lib: add a module for custom parse errors

... for displaying the source line on which parse errors occured

Over the following set of commits, I will to refactor the parsers to
obviate the `ExceptT String` layer of the `ErroringJournalParser` type
so that all parse errors go through Megaparsec's parse error machinery.
This commit is contained in:
Alex Chen 2018-06-05 12:16:00 -06:00
parent 1624206b5d
commit ca201e4618
3 changed files with 224 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import Text.Printf
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Utils.ParseErrors
import Hledger.Utils.UTF8IOCompat (error')
-- | A parser of string to some type.

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@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Hledger.Utils.ParseErrors (
-- * Custom parse error type
-- * Throwing custom parse errors
-- * Pretty-printing custom parse errors
import Data.Foldable (asum, toList)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (Proxy))
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Text.Megaparsec
--- * Custom parse error type
-- | A custom error type for the parser. The type is specialized to
-- parsers of 'Text' streams.
data CustomErr
-- | Fail with a message at a specific source position interval. The
-- interval must be contained within a single line.
= ErrorFailAt SourcePos -- ^ Starting position
Pos -- ^ Ending position (column; same line as start)
String -- ^ Error message
-- | Attach a source file to a parse error (for error reporting from
-- include files, e.g. with the 'region' parser combinator)
| ErrorWithSource Text -- ^ Source file contents
(ParseError Char CustomErr) -- ^ The original
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- We require an 'Ord' instance for 'CustomError' so that they may be
-- stored in a 'Set'. The actual instance is inconsequential, so we just
-- derive it, but this requires an (orphan) instance for 'ParseError'.
-- Hopefully this does not cause any trouble.
deriving instance (Ord c, Ord e) => Ord (ParseError c e)
instance ShowErrorComponent CustomErr where
showErrorComponent (ErrorFailAt _ _ errMsg) = errMsg
showErrorComponent (ErrorWithSource _ e) = parseErrorTextPretty e
--- * Throwing custom parse errors
-- | Fail at a specific source position.
parseErrorAt :: MonadParsec CustomErr s m => SourcePos -> String -> m a
parseErrorAt pos msg = customFailure (ErrorFailAt pos (sourceColumn pos) msg)
{-# INLINABLE parseErrorAt #-}
-- | Fail at a specific source interval (within a single line). The
-- interval is inclusive on the left and exclusive on the right; that is,
-- it spans from the start position to just before (and not including) the
-- end position.
:: MonadParsec CustomErr s m
=> SourcePos -- ^ Start position
-> SourcePos -- ^ End position
-> String -- ^ Error message
-> m a
parseErrorAtRegion startPos endPos msg =
let startCol = sourceColumn startPos
endCol' = mkPos $ subtract 1 $ unPos $ sourceColumn endPos
endCol = if startCol <= endCol'
&& sourceLine startPos == sourceLine endPos
then endCol' else startCol
in customFailure (ErrorFailAt startPos endCol msg)
{-# INLINABLE parseErrorAtRegion #-}
-- | Attach a source file to a parse error. Intended for use with the
-- 'region' parser combinator.
withSource :: Text -> ParseError Char CustomErr -> ParseError Char CustomErr
withSource s e =
FancyError (errorPos e) $ S.singleton $ ErrorCustom $ ErrorWithSource s e
--- * Pretty-printing custom parse errors
-- | Pretty-print our custom parse errors and display the line on which
-- the parse error occured. Use this instead of 'parseErrorPretty'.
-- If any custom errors are present, arbitrarily take the first one (since
-- only one custom error should be used at a time).
customParseErrorPretty :: Text -> ParseError Char CustomErr -> String
customParseErrorPretty source err = case findCustomError err of
Nothing -> customParseErrorPretty' source err pos1
Just (ErrorWithSource customSource customErr) ->
customParseErrorPretty customSource customErr
Just (ErrorFailAt sourcePos col errMsg) ->
let newPositionStack = sourcePos NE.:| NE.tail (errorPos err)
errorIntervalLength = mkPos $ max 1 $
unPos col - unPos (sourceColumn sourcePos) + 1
newErr :: ParseError Char Void
newErr = FancyError newPositionStack (S.singleton (ErrorFail errMsg))
in customParseErrorPretty' source newErr errorIntervalLength
findCustomError :: ParseError Char CustomErr -> Maybe CustomErr
findCustomError err = case err of
FancyError _ errSet ->
finds (\case {ErrorCustom e -> Just e; _ -> Nothing}) errSet
_ -> Nothing
finds :: (Foldable t) => (a -> Maybe b) -> t a -> Maybe b
finds f = asum . map f . toList
--- * Modified Megaparsec source
-- The below code has been copied from the Megaparsec module and modified
-- to suit our needs. Changes are marked with '-- *'.
-- NOTE: I am not sure what we are now obligated to do, having directly
-- copied source code from another project.
-- | Pretty-print a 'ParseError Char CustomErr' and display the line on
-- which the parse error occurred. The rendered 'String' always ends with
-- a newline.
:: ( ShowToken (Token s)
, LineToken (Token s)
, ShowErrorComponent e
, Stream s )
=> s -- ^ Original input stream
-> ParseError (Token s) e -- ^ Parse error to render
-> Pos -- ^ Length of error interval -- * added
-> String -- ^ Result of rendering
customParseErrorPretty' = customParseErrorPretty_ defaultTabWidth
:: forall s e.
( ShowToken (Token s)
, LineToken (Token s)
, ShowErrorComponent e
, Stream s )
=> Pos -- ^ Tab width
-> s -- ^ Original input stream
-> ParseError (Token s) e -- ^ Parse error to render
-> Pos -- ^ Length of error interval -- * added
-> String -- ^ Result of rendering
customParseErrorPretty_ w s e l =
sourcePosStackPretty (errorPos e) <> ":\n" <>
padding <> "|\n" <>
lineNumber <> " | " <> rline <> "\n" <>
padding <> "| " <> rpadding <> highlight <> "\n" <>
parseErrorTextPretty e
epos = NE.head (errorPos e) -- * changed from NE.last to NE.head
lineNumber = (show . unPos . sourceLine) epos
padding = replicate (length lineNumber + 1) ' '
rpadding = replicate (unPos (sourceColumn epos) - 1) ' '
highlight = replicate (unPos l) '^'
rline =
case rline' of
[] -> "<empty line>"
xs -> expandTab w xs
rline' = fmap tokenAsChar . chunkToTokens (Proxy :: Proxy s) $
selectLine (sourceLine epos) s
-- | Select a line from input stream given its number.
:: forall s. (LineToken (Token s), Stream s)
=> Pos -- ^ Number of line to select
-> s -- ^ Input stream
-> Tokens s -- ^ Selected line
selectLine l = go pos1
go !n !s =
if n == l
then fst (takeWhile_ notNewline s)
else go (n <> pos1) (stripNewline $ snd (takeWhile_ notNewline s))
notNewline = not . tokenIsNewline
stripNewline s =
case take1_ s of
Nothing -> s
Just (_, s') -> s'
-- | Replace tab characters with given number of spaces.
:: Pos
-> String
-> String
expandTab w' = go 0
go 0 [] = []
go 0 ('\t':xs) = go w xs
go 0 (x:xs) = x : go 0 xs
go !n xs = ' ' : go (n - 1) xs
w = unPos w'

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- see:
-- hash: 4e9f93f0ca43f594b381f1e1e03e67ce3379bd4830b260e6f7dc1596b946993f
-- hash: fbcc49317255a91cf8d9795d99203ce5e9930e4981b2fc246349a6ea8d23af74
name: hledger-lib
version: 1.9.99
@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ library
@ -181,6 +182,7 @@ test-suite doctests
@ -277,6 +279,7 @@ test-suite easytests
@ -373,6 +376,7 @@ test-suite hunittests