-- as it can in the maximum width (if given), and further Amounts will be
-- elided. The function also returns the actual width of the output string.
showMixedOneLine :: (Amount -> String) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> MixedAmount -> (String, Int)
showMixedOneLine showamt mmin mmax c =
showMixedOneLineUnnormalised showamt mmin mmax c . normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay
-- | Like showMixedOneLine, but does not normalise the MixedAmount before
-- displaying.
showMixedOneLineUnnormalised :: (Amount -> String) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> MixedAmount -> (String, Int)
showMixedOneLineUnnormalised showamt mmin mmax c (Mixed as) =
(pad . intercalate ", " $ map finalise elided, max width $ fromMaybe 0 mmin)
-- | Helper for showMixedAmountB to deal with single line displays. This does not
-- honour displayOneLine: all amounts will be displayed as if displayOneLine
-- were True.
showMixedAmountOneLineB :: AmountDisplayOpts -> MixedAmount -> WideBuilder
showMixedAmountOneLineB opts@AmountDisplayOpts{displayMaxWidth=mmax,displayMinWidth=mmin} ma =
WideBuilder (wbBuilder . pad . mconcat . intersperse sep $ map adBuilder elided) . max width $ fromMaybe 0 mmin
width = maybe 0 adTotal $ lastMay elided
astrs = amtDisplayList sepwidth showamt as
sepwidth = 2 -- ", " has width 2
n = length as
Mixed amts = if displayNormalised opts then normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay ma else ma
finalise = adString . if c then colourise else id
pad = applyN (fromMaybe 0 mmin - width) (' ':)
width = maybe 0 adTotal $ lastMay elided
astrs = amtDisplayList (wbWidth sep) (showAmountB opts) amts
sep = WideBuilder (TB.fromString ", ") 2
n = length amts
pad = (WideBuilder (TB.fromText $ T.replicate w " ") w <>)
where w = fromMaybe 0 mmin - width
elided = maybe id elideTo mmax astrs
elideTo m = addElide . takeFitting m . withElided
@ -728,39 +798,36 @@ showMixedOneLineUnnormalised showamt mmin mmax c (Mixed as) =
dropWhileRev p = foldr (\x xs -> if null xs && p x then [] else x:xs) []
-- Add the elision strings (if any) to each amount
withElided = zipWith (\num amt -> (amt, elisionDisplay Nothing sepwidth num amt)) [n-1,n-2..0]
withElided = zipWith (\num amt -> (amt, elisionDisplay Nothing (wbWidth sep) num amt)) [n-1,n-2..0]
data AmountDisplay = AmountDisplay
{ adAmount :: !Amount -- ^ Amount displayed
, adString :: !String -- ^ String representation of the Amount
, adLength :: !Int -- ^ Length of the string representation
, adTotal :: !Int -- ^ Cumulative length of MixedAmount this Amount is part of,
-- including separators
} deriving (Show)
{ adBuilder :: !WideBuilder -- ^ String representation of the Amount
, adTotal :: !Int -- ^ Cumulative length of MixedAmount this Amount is part of,
-- including separators
nullAmountDisplay :: AmountDisplay
nullAmountDisplay = AmountDisplay nullamt "" 0 0
nullAmountDisplay = AmountDisplay mempty 0
amtDisplayList :: Int -> (Amount -> String) -> [Amount] -> [AmountDisplay]
amtDisplayList :: Int -> (Amount -> WideBuilder) -> [Amount] -> [AmountDisplay]
amtDisplayList sep showamt = snd . mapAccumL display (-sep)
display tot amt = (tot', AmountDisplay amt str width tot')
display tot amt = (tot', AmountDisplay str tot')
str = showamt amt
width = strWidth str
tot' = tot + width + sep
tot' = tot + (wbWidth str) + sep
-- The string "m more", added to the previous running total
elisionDisplay :: Maybe Int -> Int -> Int -> AmountDisplay -> Maybe AmountDisplay
elisionDisplay mmax sep n lastAmt
| n > 0 = Just $ AmountDisplay 0 str len (adTotal lastAmt + len)
| n > 0 = Just $ AmountDisplay (WideBuilder (TB.fromText str) len) (adTotal lastAmt + len)
| otherwise = Nothing
fullString = show n ++ " more.."
fullString = T.pack $ show n ++ " more.."
-- sep from the separator, 7 from " more..", 1 + floor (logBase 10 n) from number
fullLength = sep + 8 + floor (logBase 10 $ fromIntegral n)
str | Just m <- mmax, fullLength > m = take (m - 2) fullString ++ ".."
str | Just m <- mmax, fullLength > m = T.take (m - 2) fullString <> ".."
| otherwise = fullString
len = case mmax of Nothing -> fullLength
Just m -> max 2 $ min m fullLength
@ -769,10 +836,6 @@ maybeAppend :: Maybe a -> [a] -> [a]
maybeAppend Nothing = id
maybeAppend (Just a) = (++[a])
colourise :: AmountDisplay -> AmountDisplay
colourise amt = amt{adString=markColour $ adString amt}
where markColour = if isNegativeAmount (adAmount amt) then color Dull Red else id
-- | Compact labelled trace of a mixed amount, for debugging.
ltraceamount :: String -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
ltraceamount s = traceWith (((s ++ ": ") ++).showMixedAmount)

View File

@ -110,19 +110,19 @@ import Hledger.Utils
-- Help ppShow parse and line-wrap DateSpans better in debug output.
instance Show DateSpan where
show s = "DateSpan " ++ showDateSpan s
show s = "DateSpan " ++ T.unpack (showDateSpan s)
showDate :: Day -> String
showDate = show
showDate :: Day -> Text
showDate = T.pack . show
-- | Render a datespan as a display string, abbreviating into a
-- compact form if possible.
showDateSpan :: DateSpan -> String
showDateSpan :: DateSpan -> Text
showDateSpan = showPeriod . dateSpanAsPeriod
-- | Like showDateSpan, but show month spans as just the abbreviated month name
-- in the current locale.
showDateSpanMonthAbbrev :: DateSpan -> String
showDateSpanMonthAbbrev :: DateSpan -> Text
showDateSpanMonthAbbrev = showPeriodMonthAbbrev . dateSpanAsPeriod
-- | Get the current local date.
@ -388,13 +388,13 @@ spanFromSmartDate refdate sdate = DateSpan (Just b) (Just e)
-- | Convert a smart date string to an explicit yyyy\/mm\/dd string using
-- the provided reference date, or raise an error.
fixSmartDateStr :: Day -> Text -> String
fixSmartDateStr :: Day -> Text -> Text
fixSmartDateStr d s =
either (error' . printf "could not parse date %s %s" (show s) . show) id $ -- PARTIAL:
(fixSmartDateStrEither d s :: Either (ParseErrorBundle Text CustomErr) String)
(fixSmartDateStrEither d s :: Either (ParseErrorBundle Text CustomErr) Text)
-- | A safe version of fixSmartDateStr.
fixSmartDateStrEither :: Day -> Text -> Either (ParseErrorBundle Text CustomErr) String
fixSmartDateStrEither :: Day -> Text -> Either (ParseErrorBundle Text CustomErr) Text
fixSmartDateStrEither d = fmap showDate . fixSmartDateStrEither' d

View File

@ -87,20 +87,20 @@ module Hledger.Data.Journal (
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT(..), runExceptT, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Extra (whenM)
import Control.Monad.Reader as R
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array.ST
import Control.Monad.ST (ST, runST)
import Data.Array.ST (STArray, getElems, newListArray, writeArray)
import Data.Default (Default(..))
import Data.Function ((&))
import qualified Data.HashTable.Class as H (toList)
import qualified Data.HashTable.ST.Cuckoo as H
import Data.List
import Data.List (find, sortOn)
import Data.List.Extra (groupSort, nubSort)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Safe (headMay, headDef)
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Tree
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, addDays, fromGregorian)
import Data.Tree (Tree, flatten)
import System.Time (ClockTime(TOD))
import Text.Printf
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Hledger.Utils
import Hledger.Data.Types
@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ checkBalanceAssertionOneCommodityB p@Posting{paccount=assertedacct} assertedamt
Nothing -> "?" -- shouldn't happen
Just t -> printf "%s\ntransaction:\n%s"
(showGenericSourcePos pos)
(chomp $ showTransaction t)
(textChomp $ showTransaction t)
:: String
pos = baposition $ fromJust $ pbalanceassertion p
@ -926,11 +926,11 @@ checkIllegalBalanceAssignmentB p = do
checkBalanceAssignmentPostingDateB :: Posting -> Balancing s ()
checkBalanceAssignmentPostingDateB p =
when (hasBalanceAssignment p && isJust (pdate p)) $
throwError $ unlines $
throwError . T.unpack $ T.unlines
["postings which are balance assignments may not have a custom date."
,"Please write the posting amount explicitly, or remove the posting date:"
,maybe (unlines $ showPostingLines p) showTransaction $ ptransaction p
,maybe (T.unlines $ showPostingLines p) showTransaction $ ptransaction p
-- | Throw an error if this posting is trying to do a balance assignment and
@ -940,16 +940,16 @@ checkBalanceAssignmentUnassignableAccountB :: Posting -> Balancing s ()
checkBalanceAssignmentUnassignableAccountB p = do
unassignable <- R.asks bsUnassignable
when (hasBalanceAssignment p && paccount p `S.member` unassignable) $
throwError $ unlines $
throwError . T.unpack $ T.unlines
["balance assignments cannot be used with accounts which are"
,"posted to by transaction modifier rules (auto postings)."
,"Please write the posting amount explicitly, or remove the rule."
,"account: "++T.unpack (paccount p)
,"account: " <> paccount p
,maybe (unlines $ showPostingLines p) showTransaction $ ptransaction p
,maybe (T.unlines $ showPostingLines p) showTransaction $ ptransaction p

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import Data.Decimal
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TL
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (toLazyText)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import System.Time (ClockTime)
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ instance FromJSON (DecimalRaw Integer)
-- | Show a JSON-convertible haskell value as pretty-printed JSON text.
toJsonText :: ToJSON a => a -> TL.Text
toJsonText = (<>"\n") . toLazyText . encodePrettyToTextBuilder
toJsonText = TB.toLazyText . (<> TB.fromText "\n") . encodePrettyToTextBuilder
-- | Write a JSON-convertible haskell value to a pretty-printed JSON file.
-- Eg: writeJsonFile "a.json" nulltransaction

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ a richer abstraction than DateSpan. See also Types and Dates.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Hledger.Data.Period (
@ -30,6 +32,8 @@ module Hledger.Data.Period (
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Calendar.MonthDay
import Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate
@ -155,21 +159,23 @@ isStandardPeriod = isStandardPeriod' . simplifyPeriod
-- >>> showPeriod (WeekPeriod (fromGregorian 2016 7 25))
-- "2016-07-25W30"
showPeriod (DayPeriod b) = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F" b -- DATE
showPeriod (WeekPeriod b) = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FW%V" b -- STARTDATEWYEARWEEK
showPeriod (MonthPeriod y m) = printf "%04d-%02d" y m -- YYYY-MM
showPeriod (QuarterPeriod y q) = printf "%04dQ%d" y q -- YYYYQN
showPeriod (YearPeriod y) = printf "%04d" y -- YYYY
showPeriod (PeriodBetween b e) = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F" b
showPeriod :: Period -> Text
showPeriod (DayPeriod b) = T.pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F" b -- DATE
showPeriod (WeekPeriod b) = T.pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FW%V" b -- STARTDATEWYEARWEEK
showPeriod (MonthPeriod y m) = T.pack $ printf "%04d-%02d" y m -- YYYY-MM
showPeriod (QuarterPeriod y q) = T.pack $ printf "%04dQ%d" y q -- YYYYQN
showPeriod (YearPeriod y) = T.pack $ printf "%04d" y -- YYYY
showPeriod (PeriodBetween b e) = T.pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F" b
++ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "..%F" (addDays (-1) e) -- STARTDATE..INCLUSIVEENDDATE
showPeriod (PeriodFrom b) = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F.." b -- STARTDATE..
showPeriod (PeriodTo e) = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "..%F" (addDays (-1) e) -- ..INCLUSIVEENDDATE
showPeriod (PeriodFrom b) = T.pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F.." b -- STARTDATE..
showPeriod (PeriodTo e) = T.pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "..%F" (addDays (-1) e) -- ..INCLUSIVEENDDATE
showPeriod PeriodAll = ".."
-- | Like showPeriod, but if it's a month period show just
-- the 3 letter month name abbreviation for the current locale.
showPeriodMonthAbbrev :: Period -> Text
showPeriodMonthAbbrev (MonthPeriod _ m) -- Jan
| m > 0 && m <= length monthnames = snd $ monthnames !! (m-1)
| m > 0 && m <= length monthnames = T.pack . snd $ monthnames !! (m-1)
where monthnames = months defaultTimeLocale
showPeriodMonthAbbrev p = showPeriod p

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ where
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Text.Printf
import Hledger.Data.Types
@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ _ptgen str = do
case checkPeriodicTransactionStartDate i s t of
Just e -> error' e -- PARTIAL:
Nothing ->
mapM_ (putStr . showTransaction) $
mapM_ (T.putStr . showTransaction) $
nullperiodictransaction{ ptperiodexpr=t , ptspan=s, ptinterval=i, ptpostings=["a" `post` usd 1] }
@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ _ptgenspan str span = do
case checkPeriodicTransactionStartDate i s t of
Just e -> error' e -- PARTIAL:
Nothing ->
mapM_ (putStr . showTransaction) $
mapM_ (T.putStr . showTransaction) $
nullperiodictransaction{ ptperiodexpr=t , ptspan=s, ptinterval=i, ptpostings=["a" `post` usd 1] }

View File

@ -161,20 +161,20 @@ originalPosting p = fromMaybe p $ poriginal p
-- XXX once rendered user output, but just for debugging now; clean up
showPosting :: Posting -> String
showPosting p@Posting{paccount=a,pamount=amt,ptype=t} =
unlines $ [concatTopPadded [show (postingDate p) ++ " ", showaccountname a ++ " ", showamount amt, showComment (pcomment p)]]
unlines $ [concatTopPadded [show (postingDate p) ++ " ", showaccountname a ++ " ", showamount amt, T.unpack . showComment $ pcomment p]]
ledger3ishlayout = False
acctnamewidth = if ledger3ishlayout then 25 else 22
showaccountname = fitString (Just acctnamewidth) Nothing False False . bracket . T.unpack . elideAccountName width
showaccountname = T.unpack . fitText (Just acctnamewidth) Nothing False False . bracket . elideAccountName width
(bracket,width) = case t of
BalancedVirtualPosting -> (\s -> "["++s++"]", acctnamewidth-2)
VirtualPosting -> (\s -> "("++s++")", acctnamewidth-2)
_ -> (id,acctnamewidth)
showamount = fst . showMixed showAmount (Just 12) Nothing False
BalancedVirtualPosting -> (wrap "[" "]", acctnamewidth-2)
VirtualPosting -> (wrap "(" ")", acctnamewidth-2)
_ -> (id,acctnamewidth)
showamount = wbUnpack . showMixedAmountB noColour{displayMinWidth=Just 12}
showComment :: Text -> String
showComment t = if T.null t then "" else " ;" ++ T.unpack t
showComment :: Text -> Text
showComment t = if T.null t then "" else " ;" <> t
isReal :: Posting -> Bool
isReal p = ptype p == RegularPosting
@ -274,9 +274,9 @@ accountNameWithoutPostingType a = case accountNamePostingType a of
RegularPosting -> a
accountNameWithPostingType :: PostingType -> AccountName -> AccountName
accountNameWithPostingType BalancedVirtualPosting a = "["<>accountNameWithoutPostingType a<>"]"
accountNameWithPostingType VirtualPosting a = "("<>accountNameWithoutPostingType a<>")"
accountNameWithPostingType RegularPosting a = accountNameWithoutPostingType a
accountNameWithPostingType BalancedVirtualPosting = wrap "[" "]" . accountNameWithoutPostingType
accountNameWithPostingType VirtualPosting = wrap "(" ")" . accountNameWithoutPostingType
accountNameWithPostingType RegularPosting = accountNameWithoutPostingType
-- | Prefix one account name to another, preserving posting type
-- indicators like concatAccountNames.

View File

@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
-- hledger's report item fields. The formats are used by
-- report-specific renderers like renderBalanceReportItem.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, OverloadedStrings, TypeFamilies, PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Hledger.Data.StringFormat (
@ -10,7 +13,6 @@ module Hledger.Data.StringFormat (
, StringFormat(..)
, StringFormatComponent(..)
, ReportItemField(..)
, overlineWidth
, defaultBalanceLineFormat
, tests_StringFormat
) where
@ -21,22 +23,20 @@ import Numeric (readDec)
import Data.Char (isPrint)
import Data.Default (Default(..))
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
-- import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char (char, digitChar, string)
import Hledger.Utils.Parse (SimpleStringParser)
import Hledger.Utils.String (formatString)
import Hledger.Utils.Parse (SimpleTextParser)
import Hledger.Utils.Text (formatText)
import Hledger.Utils.Test
-- | A format specification/template to use when rendering a report line item as text.
-- A format is an optional width, along with a sequence of components;
-- each is either a literal string, or a hledger report item field with
-- specified width and justification whose value will be interpolated
-- at render time. The optional width determines the length of the
-- overline to draw above the totals row; if it is Nothing, then the
-- maximum width of all lines is used.
-- A format is a sequence of components; each is either a literal
-- string, or a hledger report item field with specified width and
-- justification whose value will be interpolated at render time.
-- A component's value may be a multi-line string (or a
-- multi-commodity amount), in which case the final string will be
@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ import Hledger.Utils.Test
-- mode, which provides a limited StringFormat renderer.
data StringFormat =
OneLine (Maybe Int) [StringFormatComponent] -- ^ multi-line values will be rendered on one line, comma-separated
| TopAligned (Maybe Int) [StringFormatComponent] -- ^ values will be top-aligned (and bottom-padded to the same height)
| BottomAligned (Maybe Int) [StringFormatComponent] -- ^ values will be bottom-aligned (and top-padded)
OneLine [StringFormatComponent] -- ^ multi-line values will be rendered on one line, comma-separated
| TopAligned [StringFormatComponent] -- ^ values will be top-aligned (and bottom-padded to the same height)
| BottomAligned [StringFormatComponent] -- ^ values will be bottom-aligned (and top-padded)
deriving (Show, Eq)
data StringFormatComponent =
FormatLiteral String -- ^ Literal text to be rendered as-is
FormatLiteral Text -- ^ Literal text to be rendered as-is
| FormatField Bool
(Maybe Int)
(Maybe Int)
@ -81,14 +81,9 @@ data ReportItemField =
instance Default StringFormat where def = defaultBalanceLineFormat
overlineWidth :: StringFormat -> Maybe Int
overlineWidth (OneLine w _) = w
overlineWidth (TopAligned w _) = w
overlineWidth (BottomAligned w _) = w
-- | Default line format for balance report: "%20(total) %2(depth_spacer)%-(account)"
defaultBalanceLineFormat :: StringFormat
defaultBalanceLineFormat = BottomAligned (Just 20) [
defaultBalanceLineFormat = BottomAligned [
FormatField False (Just 20) Nothing TotalField
, FormatLiteral " "
, FormatField True (Just 2) Nothing DepthSpacerField
@ -102,37 +97,37 @@ defaultBalanceLineFormat = BottomAligned (Just 20) [
-- | Parse a string format specification, or return a parse error.
parseStringFormat :: String -> Either String StringFormat
parseStringFormat :: Text -> Either String StringFormat
parseStringFormat input = case (runParser (stringformatp <* eof) "(unknown)") input of
Left y -> Left $ show y
Right x -> Right x
defaultStringFormatStyle = BottomAligned
stringformatp :: SimpleStringParser StringFormat
stringformatp :: SimpleTextParser StringFormat
stringformatp = do
alignspec <- optional (try $ char '%' >> oneOf ("^_,"::String))
let constructor =
case alignspec of
Just '^' -> TopAligned Nothing
Just '_' -> BottomAligned Nothing
Just ',' -> OneLine Nothing
_ -> defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing
Just '^' -> TopAligned
Just '_' -> BottomAligned
Just ',' -> OneLine
_ -> defaultStringFormatStyle
constructor <$> many componentp
componentp :: SimpleStringParser StringFormatComponent
componentp :: SimpleTextParser StringFormatComponent
componentp = formatliteralp <|> formatfieldp
formatliteralp :: SimpleStringParser StringFormatComponent
formatliteralp :: SimpleTextParser StringFormatComponent
formatliteralp = do
s <- some c
s <- T.pack <$> some c
return $ FormatLiteral s
isPrintableButNotPercentage x = isPrint x && x /= '%'
c = (satisfy isPrintableButNotPercentage <?> "printable character")
<|> try (string "%%" >> return '%')
formatfieldp :: SimpleStringParser StringFormatComponent
formatfieldp :: SimpleTextParser StringFormatComponent
formatfieldp = do
char '%'
leftJustified <- optional (char '-')
@ -147,7 +142,7 @@ formatfieldp = do
Just text -> Just m where ((m,_):_) = readDec text
_ -> Nothing
fieldp :: SimpleStringParser ReportItemField
fieldp :: SimpleTextParser ReportItemField
fieldp = do
try (string "account" >> return AccountField)
<|> try (string "depth_spacer" >> return DepthSpacerField)
@ -161,8 +156,8 @@ fieldp = do
formatStringTester fs value expected = actual @?= expected
actual = case fs of
FormatLiteral l -> formatString False Nothing Nothing l
FormatField leftJustify min max _ -> formatString leftJustify min max value
FormatLiteral l -> formatText False Nothing Nothing l
FormatField leftJustify min max _ -> formatText leftJustify min max value
tests_StringFormat = tests "StringFormat" [
@ -176,25 +171,25 @@ tests_StringFormat = tests "StringFormat" [
formatStringTester (FormatField True (Just 20) (Just 20) DescriptionField) "description" "description "
formatStringTester (FormatField True Nothing (Just 3) DescriptionField) "description" "des"
,let s `gives` expected = test s $ parseStringFormat s @?= Right expected
,let s `gives` expected = test s $ parseStringFormat (T.pack s) @?= Right expected
in tests "parseStringFormat" [
"" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [])
, "D" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [FormatLiteral "D"])
, "%(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [FormatField False Nothing Nothing DescriptionField])
, "%(total)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
"" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [])
, "D" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatLiteral "D"])
, "%(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False Nothing Nothing DescriptionField])
, "%(total)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
-- , "^%(total)" `gives` (TopAligned [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
-- , "_%(total)" `gives` (BottomAligned [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
-- , ",%(total)" `gives` (OneLine [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
, "Hello %(date)!" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [FormatLiteral "Hello ", FormatField False Nothing Nothing DescriptionField, FormatLiteral "!"])
, "%-(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [FormatField True Nothing Nothing DescriptionField])
, "%20(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [FormatField False (Just 20) Nothing DescriptionField])
, "%.10(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [FormatField False Nothing (Just 10) DescriptionField])
, "%20.10(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [FormatField False (Just 20) (Just 10) DescriptionField])
, "%20(account) %.10(total)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [FormatField False (Just 20) Nothing AccountField
,FormatLiteral " "
,FormatField False Nothing (Just 10) TotalField
, "Hello %(date)!" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatLiteral "Hello ", FormatField False Nothing Nothing DescriptionField, FormatLiteral "!"])
, "%-(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField True Nothing Nothing DescriptionField])
, "%20(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False (Just 20) Nothing DescriptionField])
, "%.10(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False Nothing (Just 10) DescriptionField])
, "%20.10(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False (Just 20) (Just 10) DescriptionField])
, "%20(account) %.10(total)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False (Just 20) Nothing AccountField
,FormatLiteral " "
,FormatField False Nothing (Just 10) TotalField
, test "newline not parsed" $ assertLeft $ parseStringFormat "\n"

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ converted to 'Transactions' and queried like a ledger.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Hledger.Data.Timeclock (
@ -14,14 +15,18 @@ module Hledger.Data.Timeclock (
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
-- import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Text.Printf
import Data.Time.Calendar (addDays)
import Data.Time.Clock (addUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Format (defaultTimeLocale, formatTime, parseTimeM)
import Data.Time.LocalTime (LocalTime(..), TimeOfDay(..), getCurrentTimeZone,
localTimeToUTC, midnight, utc, utcToLocalTime)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Hledger.Utils
import Hledger.Data.Types
@ -90,8 +95,8 @@ errorWithSourceLine line msg = error $ "line " ++ show line ++ ": " ++ msg
entryFromTimeclockInOut :: TimeclockEntry -> TimeclockEntry -> Transaction
entryFromTimeclockInOut i o
| otime >= itime = t
| otherwise =
error' $ "clock-out time less than clock-in time in:\n" ++ showTransaction t -- PARTIAL:
| otherwise = error' . T.unpack $
"clock-out time less than clock-in time in:\n" <> showTransaction t -- PARTIAL:
t = Transaction {
tindex = 0,

View File

@ -7,11 +7,12 @@ tags.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Hledger.Data.Transaction (
-- * Transaction
@ -44,8 +45,6 @@ module Hledger.Data.Transaction (
-- * rendering
-- showPostingLine,
-- * GenericSourcePos
@ -57,13 +56,19 @@ module Hledger.Data.Transaction (
import Data.List
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.List (intercalate, partition)
import Data.List.Extra (nubSort)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Text.Printf
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, fromGregorian)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Hledger.Utils
@ -72,6 +77,8 @@ import Hledger.Data.Dates
import Hledger.Data.Posting
import Hledger.Data.Amount
import Hledger.Data.Valuation
import Text.Tabular
import Text.Tabular.AsciiWide
sourceFilePath :: GenericSourcePos -> FilePath
sourceFilePath = \case
@ -148,53 +155,46 @@ To facilitate this, postings with explicit multi-commodity amounts
are displayed as multiple similar postings, one per commodity.
(Normally does not happen with this function).
showTransaction :: Transaction -> String
showTransaction = showTransactionHelper False
-- | Deprecated alias for 'showTransaction'
showTransactionUnelided :: Transaction -> String
showTransactionUnelided = showTransaction -- TODO: drop it
showTransaction :: Transaction -> Text
showTransaction = TL.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . showTransactionHelper False
-- | Like showTransaction, but explicit multi-commodity amounts
-- are shown on one line, comma-separated. In this case the output will
-- not be parseable journal syntax.
showTransactionOneLineAmounts :: Transaction -> String
showTransactionOneLineAmounts = showTransactionHelper True
-- | Deprecated alias for 'showTransactionOneLineAmounts'
showTransactionUnelidedOneLineAmounts :: Transaction -> String
showTransactionUnelidedOneLineAmounts = showTransactionOneLineAmounts -- TODO: drop it
showTransactionOneLineAmounts :: Transaction -> Text
showTransactionOneLineAmounts = TL.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . showTransactionHelper True
-- | Helper for showTransaction*.
showTransactionHelper :: Bool -> Transaction -> String
showTransactionHelper :: Bool -> Transaction -> TB.Builder
showTransactionHelper onelineamounts t =
unlines $ [descriptionline]
++ newlinecomments
++ (postingsAsLines onelineamounts (tpostings t))
++ [""]
descriptionline = rstrip $ concat [date, status, code, desc, samelinecomment]
date = showDate (tdate t) ++ maybe "" (("="++) . showDate) (tdate2 t)
status | tstatus t == Cleared = " *"
| tstatus t == Pending = " !"
| otherwise = ""
code = if T.length (tcode t) > 0 then printf " (%s)" $ T.unpack $ tcode t else ""
desc = if null d then "" else " " ++ d where d = T.unpack $ tdescription t
(samelinecomment, newlinecomments) =
case renderCommentLines (tcomment t) of [] -> ("",[])
c:cs -> (c,cs)
TB.fromText descriptionline <> newline
<> foldMap ((<> newline) . TB.fromText) newlinecomments
<> foldMap ((<> newline) . TB.fromText) (postingsAsLines onelineamounts $ tpostings t)
<> newline
descriptionline = T.stripEnd $ T.concat [date, status, code, desc, samelinecomment]
date = showDate (tdate t) <> maybe "" (("="<>) . showDate) (tdate2 t)
status | tstatus t == Cleared = " *"
| tstatus t == Pending = " !"
| otherwise = ""
code = if T.null (tcode t) then "" else wrap " (" ")" $ tcode t
desc = if T.null d then "" else " " <> d where d = tdescription t
(samelinecomment, newlinecomments) =
case renderCommentLines (tcomment t) of [] -> ("",[])
c:cs -> (c,cs)
newline = TB.singleton '\n'
-- | Render a transaction or posting's comment as indented, semicolon-prefixed comment lines.
-- The first line (unless empty) will have leading space, subsequent lines will have a larger indent.
renderCommentLines :: Text -> [String]
renderCommentLines :: Text -> [Text]
renderCommentLines t =
case lines $ T.unpack t of
case T.lines t of
[] -> []
[l] -> [(commentSpace . comment) l] -- single-line comment
[l] -> [commentSpace $ comment l] -- single-line comment
("":ls) -> "" : map (lineIndent . comment) ls -- multi-line comment with empty first line
(l:ls) -> (commentSpace . comment) l : map (lineIndent . comment) ls
(l:ls) -> commentSpace (comment l) : map (lineIndent . comment) ls
comment = ("; "++)
comment = ("; "<>)
-- | Given a transaction and its postings, render the postings, suitable
-- for `print` output. Normally this output will be valid journal syntax which
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ renderCommentLines t =
-- Posting amounts will be aligned with each other, starting about 4 columns
-- beyond the widest account name (see postingAsLines for details).
postingsAsLines :: Bool -> [Posting] -> [String]
postingsAsLines :: Bool -> [Posting] -> [Text]
postingsAsLines onelineamounts ps = concatMap (postingAsLines False onelineamounts ps) ps
-- | Render one posting, on one or more lines, suitable for `print` output.
@ -236,41 +236,55 @@ postingsAsLines onelineamounts ps = concatMap (postingAsLines False onelineamoun
-- increased if needed to match the posting with the longest account name.
-- This is used to align the amounts of a transaction's postings.
postingAsLines :: Bool -> Bool -> [Posting] -> Posting -> [String]
postingAsLines elideamount onelineamounts pstoalignwith p = concat [
++ newlinecomments
| postingblock <- postingblocks]
postingAsLines :: Bool -> Bool -> [Posting] -> Posting -> [Text]
postingAsLines elideamount onelineamounts pstoalignwith p =
concatMap (++ newlinecomments) postingblocks
postingblocks = [map rstrip $ lines $ concatTopPadded [statusandaccount, " ", amt, assertion, samelinecomment] | amt <- shownAmounts]
assertion = maybe "" ((' ':).showBalanceAssertion) $ pbalanceassertion p
statusandaccount = lineIndent $ fitString (Just $ minwidth) Nothing False True $ pstatusandacct p
-- pad to the maximum account name width, plus 2 to leave room for status flags, to keep amounts aligned
minwidth = maximum $ map ((2+) . textWidth . T.pack . pacctstr) pstoalignwith
pstatusandacct p' = pstatusprefix p' ++ pacctstr p'
pstatusprefix p' | null s = ""
| otherwise = s ++ " "
where s = show $ pstatus p'
pacctstr p' = showAccountName Nothing (ptype p') (paccount p')
-- This needs to be converted to strict Text in order to strip trailing
-- spaces. This adds a small amount of inefficiency, and the only difference
-- is whether there are trailing spaces in print (and related) reports. This
-- could be removed and we could just keep everything as a Text Builder, but
-- would require adding trailing spaces to 42 failing tests.
postingblocks = [map T.stripEnd . T.lines . TL.toStrict $
render [ alignCell BottomLeft statusandaccount
, alignCell BottomLeft " "
, Cell BottomLeft [amt]
, Cell BottomLeft [assertion]
, alignCell BottomLeft samelinecomment
| amt <- shownAmounts]
render = renderRow def{tableBorders=False, borderSpaces=False} . Group NoLine . map Header
assertion = maybe mempty ((WideBuilder (TB.singleton ' ') 1 <>).showBalanceAssertion) $ pbalanceassertion p
statusandaccount = lineIndent . fitText (Just $ minwidth) Nothing False True $ pstatusandacct p
-- pad to the maximum account name width, plus 2 to leave room for status flags, to keep amounts aligned
minwidth = maximum $ map ((2+) . textWidth . pacctstr) pstoalignwith
pstatusandacct p' = pstatusprefix p' <> pacctstr p'
pstatusprefix p' = case pstatus p' of
Unmarked -> ""
s -> T.pack (show s) <> " "
pacctstr p' = showAccountName Nothing (ptype p') (paccount p')
-- currently prices are considered part of the amount string when right-aligning amounts
| elideamount = [""]
| onelineamounts = [fst . showMixedOneLineUnnormalised showAmount (Just amtwidth) Nothing False $ pamount p]
| null (amounts $ pamount p) = [""]
| otherwise = lines . fst . showMixedUnnormalised showAmount (Just amtwidth) Nothing False $ pamount p
| elideamount || null (amounts $ pamount p) = [mempty]
| otherwise = showMixedAmountLinesB displayopts $ pamount p
amtwidth = maximum $ 12 : map (snd . showMixedUnnormalised showAmount Nothing Nothing False . pamount) pstoalignwith -- min. 12 for backwards compatibility
displayopts = noColour{displayOneLine=onelineamounts, displayMinWidth = Just amtwidth, displayNormalised=False}
amtwidth = maximum $ 12 : map (wbWidth . showMixedAmountB displayopts{displayMinWidth=Nothing} . pamount) pstoalignwith -- min. 12 for backwards compatibility
(samelinecomment, newlinecomments) =
case renderCommentLines (pcomment p) of [] -> ("",[])
c:cs -> (c,cs)
-- | Render a balance assertion, as the =[=][*] symbol and expected amount.
showBalanceAssertion :: BalanceAssertion -> [Char]
showBalanceAssertion :: BalanceAssertion -> WideBuilder
showBalanceAssertion BalanceAssertion{..} =
"=" ++ ['=' | batotal] ++ ['*' | bainclusive] ++ " " ++ showAmountWithZeroCommodity baamount
singleton '=' <> eq <> ast <> singleton ' ' <> showAmountB def{displayZeroCommodity=True} baamount
eq = if batotal then singleton '=' else mempty
ast = if bainclusive then singleton '*' else mempty
singleton c = WideBuilder (TB.singleton c) 1
-- | Render a posting, simply. Used in balance assertion errors.
-- showPostingLine p =
@ -286,33 +300,27 @@ showBalanceAssertion BalanceAssertion{..} =
-- | Render a posting, at the appropriate width for aligning with
-- its siblings if any. Used by the rewrite command.
showPostingLines :: Posting -> [String]
showPostingLines :: Posting -> [Text]
showPostingLines p = postingAsLines False False ps p where
ps | Just t <- ptransaction p = tpostings t
| otherwise = [p]
-- | Prepend a suitable indent for a posting (or transaction/posting comment) line.
lineIndent :: String -> String
lineIndent = (" "++)
lineIndent :: Text -> Text
lineIndent = (" "<>)
-- | Prepend the space required before a same-line comment.
commentSpace :: String -> String
commentSpace = (" "++)
commentSpace :: Text -> Text
commentSpace = (" "<>)
-- | Show an account name, clipped to the given width if any, and
-- appropriately bracketed/parenthesised for the given posting type.
showAccountName :: Maybe Int -> PostingType -> AccountName -> String
showAccountName :: Maybe Int -> PostingType -> AccountName -> Text
showAccountName w = fmt
fmt RegularPosting = maybe id take w . T.unpack
fmt VirtualPosting = parenthesise . maybe id (takeEnd . subtract 2) w . T.unpack
fmt BalancedVirtualPosting = bracket . maybe id (takeEnd . subtract 2) w . T.unpack
parenthesise :: String -> String
parenthesise s = "("++s++")"
bracket :: String -> String
bracket s = "["++s++"]"
fmt RegularPosting = maybe id T.take w
fmt VirtualPosting = wrap "(" ")" . maybe id (T.takeEnd . subtract 2) w
fmt BalancedVirtualPosting = wrap "[" "]" . maybe id (T.takeEnd . subtract 2) w
hasRealPostings :: Transaction -> Bool
hasRealPostings = not . null . realPostings
@ -427,7 +435,9 @@ transactionBalanceError t errs =
annotateErrorWithTransaction :: Transaction -> String -> String
annotateErrorWithTransaction t s =
unlines [showGenericSourcePos $ tsourcepos t, s, rstrip $ showTransaction t]
unlines [ showGenericSourcePos $ tsourcepos t, s
, T.unpack . T.stripEnd $ showTransaction t
-- | Infer up to one missing amount for this transactions's real postings, and
-- likewise for its balanced virtual postings, if needed; or return an error
@ -678,7 +688,7 @@ tests_Transaction =
Right nulltransaction{tpostings = ["a" `post` usd (-5), "b" `post` usd 5]}
(fst <$> inferBalancingAmount M.empty nulltransaction{tpostings = ["a" `post` usd (-5), "b" `post` (eur 3 @@ usd 4), "c" `post` missingamt]}) @?=
Right nulltransaction{tpostings = ["a" `post` usd (-5), "b" `post` (eur 3 @@ usd 4), "c" `post` usd 1]}
, tests "showTransaction" [
test "null transaction" $ showTransaction nulltransaction @?= "0000-01-01\n\n"
, test "non-null transaction" $ showTransaction
@ -701,7 +711,7 @@ tests_Transaction =
} @?=
[ "2012-05-14=2012-05-15 (code) desc ; tcomment1"
, " ; tcomment2"
, " * a $1.00"
@ -727,7 +737,7 @@ tests_Transaction =
, posting {paccount = "assets:checking", pamount = Mixed [usd (-47.18)], ptransaction = Just t}
in showTransaction t) @?=
[ "2007-01-28 coopportunity"
, " expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
, " assets:checking $-47.18"
@ -750,7 +760,7 @@ tests_Transaction =
[ posting {paccount = "expenses:food:groceries", pamount = Mixed [usd 47.18]}
, posting {paccount = "assets:checking", pamount = Mixed [usd (-47.19)]}
])) @?=
[ "2007-01-28 coopportunity"
, " expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
, " assets:checking $-47.19"
@ -771,7 +781,7 @@ tests_Transaction =
[posting {paccount = "expenses:food:groceries", pamount = missingmixedamt}])) @?=
(unlines ["2007-01-28 coopportunity", " expenses:food:groceries", ""])
(T.unlines ["2007-01-28 coopportunity", " expenses:food:groceries", ""])
, test "show a transaction with a priced commodityless amount" $
(txnTieKnot $
@ -789,7 +799,7 @@ tests_Transaction =
[ posting {paccount = "a", pamount = Mixed [num 1 `at` (usd 2 `withPrecision` Precision 0)]}
, posting {paccount = "b", pamount = missingmixedamt}
])) @?=
(unlines ["2010-01-01 x", " a 1 @ $2", " b", ""])
(T.unlines ["2010-01-01 x", " a 1 @ $2", " b", ""])
, tests "balanceTransaction" [
test "detect unbalanced entry, sign error" $

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import Hledger.Data.Amount
import Hledger.Data.Transaction
import Hledger.Query
import Hledger.Data.Posting (commentJoin, commentAddTag)
import Hledger.Utils.Debug
import Hledger.Utils
-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ modifyTransactions d tmods ts = do
-- postings when certain other postings are present.
-- >>> t = nulltransaction{tpostings=["ping" `post` usd 1]}
-- >>> test = either putStr (putStr.showTransaction) . fmap ($ t) . transactionModifierToFunction nulldate
-- >>> import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-- >>> test = either putStr (T.putStr.showTransaction) . fmap ($ t) . transactionModifierToFunction nulldate
-- >>> test $ TransactionModifier "" ["pong" `post` usd 2]
-- 0000-01-01
-- ping $1.00
@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ postingRuleMultiplier p =
renderPostingCommentDates :: Posting -> Posting
renderPostingCommentDates p = p { pcomment = comment' }
dates = T.concat $ catMaybes [T.pack . showDate <$> pdate p, ("=" <>) . T.pack . showDate <$> pdate2 p]
dates = T.concat $ catMaybes [showDate <$> pdate p, ("=" <>) . showDate <$> pdate2 p]
| T.null dates = pcomment p
| otherwise = ("[" <> dates <> "]") `commentJoin` pcomment p
| otherwise = (wrap "[" "]" dates) `commentJoin` pcomment p

View File

@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, fromGregorian )
import Safe (readDef, readMay, maximumByMay, maximumMay, minimumMay)
@ -107,11 +108,11 @@ data Query = Any -- ^ always match
instance Default Query where def = Any
-- | Construct a payee tag
payeeTag :: Maybe String -> Either RegexError Query
payeeTag :: Maybe Text -> Either RegexError Query
payeeTag = fmap (Tag (toRegexCI' "payee")) . maybe (pure Nothing) (fmap Just . toRegexCI)
-- | Construct a note tag
noteTag :: Maybe String -> Either RegexError Query
noteTag :: Maybe Text -> Either RegexError Query
noteTag = fmap (Tag (toRegexCI' "note")) . maybe (pure Nothing) (fmap Just . toRegexCI)
-- | Construct a generated-transaction tag
@ -262,11 +263,11 @@ parseQueryTerm d (T.stripPrefix "not:" -> Just s) =
Right (Left m) -> Right $ Left $ Not m
Right (Right _) -> Right $ Left Any -- not:somequeryoption will be ignored
Left err -> Left err
parseQueryTerm _ (T.stripPrefix "code:" -> Just s) = Left . Code <$> toRegexCI (T.unpack s)
parseQueryTerm _ (T.stripPrefix "desc:" -> Just s) = Left . Desc <$> toRegexCI (T.unpack s)
parseQueryTerm _ (T.stripPrefix "payee:" -> Just s) = Left <$> payeeTag (Just $ T.unpack s)
parseQueryTerm _ (T.stripPrefix "note:" -> Just s) = Left <$> noteTag (Just $ T.unpack s)
parseQueryTerm _ (T.stripPrefix "acct:" -> Just s) = Left . Acct <$> toRegexCI (T.unpack s)
parseQueryTerm _ (T.stripPrefix "code:" -> Just s) = Left . Code <$> toRegexCI s
parseQueryTerm _ (T.stripPrefix "desc:" -> Just s) = Left . Desc <$> toRegexCI s
parseQueryTerm _ (T.stripPrefix "payee:" -> Just s) = Left <$> payeeTag (Just s)
parseQueryTerm _ (T.stripPrefix "note:" -> Just s) = Left <$> noteTag (Just s)
parseQueryTerm _ (T.stripPrefix "acct:" -> Just s) = Left . Acct <$> toRegexCI s
parseQueryTerm d (T.stripPrefix "date2:" -> Just s) =
case parsePeriodExpr d s of Left e -> Left $ "\"date2:"++T.unpack s++"\" gave a "++showDateParseError e
Right (_,span) -> Right $ Left $ Date2 span
@ -283,7 +284,7 @@ parseQueryTerm _ (T.stripPrefix "depth:" -> Just s)
| otherwise = Left "depth: should have a positive number"
where n = readDef 0 (T.unpack s)
parseQueryTerm _ (T.stripPrefix "cur:" -> Just s) = Left . Sym <$> toRegexCI ('^' : T.unpack s ++ "$") -- support cur: as an alias
parseQueryTerm _ (T.stripPrefix "cur:" -> Just s) = Left . Sym <$> toRegexCI ("^" <> s <> "$") -- support cur: as an alias
parseQueryTerm _ (T.stripPrefix "tag:" -> Just s) = Left <$> parseTag s
parseQueryTerm _ "" = Right $ Left $ Any
parseQueryTerm d s = parseQueryTerm d $ defaultprefix<>":"<>s
@ -322,20 +323,19 @@ parseAmountQueryTerm amtarg =
(parse ">" -> Just q) -> Right (AbsGt ,q)
(parse "=" -> Just q) -> Right (AbsEq ,q)
(parse "" -> Just q) -> Right (AbsEq ,q)
_ -> Left $
"could not parse as a comparison operator followed by an optionally-signed number: "
++ T.unpack amtarg
_ -> Left . T.unpack $
"could not parse as a comparison operator followed by an optionally-signed number: " <> amtarg
-- Strip outer whitespace from the text, require and remove the
-- specified prefix, remove all whitespace from the remainder, and
-- read it as a simple integer or decimal if possible.
parse :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Maybe Quantity
parse p s = (T.stripPrefix p . T.strip) s >>= readMay . filter (not.(==' ')) . T.unpack
parse p s = (T.stripPrefix p . T.strip) s >>= readMay . T.unpack . T.filter (/=' ')
parseTag :: T.Text -> Either RegexError Query
parseTag s = do
tag <- toRegexCI . T.unpack $ if T.null v then s else n
body <- if T.null v then pure Nothing else Just <$> toRegexCI (tail $ T.unpack v)
tag <- toRegexCI $ if T.null v then s else n
body <- if T.null v then pure Nothing else Just <$> toRegexCI (T.tail v)
return $ Tag tag body
where (n,v) = T.break (=='=') s
@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ matchesAccount (None) _ = False
matchesAccount (Not m) a = not $ matchesAccount m a
matchesAccount (Or ms) a = any (`matchesAccount` a) ms
matchesAccount (And ms) a = all (`matchesAccount` a) ms
matchesAccount (Acct r) a = regexMatch r $ T.unpack a -- XXX pack
matchesAccount (Acct r) a = regexMatchText r a
matchesAccount (Depth d) a = accountNameLevel a <= d
matchesAccount (Tag _ _) _ = False
matchesAccount _ _ = True
@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ matchesMixedAmount q (Mixed []) = q `matchesAmount` nullamt
matchesMixedAmount q (Mixed as) = any (q `matchesAmount`) as
matchesCommodity :: Query -> CommoditySymbol -> Bool
matchesCommodity (Sym r) = regexMatch r . T.unpack
matchesCommodity (Sym r) = regexMatchText r
matchesCommodity _ = const True
-- | Does the match expression match this (simple) amount ?
@ -603,10 +603,10 @@ matchesPosting (Any) _ = True
matchesPosting (None) _ = False
matchesPosting (Or qs) p = any (`matchesPosting` p) qs
matchesPosting (And qs) p = all (`matchesPosting` p) qs
matchesPosting (Code r) p = regexMatch r $ maybe "" (T.unpack . tcode) $ ptransaction p
matchesPosting (Desc r) p = regexMatch r $ maybe "" (T.unpack . tdescription) $ ptransaction p
matchesPosting (Code r) p = maybe False (regexMatchText r . tcode) $ ptransaction p
matchesPosting (Desc r) p = maybe False (regexMatchText r . tdescription) $ ptransaction p
matchesPosting (Acct r) p = matches p || matches (originalPosting p)
where matches p = regexMatch r . T.unpack $ paccount p -- XXX pack
where matches = regexMatchText r . paccount
matchesPosting (Date span) p = span `spanContainsDate` postingDate p
matchesPosting (Date2 span) p = span `spanContainsDate` postingDate2 p
matchesPosting (StatusQ s) p = postingStatus p == s
@ -615,8 +615,8 @@ matchesPosting q@(Depth _) Posting{paccount=a} = q `matchesAccount` a
matchesPosting q@(Amt _ _) Posting{pamount=amt} = q `matchesMixedAmount` amt
matchesPosting (Sym r) Posting{pamount=Mixed as} = any (matchesCommodity (Sym r)) $ map acommodity as
matchesPosting (Tag n v) p = case (reString n, v) of
("payee", Just v) -> maybe False (regexMatch v . T.unpack . transactionPayee) $ ptransaction p
("note", Just v) -> maybe False (regexMatch v . T.unpack . transactionNote) $ ptransaction p
("payee", Just v) -> maybe False (regexMatchText v . transactionPayee) $ ptransaction p
("note", Just v) -> maybe False (regexMatchText v . transactionNote) $ ptransaction p
(_, v) -> matchesTags n v $ postingAllTags p
-- | Does the match expression match this transaction ?
@ -626,8 +626,8 @@ matchesTransaction (Any) _ = True
matchesTransaction (None) _ = False
matchesTransaction (Or qs) t = any (`matchesTransaction` t) qs
matchesTransaction (And qs) t = all (`matchesTransaction` t) qs
matchesTransaction (Code r) t = regexMatch r $ T.unpack $ tcode t
matchesTransaction (Desc r) t = regexMatch r $ T.unpack $ tdescription t
matchesTransaction (Code r) t = regexMatchText r $ tcode t
matchesTransaction (Desc r) t = regexMatchText r $ tdescription t
matchesTransaction q@(Acct _) t = any (q `matchesPosting`) $ tpostings t
matchesTransaction (Date span) t = spanContainsDate span $ tdate t
matchesTransaction (Date2 span) t = spanContainsDate span $ transactionDate2 t
@ -637,15 +637,15 @@ matchesTransaction q@(Amt _ _) t = any (q `matchesPosting`) $ tpostings t
matchesTransaction (Depth d) t = any (Depth d `matchesPosting`) $ tpostings t
matchesTransaction q@(Sym _) t = any (q `matchesPosting`) $ tpostings t
matchesTransaction (Tag n v) t = case (reString n, v) of
("payee", Just v) -> regexMatch v . T.unpack . transactionPayee $ t
("note", Just v) -> regexMatch v . T.unpack . transactionNote $ t
("payee", Just v) -> regexMatchText v $ transactionPayee t
("note", Just v) -> regexMatchText v $ transactionNote t
(_, v) -> matchesTags n v $ transactionAllTags t
-- | Does the query match the name and optionally the value of any of these tags ?
matchesTags :: Regexp -> Maybe Regexp -> [Tag] -> Bool
matchesTags namepat valuepat = not . null . filter (matches namepat valuepat)
matches npat vpat (n,v) = regexMatch npat (T.unpack n) && maybe (const True) regexMatch vpat (T.unpack v)
matches npat vpat (n,v) = regexMatchText npat n && maybe (const True) regexMatchText vpat v
-- | Does the query match this market price ?
matchesPriceDirective :: Query -> PriceDirective -> Bool

View File

@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ to import modules below this one.
--- ** language
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
--- ** exports
@ -53,9 +54,13 @@ import Data.List (group, sort, sortBy)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (nonEmpty)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Semigroup (sconcat)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.Time (Day)
import Safe (headDef)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getHomeDirectory)
@ -63,8 +68,7 @@ import System.Environment (getEnv)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>), splitDirectories, splitFileName)
import System.Info (os)
import System.IO (stderr, writeFile)
import Text.Printf (hPrintf, printf)
import System.IO (hPutStr, stderr)
import Hledger.Data.Dates (getCurrentDay, parsedateM, showDate)
import Hledger.Data.Types
@ -191,9 +195,9 @@ requireJournalFileExists "-" = return ()
requireJournalFileExists f = do
exists <- doesFileExist f
when (not exists) $ do -- XXX might not be a journal file
hPrintf stderr "The hledger journal file \"%s\" was not found.\n" f
hPrintf stderr "Please create it first, eg with \"hledger add\" or a text editor.\n"
hPrintf stderr "Or, specify an existing journal file with -f or LEDGER_FILE.\n"
hPutStr stderr $ "The hledger journal file \"" <> show f <> "\" was not found.\n"
hPutStr stderr "Please create it first, eg with \"hledger add\" or a text editor.\n"
hPutStr stderr "Or, specify an existing journal file with -f or LEDGER_FILE.\n"
-- | Ensure there is a journal file at the given path, creating an empty one if needed.
@ -202,14 +206,14 @@ requireJournalFileExists f = do
ensureJournalFileExists :: FilePath -> IO ()
ensureJournalFileExists f = do
when (os/="mingw32" && isWindowsUnsafeDotPath f) $ do
hPrintf stderr "Part of file path %s\n ends with a dot, which is unsafe on Windows; please use a different path.\n" (show f)
hPutStr stderr $ "Part of file path \"" <> show f <> "\"\n ends with a dot, which is unsafe on Windows; please use a different path.\n"
exists <- doesFileExist f
when (not exists) $ do
hPrintf stderr "Creating hledger journal file %s.\n" f
hPutStr stderr $ "Creating hledger journal file " <> show f <> ".\n"
-- note Hledger.Utils.UTF8.* do no line ending conversion on windows,
-- we currently require unix line endings on all platforms.
newJournalContent >>= writeFile f
newJournalContent >>= T.writeFile f
-- | Does any part of this path contain non-. characters and end with a . ?
-- Such paths are not safe to use on Windows (cf #1056).
@ -221,10 +225,10 @@ isWindowsUnsafeDotPath =
-- | Give the content for a new auto-created journal file.
newJournalContent :: IO String
newJournalContent :: IO Text
newJournalContent = do
d <- getCurrentDay
return $ printf "; journal created %s by hledger\n" (show d)
return $ "; journal created " <> T.pack (show d) <> " by hledger\n"
-- A "LatestDates" is zero or more copies of the same date,
-- representing the latest transaction date read from a file,
@ -240,7 +244,7 @@ latestDates = headDef [] . take 1 . group . reverse . sort
-- | Remember that these transaction dates were the latest seen when
-- reading this journal file.
saveLatestDates :: LatestDates -> FilePath -> IO ()
saveLatestDates dates f = writeFile (latestDatesFileFor f) $ unlines $ map showDate dates
saveLatestDates dates f = T.writeFile (latestDatesFileFor f) $ T.unlines $ map showDate dates
-- | What were the latest transaction dates seen the last time this
-- journal file was read ? If there were multiple transactions on the

View File

@ -379,11 +379,11 @@ journalCheckPayeesDeclared j = sequence_ $ map checkpayee $ jtxns j
checkpayee t
| p `elem` ps = Right ()
| otherwise = Left $
| otherwise = Left $
printf "undeclared payee \"%s\"\nat: %s\n\n%s"
(T.unpack p)
(T.unpack p)
(showGenericSourcePos $ tsourcepos t)
(linesPrepend2 "> " " " $ chomp1 $ showTransaction t)
(linesPrepend2 "> " " " . (<>"\n") . textChomp $ showTransaction t)
p = transactionPayee t
ps = journalPayeesDeclared j
@ -397,11 +397,11 @@ journalCheckAccountsDeclared j = sequence_ $ map checkacct $ journalPostings j
| paccount `elem` as = Right ()
| otherwise = Left $
(printf "undeclared account \"%s\"\n" (T.unpack paccount))
++ case ptransaction of
++ case ptransaction of
Nothing -> ""
Just t -> printf "in transaction at: %s\n\n%s"
(showGenericSourcePos $ tsourcepos t)
(linesPrepend " " $ chomp1 $ showTransaction t)
(linesPrepend " " . (<>"\n") . textChomp $ showTransaction t)
as = journalAccountNamesDeclared j
@ -416,13 +416,13 @@ journalCheckCommoditiesDeclared j =
Nothing -> Right ()
Just c -> Left $
(printf "undeclared commodity \"%s\"\n" (T.unpack c))
++ case ptransaction of
++ case ptransaction of
Nothing -> ""
Just t -> printf "in transaction at: %s\n\n%s"
(showGenericSourcePos $ tsourcepos t)
(linesPrepend " " $ chomp1 $ showTransaction t)
(linesPrepend " " . (<>"\n") . textChomp $ showTransaction t)
mfirstundeclaredcomm =
mfirstundeclaredcomm =
headMay $ filter (not . (`elem` cs)) $ catMaybes $
(acommodity . baamount <$> pbalanceassertion) :
(map (Just . acommodity) . filter (/= missingamt) $ amounts pamount)
@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ digitgroupp :: TextParser m DigitGrp
digitgroupp = label "digits"
$ makeGroup <$> takeWhile1P (Just "digit") isDigit
makeGroup = uncurry DigitGrp . foldl' step (0, 0) . T.unpack
makeGroup = uncurry DigitGrp . T.foldl' step (0, 0)
step (!l, !a) c = (l+1, a*10 + fromIntegral (digitToInt c))
--- *** comments
@ -1483,7 +1483,7 @@ regexaliasp = do
char '='
repl <- anySingle `manyTill` eolof
case toRegexCI re of
case toRegexCI $ T.pack re of
Right r -> return $! RegexAlias r repl
Left e -> customFailure $! parseErrorAtRegion off1 off2 e

View File

@ -11,17 +11,17 @@ A reader for CSV data, using an extra rules file to help interpret the data.
-- stack haddock hledger-lib --fast --no-haddock-deps --haddock-arguments='--ignore-all-exports' --open
--- ** language
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
--- ** exports
module Hledger.Read.CsvReader (
@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Char (toLower, isDigit, isSpace, isAlphaNum, isAscii, ord)
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import "base-compat-batteries" Data.List.Compat
import qualified Data.List.Split as LS (splitOn)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, isJust)
import Data.MemoUgly (memo)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
@ -61,6 +60,8 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
import Data.Time.Format (parseTimeM, defaultTimeLocale)
import Safe (atMay, headMay, lastMay, readDef, readMay)
@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ import Hledger.Read.Common (aliasesFromOpts, Reader(..),InputOpts(..), amountp,
type CSV = [CsvRecord]
type CsvRecord = [CsvValue]
type CsvValue = String
type CsvValue = Text
--- ** reader
@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ defaultRulesText csvfile = T.pack $ unlines
," account2 assets:bank:savings\n"
addDirective :: (DirectiveName, String) -> CsvRulesParsed -> CsvRulesParsed
addDirective :: (DirectiveName, Text) -> CsvRulesParsed -> CsvRulesParsed
addDirective d r = r{rdirectives=d:rdirectives r}
addAssignment :: (HledgerFieldName, FieldTemplate) -> CsvRulesParsed -> CsvRulesParsed
@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ addAssignmentsFromList fs r = foldl' maybeAddAssignment r journalfieldnames
maybeAddAssignment rules f = (maybe id addAssignmentFromIndex $ elemIndex f fs) rules
addAssignmentFromIndex i = addAssignment (f, "%"++show (i+1))
addAssignmentFromIndex i = addAssignment (f, T.pack $ '%':show (i+1))
addConditionalBlock :: ConditionalBlock -> CsvRulesParsed -> CsvRulesParsed
addConditionalBlock b r = r{rconditionalblocks=b:rconditionalblocks r}
@ -205,7 +206,7 @@ expandIncludes dir content = mapM (expandLine dir) (T.lines content) >>= return
case line of
(T.stripPrefix "include " -> Just f) -> expandIncludes dir' =<< T.readFile f'
f' = dir </> dropWhile isSpace (T.unpack f)
f' = dir </> T.unpack (T.dropWhile isSpace f)
dir' = takeDirectory f'
_ -> return line
@ -240,7 +241,7 @@ validateRules rules = do
-- | A set of data definitions and account-matching patterns sufficient to
-- convert a particular CSV data file into meaningful journal transactions.
data CsvRules' a = CsvRules' {
rdirectives :: [(DirectiveName,String)],
rdirectives :: [(DirectiveName,Text)],
-- ^ top-level rules, as (keyword, value) pairs
rcsvfieldindexes :: [(CsvFieldName, CsvFieldIndex)],
-- ^ csv field names and their column number, if declared by a fields list
@ -260,7 +261,7 @@ type CsvRulesParsed = CsvRules' ()
-- | Type used after parsing is done. Directives, assignments and conditional blocks
-- are in the same order as they were in the unput file and rblocksassigning is functional.
-- Ready to be used for CSV record processing
type CsvRules = CsvRules' (String -> [ConditionalBlock])
type CsvRules = CsvRules' (Text -> [ConditionalBlock])
instance Eq CsvRules where
r1 == r2 = (rdirectives r1, rcsvfieldindexes r1, rassignments r1) ==
@ -277,27 +278,27 @@ instance Show CsvRules where
type CsvRulesParser a = StateT CsvRulesParsed SimpleTextParser a
-- | The keyword of a CSV rule - "fields", "skip", "if", etc.
type DirectiveName = String
type DirectiveName = Text
-- | CSV field name.
type CsvFieldName = String
type CsvFieldName = Text
-- | 1-based CSV column number.
type CsvFieldIndex = Int
-- | Percent symbol followed by a CSV field name or column number. Eg: %date, %1.
type CsvFieldReference = String
type CsvFieldReference = Text
-- | One of the standard hledger fields or pseudo-fields that can be assigned to.
-- Eg date, account1, amount, amount1-in, date-format.
type HledgerFieldName = String
type HledgerFieldName = Text
-- | A text value to be assigned to a hledger field, possibly
-- containing csv field references to be interpolated.
type FieldTemplate = String
type FieldTemplate = Text
-- | A strptime date parsing pattern, as supported by Data.Time.Format.
type DateFormat = String
type DateFormat = Text
-- | A prefix for a matcher test, either & or none (implicit or).
data MatcherPrefix = And | None
@ -453,16 +454,16 @@ commentlinep = lift skipNonNewlineSpaces >> commentcharp >> lift restofline >> r
commentcharp :: CsvRulesParser Char
commentcharp = oneOf (";#*" :: [Char])
directivep :: CsvRulesParser (DirectiveName, String)
directivep :: CsvRulesParser (DirectiveName, Text)
directivep = (do
lift $ dbgparse 8 "trying directive"
d <- fmap T.unpack $ choiceInState $ map (lift . string . T.pack) directives
d <- choiceInState $ map (lift . string) directives
v <- (((char ':' >> lift (many spacenonewline)) <|> lift (some spacenonewline)) >> directivevalp)
<|> (optional (char ':') >> lift skipNonNewlineSpaces >> lift eolof >> return "")
return (d, v)
) <?> "directive"
directives :: [String]
directives :: [Text]
directives =
@ -474,8 +475,8 @@ directives =
, "balance-type"
directivevalp :: CsvRulesParser String
directivevalp = anySingle `manyTill` lift eolof
directivevalp :: CsvRulesParser Text
directivevalp = T.pack <$> anySingle `manyTill` lift eolof
fieldnamelistp :: CsvRulesParser [CsvFieldName]
fieldnamelistp = (do
@ -487,21 +488,18 @@ fieldnamelistp = (do
f <- fromMaybe "" <$> optional fieldnamep
fs <- some $ (separator >> fromMaybe "" <$> optional fieldnamep)
lift restofline
return $ map (map toLower) $ f:fs
return . map T.toLower $ f:fs
) <?> "field name list"
fieldnamep :: CsvRulesParser String
fieldnamep :: CsvRulesParser Text
fieldnamep = quotedfieldnamep <|> barefieldnamep
quotedfieldnamep :: CsvRulesParser String
quotedfieldnamep = do
char '"'
f <- some $ noneOf ("\"\n:;#~" :: [Char])
char '"'
return f
quotedfieldnamep :: CsvRulesParser Text
quotedfieldnamep =
char '"' *> takeWhile1P Nothing (`notElem` ("\"\n:;#~" :: [Char])) <* char '"'
barefieldnamep :: CsvRulesParser String
barefieldnamep = some $ noneOf (" \t\n,;#~" :: [Char])
barefieldnamep :: CsvRulesParser Text
barefieldnamep = takeWhile1P Nothing (`notElem` (" \t\n,;#~" :: [Char]))
fieldassignmentp :: CsvRulesParser (HledgerFieldName, FieldTemplate)
fieldassignmentp = do
@ -513,10 +511,10 @@ fieldassignmentp = do
return (f,v)
<?> "field assignment"
journalfieldnamep :: CsvRulesParser String
journalfieldnamep :: CsvRulesParser Text
journalfieldnamep = do
lift (dbgparse 8 "trying journalfieldnamep")
T.unpack <$> choiceInState (map (lift . string . T.pack) journalfieldnames)
choiceInState $ map (lift . string) journalfieldnames
maxpostings = 99
@ -524,14 +522,14 @@ maxpostings = 99
-- Names must precede any other name they contain, for the parser
-- (amount-in before amount; date2 before date). TODO: fix
journalfieldnames =
concat [[ "account" ++ i
,"amount" ++ i ++ "-in"
,"amount" ++ i ++ "-out"
,"amount" ++ i
,"balance" ++ i
,"comment" ++ i
,"currency" ++ i
] | x <- [maxpostings, (maxpostings-1)..1], let i = show x]
concat [[ "account" <> i
,"amount" <> i <> "-in"
,"amount" <> i <> "-out"
,"amount" <> i
,"balance" <> i
,"comment" <> i
,"currency" <> i
] | x <- [maxpostings, (maxpostings-1)..1], let i = T.pack $ show x]
@ -556,10 +554,10 @@ assignmentseparatorp = do
return ()
fieldvalp :: CsvRulesParser String
fieldvalp :: CsvRulesParser Text
fieldvalp = do
lift $ dbgparse 8 "trying fieldvalp"
anySingle `manyTill` lift eolof
T.pack <$> anySingle `manyTill` lift eolof
-- A conditional block: one or more matchers, one per line, followed by one or more indented rules.
conditionalblockp :: CsvRulesParser ConditionalBlock
@ -587,14 +585,14 @@ conditionaltablep :: CsvRulesParser [ConditionalBlock]
conditionaltablep = do
lift $ dbgparse 8 "trying conditionaltablep"
start <- getOffset
string "if"
string "if"
sep <- lift $ satisfy (\c -> not (isAlphaNum c || isSpace c))
fields <- journalfieldnamep `sepBy1` (char sep)
body <- flip manyTill (lift eolof) $ do
off <- getOffset
m <- matcherp' (char sep >> return ())
vs <- LS.splitOn [sep] <$> lift restofline
vs <- T.split (==sep) . T.pack <$> lift restofline
if (length vs /= length fields)
then customFailure $ parseErrorAt off $ ((printf "line of conditional table should have %d values, but this one has only %d\n" (length fields) (length vs)) :: String)
else return (m,vs)
@ -655,8 +653,7 @@ csvfieldreferencep :: CsvRulesParser CsvFieldReference
csvfieldreferencep = do
lift $ dbgparse 8 "trying csvfieldreferencep"
char '%'
f <- fieldnamep
return $ '%' : quoteIfNeeded f
T.cons '%' . textQuoteIfNeeded <$> fieldnamep
-- A single regular expression
regexp :: CsvRulesParser () -> CsvRulesParser Regexp
@ -665,7 +662,7 @@ regexp end = do
-- notFollowedBy matchoperatorp
c <- lift nonspace
cs <- anySingle `manyTill` end
case toRegexCI . strip $ c:cs of
case toRegexCI . T.strip . T.pack $ c:cs of
Left x -> $ "CSV parser: " ++ x
Right x -> return x
@ -721,7 +718,7 @@ readJournalFromCsv mrulesfile csvfile csvdata =
let skiplines = case getDirective "skip" rules of
Nothing -> 0
Just "" -> 1
Just s -> readDef (throwerr $ "could not parse skip value: " ++ show s) s
Just s -> readDef (throwerr $ "could not parse skip value: " ++ show s) $ T.unpack s
-- parse csv
@ -779,18 +776,17 @@ readJournalFromCsv mrulesfile csvfile csvdata =
when (not rulesfileexists) $ do
dbg1IO "creating conversion rules file" rulesfile
writeFile rulesfile $ T.unpack rulestext
T.writeFile rulesfile rulestext
return $ Right nulljournal{jtxns=txns''}
-- | Parse special separator names TAB and SPACE, or return the first
-- character. Return Nothing on empty string
parseSeparator :: String -> Maybe Char
parseSeparator = specials . map toLower
parseSeparator :: Text -> Maybe Char
parseSeparator = specials . T.toLower
where specials "space" = Just ' '
specials "tab" = Just '\t'
specials (x:_) = Just x
specials [] = Nothing
specials xs = fst <$> T.uncons xs
parseCsv :: Char -> FilePath -> Text -> IO (Either String CSV)
parseCsv separator filePath csvdata =
@ -813,15 +809,13 @@ parseResultToCsv :: (Foldable t, Functor t) => t (t B.ByteString) -> CSV
parseResultToCsv = toListList . unpackFields
toListList = toList . fmap toList
unpackFields = (fmap . fmap) (T.unpack . T.decodeUtf8)
unpackFields = (fmap . fmap) T.decodeUtf8
printCSV :: CSV -> String
printCSV records = unlined (printRecord `map` records)
where printRecord = concat . intersperse "," . map printField
printField f = "\"" ++ concatMap escape f ++ "\""
escape '"' = "\"\""
escape x = [x]
unlined = concat . intersperse "\n"
printCSV :: CSV -> TL.Text
printCSV = TB.toLazyText . unlined . map printRecord
where printRecord = mconcat . map TB.fromText . intersperse "," . map printField
printField = wrap "\"" "\"" . T.replace "\"" "\\\"\\\""
unlined = (<> TB.fromText "\n") . mconcat . intersperse "\n"
-- | Return the cleaned up and validated CSV data (can be empty), or an error.
validateCsv :: CsvRules -> Int -> Either String CSV -> Either String [CsvRecord]
@ -834,7 +828,7 @@ validateCsv rules numhdrlines (Right rs) = validate $ applyConditionalSkips $ dr
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
(Just _, _) -> Just maxBound
(Nothing, Just "") -> Just 1
(Nothing, Just x) -> Just (read x)
(Nothing, Just x) -> Just (read $ T.unpack x)
applyConditionalSkips [] = []
applyConditionalSkips (r:rest) =
case skipCount r of
@ -866,7 +860,7 @@ validateCsv rules numhdrlines (Right rs) = validate $ applyConditionalSkips $ dr
--- ** converting csv records to transactions
showRules rules record =
unlines $ catMaybes [ (("the "++fld++" rule is: ")++) <$> getEffectiveAssignment rules record fld | fld <- journalfieldnames]
T.unlines $ catMaybes [ (("the "<>fld<>" rule is: ")<>) <$> getEffectiveAssignment rules record fld | fld <- journalfieldnames]
-- | Look up the value (template) of a csv rule by rule keyword.
csvRule :: CsvRules -> DirectiveName -> Maybe FieldTemplate
@ -880,7 +874,7 @@ hledgerField = getEffectiveAssignment
-- | Look up the final value assigned to a hledger field, with csv field
-- references interpolated.
hledgerFieldValue :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> HledgerFieldName -> Maybe String
hledgerFieldValue :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> HledgerFieldName -> Maybe Text
hledgerFieldValue rules record = fmap (renderTemplate rules record) . hledgerField rules record
transactionFromCsvRecord :: SourcePos -> CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> Transaction
@ -892,18 +886,18 @@ transactionFromCsvRecord sourcepos rules record = t
rule = csvRule rules :: DirectiveName -> Maybe FieldTemplate
-- ruleval = csvRuleValue rules record :: DirectiveName -> Maybe String
field = hledgerField rules record :: HledgerFieldName -> Maybe FieldTemplate
fieldval = hledgerFieldValue rules record :: HledgerFieldName -> Maybe String
fieldval = hledgerFieldValue rules record :: HledgerFieldName -> Maybe Text
parsedate = parseDateWithCustomOrDefaultFormats (rule "date-format")
mkdateerror datefield datevalue mdateformat = unlines
["error: could not parse \""++datevalue++"\" as a date using date format "
++maybe "\"YYYY/M/D\", \"YYYY-M-D\" or \"YYYY.M.D\"" show mdateformat
mkdateerror datefield datevalue mdateformat = T.unpack $ T.unlines
["error: could not parse \""<>datevalue<>"\" as a date using date format "
<>maybe "\"YYYY/M/D\", \"YYYY-M-D\" or \"YYYY.M.D\"" (T.pack . show) mdateformat
,showRecord record
,"the "++datefield++" rule is: "++(fromMaybe "required, but missing" $ field datefield)
,"the date-format is: "++fromMaybe "unspecified" mdateformat
,"the "<>datefield<>" rule is: "<>(fromMaybe "required, but missing" $ field datefield)
,"the date-format is: "<>fromMaybe "unspecified" mdateformat
,"you may need to "
++"change your "++datefield++" rule, "
++maybe "add a" (const "change your") mdateformat++" date-format rule, "
++"or "++maybe "add a" (const "change your") mskip++" skip rule"
<>"change your "<>datefield<>" rule, "
<>maybe "add a" (const "change your") mdateformat<>" date-format rule, "
<>"or "<>maybe "add a" (const "change your") mskip<>" skip rule"
,"for m/d/y or d/m/y dates, use date-format %-m/%-d/%Y or date-format %-d/%-m/%Y"
@ -923,25 +917,27 @@ transactionFromCsvRecord sourcepos rules record = t
status =
case fieldval "status" of
Nothing -> Unmarked
Just s -> either statuserror id $ runParser (statusp <* eof) "" $ T.pack s
Just s -> either statuserror id $ runParser (statusp <* eof) "" s
statuserror err = error' $ unlines
["error: could not parse \""++s++"\" as a cleared status (should be *, ! or empty)"
,"the parse error is: "++customErrorBundlePretty err
statuserror err = error' . T.unpack $ T.unlines
["error: could not parse \""<>s<>"\" as a cleared status (should be *, ! or empty)"
,"the parse error is: "<>T.pack (customErrorBundlePretty err)
code = maybe "" singleline $ fieldval "code"
description = maybe "" singleline $ fieldval "description"
comment = maybe "" singleline $ fieldval "comment"
precomment = maybe "" singleline $ fieldval "precomment"
singleline = T.unwords . filter (not . T.null) . map T.strip . T.lines
-- 3. Generate the postings for which an account has been assigned
-- (possibly indirectly due to an amount or balance assignment)
p1IsVirtual = (accountNamePostingType . T.pack <$> fieldval "account1") == Just VirtualPosting
p1IsVirtual = (accountNamePostingType <$> fieldval "account1") == Just VirtualPosting
ps = [p | n <- [1..maxpostings]
,let comment = T.pack $ fromMaybe "" $ fieldval ("comment"++show n)
,let currency = fromMaybe "" (fieldval ("currency"++show n) <|> fieldval "currency")
,let comment = fromMaybe "" $ fieldval ("comment"<> T.pack (show n))
,let currency = fromMaybe "" (fieldval ("currency"<> T.pack (show n)) <|> fieldval "currency")
,let mamount = getAmount rules record currency p1IsVirtual n
,let mbalance = getBalance rules record currency n
,Just (acct,isfinal) <- [getAccount rules record mamount mbalance n] -- skips Nothings
@ -965,10 +961,10 @@ transactionFromCsvRecord sourcepos rules record = t
,tdate = date'
,tdate2 = mdate2'
,tstatus = status
,tcode = T.pack code
,tdescription = T.pack description
,tcomment = T.pack comment
,tprecedingcomment = T.pack precomment
,tcode = code
,tdescription = description
,tcomment = comment
,tprecedingcomment = precomment
,tpostings = ps
@ -979,7 +975,7 @@ transactionFromCsvRecord sourcepos rules record = t
-- For postings 1 or 2 it also looks at "amount", "amount-in", "amount-out".
-- If more than one of these has a value, it looks for one that is non-zero.
-- If there's multiple non-zeros, or no non-zeros but multiple zeros, it throws an error.
getAmount :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> String -> Bool -> Int -> Maybe MixedAmount
getAmount :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> Text -> Bool -> Int -> Maybe MixedAmount
getAmount rules record currency p1IsVirtual n =
-- Warning, many tricky corner cases here.
-- docs: #### amount
@ -988,14 +984,15 @@ getAmount rules record currency p1IsVirtual n =
unnumberedfieldnames = ["amount","amount-in","amount-out"]
-- amount field names which can affect this posting
fieldnames = map (("amount"++show n)++) ["","-in","-out"]
fieldnames = map (("amount"<> T.pack(show n))<>) ["","-in","-out"]
-- For posting 1, also recognise the old amount/amount-in/amount-out names.
-- For posting 2, the same but only if posting 1 needs balancing.
++ if n==1 || n==2 && not p1IsVirtual then unnumberedfieldnames else []
-- assignments to any of these field names with non-empty values
assignments = [(f,a') | f <- fieldnames
, Just v@(_:_) <- [strip . renderTemplate rules record <$> hledgerField rules record f]
, Just v <- [T.strip . renderTemplate rules record <$> hledgerField rules record f]
, not $ T.null v
, let a = parseAmount rules record currency v
-- With amount/amount-in/amount-out, in posting 2,
-- flip the sign and convert to cost, as they did before 1.17
@ -1006,7 +1003,7 @@ getAmount rules record currency p1IsVirtual n =
assignments' | any isnumbered assignments = filter isnumbered assignments
| otherwise = assignments
isnumbered (f,_) = any (flip elem ['0'..'9']) f
isnumbered (f,_) = T.any (flip elem ['0'..'9']) f
-- if there's more than one value and only some are zeros, discard the zeros
@ -1017,24 +1014,24 @@ getAmount rules record currency p1IsVirtual n =
in case -- dbg0 ("amounts for posting "++show n)
assignments'' of
[] -> Nothing
[(f,a)] | "-out" `isSuffixOf` f -> Just (-a) -- for -out fields, flip the sign
[(f,a)] | "-out" `T.isSuffixOf` f -> Just (-a) -- for -out fields, flip the sign
[(_,a)] -> Just a
fs -> error' $ unlines $ [ -- PARTIAL:
fs -> error' . T.unpack . T.unlines $ [ -- PARTIAL:
"multiple non-zero amounts or multiple zero amounts assigned,"
,"please ensure just one. ("
," " ++ showRecord record
," for posting: " ++ show n
," " <> showRecord record
," for posting: " <> T.pack (show n)
++ [" assignment: " ++ f ++ " " ++
fromMaybe "" (hledgerField rules record f) ++
"\t=> value: " ++ showMixedAmount a -- XXX not sure this is showing all the right info
++ [" assignment: " <> f <> " " <>
fromMaybe "" (hledgerField rules record f) <>
"\t=> value: " <> wbToText (showMixedAmountB noColour a) -- XXX not sure this is showing all the right info
| (f,a) <- fs]
-- | Figure out the expected balance (assertion or assignment) specified for posting N,
-- if any (and its parse position).
getBalance :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> String -> Int -> Maybe (Amount, GenericSourcePos)
getBalance :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> Text -> Int -> Maybe (Amount, GenericSourcePos)
getBalance rules record currency n = do
v <- (fieldval ("balance"++show n)
v <- (fieldval ("balance"<> T.pack (show n))
-- for posting 1, also recognise the old field name
<|> if n==1 then fieldval "balance" else Nothing)
case v of
@ -1043,30 +1040,29 @@ getBalance rules record currency n = do
parseBalanceAmount rules record currency n s
,nullsourcepos -- parse position to show when assertion fails,
) -- XXX the csv record's line number would be good
fieldval = fmap strip . hledgerFieldValue rules record :: HledgerFieldName -> Maybe String
fieldval = fmap T.strip . hledgerFieldValue rules record :: HledgerFieldName -> Maybe Text
-- | Given a non-empty amount string (from CSV) to parse, along with a
-- possibly non-empty currency symbol to prepend,
-- parse as a hledger MixedAmount (as in journal format), or raise an error.
-- The whole CSV record is provided for the error message.
parseAmount :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> String -> String -> MixedAmount
parseAmount :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> Text -> Text -> MixedAmount
parseAmount rules record currency s =
either mkerror (Mixed . (:[])) $ -- PARTIAL:
runParser (evalStateT (amountp <* eof) journalparsestate) "" $
T.pack $ (currency++) $ simplifySign s
either mkerror (Mixed . (:[])) $ -- PARTIAL:
runParser (evalStateT (amountp <* eof) journalparsestate) "" $
currency <> simplifySign s
journalparsestate = nulljournal{jparsedecimalmark=parseDecimalMark rules}
mkerror e = error' $ unlines
["error: could not parse \""++s++"\" as an amount"
mkerror e = error' . T.unpack $ T.unlines
["error: could not parse \"" <> s <> "\" as an amount"
,showRecord record
,showRules rules record
-- ,"the default-currency is: "++fromMaybe "unspecified" (getDirective "default-currency" rules)
,"the parse error is: "++customErrorBundlePretty e
,"you may need to "
++"change your amount*, balance*, or currency* rules, "
++"or add or change your skip rule"
,"the parse error is: " <> T.pack (customErrorBundlePretty e)
,"you may need to \
\change your amount*, balance*, or currency* rules, \
\or add or change your skip rule"
-- XXX unify these ^v
@ -1076,30 +1072,30 @@ parseAmount rules record currency s =
-- possibly non-empty currency symbol to prepend,
-- parse as a hledger Amount (as in journal format), or raise an error.
-- The CSV record and the field's numeric suffix are provided for the error message.
parseBalanceAmount :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> String -> Int -> String -> Amount
parseBalanceAmount :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> Text -> Int -> Text -> Amount
parseBalanceAmount rules record currency n s =
either (mkerror n s) id $
runParser (evalStateT (amountp <* eof) journalparsestate) "" $
T.pack $ (currency++) $ simplifySign s
currency <> simplifySign s
-- the csv record's line number would be good
journalparsestate = nulljournal{jparsedecimalmark=parseDecimalMark rules}
mkerror n s e = error' $ unlines
["error: could not parse \""++s++"\" as balance"++show n++" amount"
mkerror n s e = error' . T.unpack $ T.unlines
["error: could not parse \"" <> s <> "\" as balance"<> T.pack (show n) <> " amount"
,showRecord record
,showRules rules record
-- ,"the default-currency is: "++fromMaybe "unspecified" mdefaultcurrency
,"the parse error is: "++customErrorBundlePretty e
,"the parse error is: "<> T.pack (customErrorBundlePretty e)
-- Read a valid decimal mark from the decimal-mark rule, if any.
-- If the rule is present with an invalid argument, raise an error.
parseDecimalMark :: CsvRules -> Maybe DecimalMark
parseDecimalMark rules =
case rules `csvRule` "decimal-mark" of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just [c] | isDecimalMark c -> Just c
Just s -> error' $ "decimal-mark's argument should be \".\" or \",\" (not \""++s++"\")"
parseDecimalMark rules = do
s <- rules `csvRule` "decimal-mark"
case T.uncons s of
Just (c, rest) | T.null rest && isDecimalMark c -> return c
_ -> error' . T.unpack $ "decimal-mark's argument should be \".\" or \",\" (not \""<>s<>"\")"
-- | Make a balance assertion for the given amount, with the given parse
-- position (to be shown in assertion failures), with the assertion type
@ -1116,8 +1112,8 @@ mkBalanceAssertion rules record (amt, pos) = assrt{baamount=amt, baposition=pos}
Just "==" -> nullassertion{batotal=True}
Just "=*" -> nullassertion{bainclusive=True}
Just "==*" -> nullassertion{batotal=True, bainclusive=True}
Just x -> error' $ unlines -- PARTIAL:
[ "balance-type \"" ++ x ++"\" is invalid. Use =, ==, =* or ==*."
Just x -> error' . T.unpack $ T.unlines -- PARTIAL:
[ "balance-type \"" <> x <>"\" is invalid. Use =, ==, =* or ==*."
, showRecord record
, showRules rules record
@ -1128,8 +1124,8 @@ mkBalanceAssertion rules record (amt, pos) = assrt{baamount=amt, baposition=pos}
getAccount :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> Maybe MixedAmount -> Maybe (Amount, GenericSourcePos) -> Int -> Maybe (AccountName, Bool)
getAccount rules record mamount mbalance n =
fieldval = hledgerFieldValue rules record :: HledgerFieldName -> Maybe String
maccount = T.pack <$> fieldval ("account"++show n)
fieldval = hledgerFieldValue rules record :: HledgerFieldName -> Maybe Text
maccount = fieldval ("account"<> T.pack (show n))
in case maccount of
-- accountN is set to the empty string - no posting will be generated
Just "" -> Nothing
@ -1150,7 +1146,7 @@ getAccount rules record mamount mbalance n =
unknownExpenseAccount = "expenses:unknown"
unknownIncomeAccount = "income:unknown"
type CsvAmountString = String
type CsvAmountString = Text
-- | Canonicalise the sign in a CSV amount string.
-- Such strings can have a minus sign, negating parentheses,
@ -1171,18 +1167,20 @@ type CsvAmountString = String
-- >>> simplifySign "((1))"
-- "1"
simplifySign :: CsvAmountString -> CsvAmountString
simplifySign ('(':s) | lastMay s == Just ')' = simplifySign $ negateStr $ init s
simplifySign ('-':'(':s) | lastMay s == Just ')' = simplifySign $ init s
simplifySign ('-':'-':s) = s
simplifySign s = s
simplifySign amtstr
| Just ('(',t) <- T.uncons amtstr, Just (amt,')') <- T.unsnoc t = simplifySign $ negateStr amt
| Just ('-',b) <- T.uncons amtstr, Just ('(',t) <- T.uncons b, Just (amt,')') <- T.unsnoc t = simplifySign amt
| Just ('-',m) <- T.uncons amtstr, Just ('-',amt) <- T.uncons m = amt
| otherwise = amtstr
negateStr :: String -> String
negateStr ('-':s) = s
negateStr s = '-':s
negateStr :: Text -> Text
negateStr amtstr = case T.uncons amtstr of
Just ('-',s) -> s
_ -> T.cons '-' amtstr
-- | Show a (approximate) recreation of the original CSV record.
showRecord :: CsvRecord -> String
showRecord r = "record values: "++intercalate "," (map show r)
showRecord :: CsvRecord -> Text
showRecord r = "record values: "<>T.intercalate "," (map (wrap "\"" "\"") r)
-- | Given the conversion rules, a CSV record and a hledger field name, find
-- the value template ultimately assigned to this field, if any, by a field
@ -1208,7 +1206,7 @@ getEffectiveAssignment rules record f = lastMay $ map snd $ assignments
-- does this individual matcher match the current csv record ?
matcherMatches :: Matcher -> Bool
matcherMatches (RecordMatcher _ pat) = regexMatch pat' wholecsvline
matcherMatches (RecordMatcher _ pat) = regexMatchText pat' wholecsvline
pat' = dbg7 "regex" pat
-- A synthetic whole CSV record to match against. Note, this can be
@ -1217,47 +1215,48 @@ getEffectiveAssignment rules record f = lastMay $ map snd $ assignments
-- - any quotes enclosing field values are removed
-- - and the field separator is always comma
-- which means that a field containing a comma will look like two fields.
wholecsvline = dbg7 "wholecsvline" $ intercalate "," record
matcherMatches (FieldMatcher _ csvfieldref pat) = regexMatch pat csvfieldvalue
wholecsvline = dbg7 "wholecsvline" $ T.intercalate "," record
matcherMatches (FieldMatcher _ csvfieldref pat) = regexMatchText pat csvfieldvalue
-- the value of the referenced CSV field to match against.
csvfieldvalue = dbg7 "csvfieldvalue" $ replaceCsvFieldReference rules record csvfieldref
-- | Render a field assignment's template, possibly interpolating referenced
-- CSV field values. Outer whitespace is removed from interpolated values.
renderTemplate :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> FieldTemplate -> String
renderTemplate rules record t = maybe t concat $ parseMaybe
renderTemplate :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> FieldTemplate -> Text
renderTemplate rules record t = maybe t mconcat $ parseMaybe
(many $ takeWhile1P Nothing (/='%')
<|> replaceCsvFieldReference rules record <$> referencep)
referencep = liftA2 (:) (char '%') (takeWhile1P (Just "reference") isDescriptorChar) :: Parsec CustomErr String String
referencep = liftA2 T.cons (char '%') (takeWhile1P (Just "reference") isDescriptorChar) :: Parsec CustomErr Text Text
isDescriptorChar c = isAscii c && (isAlphaNum c || c == '_' || c == '-')
-- | Replace something that looks like a reference to a csv field ("%date" or "%1)
-- with that field's value. If it doesn't look like a field reference, or if we
-- can't find such a field, leave it unchanged.
replaceCsvFieldReference :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> CsvFieldReference -> String
replaceCsvFieldReference rules record s@('%':fieldname) = fromMaybe s $ csvFieldValue rules record fieldname
replaceCsvFieldReference _ _ s = s
replaceCsvFieldReference :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> CsvFieldReference -> Text
replaceCsvFieldReference rules record s = case T.uncons s of
Just ('%', fieldname) -> fromMaybe s $ csvFieldValue rules record fieldname
_ -> s
-- | Get the (whitespace-stripped) value of a CSV field, identified by its name or
-- column number, ("date" or "1"), from the given CSV record, if such a field exists.
csvFieldValue :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> CsvFieldName -> Maybe String
csvFieldValue :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> CsvFieldName -> Maybe Text
csvFieldValue rules record fieldname = do
fieldindex <- if | all isDigit fieldname -> readMay fieldname
| otherwise -> lookup (map toLower fieldname) $ rcsvfieldindexes rules
fieldvalue <- strip <$> atMay record (fieldindex-1)
fieldindex <- if | T.all isDigit fieldname -> readMay $ T.unpack fieldname
| otherwise -> lookup (T.toLower fieldname) $ rcsvfieldindexes rules
fieldvalue <- T.strip <$> atMay record (fieldindex-1)
return fieldvalue
-- | Parse the date string using the specified date-format, or if unspecified
-- the "simple date" formats (YYYY/MM/DD, YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY.MM.DD, leading
-- zeroes optional).
parseDateWithCustomOrDefaultFormats :: Maybe DateFormat -> String -> Maybe Day
parseDateWithCustomOrDefaultFormats :: Maybe DateFormat -> Text -> Maybe Day
parseDateWithCustomOrDefaultFormats mformat s = asum $ map parsewith formats
parsewith = flip (parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale) s
formats = maybe
parsewith = flip (parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale) (T.unpack s)
formats = map T.unpack $ maybe

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ module Hledger.Read.JournalReader (
-- * Reader-finding utils
-- * Reader
@ -380,8 +380,8 @@ parseAccountTypeCode s =
"c" -> Right Cash
_ -> Left err
err = "invalid account type code "++T.unpack s++", should be one of " ++
(intercalate ", " $ ["A","L","E","R","X","C","Asset","Liability","Equity","Revenue","Expense","Cash"])
err = T.unpack $ "invalid account type code "<>s<>", should be one of " <>
T.intercalate ", " ["A","L","E","R","X","C","Asset","Liability","Equity","Revenue","Expense","Cash"]
-- Add an account declaration to the journal, auto-numbering it.
addAccountDeclaration :: (AccountName,Text,[Tag]) -> JournalParser m ()

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ where
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar
@ -64,26 +65,20 @@ import Hledger.Utils
-- posts to the current account), most recent first.
-- Reporting intervals are currently ignored.
type AccountTransactionsReport =
(String -- label for the balance column, eg "balance" or "total"
,[AccountTransactionsReportItem] -- line items, one per transaction
type AccountTransactionsReport = [AccountTransactionsReportItem] -- line items, one per transaction
type AccountTransactionsReportItem =
Transaction -- the transaction, unmodified
,Transaction -- the transaction, as seen from the current account
,Bool -- is this a split (more than one posting to other accounts) ?
,String -- a display string describing the other account(s), if any
,Text -- a display string describing the other account(s), if any
,MixedAmount -- the amount posted to the current account(s) (or total amount posted)
,MixedAmount -- the register's running total or the current account(s)'s historical balance, after this transaction
totallabel = "Period Total"
balancelabel = "Historical Total"
accountTransactionsReport :: ReportSpec -> Journal -> Query -> Query -> AccountTransactionsReport
accountTransactionsReport rspec@ReportSpec{rsOpts=ropts} j reportq thisacctq = (label, items)
accountTransactionsReport rspec@ReportSpec{rsOpts=ropts} j reportq thisacctq = items
-- a depth limit should not affect the account transactions report
-- seems unnecessary for some reason XXX
@ -129,9 +124,9 @@ accountTransactionsReport rspec@ReportSpec{rsOpts=ropts} j reportq thisacctq = (
ptraceAtWith 5 (("ts5:\n"++).pshowTransactions) $
sortBy (comparing (transactionRegisterDate reportq' thisacctq)) ts4
| balancetype_ ropts == HistoricalBalance = (sumPostings priorps, balancelabel)
| otherwise = (nullmixedamt, totallabel)
| balancetype_ ropts == HistoricalBalance = sumPostings priorps
| otherwise = nullmixedamt
priorps = dbg5 "priorps" $
filter (matchesPosting
@ -216,9 +211,9 @@ transactionRegisterDate reportq thisacctq t
-- | Generate a simplified summary of some postings' accounts.
-- To reduce noise, if there are both real and virtual postings, show only the real ones.
summarisePostingAccounts :: [Posting] -> String
summarisePostingAccounts :: [Posting] -> Text
summarisePostingAccounts ps =
(intercalate ", " . map (T.unpack . accountSummarisedName) . nub . map paccount) displayps -- XXX pack
T.intercalate ", " . map accountSummarisedName . nub $ map paccount displayps
realps = filter isReal ps
displayps | null realps = ps

View File

@ -27,27 +27,27 @@ module Hledger.Reports.BudgetReport (
import Data.Decimal
import Data.Decimal (roundTo)
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.List
import Data.List (nub, partition, transpose)
import Data.List.Extra (nubSort)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Safe
import Safe (headDef)
--import Data.List
--import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
--import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
--import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as C
--import Lucid as L
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.Tabular as T
import Text.Tabular.AsciiWide as T
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ type BudgetCell = (Maybe Change, Maybe BudgetGoal)
type BudgetReportRow = PeriodicReportRow DisplayName BudgetCell
type BudgetReport = PeriodicReport DisplayName BudgetCell
type BudgetDisplayCell = ((String, Int), Maybe ((String, Int), Maybe (String, Int)))
type BudgetDisplayCell = ((Text, Int), Maybe ((Text, Int), Maybe (Text, Int)))
-- | Calculate per-account, per-period budget (balance change) goals
-- from all periodic transactions, calculate actual balance changes
@ -219,23 +219,23 @@ combineBudgetAndActual ropts j
totActualByPeriod = Map.fromList $ zip actualperiods actualtots :: Map DateSpan Change
-- | Render a budget report as plain text suitable for console output.
budgetReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> BudgetReport -> String
budgetReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} budgetr =
title ++ "\n\n" ++
renderTable def{tableBorders=False,prettyTable=pretty_tables_}
budgetReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> BudgetReport -> TL.Text
budgetReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} budgetr = TB.toLazyText $
TB.fromText title <> TB.fromText "\n\n" <>
renderTableB def{tableBorders=False,prettyTable=pretty_tables_}
(alignCell TopLeft) (alignCell TopRight) (uncurry showcell) displayTableWithWidths
title = printf "Budget performance in %s%s:"
(showDateSpan $ periodicReportSpan budgetr)
(case value_ of
Just (AtCost _mc) -> ", valued at cost"
Just (AtThen _mc) -> error' unsupportedValueThenError -- PARTIAL:
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> ", valued at period ends"
Just (AtNow _mc) -> ", current value"
Just (AtDate d _mc) -> ", valued at "++showDate d
Nothing -> "")
title = "Budget performance in " <> showDateSpan (periodicReportSpan budgetr)
<> (case value_ of
Just (AtCost _mc) -> ", valued at cost"
Just (AtThen _mc) -> error' unsupportedValueThenError -- PARTIAL:
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> ", valued at period ends"
Just (AtNow _mc) -> ", current value"
Just (AtDate d _mc) -> ", valued at " <> showDate d
Nothing -> "")
<> ":"
displayTableWithWidths :: Table String String ((Int, Int, Int), BudgetDisplayCell)
displayTableWithWidths :: Table Text Text ((Int, Int, Int), BudgetDisplayCell)
displayTableWithWidths = Table rh ch $ map (zipWith (,) widths) displaycells
Table rh ch displaycells = case budgetReportAsTable ropts budgetr of
Table rh' ch' vals -> maybetranspose . Table rh' ch' $ map (map displayCell) vals
@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ budgetReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} budgetr =
actual' = fromMaybe 0 actual
budgetAndPerc b = (showamt b, showper <$> percentage actual' b)
showamt = showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing (Just 32) color_
showper p = let str = show (roundTo 0 p) in (str, length str)
showamt = (\(WideBuilder b w) -> (TL.toStrict $ TB.toLazyText b, w)) . showMixedAmountB oneLine{displayColour=color_, displayMaxWidth=Just 32}
showper p = let str = T.pack (show $ roundTo 0 p) in (str, T.length str)
cellWidth ((_,wa), Nothing) = (wa, 0, 0)
cellWidth ((_,wa), Just ((_,wb), Nothing)) = (wa, wb, 0)
cellWidth ((_,wa), Just ((_,wb), Just (_,wp))) = (wa, wb, wp)
@ -259,14 +259,17 @@ budgetReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} budgetr =
-- XXX lay out actual, percentage and/or goal in the single table cell for now, should probably use separate cells
showcell :: (Int, Int, Int) -> BudgetDisplayCell -> Cell
showcell (actualwidth, budgetwidth, percentwidth) ((actual,wa), mbudget) =
Cell TopRight [(replicate (actualwidth - wa) ' ' ++ actual ++ budgetstr, actualwidth + totalbudgetwidth)]
Cell TopRight [WideBuilder ( TB.fromText (T.replicate (actualwidth - wa) " ")
<> TB.fromText actual
<> budgetstr
) (actualwidth + totalbudgetwidth)]
totalpercentwidth = if percentwidth == 0 then 0 else percentwidth + 5
totalbudgetwidth = if budgetwidth == 0 then 0 else budgetwidth + totalpercentwidth + 3
budgetstr = case mbudget of
Nothing -> replicate totalbudgetwidth ' '
Just ((budget, wb), Nothing) -> " [" ++ replicate totalpercentwidth ' ' ++ replicate (budgetwidth - wb) ' ' ++ budget ++ "]"
Just ((budget, wb), Just (pct, wp)) -> " [" ++ replicate (percentwidth - wp) ' ' ++ pct ++ "% of " ++ replicate (budgetwidth - wb) ' ' ++ budget ++ "]"
budgetstr = TB.fromText $ case mbudget of
Nothing -> T.replicate totalbudgetwidth " "
Just ((budget, wb), Nothing) -> " [" <> T.replicate totalpercentwidth " " <> T.replicate (budgetwidth - wb) " " <> budget <> "]"
Just ((budget, wb), Just (pct, wp)) -> " [" <> T.replicate (percentwidth - wp) " " <> pct <> "% of " <> T.replicate (budgetwidth - wb) " " <> budget <> "]"
-- | Calculate the percentage of actual change to budget goal to show, if any.
-- If valuing at cost, both amounts are converted to cost before comparing.
@ -289,7 +292,7 @@ budgetReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} budgetr =
| otherwise = id
-- | Build a 'Table' from a multi-column balance report.
budgetReportAsTable :: ReportOpts -> BudgetReport -> Table String String (Maybe MixedAmount, Maybe MixedAmount)
budgetReportAsTable :: ReportOpts -> BudgetReport -> Table Text Text (Maybe MixedAmount, Maybe MixedAmount)
(PeriodicReport spans rows (PeriodicReportRow _ coltots grandtot grandavg)) =
@ -308,8 +311,8 @@ budgetReportAsTable
-- budgetReport sets accountlistmode to ALTree. Find a principled way to do
-- this.
renderacct row = case accountlistmode_ ropts of
ALTree -> replicate ((prrDepth row - 1)*2) ' ' ++ T.unpack (prrDisplayName row)
ALFlat -> T.unpack . accountNameDrop (drop_ ropts) $ prrFullName row
ALTree -> T.replicate ((prrDepth row - 1)*2) " " <> prrDisplayName row
ALFlat -> accountNameDrop (drop_ ropts) $ prrFullName row
rowvals (PeriodicReportRow _ as rowtot rowavg) =
as ++ [rowtot | row_total_ ropts] ++ [rowavg | average_ ropts]
@ -332,7 +335,7 @@ budgetReportAsTable
-- - all other balance change reports: a description of the datespan,
-- abbreviated to compact form if possible (see showDateSpan).
reportPeriodName :: BalanceType -> [DateSpan] -> DateSpan -> String
reportPeriodName :: BalanceType -> [DateSpan] -> DateSpan -> T.Text
reportPeriodName balancetype spans =
case balancetype of
PeriodChange -> if multiyear then showDateSpan else showDateSpanMonthAbbrev
@ -344,20 +347,20 @@ reportPeriodName balancetype spans =
-- | Render a budget report as CSV. Like multiBalanceReportAsCsv,
-- but includes alternating actual and budget amount columns.
budgetReportAsCsv :: ReportOpts -> BudgetReport -> CSV
ReportOpts{average_, row_total_, no_total_, transpose_}
(PeriodicReport colspans items (PeriodicReportRow _ abtotals (magrandtot,mbgrandtot) (magrandavg,mbgrandavg)))
= (if transpose_ then transpose else id) $
-- heading row
("Account" :
("Account" :
concatMap (\span -> [showDateSpan span, "budget"]) colspans
++ concat [["Total" ,"budget"] | row_total_]
++ concat [["Average","budget"] | average_]
) :
-- account rows
[T.unpack (displayFull a) :
[displayFull a :
map showmamt (flattentuples abamts)
++ concat [[showmamt mactualrowtot, showmamt mbudgetrowtot] | row_total_]
++ concat [[showmamt mactualrowavg, showmamt mbudgetrowavg] | average_]
@ -369,7 +372,7 @@ budgetReportAsCsv
"Total:" :
map showmamt (flattentuples abtotals)
++ concat [[showmamt magrandtot,showmamt mbgrandtot] | row_total_]
++ concat [[showmamt magrandtot,showmamt mbgrandtot] | row_total_]
++ concat [[showmamt magrandavg,showmamt mbgrandavg] | average_]
| not no_total_
@ -377,7 +380,7 @@ budgetReportAsCsv
flattentuples abs = concat [[a,b] | (a,b) <- abs]
showmamt = maybe "" (showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice False)
showmamt = maybe "" (wbToText . showMixedAmountB oneLine)
-- tests

View File

@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ where
import Data.List
import Data.List.Extra (nubSort)
import Data.Maybe
-- import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Safe (headMay, lastMay)
@ -35,12 +34,10 @@ import Hledger.Utils
import Hledger.Reports.ReportOptions
-- | A postings report is a list of postings with a running total, a label
-- for the total field, and a little extra transaction info to help with rendering.
-- | A postings report is a list of postings with a running total, and a little extra
-- transaction info to help with rendering.
-- This is used eg for the register command.
type PostingsReport = (String -- label for the running balance column XXX remove
,[PostingsReportItem] -- line items, one per posting
type PostingsReport = [PostingsReportItem] -- line items, one per posting
type PostingsReportItem = (Maybe Day -- The posting date, if this is the first posting in a
-- transaction or if it's different from the previous
-- posting's date. Or if this a summary posting, the
@ -49,7 +46,7 @@ type PostingsReportItem = (Maybe Day -- The posting date, if this is the firs
,Maybe Day -- If this is a summary posting, the report interval's
-- end date if this is the first summary posting in
-- the interval.
,Maybe String -- The posting's transaction's description, if this is the first posting in the transaction.
,Maybe Text -- The posting's transaction's description, if this is the first posting in the transaction.
,Posting -- The posting, possibly with the account name depth-clipped.
,MixedAmount -- The running total after this posting, or with --average,
-- the running average posting amount. With --historical,
@ -66,8 +63,7 @@ type SummaryPosting = (Posting, Day)
-- | Select postings from the journal and add running balance and other
-- information to make a postings report. Used by eg hledger's register command.
postingsReport :: ReportSpec -> Journal -> PostingsReport
postingsReport rspec@ReportSpec{rsOpts=ropts@ReportOpts{..}} j =
(totallabel, items)
postingsReport rspec@ReportSpec{rsOpts=ropts@ReportOpts{..}} j = items
reportspan = adjustReportDates rspec j
whichdate = whichDateFromOpts ropts
@ -130,8 +126,6 @@ registerRunningCalculationFn ropts
| average_ ropts = \i avg amt -> avg + divideMixedAmount (fromIntegral i) (amt - avg)
| otherwise = \_ bal amt -> bal + amt
totallabel = "Total"
-- | Adjust report start/end dates to more useful ones based on
-- journal data and report intervals. Ie:
-- 1. If the start date is unspecified, use the earliest date in the journal (if any)
@ -206,14 +200,13 @@ mkpostingsReportItem :: Bool -> Bool -> WhichDate -> Maybe Day -> Posting -> Mix
mkpostingsReportItem showdate showdesc wd menddate p b =
(if showdate then Just date else Nothing
,if showdesc then Just desc else Nothing
,if showdesc then tdescription <$> ptransaction p else Nothing
date = case wd of PrimaryDate -> postingDate p
SecondaryDate -> postingDate2 p
desc = T.unpack $ maybe "" tdescription $ ptransaction p
-- | Convert a list of postings into summary postings, one per interval,
-- aggregated to the specified depth if any.
@ -267,7 +260,7 @@ negatePostingAmount p = p { pamount = negate $ pamount p }
tests_PostingsReport = tests "PostingsReport" [
test "postingsReport" $ do
let (query, journal) `gives` n = (length $ snd $ postingsReport defreportspec{rsQuery=query} journal) @?= n
let (query, journal) `gives` n = (length $ postingsReport defreportspec{rsQuery=query} journal) @?= n
-- with the query specified explicitly
(Any, nulljournal) `gives` 0
(Any, samplejournal) `gives` 13
@ -276,10 +269,10 @@ tests_PostingsReport = tests "PostingsReport" [
(And [Depth 1, StatusQ Cleared, Acct (toRegex' "expenses")], samplejournal) `gives` 2
(And [And [Depth 1, StatusQ Cleared], Acct (toRegex' "expenses")], samplejournal) `gives` 2
-- with query and/or command-line options
(length $ snd $ postingsReport defreportspec samplejournal) @?= 13
(length $ snd $ postingsReport defreportspec{rsOpts=defreportopts{interval_=Months 1}} samplejournal) @?= 11
(length $ snd $ postingsReport defreportspec{rsOpts=defreportopts{interval_=Months 1, empty_=True}} samplejournal) @?= 20
(length $ snd $ postingsReport defreportspec{rsQuery=Acct $ toRegex' "assets:bank:checking"} samplejournal) @?= 5
(length $ postingsReport defreportspec samplejournal) @?= 13
(length $ postingsReport defreportspec{rsOpts=defreportopts{interval_=Months 1}} samplejournal) @?= 11
(length $ postingsReport defreportspec{rsOpts=defreportopts{interval_=Months 1, empty_=True}} samplejournal) @?= 20
(length $ postingsReport defreportspec{rsQuery=Acct $ toRegex' "assets:bank:checking"} samplejournal) @?= 5
-- (defreportopts, And [Acct "a a", Acct "'b"], samplejournal2) `gives` 0
-- [(Just (fromGregorian 2008 01 01,"income"),assets:bank:checking $1,$1)

View File

@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ rawOptsToReportOpts rawopts = do
supports_color <- hSupportsANSIColor stdout
let colorflag = stringopt "color" rawopts
formatstring = maybestringopt "format" rawopts
formatstring = T.pack <$> maybestringopt "format" rawopts
querystring = map T.pack $ listofstringopt "args" rawopts -- doesn't handle an arg like "" right
format <- case parseStringFormat <$> formatstring of

View File

@ -32,9 +32,10 @@ module Hledger.Reports.ReportTypes
, prrDepth
) where
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Decimal
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..))
import Data.Decimal (Decimal)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
@ -144,16 +145,16 @@ prrMapMaybeName f row = case f $ prrName row of
-- It is used in compound balance report commands like balancesheet,
-- cashflow and incomestatement.
data CompoundPeriodicReport a b = CompoundPeriodicReport
{ cbrTitle :: String
{ cbrTitle :: Text
, cbrDates :: [DateSpan]
, cbrSubreports :: [(String, PeriodicReport a b, Bool)]
, cbrSubreports :: [(Text, PeriodicReport a b, Bool)]
, cbrTotals :: PeriodicReportRow () b
} deriving (Show, Functor, Generic, ToJSON)
-- | Description of one subreport within a compound balance report.
-- Part of a "CompoundBalanceCommandSpec", but also used in hledger-lib.
data CBCSubreportSpec a = CBCSubreportSpec
{ cbcsubreporttitle :: String -- ^ The title to use for the subreport
{ cbcsubreporttitle :: Text -- ^ The title to use for the subreport
, cbcsubreportquery :: Journal -> Query -- ^ The Query to use for the subreport
, cbcsubreportoptions :: ReportOpts -> ReportOpts -- ^ A function to transform the ReportOpts used to produce the subreport
, cbcsubreporttransform :: PeriodicReport DisplayName MixedAmount -> PeriodicReport a MixedAmount -- ^ A function to transform the result of the subreport

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ where
import Data.List
import Data.List.Extra (nubSort)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Ord
import Hledger.Data
@ -34,18 +35,14 @@ import Hledger.Utils
-- | A transactions report includes a list of transactions touching multiple accounts
-- (posting-filtered and unfiltered variants), a running balance, and some
-- other information helpful for rendering a register view (a flag
-- indicating multiple other accounts and a display string describing
-- them) with or without a notion of current account(s).
-- Two kinds of report use this data structure, see transactionsReport
-- other information helpful for rendering a register view with or without a notion
-- of current account(s). Two kinds of report use this data structure, see transactionsReport
-- and accountTransactionsReport below for details.
type TransactionsReport = (String -- label for the balance column, eg "balance" or "total"
,[TransactionsReportItem] -- line items, one per transaction
type TransactionsReport = [TransactionsReportItem] -- line items, one per transaction
type TransactionsReportItem = (Transaction -- the original journal transaction, unmodified
,Transaction -- the transaction as seen from a particular account, with postings maybe filtered
,Bool -- is this a split, ie more than one other account posting
,String -- a display string describing the other account(s), if any
,Text -- a display string describing the other account(s), if any
,MixedAmount -- the amount posted to the current account(s) by the filtered postings (or total amount posted)
,MixedAmount -- the running total of item amounts, starting from zero;
-- or with --historical, the running total including items
@ -59,14 +56,12 @@ triBalance (_,_,_,_,_,a) = a
triCommodityAmount c = filterMixedAmountByCommodity c . triAmount
triCommodityBalance c = filterMixedAmountByCommodity c . triBalance
totallabel = "Period Total"
-- | Select transactions from the whole journal. This is similar to a
-- "postingsReport" except with transaction-based report items which
-- are ordered most recent first. XXX Or an EntriesReport - use that instead ?
-- This is used by hledger-web's journal view.
transactionsReport :: ReportOpts -> Journal -> Query -> TransactionsReport
transactionsReport opts j q = (totallabel, items)
transactionsReport opts j q = items
-- XXX items' first element should be the full transaction with all postings
items = reverse $ accountTransactionsReportItems q None nullmixedamt id ts
@ -79,15 +74,14 @@ transactionsReportByCommodity :: TransactionsReport -> [(CommoditySymbol, Transa
transactionsReportByCommodity tr =
[(c, filterTransactionsReportByCommodity c tr) | c <- transactionsReportCommodities tr]
transactionsReportCommodities (_,items) =
nubSort . map acommodity $ concatMap (amounts . triAmount) items
transactionsReportCommodities = nubSort . map acommodity . concatMap (amounts . triAmount)
-- Remove transaction report items and item amount (and running
-- balance amount) components that don't involve the specified
-- commodity. Other item fields such as the transaction are left unchanged.
filterTransactionsReportByCommodity :: CommoditySymbol -> TransactionsReport -> TransactionsReport
filterTransactionsReportByCommodity c (label,items) =
(label, fixTransactionsReportItemBalances $ concat [filterTransactionsReportItemByCommodity c i | i <- items])
filterTransactionsReportByCommodity c =
fixTransactionsReportItemBalances . concatMap (filterTransactionsReportItemByCommodity c)
filterTransactionsReportItemByCommodity c (t,t2,s,o,a,bal)
| c `elem` cs = [item']

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@ -1,17 +1,25 @@
-- | Basic color helpers for prettifying console output.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Hledger.Utils.Color
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import System.Console.ANSI
import Hledger.Utils.Text (WideBuilder(..))
-- | Wrap a string in ANSI codes to set and reset foreground colour.
@ -21,3 +29,13 @@ color int col s = setSGRCode [SetColor Foreground int col] ++ s ++ setSGRCode []
-- | Wrap a string in ANSI codes to set and reset background colour.
bgColor :: ColorIntensity -> Color -> String -> String
bgColor int col s = setSGRCode [SetColor Background int col] ++ s ++ setSGRCode []
-- | Wrap a WideBuilder in ANSI codes to set and reset foreground colour.
colorB :: ColorIntensity -> Color -> WideBuilder -> WideBuilder
colorB int col (WideBuilder s w) =
WideBuilder (TB.fromString (setSGRCode [SetColor Foreground int col]) <> s <> TB.fromString (setSGRCode [])) w
-- | Wrap a WideBuilder in ANSI codes to set and reset background colour.
bgColorB :: ColorIntensity -> Color -> WideBuilder -> WideBuilder
bgColorB int col (WideBuilder s w) =
WideBuilder (TB.fromString (setSGRCode [SetColor Background int col]) <> s <> TB.fromString (setSGRCode [])) w

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
@ -54,6 +56,7 @@ module Hledger.Utils.Regex (
-- * total regex operations
@ -66,6 +69,10 @@ import Data.Array ((!), elems, indices)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.MemoUgly (memo)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Regex.TDFA (
Regex, CompOption(..), defaultCompOpt, defaultExecOpt,
@ -78,8 +85,8 @@ import Hledger.Utils.UTF8IOCompat (error')
-- | Regular expression. Extended regular expression-ish syntax ? But does not support eg (?i) syntax.
data Regexp
= Regexp { reString :: String, reCompiled :: Regex }
| RegexpCI { reString :: String, reCompiled :: Regex }
= Regexp { reString :: Text, reCompiled :: Regex }
| RegexpCI { reString :: Text, reCompiled :: Regex }
instance Eq Regexp where
Regexp s1 _ == Regexp s2 _ = s1 == s2
@ -93,7 +100,7 @@ instance Ord Regexp where
RegexpCI _ _ `compare` Regexp _ _ = GT
instance Show Regexp where
showsPrec d r = showParen (d > app_prec) $ reCons . showsPrec (app_prec+1) (reString r)
showsPrec d r = showParen (d > app_prec) $ reCons . showsPrec (app_prec+1) (T.unpack $ reString r)
where app_prec = 10
reCons = case r of Regexp _ _ -> showString "Regexp "
RegexpCI _ _ -> showString "RegexpCI "
@ -108,8 +115,8 @@ instance Read Regexp where
where app_prec = 10
instance ToJSON Regexp where
toJSON (Regexp s _) = String . T.pack $ "Regexp " ++ s
toJSON (RegexpCI s _) = String . T.pack $ "RegexpCI " ++ s
toJSON (Regexp s _) = String $ "Regexp " <> s
toJSON (RegexpCI s _) = String $ "RegexpCI " <> s
instance RegexLike Regexp String where
matchOnce = matchOnce . reCompiled
@ -124,24 +131,24 @@ instance RegexContext Regexp String String where
matchM = matchM . reCompiled
-- Convert a Regexp string to a compiled Regex, or return an error message.
toRegex :: String -> Either RegexError Regexp
toRegex = memo $ \s -> mkRegexErr s (Regexp s <$> makeRegexM s)
toRegex :: Text -> Either RegexError Regexp
toRegex = memo $ \s -> mkRegexErr s (Regexp s <$> makeRegexM (T.unpack s)) -- Have to unpack here because Text instance in regex-tdfa only appears in 1.3.1
-- Like toRegex, but make a case-insensitive Regex.
toRegexCI :: String -> Either RegexError Regexp
toRegexCI = memo $ \s -> mkRegexErr s (RegexpCI s <$> makeRegexOptsM defaultCompOpt{caseSensitive=False} defaultExecOpt s)
toRegexCI :: Text -> Either RegexError Regexp
toRegexCI = memo $ \s -> mkRegexErr s (RegexpCI s <$> makeRegexOptsM defaultCompOpt{caseSensitive=False} defaultExecOpt (T.unpack s)) -- Have to unpack here because Text instance in regex-tdfa only appears in 1.3.1
-- | Make a nice error message for a regexp error.
mkRegexErr :: String -> Maybe a -> Either RegexError a
mkRegexErr :: Text -> Maybe a -> Either RegexError a
mkRegexErr s = maybe (Left errmsg) Right
where errmsg = "this regular expression could not be compiled: " ++ s
where errmsg = T.unpack $ "this regular expression could not be compiled: " <> s
-- Convert a Regexp string to a compiled Regex, throw an error
toRegex' :: String -> Regexp
toRegex' :: Text -> Regexp
toRegex' = either error' id . toRegex
-- Like toRegex', but make a case-insensitive Regex.
toRegexCI' :: String -> Regexp
toRegexCI' :: Text -> Regexp
toRegexCI' = either error' id . toRegexCI
-- | A replacement pattern. May include numeric backreferences (\N).
@ -159,6 +166,13 @@ type RegexError = String
regexMatch :: Regexp -> String -> Bool
regexMatch = matchTest
-- | Tests whether a Regexp matches a Text.
-- This currently unpacks the Text to a String an works on that. This is due to
-- a performance bug in regex-tdfa (#9), which may or may not be relevant here.
regexMatchText :: Regexp -> Text -> Bool
regexMatchText r = matchTest r . T.unpack
-- new total functions

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@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ module Hledger.Utils.String (
-- * wide-character-aware layout
@ -55,6 +53,8 @@ module Hledger.Utils.String (
import Data.Char (isSpace, toLower, toUpper)
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Text.Megaparsec ((<|>), between, many, noneOf, sepBy)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char (char)
import Text.Printf (printf)
@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ import Text.Printf (printf)
import Hledger.Utils.Parse
import Hledger.Utils.Regex (toRegex', regexReplace)
import Text.Tabular (Header(..), Properties(..))
import Text.Tabular.AsciiWide (Align(..), Cell(..), TableOpts(..), renderRow)
import Text.WideString (strWidth, charWidth)
import Text.Tabular.AsciiWide (Align(..), TableOpts(..), alignCell, renderRow)
import Text.WideString (charWidth, strWidth)
-- | Take elements from the end of a list.
@ -184,16 +184,16 @@ unbracket s
-- | Join several multi-line strings as side-by-side rectangular strings of the same height, top-padded.
-- Treats wide characters as double width.
concatTopPadded :: [String] -> String
concatTopPadded = renderRow def{tableBorders=False, borderSpaces=False}
concatTopPadded = TL.unpack . renderRow def{tableBorders=False, borderSpaces=False}
. Group NoLine . map (Header . cell)
where cell = Cell BottomLeft . map (\x -> (x, strWidth x)) . lines
where cell = alignCell BottomLeft . T.pack
-- | Join several multi-line strings as side-by-side rectangular strings of the same height, bottom-padded.
-- Treats wide characters as double width.
concatBottomPadded :: [String] -> String
concatBottomPadded = renderRow def{tableBorders=False, borderSpaces=False}
concatBottomPadded = TL.unpack . renderRow def{tableBorders=False, borderSpaces=False}
. Group NoLine . map (Header . cell)
where cell = Cell TopLeft . map (\x -> (x, strWidth x)) . lines
where cell = alignCell TopLeft . T.pack
-- | Join multi-line strings horizontally, after compressing each of
@ -349,15 +349,4 @@ stripAnsi :: String -> String
stripAnsi s = either err id $ regexReplace ansire "" s
err = error "stripAnsi: invalid replacement pattern" -- PARTIAL, shouldn't happen
ansire = toRegex' "\ESC\\[([0-9]+;)*([0-9]+)?[ABCDHJKfmsu]" -- PARTIAL, should succeed
-- | Add a prefix to each line of a string.
linesPrepend :: String -> String -> String
linesPrepend prefix = unlines . map (prefix++) . lines
-- | Add a prefix to the first line of a string,
-- and a different prefix to the remaining lines.
linesPrepend2 :: String -> String -> String -> String
linesPrepend2 prefix1 prefix2 s =
unlines $ (prefix1++l) : map (prefix2++) ls
where l:ls = lines s
ansire = toRegex' $ T.pack "\ESC\\[([0-9]+;)*([0-9]+)?[ABCDHJKfmsu]" -- PARTIAL, should succeed

View File

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ module Hledger.Utils.Text
-- underline,
-- stripbrackets,
-- -- quoting
@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ module Hledger.Utils.Text
-- -- * single-line layout
-- elideLeft,
-- formatString,
-- -- * multi-line layout
-- concatBottomPadded,
@ -43,7 +45,12 @@ module Hledger.Utils.Text
-- cliptopleft,
-- fitto,
-- -- * wide-character-aware layout
-- fitString,
@ -70,7 +77,8 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
-- import Hledger.Utils.Parse
-- import Hledger.Utils.Regex
import Hledger.Utils.Test
import Text.WideString (charWidth, textWidth)
import Text.WideString (WideBuilder(..), wbToText, wbUnpack, charWidth, textWidth)
-- lowercase, uppercase :: String -> String
-- lowercase = map toLower
@ -87,15 +95,23 @@ textElideRight :: Int -> Text -> Text
textElideRight width t =
if T.length t > width then T.take (width - 2) t <> ".." else t
-- -- | Clip and pad a string to a minimum & maximum width, and/or left/right justify it.
-- -- Works on multi-line strings too (but will rewrite non-unix line endings).
-- formatString :: Bool -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> String -> String
-- formatString leftJustified minwidth maxwidth s = intercalate "\n" $ map (printf fmt) $ lines s
-- where
-- justify = if leftJustified then "-" else ""
-- minwidth' = maybe "" show minwidth
-- maxwidth' = maybe "" (("."++).show) maxwidth
-- fmt = "%" ++ justify ++ minwidth' ++ maxwidth' ++ "s"
-- | Wrap a Text with the surrounding Text.
wrap :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Text
wrap start end x = start <> x <> end
-- | Remove trailing newlines/carriage returns.
textChomp :: Text -> Text
textChomp = T.dropWhileEnd (`elem` ['\r', '\n'])
-- | Clip and pad a string to a minimum & maximum width, and/or left/right justify it.
-- Works on multi-line strings too (but will rewrite non-unix line endings).
formatText :: Bool -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Text -> Text
formatText leftJustified minwidth maxwidth t =
T.intercalate "\n" . map (pad . clip) $ if T.null t then [""] else T.lines t
pad = maybe id justify minwidth
clip = maybe id T.take maxwidth
justify n = if leftJustified then T.justifyLeft n ' ' else T.justifyRight n ' '
-- underline :: String -> String
-- underline s = s' ++ replicate (length s) '-' ++ "\n"
@ -108,7 +124,7 @@ textElideRight width t =
-- double-quoted.
quoteIfSpaced :: T.Text -> T.Text
quoteIfSpaced s | isSingleQuoted s || isDoubleQuoted s = s
| not $ any (`elem` (T.unpack s)) whitespacechars = s
| not $ any (\c -> T.any (==c) s) whitespacechars = s
| otherwise = textQuoteIfNeeded s
-- -- | Wrap a string in double quotes, and \-prefix any embedded single
@ -122,7 +138,7 @@ quoteIfSpaced s | isSingleQuoted s || isDoubleQuoted s = s
-- -- | Double-quote this string if it contains whitespace, single quotes
-- -- or double-quotes, escaping the quotes as needed.
textQuoteIfNeeded :: T.Text -> T.Text
textQuoteIfNeeded s | any (`elem` T.unpack s) (quotechars++whitespacechars) = "\"" <> escapeDoubleQuotes s <> "\""
textQuoteIfNeeded s | any (\c -> T.any (==c) s) (quotechars++whitespacechars) = "\"" <> escapeDoubleQuotes s <> "\""
| otherwise = s
-- -- | Single-quote this string if it contains whitespace or double-quotes.
@ -344,11 +360,22 @@ textTakeWidth w t | not (T.null t),
= T.cons c $ textTakeWidth (w-cw) (T.tail t)
| otherwise = ""
-- | Add a prefix to each line of a string.
linesPrepend :: Text -> Text -> Text
linesPrepend prefix = T.unlines . map (prefix<>) . T.lines
-- | Add a prefix to the first line of a string,
-- and a different prefix to the remaining lines.
linesPrepend2 :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Text
linesPrepend2 prefix1 prefix2 s = T.unlines $ case T.lines s of
[] -> []
l:ls -> (prefix1<>l) : map (prefix2<>) ls
-- | Read a decimal number from a Text. Assumes the input consists only of digit
-- characters.
readDecimal :: Text -> Integer
readDecimal = foldl' step 0 . T.unpack
readDecimal = T.foldl' step 0
where step a c = a * 10 + toInteger (digitToInt c)

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@ -1,14 +1,25 @@
-- | Text.Tabular.AsciiArt from tabular-, modified to treat
-- wide characters as double width.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Text.Tabular.AsciiWide where
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Default (Default(..))
import Data.List (intersperse, transpose)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Semigroup (stimesMonoid)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder, fromString, fromText, singleton, toLazyText)
import Safe (maximumMay)
import Text.Tabular
import Text.WideString (strWidth)
import Text.WideString (WideBuilder(..), textWidth)
-- | The options to use for rendering a table.
@ -25,8 +36,7 @@ instance Default TableOpts where
-- | Cell contents along an alignment
data Cell = Cell Align [(String, Int)]
deriving (Show)
data Cell = Cell Align [WideBuilder]
-- | How to align text in a cell
data Align = TopRight | BottomRight | BottomLeft | TopLeft
@ -36,31 +46,40 @@ emptyCell :: Cell
emptyCell = Cell TopRight []
-- | Create a single-line cell from the given contents with its natural width.
alignCell :: Align -> String -> Cell
alignCell a x = Cell a [(x, strWidth x)]
alignCell :: Align -> Text -> Cell
alignCell a x = Cell a . map (\x -> WideBuilder (fromText x) (textWidth x)) $ if T.null x then [""] else T.lines x
-- | Return the width of a Cell.
cellWidth :: Cell -> Int
cellWidth (Cell _ xs) = fromMaybe 0 . maximumMay $ map snd xs
cellWidth (Cell _ xs) = fromMaybe 0 . maximumMay $ map wbWidth xs
-- | Render a table according to common options, for backwards compatibility
render :: Bool -> (rh -> String) -> (ch -> String) -> (a -> String) -> Table rh ch a -> String
render :: Bool -> (rh -> Text) -> (ch -> Text) -> (a -> Text) -> Table rh ch a -> TL.Text
render pretty fr fc f = renderTable def{prettyTable=pretty} (cell . fr) (cell . fc) (cell . f)
where cell = alignCell TopRight
-- | Render a table according to various cell specifications
renderTable :: TableOpts -- ^ Options controlling Table rendering
-- | Render a table according to various cell specifications>
renderTable :: TableOpts -- ^ Options controlling Table rendering
-> (rh -> Cell) -- ^ Rendering function for row headers
-> (ch -> Cell) -- ^ Rendering function for column headers
-> (a -> Cell) -- ^ Function determining the string and width of a cell
-> Table rh ch a
-> String
renderTable topts@TableOpts{prettyTable=pretty, tableBorders=borders} fr fc f (Table rh ch cells) =
unlines . addBorders $
renderColumns topts sizes ch2
: bar VM DoubleLine -- +======================================+
: renderRs (fmap renderR $ zipHeader [] cellContents rowHeaders)
-> TL.Text
renderTable topts fr fc f = toLazyText . renderTableB topts fr fc f
-- | A version of renderTable which returns the underlying Builder.
renderTableB :: TableOpts -- ^ Options controlling Table rendering
-> (rh -> Cell) -- ^ Rendering function for row headers
-> (ch -> Cell) -- ^ Rendering function for column headers
-> (a -> Cell) -- ^ Function determining the string and width of a cell
-> Table rh ch a
-> Builder
renderTableB topts@TableOpts{prettyTable=pretty, tableBorders=borders} fr fc f (Table rh ch cells) =
unlinesB . addBorders $
renderColumns topts sizes ch2
: bar VM DoubleLine -- +======================================+
: renderRs (fmap renderR $ zipHeader [] cellContents rowHeaders)
renderR (cs,h) = renderColumns topts sizes $ Group DoubleLine
[ Header h
@ -83,63 +102,68 @@ renderTable topts@TableOpts{prettyTable=pretty, tableBorders=borders} fr fc f (T
-- borders and bars
addBorders xs = if borders then bar VT SingleLine : xs ++ [bar VB SingleLine] else xs
bar vpos prop = concat $ renderHLine vpos borders pretty sizes ch2 prop
bar vpos prop = mconcat $ renderHLine vpos borders pretty sizes ch2 prop
unlinesB = (<>singleton '\n') . mconcat . intersperse "\n"
-- | Render a single row according to cell specifications.
renderRow :: TableOpts -> Header Cell -> String
renderRow topts h = renderColumns topts is h
where is = map (\(Cell _ xs) -> fromMaybe 0 . maximumMay $ map snd xs) $ headerContents h
renderRow :: TableOpts -> Header Cell -> TL.Text
renderRow topts = toLazyText . renderRowB topts
-- | A version of renderRow which returns the underlying Builder.
renderRowB:: TableOpts -> Header Cell -> Builder
renderRowB topts h = renderColumns topts is h
where is = map cellWidth $ headerContents h
verticalBar :: Bool -> Char
verticalBar pretty = if pretty then '│' else '|'
leftBar :: Bool -> Bool -> String
leftBar pretty True = verticalBar pretty : " "
leftBar pretty False = [verticalBar pretty]
leftBar :: Bool -> Bool -> Builder
leftBar pretty True = fromString $ verticalBar pretty : " "
leftBar pretty False = singleton $ verticalBar pretty
rightBar :: Bool -> Bool -> String
rightBar pretty True = ' ' : [verticalBar pretty]
rightBar pretty False = [verticalBar pretty]
rightBar :: Bool -> Bool -> Builder
rightBar pretty True = fromString $ ' ' : [verticalBar pretty]
rightBar pretty False = singleton $ verticalBar pretty
midBar :: Bool -> Bool -> String
midBar pretty True = ' ' : verticalBar pretty : " "
midBar pretty False = [verticalBar pretty]
midBar :: Bool -> Bool -> Builder
midBar pretty True = fromString $ ' ' : verticalBar pretty : " "
midBar pretty False = singleton $ verticalBar pretty
doubleMidBar :: Bool -> Bool -> String
doubleMidBar pretty True = if pretty then "" else " || "
doubleMidBar pretty False = if pretty then "" else "||"
doubleMidBar :: Bool -> Bool -> Builder
doubleMidBar pretty True = fromText $ if pretty then "" else " || "
doubleMidBar pretty False = fromText $ if pretty then "" else "||"
-- | We stop rendering on the shortest list!
renderColumns :: TableOpts -- ^ rendering options for the table
-> [Int] -- ^ max width for each column
-> Header Cell
-> String
-> Builder
renderColumns TableOpts{prettyTable=pretty, tableBorders=borders, borderSpaces=spaces} is h =
concat . intersperse "\n" -- Put each line on its own line
. map (addBorders . concat) . transpose -- Change to a list of lines and add borders
mconcat . intersperse "\n" -- Put each line on its own line
. map (addBorders . mconcat) . transpose -- Change to a list of lines and add borders
. map (either hsep padCell) . flattenHeader -- We now have a matrix of strings
. zipHeader 0 is $ padRow <$> h -- Pad cell height and add width marker
-- Pad each cell to have the appropriate width
padCell (w, Cell TopLeft ls) = map (\(x,xw) -> x ++ replicate (w - xw) ' ') ls
padCell (w, Cell BottomLeft ls) = map (\(x,xw) -> x ++ replicate (w - xw) ' ') ls
padCell (w, Cell TopRight ls) = map (\(x,xw) -> replicate (w - xw) ' ' ++ x) ls
padCell (w, Cell BottomRight ls) = map (\(x,xw) -> replicate (w - xw) ' ' ++ x) ls
padCell (w, Cell TopLeft ls) = map (\x -> wbBuilder x <> fromText (T.replicate (w - wbWidth x) " ")) ls
padCell (w, Cell BottomLeft ls) = map (\x -> wbBuilder x <> fromText (T.replicate (w - wbWidth x) " ")) ls
padCell (w, Cell TopRight ls) = map (\x -> fromText (T.replicate (w - wbWidth x) " ") <> wbBuilder x) ls
padCell (w, Cell BottomRight ls) = map (\x -> fromText (T.replicate (w - wbWidth x) " ") <> wbBuilder x) ls
-- Pad each cell to have the same number of lines
padRow (Cell TopLeft ls) = Cell TopLeft $ ls ++ replicate (nLines - length ls) ("",0)
padRow (Cell TopRight ls) = Cell TopRight $ ls ++ replicate (nLines - length ls) ("",0)
padRow (Cell BottomLeft ls) = Cell BottomLeft $ replicate (nLines - length ls) ("",0) ++ ls
padRow (Cell BottomRight ls) = Cell BottomRight $ replicate (nLines - length ls) ("",0) ++ ls
padRow (Cell TopLeft ls) = Cell TopLeft $ ls ++ replicate (nLines - length ls) mempty
padRow (Cell TopRight ls) = Cell TopRight $ ls ++ replicate (nLines - length ls) mempty
padRow (Cell BottomLeft ls) = Cell BottomLeft $ replicate (nLines - length ls) mempty ++ ls
padRow (Cell BottomRight ls) = Cell BottomRight $ replicate (nLines - length ls) mempty ++ ls
hsep :: Properties -> [String]
hsep :: Properties -> [Builder]
hsep NoLine = replicate nLines $ if spaces then " " else ""
hsep SingleLine = replicate nLines $ midBar pretty spaces
hsep DoubleLine = replicate nLines $ doubleMidBar pretty spaces
addBorders xs | borders = leftBar pretty spaces ++ xs ++ rightBar pretty spaces
| spaces = ' ' : xs ++ " "
addBorders xs | borders = leftBar pretty spaces <> xs <> rightBar pretty spaces
| spaces = fromText " " <> xs <> fromText " "
| otherwise = xs
nLines = fromMaybe 0 . maximumMay . map (\(Cell _ ls) -> length ls) $ headerContents h
@ -150,52 +174,48 @@ renderHLine :: VPos
-> [Int] -- ^ width specifications
-> Header a
-> Properties
-> [String]
-> [Builder]
renderHLine _ _ _ _ _ NoLine = []
renderHLine vpos borders pretty w h prop = [renderHLine' vpos borders pretty prop w h]
renderHLine' :: VPos -> Bool -> Bool -> Properties -> [Int] -> Header a -> String
renderHLine' vpos borders pretty prop is h = addBorders $ sep ++ coreLine ++ sep
renderHLine' :: VPos -> Bool -> Bool -> Properties -> [Int] -> Header a -> Builder
renderHLine' vpos borders pretty prop is h = addBorders $ sep <> coreLine <> sep
addBorders xs = if borders then edge HL ++ xs ++ edge HR else xs
addBorders xs = if borders then edge HL <> xs <> edge HR else xs
edge hpos = boxchar vpos hpos SingleLine prop pretty
coreLine = concatMap helper $ flattenHeader $ zipHeader 0 is h
coreLine = foldMap helper $ flattenHeader $ zipHeader 0 is h
helper = either vsep dashes
dashes (i,_) = concat (replicate i sep)
dashes (i,_) = stimesMonoid i sep
sep = boxchar vpos HM NoLine prop pretty
vsep v = case v of
NoLine -> sep ++ sep
_ -> sep ++ cross v prop ++ sep
NoLine -> sep <> sep
_ -> sep <> cross v prop <> sep
cross v h = boxchar vpos HM v h pretty
data VPos = VT | VM | VB -- top middle bottom
data HPos = HL | HM | HR -- left middle right
boxchar :: VPos -> HPos -> Properties -> Properties -> Bool -> String
boxchar :: VPos -> HPos -> Properties -> Properties -> Bool -> Builder
boxchar vpos hpos vert horiz = lineart u d l r
u =
case vpos of
VT -> NoLine
_ -> vert
d =
case vpos of
VB -> NoLine
_ -> vert
l =
case hpos of
HL -> NoLine
_ -> horiz
r =
case hpos of
HR -> NoLine
_ -> horiz
u = case vpos of
VT -> NoLine
_ -> vert
d = case vpos of
VB -> NoLine
_ -> vert
l = case hpos of
HL -> NoLine
_ -> horiz
r = case hpos of
HR -> NoLine
_ -> horiz
pick :: String -> String -> Bool -> String
pick x _ True = x
pick _ x False = x
pick :: Text -> Text -> Bool -> Builder
pick x _ True = fromText x
pick _ x False = fromText x
lineart :: Properties -> Properties -> Properties -> Properties -> Bool -> String
lineart :: Properties -> Properties -> Properties -> Properties -> Bool -> Builder
-- up down left right
lineart SingleLine SingleLine SingleLine SingleLine = pick "" "+"
lineart SingleLine SingleLine SingleLine NoLine = pick "" "+"
@ -244,6 +264,4 @@ lineart NoLine SingleLine DoubleLine DoubleLine = pick "╤" "+"
lineart SingleLine SingleLine DoubleLine DoubleLine = pick "" "+"
lineart DoubleLine DoubleLine SingleLine SingleLine = pick "" "++"
lineart _ _ _ _ = const ""
lineart _ _ _ _ = const mempty

View File

@ -1,14 +1,49 @@
-- | Calculate the width of String and Text, being aware of wide characters.
module Text.WideString (
-- * wide-character-aware layout
-- * Text Builders which keep track of length
) where
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
-- | Helper for constructing Builders while keeping track of text width.
data WideBuilder = WideBuilder
{ wbBuilder :: !TB.Builder
, wbWidth :: !Int
instance Semigroup WideBuilder where
WideBuilder x i <> WideBuilder y j = WideBuilder (x <> y) (i + j)
instance Monoid WideBuilder where
mempty = WideBuilder mempty 0
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
mappend = (<>)
-- | Convert a WideBuilder to a strict Text.
wbToText :: WideBuilder -> Text
wbToText = TL.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . wbBuilder
-- | Convert a WideBuilder to a String.
wbUnpack :: WideBuilder -> String
wbUnpack = TL.unpack . TB.toLazyText . wbBuilder
-- | Calculate the render width of a string, considering

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
cabal-version: 1.12
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.33.0.
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.34.2.
-- see:
@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ library
, pretty-simple >4 && <5
, regex-tdfa
, safe >=0.2
, split >=0.1
, tabular >=0.2
, tasty >=1.2.3
, tasty-hunit >=
@ -176,7 +175,6 @@ test-suite doctest
, pretty-simple >4 && <5
, regex-tdfa
, safe >=0.2
, split >=0.1
, tabular >=0.2
, tasty >=1.2.3
, tasty-hunit >=
@ -229,7 +227,6 @@ test-suite unittest
, pretty-simple >4 && <5
, regex-tdfa
, safe >=0.2
, split >=0.1
, tabular >=0.2
, tasty >=1.2.3
, tasty-hunit >=

View File

@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ dependencies:
- pretty-simple >4 && <5
- regex-tdfa
- safe >=0.2
- split >=0.1
- tabular >=0.2
- tasty >=1.2.3
- tasty-hunit >=

View File

@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ asDraw UIState{aopts=_uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec}}
<+> toggles
<+> str (" account " ++ if ishistorical then "balances" else "changes")
<+> borderPeriodStr (if ishistorical then "at end of" else "in") (period_ ropts)
<+> borderQueryStr (unwords . map (quoteIfNeeded . T.unpack) $ querystring_ ropts)
<+> borderQueryStr (T.unpack . T.unwords . map textQuoteIfNeeded $ querystring_ ropts)
<+> borderDepthStr mdepth
<+> str (" ("++curidx++"/"++totidx++")")
<+> (if ignore_assertions_ $ inputopts_ copts

View File

@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ runBrickUi uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{inputopts_=_iopts,reportspec_=rsp
acct = headDef (error' $ "--register "++apat++" did not match any account") -- PARTIAL:
. filterAccts $ journalAccountNames j
filterAccts = case toRegexCI apat of
Right re -> filter (regexMatch re . T.unpack)
filterAccts = case toRegexCI $ T.pack apat of
Right re -> filter (regexMatchText re)
Left _ -> const []
-- Initialising the accounts screen is awkward, requiring
-- another temporary UIState value..

View File

@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ rsInit d reset ui@UIState{aopts=_uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec
,Not generatedTransactionTag
(_label,items) = accountTransactionsReport rspec' j q thisacctq
items = accountTransactionsReport rspec' j q thisacctq
items' = (if empty_ ropts then id else filter (not . mixedAmountLooksZero . fifth6)) $ -- without --empty, exclude no-change txns
reverse -- most recent last
@ -89,17 +88,17 @@ rsInit d reset ui@UIState{aopts=_uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec
displayitems = map displayitem items'
displayitem (t, _, _issplit, otheracctsstr, change, bal) =
RegisterScreenItem{rsItemDate = showDate $ transactionRegisterDate q thisacctq t
RegisterScreenItem{rsItemDate = T.unpack . showDate $ transactionRegisterDate q thisacctq t
,rsItemStatus = tstatus t
,rsItemDescription = T.unpack $ tdescription t
,rsItemOtherAccounts = case splitOn ", " otheracctsstr of
[s] -> s
ss -> intercalate ", " ss
,rsItemOtherAccounts = T.unpack otheracctsstr
-- _ -> "<split>" -- should do this if accounts field width < 30
,rsItemChangeAmount = showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing (Just 32) False change
,rsItemBalanceAmount = showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing (Just 32) False bal
,rsItemChangeAmount = showamt change
,rsItemBalanceAmount = showamt bal
,rsItemTransaction = t
where showamt = (\wb -> (wbUnpack wb, wbWidth wb))
. showMixedAmountB oneLine{displayMaxWidth=Just 32}
-- blank items are added to allow more control of scroll position; we won't allow movement over these.
-- XXX Ugly. Changing to 0 helps when debugging.
blankitems = replicate 100 -- "100 ought to be enough for anyone"
@ -204,7 +203,7 @@ rsDraw UIState{aopts=_uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec}}
<+> togglefilters
<+> str " transactions"
-- <+> str (if ishistorical then " historical total" else " period total")
<+> borderQueryStr (unwords . map (quoteIfNeeded . T.unpack) $ querystring_ ropts)
<+> borderQueryStr (T.unpack . T.unwords . map textQuoteIfNeeded $ querystring_ ropts)
-- <+> str " and subs"
<+> borderPeriodStr "in" (period_ ropts)
<+> str " ("

View File

@ -79,9 +79,10 @@ tsDraw UIState{aopts=UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec@ReportSpec{
fromMaybe (error' "TransactionScreen: expected a non-empty journal") $ -- PARTIAL: shouldn't happen
reportPeriodOrJournalLastDay rspec j
render $ defaultLayout toplabel bottomlabel $ str $
showTransactionOneLineAmounts $
maybe t (transactionApplyValuation prices styles periodlast (rsToday rspec) t) $ value_ ropts
render . defaultLayout toplabel bottomlabel . str
. T.unpack . showTransactionOneLineAmounts
. maybe t (transactionApplyValuation prices styles periodlast (rsToday rspec) t)
$ value_ ropts
-- (if real_ ropts then filterTransactionPostings (Real True) else id) -- filter postings by --real
toplabel =
@ -208,7 +209,7 @@ regenerateTransactions rspec j s acct i ui =
q = filterQuery (not . queryIsDepth) $ rsQuery rspec
thisacctq = Acct $ accountNameToAccountRegex acct -- includes subs
items = reverse $ snd $ accountTransactionsReport rspec j q thisacctq
items = reverse $ accountTransactionsReport rspec j q thisacctq
ts = map first6 items
numberedts = zip [1..] ts
-- select the best current transaction from the new list

View File

@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ showMinibuffer :: UIState -> UIState
showMinibuffer ui = setMode (Minibuffer e) ui
e = applyEdit gotoEOL $ editor MinibufferEditor (Just 1) oldq
oldq = unwords . map (quoteIfNeeded . T.unpack)
oldq = T.unpack . T.unwords . map textQuoteIfNeeded
. querystring_ . rsOpts . reportspec_ . cliopts_ $ aopts ui
-- | Close the minibuffer, discarding any edit in progress.

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import Data.List
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Graphics.Vty
-- ,Output(displayBounds,mkDisplayContext),DisplayContext(..)
@ -189,7 +190,7 @@ borderDepthStr (Just d) = str " to depth " <+> withAttr ("border" <> "query") (s
borderPeriodStr :: String -> Period -> Widget Name
borderPeriodStr _ PeriodAll = str ""
borderPeriodStr preposition p = str (" "++preposition++" ") <+> withAttr ("border" <> "query") (str $ showPeriod p)
borderPeriodStr preposition p = str (" "++preposition++" ") <+> withAttr ("border" <> "query") (str . T.unpack $ showPeriod p)
borderKeysStr :: [(String,String)] -> Widget Name
borderKeysStr = borderKeysStr' . map (\(a,b) -> (a, str b))

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ getJournalR = do
Just (a, inclsubs) -> "Transactions in " <> a <> if inclsubs then "" else " (excluding subaccounts)"
title' = title <> if m /= Any then ", filtered" else ""
acctlink a = (RegisterR, [("q", replaceInacct q $ accountQuery a)])
(_, items) = transactionsReport (rsOpts . reportspec_ $ cliopts_ opts) j m
items = transactionsReport (rsOpts . reportspec_ $ cliopts_ opts) j m
transactionFrag = transactionFragment j
defaultLayout $ do

View File

@ -44,8 +44,11 @@ getRegisterR = do
zip xs $
zip (map (T.unpack . accountSummarisedName . paccount) xs) $
tail $ (", "<$xs) ++ [""]
r@(balancelabel,items) = accountTransactionsReport rspec j m acctQuery
balancelabel' = if isJust (inAccount qopts) then balancelabel else "Total"
items = accountTransactionsReport rspec j m acctQuery
| isJust (inAccount qopts), balancetype_ (rsOpts rspec) == HistoricalBalance = "Historical Total"
| isJust (inAccount qopts) = "Period Total"
| otherwise = "Total"
transactionFrag = transactionFragment j
defaultLayout $ do
setTitle "register - hledger-web"
@ -96,14 +99,12 @@ decorateLinks =
-- | Generate javascript/html for a register balance line chart based on
-- the provided "TransactionsReportItem"s.
registerChartHtml :: [(CommoditySymbol, (String, [TransactionsReportItem]))] -> HtmlUrl AppRoute
registerChartHtml percommoditytxnreports = $(hamletFile "templates/chart.hamlet")
registerChartHtml :: String -> [(CommoditySymbol, [TransactionsReportItem])] -> HtmlUrl AppRoute
registerChartHtml title percommoditytxnreports = $(hamletFile "templates/chart.hamlet")
-- have to make sure plot is not called when our container (maincontent)
-- is hidden, eg with add form toggled
charttitle = case maybe "" (fst . snd) $ listToMaybe percommoditytxnreports of
"" -> ""
s -> s <> ":"
charttitle = if null title then "" else title ++ ":"
colorForCommodity = fromMaybe 0 . flip lookup commoditiesIndex
commoditiesIndex = zip (map fst percommoditytxnreports) [0..] :: [(CommoditySymbol,Int)]
simpleMixedAmountQuantity = maybe 0 aquantity . listToMaybe . amounts

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
if ($':visible')) {
var seriesData = [
$forall (c,(_,items)) <- percommoditytxnreports
$forall (c,items) <- percommoditytxnreports
/* we render each commodity using two series:
* one with extra data points added to show a stepped balance line */
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
#{simpleMixedAmountQuantity $ triCommodityBalance c i},
'#{showMixedAmountWithZeroCommodity $ triCommodityAmount c i}',
'#{showMixedAmountWithZeroCommodity $ triCommodityBalance c i}',
'#{concat $ intersperse "\\n" $ lines $ showTransaction $ triOrigTransaction i}',
'#{concat $ intersperse "\\n" $ lines $ T.unpack $ showTransaction $ triOrigTransaction i}',
#{tindex $ triOrigTransaction i}
/* [] */

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<div .hidden-xs>
^{registerChartHtml $ transactionsReportByCommodity r}
^{registerChartHtml balancelabel $ transactionsReportByCommodity items}
<table .table.table-striped.table-condensed>
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
<th style="text-align:left;">To/From Account(s)
<th style="text-align:right; white-space:normal;">Amount Out/In
<th style="text-align:right; white-space:normal;">
$forall (torig, tacct, split, _acct, amt, bal) <- items

View File

@ -27,16 +27,19 @@ import Data.Either (isRight)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import "base-compat-batteries" Data.List.Compat
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TL
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
import Data.Time.Format (formatTime, defaultTimeLocale, iso8601DateFormat)
import Safe (headDef, headMay, atMay)
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit (flagNone)
import System.Console.Haskeline (runInputT, defaultSettings, setComplete)
import System.Console.Haskeline.Completion
import System.Console.Wizard
import System.Console.Haskeline.Completion (CompletionFunc, completeWord, isFinished, noCompletion, simpleCompletion)
import System.Console.Wizard (Wizard, defaultTo, line, output, retryMsg, linePrewritten, nonEmpty, parser, run)
import System.Console.Wizard.Haskeline
import System.IO ( stderr, hPutStr, hPutStrLn )
import Text.Megaparsec
@ -89,7 +92,7 @@ add :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ()
add opts j
| journalFilePath j == "-" = return ()
| otherwise = do
hPrintf stderr "Adding transactions to journal file %s\n" (journalFilePath j)
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Adding transactions to journal file " <> journalFilePath j
today <- getCurrentDay
let es = defEntryState{esOpts=opts
@ -123,16 +126,16 @@ getAndAddTransactions es@EntryState{..} = (do
Nothing -> error "Could not interpret the input, restarting" -- caught below causing a restart, I believe -- PARTIAL:
Just t -> do
j <- if debug_ esOpts > 0
then do hPrintf stderr "Skipping journal add due to debug mode.\n"
then do hPutStrLn stderr "Skipping journal add due to debug mode."
return esJournal
else do j' <- journalAddTransaction esJournal esOpts t
hPrintf stderr "Saved.\n"
hPutStrLn stderr "Saved."
return j'
hPrintf stderr "Starting the next transaction (. or ctrl-D/ctrl-C to quit)\n"
hPutStrLn stderr "Starting the next transaction (. or ctrl-D/ctrl-C to quit)"
getAndAddTransactions es{esJournal=j, esDefDate=tdate t}
`E.catch` (\(_::RestartTransactionException) ->
hPrintf stderr "Restarting this transaction.\n" >> getAndAddTransactions es)
hPutStrLn stderr "Restarting this transaction." >> getAndAddTransactions es)
data TxnParams = TxnParams
{ txnDate :: Day
@ -164,7 +167,8 @@ confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es@EntryState{..} stack@(currentStage : _)
{ esArgs = drop 1 esArgs
, esDefDate = date
dateAndCodeString = formatTime defaultTimeLocale yyyymmddFormat date ++ (if T.null code then "" else " (" ++ T.unpack code ++ ")")
dateAndCodeString = formatTime defaultTimeLocale yyyymmddFormat date
++ T.unpack (if T.null code then "" else " (" <> code <> ")")
yyyymmddFormat = iso8601DateFormat Nothing
confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput{prevDateAndCode=Just dateAndCodeString} es' (EnterDescAndComment (date, code) : stack)
Nothing ->
@ -180,7 +184,9 @@ confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es@EntryState{..} stack@(currentStage : _)
descAndCommentString = T.unpack $ desc <> (if T.null comment then "" else " ; " <> comment)
prevInput' = prevInput{prevDescAndCmnt=Just descAndCommentString}
when (isJust mbaset) $ liftIO $ hPrintf stderr "Using this similar transaction for defaults:\n%s" (showTransaction $ fromJust mbaset)
when (isJust mbaset) . liftIO $ do
hPutStrLn stderr "Using this similar transaction for defaults:"
T.hPutStr stderr $ showTransaction (fromJust mbaset)
confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput' es' ((EnterNewPosting TxnParams{txnDate=date, txnCode=code, txnDesc=desc, txnCmnt=comment} Nothing) : stack)
Nothing ->
confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es (drop 1 stack)
@ -232,14 +238,14 @@ confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es@EntryState{..} stack@(currentStage : _)
,ptype=accountNamePostingType $ T.pack account
amountAndCommentString = showAmount amount ++ (if T.null comment then "" else " ;" ++ T.unpack comment)
amountAndCommentString = showAmount amount ++ T.unpack (if T.null comment then "" else " ;" <> comment)
prevAmountAndCmnt' = replaceNthOrAppend (length esPostings) amountAndCommentString (prevAmountAndCmnt prevInput)
es' = es{esPostings=esPostings++[posting], esArgs=drop 2 esArgs}
confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput{prevAmountAndCmnt=prevAmountAndCmnt'} es' (EnterNewPosting txnParams (Just posting) : stack)
Nothing -> confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es (drop 1 stack)
EndStage t -> do
output $ showTransaction t
output . T.unpack $ showTransaction t
y <- let def = "y" in
retryMsg "Please enter y or n." $
parser ((fmap (\c -> if c == '<' then Nothing else Just c)) . headMay . map toLower . strip) $
@ -262,7 +268,7 @@ similarTransaction EntryState{..} desc =
in bestmatch
dateAndCodeWizard PrevInput{..} EntryState{..} = do
let def = headDef (showDate esDefDate) esArgs
let def = headDef (T.unpack $ showDate esDefDate) esArgs
retryMsg "A valid hledger smart date is required. Eg: 2014/2/14, 14, yesterday." $
parser (parseSmartDateAndCode esToday) $
withCompletion (dateCompleter def) $
@ -303,7 +309,7 @@ accountWizard PrevInput{..} EntryState{..} = do
historicalp = fmap ((!! (pnum - 1)) . (++ (repeat nullposting)) . tpostings) esSimilarTransaction
historicalacct = case historicalp of Just p -> showAccountName Nothing (ptype p) (paccount p)
Nothing -> ""
def = headDef historicalacct esArgs
def = headDef (T.unpack historicalacct) esArgs
endmsg | canfinish && null def = " (or . or enter to finish this transaction)"
| canfinish = " (or . to finish this transaction)"
| otherwise = ""
@ -367,7 +373,7 @@ amountAndCommentWizard PrevInput{..} EntryState{..} = do
balancingamt = negate $ sum $ map pamount realps where realps = filter isReal esPostings
balancingamtfirstcommodity = Mixed $ take 1 $ amounts balancingamt
showamt =
showMixedAmount . setMixedAmountPrecision
-- what should this be ?
-- 1 maxprecision (show all decimal places or none) ?
-- 2 maxprecisionwithpoint (show all decimal places or .0 - avoids some but not all confusion with thousands separators) ?
@ -442,7 +448,7 @@ journalAddTransaction j@Journal{jtxns=ts} opts t = do
-- unelided shows all amounts explicitly, in case there's a price, cf #283
when (debug_ opts > 0) $ do
putStrLn $ printf "\nAdded transaction to %s:" f
putStrLn =<< registerFromString (showTransaction t)
TL.putStrLn =<< registerFromString (showTransaction t)
return j{jtxns=ts++[t]}
-- | Append a string, typically one or more transactions, to a journal
@ -453,20 +459,20 @@ journalAddTransaction j@Journal{jtxns=ts} opts t = do
-- even if the file uses dos line endings (\r\n), which could leave
-- mixed line endings in the file. See also writeFileWithBackupIfChanged.
appendToJournalFileOrStdout :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
appendToJournalFileOrStdout :: FilePath -> Text -> IO ()
appendToJournalFileOrStdout f s
| f == "-" = putStr s'
| otherwise = appendFile f s'
where s' = "\n" ++ ensureOneNewlineTerminated s
| f == "-" = T.putStr s'
| otherwise = appendFile f $ T.unpack s'
where s' = "\n" <> ensureOneNewlineTerminated s
-- | Replace a string's 0 or more terminating newlines with exactly one.
ensureOneNewlineTerminated :: String -> String
ensureOneNewlineTerminated = (++"\n") . reverse . dropWhile (=='\n') . reverse
ensureOneNewlineTerminated :: Text -> Text
ensureOneNewlineTerminated = (<>"\n") . T.dropWhileEnd (=='\n')
-- | Convert a string of journal data into a register report.
registerFromString :: String -> IO String
registerFromString :: T.Text -> IO TL.Text
registerFromString s = do
j <- readJournal' $ T.pack s
j <- readJournal' s
return . postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport rspec j
ropts = defreportopts{empty_=True}

View File

@ -19,18 +19,14 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Aregister (
) where
import Data.Aeson (toJSON)
import Data.Aeson.Text (encodeToLazyText)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import Data.Time (addDays)
import Safe (headDef)
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit (flagNone, flagReq)
import Hledger.Read.CsvReader (CSV, CsvRecord, printCSV)
import Hledger
@ -81,8 +77,8 @@ aregister opts@CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts,reportspec_=rspec} j = do
acct = headDef (error' $ show apat++" did not match any account") -- PARTIAL:
. filterAccts $ journalAccountNames j
filterAccts = case toRegexCI apat of
Right re -> filter (regexMatch re . T.unpack)
filterAccts = case toRegexCI $ T.pack apat of
Right re -> filter (regexMatchText re)
Left _ -> const []
-- gather report options
inclusive = True -- tree_ ropts
@ -109,21 +105,21 @@ aregister opts@CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts,reportspec_=rspec} j = do
-- run the report
-- TODO: need to also pass the queries so we can choose which date to render - move them into the report ?
(balancelabel,items) = accountTransactionsReport rspec' j reportq thisacctq
items = accountTransactionsReport rspec' j reportq thisacctq
items' = (if empty_ ropts then id else filter (not . mixedAmountLooksZero . fifth6)) $
reverse items
-- select renderer
render | fmt=="json" = (++"\n") . T.unpack . TL.toStrict . encodeToLazyText . toJSON
| fmt=="csv" = (++"\n") . printCSV . accountTransactionsReportAsCsv reportq thisacctq
| fmt=="txt" = accountTransactionsReportAsText opts reportq thisacctq
| otherwise = const $ error' $ unsupportedOutputFormatError fmt -- PARTIAL:
render | fmt=="txt" = accountTransactionsReportAsText opts reportq thisacctq
| fmt=="csv" = printCSV . accountTransactionsReportAsCsv reportq thisacctq
| fmt=="json" = toJsonText
| otherwise = error' $ unsupportedOutputFormatError fmt -- PARTIAL:
fmt = outputFormatFromOpts opts
writeOutput opts $ render (balancelabel,items')
writeOutputLazyText opts $ render items'
accountTransactionsReportAsCsv :: Query -> Query -> AccountTransactionsReport -> CSV
accountTransactionsReportAsCsv reportq thisacctq (_,is) =
accountTransactionsReportAsCsv reportq thisacctq is =
: map (accountTransactionsReportItemAsCsvRecord reportq thisacctq) is
@ -131,34 +127,32 @@ accountTransactionsReportItemAsCsvRecord :: Query -> Query -> AccountTransaction
reportq thisacctq
(t@Transaction{tindex,tcode,tdescription}, _, _issplit, otheracctsstr, change, balance)
= [idx,date,code,desc,otheracctsstr,amt,bal]
= [idx,date,tcode,tdescription,otheracctsstr,amt,bal]
idx = show tindex
idx = T.pack $ show tindex
date = showDate $ transactionRegisterDate reportq thisacctq t
code = T.unpack tcode
desc = T.unpack tdescription
amt = showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice False change
bal = showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice False balance
amt = wbToText $ showMixedAmountB oneLine change
bal = wbToText $ showMixedAmountB oneLine balance
-- | Render a register report as plain text suitable for console output.
accountTransactionsReportAsText :: CliOpts -> Query -> Query -> AccountTransactionsReport -> String
copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=ReportSpec{rsOpts=ReportOpts{no_elide_}}} reportq thisacctq (_balancelabel,items)
= unlines $ title :
accountTransactionsReportAsText :: CliOpts -> Query -> Query -> AccountTransactionsReport -> TL.Text
accountTransactionsReportAsText copts reportq thisacctq items
= TB.toLazyText . mconcat . intersperse (TB.fromText "\n") $
title :
map (accountTransactionsReportItemAsText copts reportq thisacctq amtwidth balwidth) items
amtwidth = maximumStrict $ 12 : map (snd . showamt . itemamt) items
balwidth = maximumStrict $ 12 : map (snd . showamt . itembal) items
showamt = showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice (Just 12) mmax False -- color_
where mmax = if no_elide_ then Nothing else Just 32
amtwidth = maximumStrict $ 12 : map (wbWidth . showamt . itemamt) items
balwidth = maximumStrict $ 12 : map (wbWidth . showamt . itembal) items
showamt = showMixedAmountB oneLine{displayMinWidth=Just 12, displayMaxWidth=mmax} -- color_
where mmax = if no_elide_ . rsOpts . reportspec_ $ copts then Nothing else Just 32
itemamt (_,_,_,_,a,_) = a
itembal (_,_,_,_,_,a) = a
-- show a title indicating which account was picked, which can be confusing otherwise
title = T.unpack $ maybe "" (("Transactions in "<>).(<>" and subaccounts:")) macct
title = maybe mempty (\s -> foldMap TB.fromText ["Transactions in ", s, " and subaccounts:"]) macct
-- XXX temporary hack ? recover the account name from the query
macct = case filterQuery queryIsAcct thisacctq of
Acct r -> Just . T.drop 1 . T.dropEnd 5 . T.pack $ reString r -- Acct "^JS:expenses(:|$)"
Acct r -> Just . T.drop 1 . T.dropEnd 5 $ reString r -- Acct "^JS:expenses(:|$)"
_ -> Nothing -- shouldn't happen
-- | Render one account register report line item as plain text. Layout is like so:
@ -173,72 +167,64 @@ accountTransactionsReportAsText
-- Returns a string which can be multi-line, eg if the running balance
-- has multiple commodities.
accountTransactionsReportItemAsText :: CliOpts -> Query -> Query -> Int -> Int -> AccountTransactionsReportItem -> String
accountTransactionsReportItemAsText :: CliOpts -> Query -> Query -> Int -> Int -> AccountTransactionsReportItem -> TB.Builder
reportq thisacctq preferredamtwidth preferredbalwidth
(t@Transaction{tdescription}, _, _issplit, otheracctsstr, change, balance)
(t@Transaction{tdescription}, _, _issplit, otheracctsstr, change, balance) =
-- Transaction -- the transaction, unmodified
-- Transaction -- the transaction, as seen from the current account
-- Bool -- is this a split (more than one posting to other accounts) ?
-- String -- a display string describing the other account(s), if any
-- MixedAmount -- the amount posted to the current account(s) (or total amount posted)
-- MixedAmount -- the register's running total or the current account(s)'s historical balance, after this transaction
foldMap TB.fromText . concat . intersperse (["\n"]) $
[ fitText (Just datewidth) (Just datewidth) True True date
, " "
, fitText (Just descwidth) (Just descwidth) True True tdescription
, " "
, fitText (Just acctwidth) (Just acctwidth) True True accts
, " "
, amtfirstline
, " "
, balfirstline
[ [ spacer, a, " ", b ] | (a,b) <- zip amtrest balrest ]
-- calculate widths
(totalwidth,mdescwidth) = registerWidthsFromOpts copts
(datewidth, date) = (10, showDate $ transactionRegisterDate reportq thisacctq t)
(amtwidth, balwidth)
| shortfall <= 0 = (preferredamtwidth, preferredbalwidth)
| otherwise = (adjustedamtwidth, adjustedbalwidth)
mincolwidth = 2 -- columns always show at least an ellipsis
maxamtswidth = max 0 (totalwidth - (datewidth + 1 + mincolwidth + 2 + mincolwidth + 2 + 2))
shortfall = (preferredamtwidth + preferredbalwidth) - maxamtswidth
amtwidthproportion = fromIntegral preferredamtwidth / fromIntegral (preferredamtwidth + preferredbalwidth)
adjustedamtwidth = round $ amtwidthproportion * fromIntegral maxamtswidth
adjustedbalwidth = maxamtswidth - adjustedamtwidth
= intercalate "\n" $
concat [fitString (Just datewidth) (Just datewidth) True True date
," "
,fitString (Just descwidth) (Just descwidth) True True desc
," "
,fitString (Just acctwidth) (Just acctwidth) True True accts
," "
," "
[concat [spacer
," "
| (a,b) <- zip amtrest balrest
-- calculate widths
(totalwidth,mdescwidth) = registerWidthsFromOpts copts
(datewidth, date) = (10, showDate $ transactionRegisterDate reportq thisacctq t)
(amtwidth, balwidth)
| shortfall <= 0 = (preferredamtwidth, preferredbalwidth)
| otherwise = (adjustedamtwidth, adjustedbalwidth)
mincolwidth = 2 -- columns always show at least an ellipsis
maxamtswidth = max 0 (totalwidth - (datewidth + 1 + mincolwidth + 2 + mincolwidth + 2 + 2))
shortfall = (preferredamtwidth + preferredbalwidth) - maxamtswidth
amtwidthproportion = fromIntegral preferredamtwidth / fromIntegral (preferredamtwidth + preferredbalwidth)
adjustedamtwidth = round $ amtwidthproportion * fromIntegral maxamtswidth
adjustedbalwidth = maxamtswidth - adjustedamtwidth
remaining = totalwidth - (datewidth + 1 + 2 + amtwidth + 2 + balwidth)
(descwidth, acctwidth) = (w, remaining - 2 - w)
where w = fromMaybe ((remaining - 2) `div` 2) mdescwidth
remaining = totalwidth - (datewidth + 1 + 2 + amtwidth + 2 + balwidth)
(descwidth, acctwidth) = (w, remaining - 2 - w)
w = fromMaybe ((remaining - 2) `div` 2) mdescwidth
-- gather content
desc = T.unpack tdescription
accts = -- T.unpack $ elideAccountName acctwidth $ T.pack
amt = fst $ showMixed showAmountWithoutPrice (Just amtwidth) (Just balwidth) color_ change
bal = fst $ showMixed showAmountWithoutPrice (Just balwidth) (Just balwidth) color_ balance
-- alternate behaviour, show null amounts as 0 instead of blank
-- amt = if null amt' then "0" else amt'
-- bal = if null bal' then "0" else bal'
(amtlines, ballines) = (lines amt, lines bal)
(amtlen, ballen) = (length amtlines, length ballines)
numlines = max 1 (max amtlen ballen)
(amtfirstline:amtrest) = take numlines $ amtlines ++ repeat (replicate amtwidth ' ') -- posting amount is top-aligned
(balfirstline:balrest) = take numlines $ replicate (numlines - ballen) (replicate balwidth ' ') ++ ballines -- balance amount is bottom-aligned
spacer = replicate (totalwidth - (amtwidth + 2 + balwidth)) ' '
-- gather content
accts = -- T.unpack $ elideAccountName acctwidth $ T.pack
amt = TL.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . wbBuilder $ showamt amtwidth change
bal = TL.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . wbBuilder $ showamt balwidth balance
showamt w = showMixedAmountB noPrice{displayColour=color_, displayMinWidth=Just w, displayMaxWidth=Just w}
-- alternate behaviour, show null amounts as 0 instead of blank
-- amt = if null amt' then "0" else amt'
-- bal = if null bal' then "0" else bal'
(amtlines, ballines) = (T.lines amt, T.lines bal)
(amtlen, ballen) = (length amtlines, length ballines)
numlines = max 1 (max amtlen ballen)
(amtfirstline:amtrest) = take numlines $ amtlines ++ repeat "" -- posting amount is top-aligned
(balfirstline:balrest) = take numlines $ replicate (numlines - ballen) "" ++ ballines -- balance amount is bottom-aligned
spacer = T.replicate (totalwidth - (amtwidth + 2 + balwidth)) " "
-- tests

View File

@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Balance (
) where
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.List (intercalate, transpose)
import Data.List (intersperse, transpose)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList)
--import qualified Data.Map as Map
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
@ -263,11 +263,12 @@ import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import Data.Time (fromGregorian)
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as C
import Lucid as L
import Text.Tabular as T
import Text.Tabular.AsciiWide as T
import Text.Tabular as Tab
import Text.Tabular.AsciiWide as Tab
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
@ -321,30 +322,30 @@ balance opts@CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts,reportspec_=rspec} j = do
assrt = not $ ignore_assertions_ $ inputopts_ opts
render = case fmt of
"txt" -> budgetReportAsText ropts
"json" -> (++"\n") . TL.unpack . toJsonText
"csv" -> (++"\n") . printCSV . budgetReportAsCsv ropts
_ -> const $ error' $ unsupportedOutputFormatError fmt
writeOutput opts $ render budgetreport
"json" -> (<>"\n") . toJsonText
"csv" -> printCSV . budgetReportAsCsv ropts
_ -> error' $ unsupportedOutputFormatError fmt
writeOutputLazyText opts $ render budgetreport
if multiperiod then do -- multi period balance report
let report = multiBalanceReport rspec j
render = case fmt of
"txt" -> multiBalanceReportAsText ropts
"csv" -> (++"\n") . printCSV . multiBalanceReportAsCsv ropts
"html" -> (++"\n") . TL.unpack . L.renderText . multiBalanceReportAsHtml ropts
"json" -> (++"\n") . TL.unpack . toJsonText
"csv" -> printCSV . multiBalanceReportAsCsv ropts
"html" -> (<>"\n") . L.renderText . multiBalanceReportAsHtml ropts
"json" -> (<>"\n") . toJsonText
_ -> const $ error' $ unsupportedOutputFormatError fmt -- PARTIAL:
writeOutput opts $ render report
writeOutputLazyText opts $ render report
else do -- single period simple balance report
let report = balanceReport rspec j -- simple Ledger-style balance report
render = case fmt of
"txt" -> balanceReportAsText
"csv" -> \ropts r -> (++ "\n") $ printCSV $ balanceReportAsCsv ropts r
"json" -> const $ (++"\n") . TL.unpack . toJsonText
_ -> const $ error' $ unsupportedOutputFormatError fmt -- PARTIAL:
writeOutput opts $ render ropts report
"txt" -> \ropts -> TB.toLazyText . balanceReportAsText ropts
"csv" -> \ropts -> printCSV . balanceReportAsCsv ropts
"json" -> const $ (<>"\n") . toJsonText
_ -> error' $ unsupportedOutputFormatError fmt -- PARTIAL:
writeOutputLazyText opts $ render ropts report
-- XXX should all the per-report, per-format rendering code live in the command module,
@ -356,25 +357,32 @@ balance opts@CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts,reportspec_=rspec} j = do
balanceReportAsCsv :: ReportOpts -> BalanceReport -> CSV
balanceReportAsCsv opts (items, total) =
["account","balance"] :
[[T.unpack a, showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice False b] | (a, _, _, b) <- items]
[[a, wbToText $ showMixedAmountB oneLine b] | (a, _, _, b) <- items]
if no_total_ opts
then []
else [["total", showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice False total]]
else [["total", wbToText $ showMixedAmountB oneLine total]]
-- | Render a single-column balance report as plain text.
balanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> BalanceReport -> String
balanceReportAsText opts ((items, total)) = unlines $
concat lines ++ if no_total_ opts then [] else overline : totallines
balanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> BalanceReport -> TB.Builder
balanceReportAsText opts ((items, total)) =
unlinesB lines
<> unlinesB (if no_total_ opts then [] else [overline, totalLines])
lines = map (balanceReportItemAsText opts) items
unlinesB [] = mempty
unlinesB xs = mconcat (intersperse (TB.singleton '\n') xs) <> TB.singleton '\n'
(lines, sizes) = unzip $ map (balanceReportItemAsText opts) items
-- abuse renderBalanceReportItem to render the total with similar format
acctcolwidth = maximum' [T.length fullname | (fullname, _, _, _) <- items]
totallines = map rstrip $ renderBalanceReportItem opts (T.replicate (acctcolwidth+1) " ", 0, total)
(totalLines, _) = renderBalanceReportItem opts ("",0,total)
-- with a custom format, extend the line to the full report width;
-- otherwise show the usual 20-char line for compatibility
overlinewidth = fromMaybe (maximum' . map length $ concat lines) . overlineWidth $ format_ opts
overline = replicate overlinewidth '-'
overlinewidth = case format_ opts of
OneLine ((FormatField _ _ _ TotalField):_) -> 20
TopAligned ((FormatField _ _ _ TotalField):_) -> 20
BottomAligned ((FormatField _ _ _ TotalField):_) -> 20
_ -> sum (map maximum' $ transpose sizes)
overline = TB.fromText $ T.replicate overlinewidth "-"
@ -391,7 +399,7 @@ This implementation turned out to be a bit convoluted but implements the followi
-- whatever string format is specified). Note, prices will not be rendered, and
-- differently-priced quantities of the same commodity will appear merged.
-- The output will be one or more lines depending on the format and number of commodities.
balanceReportItemAsText :: ReportOpts -> BalanceReportItem -> [String]
balanceReportItemAsText :: ReportOpts -> BalanceReportItem -> (TB.Builder, [Int])
balanceReportItemAsText opts (_, accountName, depth, amt) =
renderBalanceReportItem opts (
@ -400,42 +408,37 @@ balanceReportItemAsText opts (_, accountName, depth, amt) =
-- | Render a balance report item using the given StringFormat, generating one or more lines of text.
renderBalanceReportItem :: ReportOpts -> (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> [String]
renderBalanceReportItem :: ReportOpts -> (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> (TB.Builder, [Int])
renderBalanceReportItem opts (acctname, depth, total) =
lines $ case format_ opts of
OneLine _ comps -> concatOneLine $ render1 comps
TopAligned _ comps -> concatBottomPadded $ render comps
BottomAligned _ comps -> concatTopPadded $ render comps
case format_ opts of
OneLine comps -> renderRow' $ render True True comps
TopAligned comps -> renderRow' $ render True False comps
BottomAligned comps -> renderRow' $ render False False comps
render1 = map (renderComponent1 opts (acctname, depth, total))
render = map (renderComponent opts (acctname, depth, total))
renderRow' is = ( renderRowB def{tableBorders=False, borderSpaces=False}
. Tab.Group NoLine $ map Header is
, map cellWidth is )
render topaligned oneline = map (maybeConcat . renderComponent topaligned opts (acctname, depth, total))
where maybeConcat (Cell a xs) =
if oneline then Cell a [WideBuilder (mconcat . intersperse (TB.fromText ", ") $ map wbBuilder xs) width]
else Cell a xs
where width = sumStrict (map ((+2) . wbWidth) xs) -2
-- | Render one StringFormat component for a balance report item.
renderComponent :: ReportOpts -> (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> StringFormatComponent -> String
renderComponent _ _ (FormatLiteral s) = s
renderComponent opts (acctname, depth, total) (FormatField ljust min max field) = case field of
DepthSpacerField -> formatString ljust Nothing max $ replicate d ' '
where d = case min of
Just m -> depth * m
Nothing -> depth
AccountField -> formatString ljust min max (T.unpack acctname)
TotalField -> fst $ showMixed showAmountWithoutPrice min max (color_ opts) total
_ -> ""
-- | Render one StringFormat component for a balance report item.
-- This variant is for use with OneLine string formats; it squashes
-- any multi-line rendered values onto one line, comma-and-space separated,
-- while still complying with the width spec.
renderComponent1 :: ReportOpts -> (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> StringFormatComponent -> String
renderComponent1 _ _ (FormatLiteral s) = s
renderComponent1 opts (acctname, depth, total) (FormatField ljust min max field) = case field of
AccountField -> formatString ljust min max ((intercalate ", " . lines) (indented (T.unpack acctname)))
-- better to indent the account name here rather than use a DepthField component
-- so that it complies with width spec. Uses a fixed indent step size.
indented = ((replicate (depth*2) ' ')++)
TotalField -> fst $ showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice min max (color_ opts) total
_ -> ""
renderComponent :: Bool -> ReportOpts -> (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> StringFormatComponent -> Cell
renderComponent _ _ _ (FormatLiteral s) = alignCell TopLeft s
renderComponent topaligned opts (acctname, depth, total) (FormatField ljust mmin mmax field) = case field of
DepthSpacerField -> Cell align [WideBuilder (TB.fromText $ T.replicate d " ") d]
where d = maybe id min mmax $ depth * fromMaybe 1 mmin
AccountField -> alignCell align $ formatText ljust mmin mmax acctname
TotalField -> Cell align . pure $ showamt total
_ -> Cell align [mempty]
align = if topaligned then (if ljust then TopLeft else TopRight)
else (if ljust then BottomLeft else BottomRight)
showamt = showMixedAmountB noPrice{displayColour=color_ opts, displayMinWidth=mmin, displayMaxWidth=mmax}
-- rendering multi-column balance reports
@ -450,8 +453,8 @@ multiBalanceReportAsCsv opts@ReportOpts{average_, row_total_}
++ ["Total" | row_total_]
++ ["Average" | average_]
) :
[T.unpack (displayFull a) :
map (showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice False)
[displayFull a :
map (wbToText . showMixedAmountB oneLine)
++ [rowtot | row_total_]
++ [rowavg | average_])
@ -460,7 +463,7 @@ multiBalanceReportAsCsv opts@ReportOpts{average_, row_total_}
if no_total_ opts
then []
else ["Total:" :
map (showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice False) (
map (wbToText . showMixedAmountB oneLine) (
++ [tot | row_total_]
++ [avg | average_]
@ -496,7 +499,7 @@ multiBalanceReportHtmlRows ropts mbr =
-- | Render one MultiBalanceReport heading row as a HTML table row.
multiBalanceReportHtmlHeadRow :: ReportOpts -> [String] -> Html ()
multiBalanceReportHtmlHeadRow :: ReportOpts -> [T.Text] -> Html ()
multiBalanceReportHtmlHeadRow _ [] = mempty -- shouldn't happen
multiBalanceReportHtmlHeadRow ropts (acct:rest) =
@ -514,7 +517,7 @@ multiBalanceReportHtmlHeadRow ropts (acct:rest) =
++ [td_ [class_ "rowaverage", defstyle] (toHtml a) | a <- avg]
-- | Render one MultiBalanceReport data row as a HTML table row.
multiBalanceReportHtmlBodyRow :: ReportOpts -> [String] -> Html ()
multiBalanceReportHtmlBodyRow :: ReportOpts -> [T.Text] -> Html ()
multiBalanceReportHtmlBodyRow _ [] = mempty -- shouldn't happen
multiBalanceReportHtmlBodyRow ropts (label:rest) =
@ -532,7 +535,7 @@ multiBalanceReportHtmlBodyRow ropts (label:rest) =
++ [td_ [class_ "amount rowaverage", defstyle] (toHtml a) | a <- avg]
-- | Render one MultiBalanceReport totals row as a HTML table row.
multiBalanceReportHtmlFootRow :: ReportOpts -> [String] -> Html ()
multiBalanceReportHtmlFootRow :: ReportOpts -> [T.Text] -> Html ()
multiBalanceReportHtmlFootRow _ropts [] = mempty
-- TODO pad totals row with zeros when subreport is empty
-- multiBalanceReportHtmlFootRow ropts $
@ -559,9 +562,11 @@ multiBalanceReportHtmlFootRow ropts (acct:rest) =
--thRow = tr_ . mconcat . map (th_ . toHtml)
-- | Render a multi-column balance report as plain text suitable for console output.
multiBalanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> String
multiBalanceReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} r =
title ++ "\n\n" ++ (balanceReportTableAsText ropts $ balanceReportAsTable ropts r)
multiBalanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> TL.Text
multiBalanceReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} r = TB.toLazyText $
TB.fromText title
<> TB.fromText "\n\n"
<> balanceReportTableAsText ropts (balanceReportAsTable ropts r)
title = mtitle <> " in " <> showDateSpan (periodicReportSpan r) <> valuationdesc <> ":"
@ -576,7 +581,7 @@ multiBalanceReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} r =
Just (AtEnd _mc) | changingValuation -> ""
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> ", valued at period ends"
Just (AtNow _mc) -> ", current value"
Just (AtDate d _mc) -> ", valued at "++showDate d
Just (AtDate d _mc) -> ", valued at " <> showDate d
Nothing -> ""
changingValuation = case (balancetype_, value_) of
@ -584,14 +589,14 @@ multiBalanceReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} r =
_ -> False
-- | Build a 'Table' from a multi-column balance report.
balanceReportAsTable :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> Table String String MixedAmount
balanceReportAsTable :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> Table T.Text T.Text MixedAmount
balanceReportAsTable opts@ReportOpts{average_, row_total_, balancetype_}
(PeriodicReport spans items (PeriodicReportRow _ coltotals tot avg)) =
maybetranspose $
addtotalrow $
(T.Group NoLine $ map Header accts)
(T.Group NoLine $ map Header colheadings)
(Tab.Group NoLine $ map Header accts)
(Tab.Group NoLine $ map Header colheadings)
(map rowvals items)
totalscolumn = row_total_ && balancetype_ `notElem` [CumulativeChange, HistoricalBalance]
@ -600,7 +605,7 @@ balanceReportAsTable opts@ReportOpts{average_, row_total_, balancetype_}
++ ["Average" | average_]
accts = map renderacct items
renderacct row =
replicate ((prrDepth row - 1) * 2) ' ' ++ T.unpack (prrDisplayName row)
T.replicate ((prrDepth row - 1) * 2) " " <> prrDisplayName row
rowvals (PeriodicReportRow _ as rowtot rowavg) = as
++ [rowtot | totalscolumn]
++ [rowavg | average_]
@ -617,12 +622,12 @@ balanceReportAsTable opts@ReportOpts{average_, row_total_, balancetype_}
-- made using 'balanceReportAsTable'), render it in a format suitable for
-- console output. Amounts with more than two commodities will be elided
-- unless --no-elide is used.
balanceReportTableAsText :: ReportOpts -> Table String String MixedAmount -> String
balanceReportTableAsText :: ReportOpts -> Table T.Text T.Text MixedAmount -> TB.Builder
balanceReportTableAsText ReportOpts{..} =
T.renderTable def{tableBorders=False, prettyTable=pretty_tables_}
(T.alignCell TopLeft) (T.alignCell TopRight) showamt
Tab.renderTableB def{tableBorders=False, prettyTable=pretty_tables_}
(Tab.alignCell TopLeft) (Tab.alignCell TopRight) showamt
showamt = Cell TopRight . pure . showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing mmax color_
showamt = Cell TopRight . pure . showMixedAmountB oneLine{displayColour=color_, displayMaxWidth=mmax}
mmax = if no_elide_ then Nothing else Just 32
@ -631,14 +636,12 @@ tests_Balance = tests "Balance" [
tests "balanceReportAsText" [
test "unicode in balance layout" $ do
j <- readJournal' "2009/01/01 * медвежья шкура\n расходы:покупки 100\n актив:наличные\n"
let rspec = defreportspec
balanceReportAsText (rsOpts rspec) (balanceReport rspec{rsToday=fromGregorian 2008 11 26} j)
let rspec = defreportspec{rsOpts=defreportopts{no_total_=True}}
TB.toLazyText (balanceReportAsText (rsOpts rspec) (balanceReport rspec{rsToday=fromGregorian 2008 11 26} j))
[" -100 актив:наличные"
," 100 расходы:покупки"
," 0"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
The @balancesheet@ command prints a simple balance sheet.

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
The @balancesheetequity@ command prints a simple balance sheet.

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
The @cashflow@ command prints a simplified cashflow statement. It just

View File

@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Check.Ordereddates (
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
import Text.Printf
journalCheckOrdereddates :: CliOpts -> Journal -> Either String ()
journalCheckOrdereddates CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec} j = do
@ -22,16 +27,16 @@ journalCheckOrdereddates CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec} j = do
FoldAcc{fa_previous=Nothing} -> return ()
FoldAcc{fa_error=Nothing} -> return ()
FoldAcc{fa_error=Just error, fa_previous=Just previous} -> do
datestr = if date2_ ropts then "2" else ""
uniquestr = if checkunique then " and/or not unique" else ""
positionstr = showGenericSourcePos $ tsourcepos error
txn1str = linesPrepend " " $ showTransaction previous
txn2str = linesPrepend2 "> " " " $ showTransaction error
Left $ printf "transaction date%s is out of order%s\nat %s:\n\n%s"
(if date2_ ropts then "2" else "")
(txn1str ++ txn2str)
txn1str = T.unpack . linesPrepend (T.pack " ") $ showTransaction previous
txn2str = T.unpack . linesPrepend2 (T.pack "> ") (T.pack " ") $ showTransaction error
Left $
"Error: transaction date" <> datestr <> " is out of order"
<> uniquestr <> "\nat " <> positionstr <> ":\n\n"
<> txn1str <> txn2str
data FoldAcc a b = FoldAcc
{ fa_error :: Maybe a

View File

@ -1,26 +1,32 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Check.Uniqueleafnames (
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (groupBy, sortBy)
import Data.List.Extra (nubSort)
import Data.Text (Text)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Hledger
import Text.Printf
journalCheckUniqueleafnames :: Journal -> Either String ()
journalCheckUniqueleafnames j = do
let dupes = checkdupes' $ accountsNames j
if null dupes
then Right ()
else Left $
else Left . T.unpack $
-- XXX make output more like Checkdates.hs, Check.hs etc.
concatMap render dupes
foldMap render dupes
render (leafName, accountNameL) =
printf "%s as %s\n" leafName (intercalate ", " (map T.unpack accountNameL))
render (leafName, accountNameL) =
leafName <> " as " <> T.intercalate ", " accountNameL
checkdupes' :: (Ord k, Eq k) => [(k, v)] -> [(k, [v])]
checkdupes' l = zip dupLeafs dupAccountNames
@ -31,8 +37,8 @@ checkdupes' l = zip dupLeafs dupAccountNames
. groupBy ((==) `on` fst)
. sortBy (compare `on` fst)
accountsNames :: Journal -> [(String, AccountName)]
accountsNames :: Journal -> [(Text, AccountName)]
accountsNames j = map leafAndAccountName as
where leafAndAccountName a = (T.unpack $ accountLeafName a, a)
where leafAndAccountName a = (accountLeafName a, a)
ps = journalPostings j
as = nubSort $ map paccount ps

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NoOverloadedStrings #-} -- prevent trouble if turned on in ghci
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Checkdates (
) where
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit
import System.Exit
checkdatesmode :: Mode RawOpts
checkdatesmode = hledgerCommandMode
$(embedFileRelative "Hledger/Cli/Commands/Checkdates.txt")
[flagNone ["unique"] (setboolopt "unique") "require that dates are unique"]
([], Just $ argsFlag "[QUERY]")
checkdates :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ()
checkdates CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts,reportspec_=rspec} j = do
let ropts = (rsOpts rspec){accountlistmode_=ALFlat}
let ts = filter (rsQuery rspec `matchesTransaction`) $
jtxns $ journalSelectingAmountFromOpts ropts j
-- pprint rawopts
let unique = boolopt "--unique" rawopts -- TEMP: it's this for hledger check dates
|| boolopt "unique" rawopts -- and this for hledger check-dates (for some reason)
let date = transactionDateFn ropts
let compare a b =
if unique
then date a < date b
else date a <= date b
case checkTransactions compare ts of
FoldAcc{fa_previous=Nothing} -> return ()
FoldAcc{fa_error=Nothing} -> return ()
FoldAcc{fa_error=Just error, fa_previous=Just previous} -> do
uniquestr = T.pack $ if unique then " and/or not unique" else ""
positionstr = T.pack . showGenericSourcePos $ tsourcepos error
txn1str = linesPrepend (T.pack " ") $ showTransaction previous
txn2str = linesPrepend2 (T.pack "> ") (T.pack " ") $ showTransaction error
T.putStrLn $
T.pack "Error: transaction date is out of order"
<> uniquestr <> T.pack "\nat " <> positionstr <> T.pack ":\n\n"
<> txn1str <> txn2str
data FoldAcc a b = FoldAcc
{ fa_error :: Maybe a
, fa_previous :: Maybe b
foldWhile :: (a -> FoldAcc a b -> FoldAcc a b) -> FoldAcc a b -> [a] -> FoldAcc a b
foldWhile _ acc [] = acc
foldWhile fold acc (a:as) =
case fold a acc of
acc@FoldAcc{fa_error=Just _} -> acc
acc -> foldWhile fold acc as
checkTransactions :: (Transaction -> Transaction -> Bool)
-> [Transaction] -> FoldAcc Transaction Transaction
checkTransactions compare = foldWhile f FoldAcc{fa_error=Nothing, fa_previous=Nothing}
f current acc@FoldAcc{fa_previous=Nothing} = acc{fa_previous=Just current}
f current acc@FoldAcc{fa_previous=Just previous} =
if compare previous current
then acc{fa_previous=Just current}
else acc{fa_error=Just current}

View File

@ -10,9 +10,10 @@ where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (groupBy)
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T (pack)
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.Time.Calendar (addDays)
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as C
import Hledger
@ -152,6 +153,5 @@ close CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts, reportspec_=rspec} j = do
++ [posting{paccount=openingacct, pamount=if explicit then mapMixedAmount precise (negate totalamt) else missingmixedamt} | not interleaved]
-- print them
when closing $ putStr $ showTransaction closingtxn
when opening $ putStr $ showTransaction openingtxn
when closing . T.putStr $ showTransaction closingtxn
when opening . T.putStr $ showTransaction openingtxn

View File

@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Diff (
) where
import Data.List
import Data.Function
import Data.Ord
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time
import Data.Either
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.Exit
import Data.List ((\\), groupBy, nubBy, sortBy)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Time (diffDays)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import Hledger
import Prelude hiding (putStrLn)
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ diff CliOpts{file_=[f1, f2], reportspec_=ReportSpec{rsQuery=Acct acctRe}} _ = do
j1 <- readJournalFile' f1
j2 <- readJournalFile' f2
let acct = T.pack $ reString acctRe
let acct = reString acctRe
let pp1 = matchingPostings acct j1
let pp2 = matchingPostings acct j2
@ -116,10 +116,10 @@ diff CliOpts{file_=[f1, f2], reportspec_=ReportSpec{rsQuery=Acct acctRe}} _ = do
let unmatchedtxn2 = unmatchedtxns R pp2 m
putStrLn "These transactions are in the first file only:\n"
mapM_ (putStr . showTransaction) unmatchedtxn1
mapM_ (T.putStr . showTransaction) unmatchedtxn1
putStrLn "These transactions are in the second file only:\n"
mapM_ (putStr . showTransaction) unmatchedtxn2
mapM_ (T.putStr . showTransaction) unmatchedtxn2
diff _ _ = do
putStrLn "Please specify two input files. Usage: hledger diff -f FILE1 -f FILE2 FULLACCOUNTNAME"

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ The @files@ command lists included files.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Files (
@ -12,8 +11,8 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Files (
) where
import Data.List
import Safe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Safe (headMay)
import Hledger
import Prelude hiding (putStrLn)
@ -33,7 +32,7 @@ filesmode = hledgerCommandMode
files :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ()
files CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts} j = do
let args = listofstringopt "args" rawopts
regex <- mapM (either fail pure . toRegex) $ headMay args
regex <- mapM (either fail pure . toRegex . T.pack) $ headMay args
let files = maybe id (filter . regexMatch) regex
$ map fst
$ jfiles j

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ where
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
import Hledger.Cli.Commands.Add (journalAddTransaction)
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ importcmd opts@CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts,inputopts_=iopts} j = do
printf "; would import %d new transactions from %s:\n\n" (length newts) inputstr
-- TODO how to force output here ?
-- length (jtxns newj) `seq` print' opts{rawopts_=("explicit",""):rawopts} newj
mapM_ (putStr . showTransaction) newts
mapM_ (T.putStr . showTransaction) newts
newts | catchup -> do
printf "marked %s as caught up, skipping %d unimported transactions\n\n" inputstr (length newts)
newts -> do

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Prices (
@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.Time
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ prices opts j = do
cprices = map (stylePriceDirectiveExceptPrecision styles) $ concatMap postingsPriceDirectivesFromCosts ps
icprices = map (stylePriceDirectiveExceptPrecision styles) $ concatMap postingsPriceDirectivesFromCosts $ mapAmount invertPrice ps
allprices = mprices ++ ifBoolOpt "costs" cprices ++ ifBoolOpt "inverted-costs" icprices
mapM_ (putStrLn . showPriceDirective) $
mapM_ (T.putStrLn . showPriceDirective) $
sortOn pddate $
filter (matchesPriceDirective q) $
@ -41,8 +43,8 @@ prices opts j = do
ifBoolOpt opt | boolopt opt $ rawopts_ opts = id
| otherwise = const []
showPriceDirective :: PriceDirective -> String
showPriceDirective mp = unwords ["P", show $ pddate mp, T.unpack . quoteCommoditySymbolIfNeeded $ pdcommodity mp, showAmountWithZeroCommodity $ pdamount mp]
showPriceDirective :: PriceDirective -> T.Text
showPriceDirective mp = T.unwords ["P", T.pack . show $ pddate mp, quoteCommoditySymbolIfNeeded $ pdcommodity mp, wbToText . showAmountB noColour{displayZeroCommodity=True} $ pdamount mp]
divideAmount' :: Quantity -> Amount -> Amount
divideAmount' n a = a' where

View File

@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ A ledger-compatible @print@ command.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Print (
@ -17,9 +18,14 @@ where
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.List (intersperse)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit
import Hledger.Read.CsvReader (CSV, printCSV)
@ -53,18 +59,18 @@ print' opts j = do
Just desc -> printMatch opts j $ T.pack desc
printEntries :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ()
printEntries opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec} j = do
let fmt = outputFormatFromOpts opts
render = case fmt of
"txt" -> entriesReportAsText opts
"csv" -> (++"\n") . printCSV . entriesReportAsCsv
"json" -> (++"\n") . TL.unpack . toJsonText
"sql" -> entriesReportAsSql
_ -> const $ error' $ unsupportedOutputFormatError fmt -- PARTIAL:
writeOutput opts $ render $ entriesReport rspec j
printEntries opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec} j =
writeOutputLazyText opts . render $ entriesReport rspec j
fmt = outputFormatFromOpts opts
render | fmt=="txt" = entriesReportAsText opts
| fmt=="csv" = printCSV . entriesReportAsCsv
| fmt=="json" = toJsonText
| fmt=="sql" = entriesReportAsSql
| otherwise = error' $ unsupportedOutputFormatError fmt -- PARTIAL:
entriesReportAsText :: CliOpts -> EntriesReport -> String
entriesReportAsText opts = concatMap (showTransaction . whichtxn)
entriesReportAsText :: CliOpts -> EntriesReport -> TL.Text
entriesReportAsText opts = TB.toLazyText . foldMap (TB.fromText . showTransaction . whichtxn)
-- With -x, use the fully-inferred txn with all amounts & txn prices explicit.
@ -125,18 +131,17 @@ originalPostingPreservingAccount p = (originalPosting p) { paccount = paccount p
-- ]
-- ]
entriesReportAsSql :: EntriesReport -> String
entriesReportAsSql txns =
"create table if not exists postings(id serial,txnidx int,date1 date,date2 date,status text,code text,description text,comment text,account text,amount numeric,commodity text,credit numeric,debit numeric,posting_status text,posting_comment text);\n"++
"insert into postings(txnidx,date1,date2,status,code,description,comment,account,amount,commodity,credit,debit,posting_status,posting_comment) values\n"++
(intercalate "," (map values csv))
entriesReportAsSql :: EntriesReport -> TL.Text
entriesReportAsSql txns = TB.toLazyText $ mconcat
[ TB.fromText "create table if not exists postings(id serial,txnidx int,date1 date,date2 date,status text,code text,description text,comment text,account text,amount numeric,commodity text,credit numeric,debit numeric,posting_status text,posting_comment text);\n"
, TB.fromText "insert into postings(txnidx,date1,date2,status,code,description,comment,account,amount,commodity,credit,debit,posting_status,posting_comment) values\n"
, mconcat . intersperse (TB.fromText ",") $ map values csv
, TB.fromText ";\n"
values vs = "(" ++ (intercalate "," $ map toSql vs) ++ ")\n"
toSql "" = "NULL"
toSql s = "'" ++ (concatMap quoteChar s) ++ "'"
quoteChar '\'' = "''"
quoteChar c = [c]
values vs = TB.fromText "(" <> mconcat (intersperse (TB.fromText ",") $ map toSql vs) <> TB.fromText ")\n"
toSql "" = TB.fromText "NULL"
toSql s = TB.fromText "'" <> TB.fromText (T.replace "'" "''" s) <> TB.fromText "'"
csv = concatMap transactionToCSV txns
entriesReportAsCsv :: EntriesReport -> CSV
@ -148,16 +153,16 @@ entriesReportAsCsv txns =
-- The txnidx field (transaction index) allows postings to be grouped back into transactions.
transactionToCSV :: Transaction -> CSV
transactionToCSV t =
map (\p -> show idx:date:date2:status:code:description:comment:p)
map (\p -> T.pack (show idx):date:date2:status:code:description:comment:p)
(concatMap postingToCSV $ tpostings t)
idx = tindex t
description = T.unpack $ tdescription t
description = tdescription t
date = showDate (tdate t)
date2 = maybe "" showDate (tdate2 t)
status = show $ tstatus t
code = T.unpack $ tcode t
comment = chomp $ strip $ T.unpack $ tcomment t
date2 = maybe "" showDate $ tdate2 t
status = T.pack . show $ tstatus t
code = tcode t
comment = T.strip $ tcomment t
postingToCSV :: Posting -> CSV
postingToCSV p =
@ -165,17 +170,17 @@ postingToCSV p =
-- commodity goes into separate column, so we suppress it, along with digit group
-- separators and prices
let a_ = a{acommodity="",astyle=(astyle a){asdigitgroups=Nothing},aprice=Nothing} in
let amount = showAmount a_ in
let commodity = T.unpack c in
let credit = if q < 0 then showAmount $ negate a_ else "" in
let debit = if q >= 0 then showAmount a_ else "" in
[account, amount, commodity, credit, debit, status, comment])
let showamt = TL.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . wbBuilder . showAmountB noColour in
let amount = showamt a_ in
let credit = if q < 0 then showamt $ negate a_ else "" in
let debit = if q >= 0 then showamt a_ else "" in
[account, amount, c, credit, debit, status, comment])
Mixed amounts = pamount p
status = show $ pstatus p
status = T.pack . show $ pstatus p
account = showAccountName Nothing (ptype p) (paccount p)
comment = chomp $ strip $ T.unpack $ pcomment p
comment = T.strip $ pcomment p
-- --match
@ -185,7 +190,7 @@ printMatch :: CliOpts -> Journal -> Text -> IO ()
printMatch CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec} j desc = do
case similarTransaction' j (rsQuery rspec) desc of
Nothing -> putStrLn "no matches found."
Just t -> putStr $ showTransaction t
Just t -> T.putStr $ showTransaction t
-- Identify the closest recent match for this description in past transactions.

View File

@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ A ledger-compatible @register@ command.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Register (
@ -18,11 +18,15 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Register (
) where
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
-- import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit
import Hledger.Read.CsvReader (CSV, CsvRecord, printCSV)
@ -58,16 +62,17 @@ registermode = hledgerCommandMode
-- | Print a (posting) register report.
register :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ()
register opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec} j = do
let fmt = outputFormatFromOpts opts
render | fmt=="txt" = postingsReportAsText
| fmt=="csv" = const ((++"\n") . printCSV . postingsReportAsCsv)
| fmt=="json" = const ((++"\n") . TL.unpack . toJsonText)
| otherwise = const $ error' $ unsupportedOutputFormatError fmt -- PARTIAL:
writeOutput opts . render opts $ postingsReport rspec j
register opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec} j =
writeOutputLazyText opts . render $ postingsReport rspec j
fmt = outputFormatFromOpts opts
render | fmt=="txt" = postingsReportAsText opts
| fmt=="csv" = printCSV . postingsReportAsCsv
| fmt=="json" = toJsonText
| otherwise = error' $ unsupportedOutputFormatError fmt -- PARTIAL:
postingsReportAsCsv :: PostingsReport -> CSV
postingsReportAsCsv (_,is) =
postingsReportAsCsv is =
map postingsReportItemAsCsvRecord is
@ -75,27 +80,32 @@ postingsReportAsCsv (_,is) =
postingsReportItemAsCsvRecord :: PostingsReportItem -> CsvRecord
postingsReportItemAsCsvRecord (_, _, _, p, b) = [idx,date,code,desc,acct,amt,bal]
idx = show $ maybe 0 tindex $ ptransaction p
idx = T.pack . show . maybe 0 tindex $ ptransaction p
date = showDate $ postingDate p -- XXX csv should show date2 with --date2
code = maybe "" (T.unpack . tcode) $ ptransaction p
desc = T.unpack $ maybe "" tdescription $ ptransaction p
acct = bracket $ T.unpack $ paccount p
code = maybe "" tcode $ ptransaction p
desc = maybe "" tdescription $ ptransaction p
acct = bracket $ paccount p
bracket = case ptype p of
BalancedVirtualPosting -> (\s -> "["++s++"]")
VirtualPosting -> (\s -> "("++s++")")
BalancedVirtualPosting -> wrap "[" "]"
VirtualPosting -> wrap "(" ")"
_ -> id
amt = showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice False $ pamount p
bal = showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice False b
amt = wbToText . showMixedAmountB oneLine $ pamount p
bal = wbToText $ showMixedAmountB oneLine b
-- | Render a register report as plain text suitable for console output.
postingsReportAsText :: CliOpts -> PostingsReport -> String
postingsReportAsText opts (_,items) = unlines $ map (postingsReportItemAsText opts amtwidth balwidth) items
postingsReportAsText :: CliOpts -> PostingsReport -> TL.Text
postingsReportAsText opts items =
TB.toLazyText . unlinesB $
map (postingsReportItemAsText opts amtwidth balwidth) items
amtwidth = maximumStrict $ map (snd . showMixed showAmount (Just 12) Nothing False . itemamt) items
balwidth = maximumStrict $ map (snd . showMixed showAmount (Just 12) Nothing False . itembal) items
amtwidth = maximumStrict $ map (wbWidth . showAmt . itemamt) items
balwidth = maximumStrict $ map (wbWidth . showAmt . itembal) items
itemamt (_,_,_,Posting{pamount=a},_) = a
itembal (_,_,_,_,a) = a
unlinesB [] = mempty
unlinesB xs = mconcat (intersperse (TB.fromText "\n") xs) <> TB.fromText "\n"
showAmt = showMixedAmountB noColour{displayMinWidth=Just 12}
-- | Render one register report line item as plain text. Layout is like so:
-- @
@ -119,29 +129,23 @@ postingsReportAsText opts (_,items) = unlines $ map (postingsReportItemAsText op
-- has multiple commodities. Does not yet support formatting control
-- like balance reports.
postingsReportItemAsText :: CliOpts -> Int -> Int -> PostingsReportItem -> String
postingsReportItemAsText :: CliOpts -> Int -> Int -> PostingsReportItem -> TB.Builder
postingsReportItemAsText opts preferredamtwidth preferredbalwidth (mdate, menddate, mdesc, p, b) =
-- use elide*Width to be wide-char-aware
-- trace (show (totalwidth, datewidth, descwidth, acctwidth, amtwidth, balwidth)) $
intercalate "\n" $
concat [fitString (Just datewidth) (Just datewidth) True True date
," "
,fitString (Just descwidth) (Just descwidth) True True desc
," "
,fitString (Just acctwidth) (Just acctwidth) True True acct
," "
," "
foldMap TB.fromText . concat . intersperse (["\n"]) $
[ fitText (Just datewidth) (Just datewidth) True True date
, " "
, fitText (Just descwidth) (Just descwidth) True True desc
, " "
, fitText (Just acctwidth) (Just acctwidth) True True acct
, " "
, amtfirstline
, " "
, balfirstline
[concat [spacer
," "
| (a,b) <- zip amtrest balrest
[ [ spacer, a, " ", b ] | (a,b) <- zip amtrest balrest ]
-- calculate widths
(totalwidth,mdescwidth) = registerWidthsFromOpts opts
@ -171,24 +175,26 @@ postingsReportItemAsText opts preferredamtwidth preferredbalwidth (mdate, mendda
-- gather content
desc = fromMaybe "" mdesc
acct = parenthesise $ T.unpack $ elideAccountName awidth $ paccount p
acct = parenthesise . elideAccountName awidth $ paccount p
(parenthesise, awidth) =
case ptype p of
BalancedVirtualPosting -> (\s -> "["++s++"]", acctwidth-2)
VirtualPosting -> (\s -> "("++s++")", acctwidth-2)
BalancedVirtualPosting -> (\s -> wrap "[" "]" s, acctwidth-2)
VirtualPosting -> (\s -> wrap "(" ")" s, acctwidth-2)
_ -> (id,acctwidth)
amt = fst $ showMixed showAmountWithoutPrice (Just amtwidth) (Just amtwidth) (color_ . rsOpts $ reportspec_ opts) $ pamount p
bal = fst $ showMixed showAmountWithoutPrice (Just balwidth) (Just balwidth) (color_ . rsOpts $ reportspec_ opts) b
wrap a b x = a <> x <> b
amt = TL.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . wbBuilder . showamt amtwidth $ pamount p
bal = TL.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . wbBuilder $ showamt balwidth b
showamt w = showMixedAmountB noPrice{displayColour=color_ . rsOpts $ reportspec_ opts, displayMinWidth=Just w, displayMaxWidth=Just w}
-- alternate behaviour, show null amounts as 0 instead of blank
-- amt = if null amt' then "0" else amt'
-- bal = if null bal' then "0" else bal'
(amtlines, ballines) = (lines amt, lines bal)
(amtlines, ballines) = (T.lines amt, T.lines bal)
(amtlen, ballen) = (length amtlines, length ballines)
numlines = max 1 (max amtlen ballen)
(amtfirstline:amtrest) = take numlines $ amtlines ++ repeat (replicate amtwidth ' ') -- posting amount is top-aligned
(balfirstline:balrest) = take numlines $ replicate (numlines - ballen) (replicate balwidth ' ') ++ ballines -- balance amount is bottom-aligned
spacer = replicate (totalwidth - (amtwidth + 2 + balwidth)) ' '
(amtfirstline:amtrest) = take numlines $ amtlines ++ repeat (T.replicate amtwidth " ") -- posting amount is top-aligned
(balfirstline:balrest) = take numlines $ replicate (numlines - ballen) (T.replicate balwidth " ") ++ ballines -- balance amount is bottom-aligned
spacer = T.replicate (totalwidth - (amtwidth + 2 + balwidth)) " "
-- tests
@ -198,7 +204,7 @@ tests_Register = tests "Register" [
test "unicode in register layout" $ do
j <- readJournal' "2009/01/01 * медвежья шкура\n расходы:покупки 100\n актив:наличные\n"
let rspec = defreportspec
(postingsReportAsText defcliopts $ postingsReport rspec j)
(TL.unpack . postingsReportAsText defcliopts $ postingsReport rspec j)
["2009-01-01 медвежья шкура расходы:покупки 100 100"

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ where
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TL
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
import Hledger.Cli.Commands.Register
@ -25,14 +26,13 @@ registermatch :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ()
registermatch opts@CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts,reportspec_=rspec} j =
case listofstringopt "args" rawopts of
[desc] -> do
let (_,pris) = postingsReport rspec j
ps = [p | (_,_,_,p,_) <- pris]
let ps = [p | (_,_,_,p,_) <- postingsReport rspec j]
case similarPosting ps desc of
Nothing -> putStrLn "no matches found."
Just p -> putStr $ postingsReportAsText opts ("",[pri])
Just p -> TL.putStr $ postingsReportAsText opts [pri]
where pri = (Just (postingDate p)
,Just $ T.unpack (maybe "" tdescription $ ptransaction p)
,tdescription <$> ptransaction p
_ -> putStrLn "please provide one description argument."

View File

@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ import Control.Monad.Writer hiding (Any)
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.List (sortOn, foldl')
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
import Hledger.Cli.Commands.Print
@ -65,9 +67,9 @@ printOrDiff opts
diffOutput :: Journal -> Journal -> IO ()
diffOutput j j' = do
let changed = [(originalTransaction t, originalTransaction t') | (t, t') <- zip (jtxns j) (jtxns j'), t /= t']
putStr $ renderPatch $ map (uncurry $ diffTxn j) changed
T.putStr $ renderPatch $ map (uncurry $ diffTxn j) changed
type Chunk = (GenericSourcePos, [DiffLine String])
type Chunk = (GenericSourcePos, [DiffLine Text])
-- XXX doctests, update needed:
-- >>> putStr $ renderPatch [(GenericSourcePos "a" 1 1, [D.First "x", D.Second "y"])]
@ -95,17 +97,17 @@ type Chunk = (GenericSourcePos, [DiffLine String])
-- @@ -5,0 +5,1 @@
-- +z
-- | Render list of changed lines as a unified diff
renderPatch :: [Chunk] -> String
renderPatch :: [Chunk] -> Text
renderPatch = go Nothing . sortOn fst where
go _ [] = ""
go Nothing cs@((sourceFilePath -> fp, _):_) = fileHeader fp ++ go (Just (fp, 0)) cs
go Nothing cs@((sourceFilePath -> fp, _):_) = fileHeader fp <> go (Just (fp, 0)) cs
go (Just (fp, _)) cs@((sourceFilePath -> fp', _):_) | fp /= fp' = go Nothing cs
go (Just (fp, offs)) ((sourceFirstLine -> lineno, diffs):cs) = chunkHeader ++ chunk ++ go (Just (fp, offs + adds - dels)) cs
go (Just (fp, offs)) ((sourceFirstLine -> lineno, diffs):cs) = chunkHeader <> chunk <> go (Just (fp, offs + adds - dels)) cs
chunkHeader = printf "@@ -%d,%d +%d,%d @@\n" lineno dels (lineno+offs) adds where
chunkHeader = T.pack $ printf "@@ -%d,%d +%d,%d @@\n" lineno dels (lineno+offs) adds where
(dels, adds) = foldl' countDiff (0, 0) diffs
chunk = concatMap renderLine diffs
fileHeader fp = printf "--- %s\n+++ %s\n" fp fp
chunk = foldMap renderLine diffs
fileHeader fp = "--- " <> T.pack fp <> "\n+++ " <> T.pack fp <> "\n"
countDiff (dels, adds) = \case
Del _ -> (dels + 1, adds)
@ -113,9 +115,9 @@ renderPatch = go Nothing . sortOn fst where
Ctx _ -> (dels + 1, adds + 1)
renderLine = \case
Del s -> '-' : s ++ "\n"
Add s -> '+' : s ++ "\n"
Ctx s -> ' ' : s ++ "\n"
Del s -> "-" <> s <> "\n"
Add s -> "+" <> s <> "\n"
Ctx s -> " " <> s <> "\n"
diffTxn :: Journal -> Transaction -> Transaction -> Chunk
diffTxn j t t' =
@ -124,18 +126,18 @@ diffTxn j t t' =
-- TODO: use range and produce two chunks: one removes part of
-- original file, other adds transaction to new file with
-- suffix .ledger (generated). I.e. move transaction from one file to another.
diffs :: [DiffLine String]
diffs :: [DiffLine Text]
diffs = concat . map (traverse showPostingLines . mapDiff) $ D.getDiff (tpostings t) (tpostings t')
pos@(JournalSourcePos fp (line, line')) -> (pos, diffs) where
-- We do diff for original lines vs generated ones. Often leads
-- to big diff because of re-format effect.
diffs :: [DiffLine String]
diffs :: [DiffLine Text]
diffs = map mapDiff $ D.getDiff source changed'
source | Just contents <- lookup fp $ jfiles j = map T.unpack . drop (line-1) . take line' $ T.lines contents
source | Just contents <- lookup fp $ jfiles j = drop (line-1) . take line' $ T.lines contents
| otherwise = []
changed = lines $ showTransaction t'
changed = T.lines $ showTransaction t'
changed' | null changed = changed
| null $ last changed = init changed
| T.null $ last changed = init changed
| otherwise = changed
data DiffLine a = Del a | Add a | Ctx a

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
The @roi@ command prints internal rate of return and time-weighted rate of return for and investment.
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ import Data.List
import Numeric.RootFinding
import Data.Decimal
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TL
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as CmdArgs
import Text.Tabular as Tbl
@ -118,22 +120,22 @@ roi CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts, reportspec_=rspec} j = do
let smallIsZero x = if abs x < 0.01 then 0.0 else x
return [ showDate spanBegin
, showDate (addDays (-1) spanEnd)
, show valueBefore
, show cashFlowAmt
, show valueAfter
, show (valueAfter - (valueBefore + cashFlowAmt))
, printf "%0.2f%%" $ smallIsZero irr
, printf "%0.2f%%" $ smallIsZero twr ]
, T.pack $ show valueBefore
, T.pack $ show cashFlowAmt
, T.pack $ show valueAfter
, T.pack $ show (valueAfter - (valueBefore + cashFlowAmt))
, T.pack $ printf "%0.2f%%" $ smallIsZero irr
, T.pack $ printf "%0.2f%%" $ smallIsZero twr ]
let table = Table
(Tbl.Group NoLine (map (Header . show) (take (length tableBody) [1..])))
(Tbl.Group NoLine (map (Header . T.pack . show) (take (length tableBody) [1..])))
(Tbl.Group DoubleLine
[ Tbl.Group SingleLine [Header "Begin", Header "End"]
, Tbl.Group SingleLine [Header "Value (begin)", Header "Cashflow", Header "Value (end)", Header "PnL"]
, Tbl.Group SingleLine [Header "IRR", Header "TWR"]])
putStrLn $ Ascii.render prettyTables id id id table
TL.putStrLn $ Ascii.render prettyTables id id id table
timeWeightedReturn showCashFlow prettyTables investmentsQuery trans (OneSpan spanBegin spanEnd valueBefore valueAfter cashFlow pnl) = do
let initialUnitPrice = 100
@ -196,7 +198,7 @@ timeWeightedReturn showCashFlow prettyTables investmentsQuery trans (OneSpan spa
unitBalances = add initialUnits unitBalances'
valuesOnDate = add 0 valuesOnDate'
putStr $ Ascii.render prettyTables id id id
TL.putStr $ Ascii.render prettyTables id id T.pack
(Tbl.Group NoLine (map (Header . showDate) dates))
(Tbl.Group DoubleLine [ Tbl.Group SingleLine [Header "Portfolio value", Header "Unit balance"]
@ -226,11 +228,11 @@ internalRateOfReturn showCashFlow prettyTables (OneSpan spanBegin spanEnd valueB
when showCashFlow $ do
printf "\nIRR cash flow for %s - %s\n" (showDate spanBegin) (showDate (addDays (-1) spanEnd))
let (dates, amounts) = unzip totalCF
putStrLn $ Ascii.render prettyTables id id id
TL.putStrLn $ Ascii.render prettyTables id id id
(Tbl.Group NoLine (map (Header . showDate) dates))
(Tbl.Group SingleLine [Header "Amount"])
(map ((:[]) . show) amounts))
(map ((:[]) . T.pack . show) amounts))
-- 0% is always a solution, so require at least something here
case totalCF of

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ tags :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ()
tags CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts,reportspec_=rspec} j = do
d <- getCurrentDay
let args = listofstringopt "args" rawopts
mtagpat <- mapM (either pure . toRegexCI) $ headMay args
mtagpat <- mapM (either pure . toRegexCI . T.pack) $ headMay args
querystring = map T.pack $ drop 1 args
values = boolopt "values" rawopts
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ tags CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts,reportspec_=rspec} j = do
(if parsed then id else nubSort)
[ r
| (t,v) <- concatMap transactionAllTags txns
, maybe True (`regexMatch` T.unpack t) mtagpat
, maybe True (`regexMatchText` t) mtagpat
, let r = if values then v else t
, not (values && T.null v && not empty)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards, LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
Common helpers for making multi-section balance report commands
@ -13,19 +16,23 @@ module Hledger.Cli.CompoundBalanceCommand (
) where
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as TS
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Data.Time.Calendar
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, addDays)
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as C
import Hledger.Read.CsvReader (CSV, printCSV)
import Lucid as L hiding (value_)
import Text.Tabular as T
import Text.Tabular as Tab
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.Commands.Balance
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
import Hledger.Cli.Utils (unsupportedOutputFormatError, writeOutput)
import Hledger.Cli.Utils (unsupportedOutputFormatError, writeOutputLazyText)
-- | Description of a compound balance report command,
-- from which we generate the command's cmdargs mode and IO action.
@ -89,84 +96,83 @@ compoundBalanceCommandMode CompoundBalanceCommandSpec{..} =
-- | Generate a runnable command from a compound balance command specification.
compoundBalanceCommand :: CompoundBalanceCommandSpec -> (CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ())
compoundBalanceCommand CompoundBalanceCommandSpec{..} opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec, rawopts_=rawopts} j = do
ropts@ReportOpts{..} = rsOpts rspec
-- use the default balance type for this report, unless the user overrides
mBalanceTypeOverride =
choiceopt parse rawopts where
parse = \case
"historical" -> Just HistoricalBalance
"cumulative" -> Just CumulativeChange
"change" -> Just PeriodChange
_ -> Nothing
balancetype = fromMaybe cbctype mBalanceTypeOverride
-- Set balance type in the report options.
ropts' = ropts{balancetype_=balancetype}
writeOutputLazyText opts $ render cbr
ropts@ReportOpts{..} = rsOpts rspec
-- use the default balance type for this report, unless the user overrides
mBalanceTypeOverride =
choiceopt parse rawopts where
parse = \case
"historical" -> Just HistoricalBalance
"cumulative" -> Just CumulativeChange
"change" -> Just PeriodChange
_ -> Nothing
balancetype = fromMaybe cbctype mBalanceTypeOverride
-- Set balance type in the report options.
ropts' = ropts{balancetype_=balancetype}
title =
++ " "
++ titledatestr
++ maybe "" (' ':) mtitleclarification
++ valuationdesc
title =
T.pack cbctitle
<> " "
<> titledatestr
<> maybe "" (" "<>) mtitleclarification
<> valuationdesc
-- XXX #1078 the title of ending balance reports
-- (HistoricalBalance) should mention the end date(s) shown as
-- column heading(s) (not the date span of the transactions).
-- Also the dates should not be simplified (it should show
-- "2008/01/01-2008/12/31", not "2008").
titledatestr = case balancetype of
HistoricalBalance -> showEndDates enddates
_ -> showDateSpan requestedspan
enddates = map (addDays (-1)) . mapMaybe spanEnd $ cbrDates cbr -- these spans will always have a definite end date
requestedspan = queryDateSpan date2_ (rsQuery rspec)
`spanDefaultsFrom` journalDateSpan date2_ j
-- XXX #1078 the title of ending balance reports
-- (HistoricalBalance) should mention the end date(s) shown as
-- column heading(s) (not the date span of the transactions).
-- Also the dates should not be simplified (it should show
-- "2008/01/01-2008/12/31", not "2008").
titledatestr = case balancetype of
HistoricalBalance -> showEndDates enddates
_ -> showDateSpan requestedspan
enddates = map (addDays (-1)) . mapMaybe spanEnd $ cbrDates cbr -- these spans will always have a definite end date
requestedspan = queryDateSpan date2_ (rsQuery rspec)
`spanDefaultsFrom` journalDateSpan date2_ j
-- when user overrides, add an indication to the report title
mtitleclarification = flip fmap mBalanceTypeOverride $ \case
PeriodChange | changingValuation -> "(Period-End Value Changes)"
PeriodChange -> "(Balance Changes)"
CumulativeChange -> "(Cumulative Ending Balances)"
HistoricalBalance -> "(Historical Ending Balances)"
-- when user overrides, add an indication to the report title
mtitleclarification = flip fmap mBalanceTypeOverride $ \case
PeriodChange | changingValuation -> "(Period-End Value Changes)"
PeriodChange -> "(Balance Changes)"
CumulativeChange -> "(Cumulative Ending Balances)"
HistoricalBalance -> "(Historical Ending Balances)"
valuationdesc = case value_ of
Just (AtCost _mc) -> ", valued at cost"
Just (AtThen _mc) -> error' unsupportedValueThenError -- TODO
Just (AtEnd _mc) | changingValuation -> ""
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> ", valued at period ends"
Just (AtNow _mc) -> ", current value"
Just (AtDate today _mc) -> ", valued at "++showDate today
Nothing -> ""
valuationdesc = case value_ of
Just (AtCost _mc) -> ", valued at cost"
Just (AtThen _mc) -> error' unsupportedValueThenError -- TODO
Just (AtEnd _mc) | changingValuation -> ""
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> ", valued at period ends"
Just (AtNow _mc) -> ", current value"
Just (AtDate today _mc) -> ", valued at " <> showDate today
Nothing -> ""
changingValuation = case (balancetype_, value_) of
(PeriodChange, Just (AtEnd _)) -> interval_ /= NoInterval
_ -> False
changingValuation = case (balancetype_, value_) of
(PeriodChange, Just (AtEnd _)) -> interval_ /= NoInterval
_ -> False
-- make a CompoundBalanceReport.
cbr' = compoundBalanceReport rspec{rsOpts=ropts'} j cbcqueries
cbr = cbr'{cbrTitle=title}
-- make a CompoundBalanceReport.
cbr' = compoundBalanceReport rspec{rsOpts=ropts'} j cbcqueries
cbr = cbr'{cbrTitle=title}
-- render appropriately
writeOutput opts $ case outputFormatFromOpts opts of
"txt" -> compoundBalanceReportAsText ropts' cbr
"csv" -> printCSV (compoundBalanceReportAsCsv ropts cbr) ++ "\n"
"html" -> (++"\n") $ TL.unpack $ L.renderText $ compoundBalanceReportAsHtml ropts cbr
"json" -> (++"\n") $ TL.unpack $ toJsonText cbr
render = case outputFormatFromOpts opts of
"txt" -> compoundBalanceReportAsText ropts'
"csv" -> printCSV . compoundBalanceReportAsCsv ropts'
"html" -> L.renderText . compoundBalanceReportAsHtml ropts'
"json" -> toJsonText
x -> error' $ unsupportedOutputFormatError x
-- | Summarise one or more (inclusive) end dates, in a way that's
-- visually different from showDateSpan, suggesting discrete end dates
-- rather than a continuous span.
showEndDates :: [Day] -> String
showEndDates :: [Day] -> T.Text
showEndDates es = case es of
-- cf showPeriod
(e:_:_) -> showdate e ++ ".." ++ showdate (last es)
[e] -> showdate e
(e:_:_) -> showDate e <> ".." <> showDate (last es)
[e] -> showDate e
[] -> ""
showdate = show
-- | Render a compound balance report as plain text suitable for console output.
{- Eg:
@ -188,15 +194,16 @@ Balance Sheet
Total || 1 1 1
compoundBalanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> CompoundPeriodicReport DisplayName MixedAmount -> String
compoundBalanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> CompoundPeriodicReport DisplayName MixedAmount -> TL.Text
compoundBalanceReportAsText ropts
(CompoundPeriodicReport title _colspans subreports (PeriodicReportRow _ coltotals grandtotal grandavg)) =
title ++ "\n\n" ++
balanceReportTableAsText ropts bigtable'
TB.toLazyText $
TB.fromText title <> TB.fromText "\n\n" <>
balanceReportTableAsText ropts bigtable'
bigtable =
case map (subreportAsTable ropts) subreports of
[] -> T.empty
[] -> Tab.empty
r:rs -> foldl' concatTables r rs
| no_total_ ropts || length subreports == 1 =
@ -217,11 +224,11 @@ compoundBalanceReportAsText ropts
-- convert to table
Table lefthdrs tophdrs cells = balanceReportAsTable ropts r
-- tweak the layout
t = Table (T.Group SingleLine [Header title, lefthdrs]) tophdrs ([]:cells)
t = Table (Tab.Group SingleLine [Header title, lefthdrs]) tophdrs ([]:cells)
-- | Add the second table below the first, discarding its column headings.
concatTables (Table hLeft hTop dat) (Table hLeft' _ dat') =
Table (T.Group DoubleLine [hLeft, hLeft']) hTop (dat ++ dat')
Table (Tab.Group DoubleLine [hLeft, hLeft']) hTop (dat ++ dat')
-- | Render a compound balance report as CSV.
-- Subreports' CSV is concatenated, with the headings rows replaced by a
@ -229,14 +236,14 @@ concatTables (Table hLeft hTop dat) (Table hLeft' _ dat') =
-- optional overall totals row is added.
compoundBalanceReportAsCsv :: ReportOpts -> CompoundPeriodicReport DisplayName MixedAmount -> CSV
compoundBalanceReportAsCsv ropts (CompoundPeriodicReport title colspans subreports (PeriodicReportRow _ coltotals grandtotal grandavg)) =
addtotals $
padRow title :
("Account" :
map showDateSpanMonthAbbrev colspans
++ (if row_total_ ropts then ["Total"] else [])
++ (if average_ ropts then ["Average"] else [])
) :
concatMap (subreportAsCsv ropts) subreports
addtotals $
padRow title
: ( "Account"
: map showDateSpanMonthAbbrev colspans
++ (if row_total_ ropts then ["Total"] else [])
++ (if average_ ropts then ["Average"] else [])
: concatMap (subreportAsCsv ropts) subreports
-- | Add a subreport title row and drop the heading row.
subreportAsCsv ropts (subreporttitle, multibalreport, _) =
@ -256,7 +263,7 @@ compoundBalanceReportAsCsv ropts (CompoundPeriodicReport title colspans subrepor
| no_total_ ropts || length subreports == 1 = id
| otherwise = (++
["Net:" :
map (showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice False) (
map (wbToText . showMixedAmountB oneLine) (
++ (if row_total_ ropts then [grandtotal] else [])
++ (if average_ ropts then [grandavg] else [])
@ -268,7 +275,7 @@ compoundBalanceReportAsHtml :: ReportOpts -> CompoundPeriodicReport DisplayName
compoundBalanceReportAsHtml ropts cbr =
CompoundPeriodicReport title colspans subreports (PeriodicReportRow _ coltotals grandtotal grandavg) = cbr
colspanattr = colspan_ $ TS.pack $ show $
colspanattr = colspan_ $ T.pack $ show $
1 + length colspans + (if row_total_ ropts then 1 else 0) + (if average_ ropts then 1 else 0)
leftattr = style_ "text-align:left"
blankrow = tr_ $ td_ [colspanattr] $ toHtmlRaw ("&nbsp;"::String)
@ -282,12 +289,12 @@ compoundBalanceReportAsHtml ropts cbr =
++ (if average_ ropts then ["Average"] else [])
thRow :: [String] -> Html ()
thRow :: [T.Text] -> Html ()
thRow = tr_ . mconcat . map (th_ . toHtml)
-- Make rows for a subreport: its title row, not the headings row,
-- the data rows, any totals row, and a blank row for whitespace.
subreportrows :: (String, MultiBalanceReport, Bool) -> [Html ()]
subreportrows :: (T.Text, MultiBalanceReport, Bool) -> [Html ()]
subreportrows (subreporttitle, mbr, _increasestotal) =
(_,bodyrows,mtotalsrow) = multiBalanceReportHtmlRows ropts mbr
@ -300,16 +307,14 @@ compoundBalanceReportAsHtml ropts cbr =
totalrows | no_total_ ropts || length subreports == 1 = []
| otherwise =
let defstyle = style_ "text-align:right"
[tr_ $ mconcat $
th_ [class_ "", style_ "text-align:left"] "Net:"
: [th_ [class_ "amount coltotal", defstyle] (toHtml $ showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice False a) | a <- coltotals]
++ (if row_total_ ropts then [th_ [class_ "amount coltotal", defstyle] $ toHtml $ showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice False grandtotal] else [])
++ (if average_ ropts then [th_ [class_ "amount colaverage", defstyle] $ toHtml $ showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice False grandavg] else [])
orEmpty b x = if b then x else mempty
in [tr_ $ th_ [class_ "", style_ "text-align:left"] "Net:"
<> foldMap (th_ [class_ "amount coltotal", defstyle] . toHtml . wbUnpack . showMixedAmountB oneLine) coltotals
<> orEmpty (row_total_ ropts) (th_ [class_ "amount coltotal", defstyle] . toHtml . wbUnpack $ showMixedAmountB oneLine grandtotal)
<> orEmpty (average_ ropts) (th_ [class_ "amount colaverage", defstyle] . toHtml . wbUnpack $ showMixedAmountB oneLine grandavg)
in do
style_ (TS.unlines [""
style_ (T.unlines [""
,"td { padding:0 0.5em; }"
,"td:nth-child(1) { white-space:nowrap; }"
,"tr:nth-child(even) td { background-color:#eee; }"

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Utils
@ -34,6 +35,8 @@ import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TL
import Data.Time (UTCTime, Day, addDays)
import Safe (readMay)
import System.Console.CmdArgs
@ -159,6 +162,14 @@ writeOutput opts s = do
f <- outputFileFromOpts opts
(if f == "-" then putStr else writeFile f) s
-- | Write some output to stdout or to a file selected by --output-file.
-- If the file exists it will be overwritten. This function operates on Lazy
-- Text values.
writeOutputLazyText :: CliOpts -> TL.Text -> IO ()
writeOutputLazyText opts s = do
f <- outputFileFromOpts opts
(if f == "-" then TL.putStr else TL.writeFile f) s
-- -- | Get a journal from the given string and options, or throw an error.
-- readJournal :: CliOpts -> String -> IO Journal
-- readJournal opts s = readJournal def Nothing s >>= either error' return

View File

@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ $ hledger -f- balance --alias=cc=credit-card --alias=b=bank
75 bank
15 expenses
# 9. query will search both origin and substitution in alias

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ hledger -f - register
# 3. balance
hledger -f - balance
hledger -f - balance -N
a EUR 1 ; a euro
@ -40,10 +40,8 @@ hledger -f - balance
EUR 1 a
USD 1 b
EUR -1
EUR -1
USD -1 c
# 4. a single-commodity zero amount's commodity/decimal places/price is preserved, when possible
@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ hledger -f- print --explicit --empty
# When preserving a zero amount's commodity, we should also preserve
# the amount style, such as where to place the symbol.
hledger -f- balance --tree
hledger -f- balance --tree -N
D 1000,00€
@ -79,8 +77,6 @@ D 1000,00€
4000,58€ 1
-1000,58€ D
-3000,00€ e
>>>= 0

View File

@ -16,22 +16,18 @@
1 -1
# 1. simple balance report in tree mode with zero/boring parents
$ hledger -f - bal --tree
$ hledger -f - bal --tree -N
0 1:2
1 3
0 4
1 5
# 2. simple balance report in flat mode
$ hledger -f - bal --flat
$ hledger -f - bal --flat -N
-1 1:2
1 1:2:3
-1 1:2:3:4
1 1:2:3:4:5
# 3. tabular balance report in flat mode
$ hledger -f - bal -Y

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ hledger -f sample.journal balance --tree
$-1 salary
$1 liabilities:debts
# 2.
@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ hledger -f sample.journal balance --tree o
$-1 gifts
$-1 salary
# 3. Period reporting works for a specific year
hledger -f - balance -b 2016 -e 2017
hledger -f - balance -b 2016 -e 2017 -N
2015/10/10 Client A | Invoice #1
assets:receivables $10,000.00
@ -52,13 +52,11 @@ hledger -f - balance -b 2016 -e 2017
$-40.00 assets:checking
$50.00 expense:hosting
$-10.00 revenue:clients:B
>>>= 0
# 4. Period reporting works for two years
hledger -f - balance --tree -b 2015 -e 2017
hledger -f - balance --tree -b 2015 -e 2017 -N
2015/10/10 Client A | Invoice #1
assets:receivables $10,000.00
@ -85,13 +83,11 @@ hledger -f - balance --tree -b 2015 -e 2017
$-10,010.00 revenue:clients
$-10,000.00 A
$-10.00 B
>>>= 0
# 5. Period reporting works for one month
hledger -f - balance --tree -b 2015/11 -e 2015/12
hledger -f - balance --tree -b 2015/11 -e 2015/12 -N
2015/10/10 Client A | Invoice #1
assets:receivables $10,000.00
@ -116,8 +112,6 @@ hledger -f - balance --tree -b 2015/11 -e 2015/12
0 assets
$10,000.00 checking
$-10,000.00 receivables
>>>= 0
@ -145,7 +139,7 @@ hledger -f - balance -b 2016/10 -e 2016/11
assets:receivables -$10.00
>>>= 0

View File

@ -3,19 +3,19 @@
$ hledger -f bcexample.hledger bal -t -1 --color=always
70.00 GLD
17.00 ITOT
489.957000000000 RGAGX
5716.53 USD
337.26 VACHR
309.950000000000 VBMPX
36.00 VEA
70.00 GLD
17.00 ITOT
489.957000000000 RGAGX
5716.53 USD
337.26 VACHR
309.950000000000 VBMPX
36.00 VEA
294.00 VHT Assets
-3077.70 USD Equity
52000.00 IRAUSD
52000.00 IRAUSD
260911.70 USD Expenses
-52000.00 IRAUSD
-365071.44 USD
-52000.00 IRAUSD
-365071.44 USD
-337.26 VACHR Income
-2891.85 USD Liabilities
@ -25,5 +25,5 @@ $ hledger -f bcexample.hledger bal -t -1 --color=always
-104412.76 USD
309.950000000000 VBMPX
36.00 VEA
294.00 VHT
294.00 VHT

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
hledger -f - balance -p 'in 2009' --date2
hledger -f - balance -p 'in 2009' --date2 -N
2009/1/1 x
a 1
@ -10,6 +10,4 @@ hledger -f - balance -p 'in 2009' --date2
1 a
-1 b

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ hledger -f - balance --flat
1 b
1 b:bb:bbb
>>>= 0
# --flat --depth shows the same accounts, but clipped and aggregated at the depth limit
@ -47,5 +47,5 @@ hledger -f - balance --flat --depth 2
1 b
1 b:bb
>>>= 0

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
$ hledger -f - balance
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ $ hledger -f - balance --tree --no-total
(a) 1
(a:aa) 1
(a:aa) -1

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ hledger -f sample.journal balance expenses -% --tree
50.0 % food
50.0 % supplies
100.0 %
100.0 %
>>>= 0
# 2. Multi column percent

View File

@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ hledger -f- balance
1.00 a
-1.00 b

View File

@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ hledger -f - balance
10 руб τράπεζα
-10 руб नकद

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ hledger -f chinese.journal balance --tree
0 㐃
1 A 㐄

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ $ hledger -f- balance
10 "DE 0002 635307" a
-10 "DE 0002 635307" b
# 5. autobalance with prices
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ $ hledger -f- print
a 1 EUR
$ hledger -f- bal a
# 12. Example of surprising decimal mark parsing behaviour.

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ $ hledger balance -f- --auto --tree
$-100 remuneration
$-38 liabilities:tax
# Balance assertions see postings generated by transaction modifier rules.

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ $ hledger -f- print
# including limiting the display precision, like a commodity directive (#1187).
D 1,000.0 A
(a) 1000.123
$ hledger -f- print

View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ D 1,000.00 EUR
1,000.00 EUR a
-1,000.00 EUR b
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ commodity 1,000.00 EUR
1,000.00 EUR a
-1,000.00 EUR b
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ commodity €1,000.00
€1,000.00 a
€-1,000.00 b
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ commodity 100. EUR
1000 EUR a
-1000 EUR b
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ hledger bal -f -
0.1 EUR a
-0.1 EUR b

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ hledger -f - balance --cost
$3266.32 assets:investment:ACME
$-3266.32 equity:opening balances
# hledger 0.14pre: precision=2, presumably from price
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ D $1000.0
$3266.3 assets:investment:ACME
$-3266.3 equity:opening balances
### hledger 0.14pre: precision=2, presumably from price, ignores D
### $3266.32 assets:investment:ACME

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ hledger -f - bal --no-total
(a) 1.00005e
(a) 2.00003E
1.00005e a

View File

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ hledger -f - balance -B
$-135 assets
$135 expenses:foreign currency
# 8. transaction in two commodities should balance out properly
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ hledger -f - balance --cost
16$ a
-16$ b
# 9. When commodity price is specified implicitly, transaction should
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ hledger -f - balance
16$ b
# 10. When commodity price is specified implicitly, transaction should
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ hledger -f - balance
£2 a
# 12. this should balance
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ hledger -f - balance --no-total
-1X a
>>>= 0
# 16.
# 16.
hledger -f - balance --no-total -B

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@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ $ hledger -f- balance -V
150.48 H a
-150.00 H b
0.48 H
0.48 H
# 7. register -V affects posting amounts and total.

View File

@ -50,6 +50,6 @@ hledger -f- balance --tree
10 e
-10 f