shake: also generate static html from wiki pages

A copy of the github wiki is assumed to be checked out in ./wiki/

[ci skip]
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2019-02-08 04:14:10 -08:00
parent ba1abae7c9
commit ce2ef2497a

View File

@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ usage = unlines
,"./Shake website build the website and web manuals"
,"./Shake all build all the above"
,"./Shake mainpages build the web pages from the main repo"
,"./Shake wikipages build the web pages from the wiki repo"
,"./Shake FILE build any individual file"
,"./Shake setversion update all packages from PKG/.version"
,"./Shake changelogs update the changelogs with any new commits"
@ -107,6 +109,8 @@ main = do
let commandsdir = "hledger/Hledger/Cli/Commands"
commandmds <- filter (".md" `isSuffixOf`) . map (commandsdir </>) <$> S.getDirectoryContents commandsdir
let commandtxts = map (-<.> "txt") commandmds
let wikidir = "wiki"
wikipagenames <- map dropExtension . filter (".md" `isSuffixOf`) <$> S.getDirectoryContents wikidir
@ -185,9 +189,10 @@ main = do
-- individual manuals rendered to markdown, ready for conversion to html (site/
webmanuals = ["site" </> manpageNameToUri m <.> "md" | m <- manpageNames]
-- website html pages - all manual versions plus misc pages in site/ or copied from elsewhere.
-- website pages kept in the main repo: all manual versions,
-- misc pages in site/, some pages copied from elsewhere.
-- TODO: make all have lower-case URIs on the final website.
= map (normalise . ("site/_site" </>))
$ ( [ prefix </> manpageNameToUri mPage <.> "html"
| prefix <- "" : [ "doc" </> v | v <- docversions ]
@ -210,6 +215,9 @@ main = do
-- website pages kept in the wiki: cookbook content
wikipageshtml = map (normalise . ("site/_site" </>) . (<.> ".html")) wikipagenames
-- manuals rendered to markdown and combined, ready for web rendering
webmancombined = "site/"
@ -343,7 +351,7 @@ main = do
phony "website" $ need [ "webassets" , "webhtml" ]
phony "website" $ need [ "webassets" , "mainpages", "wikipages" ]
-- copy all static asset files (files with certain extensions
-- found under sites, plus one or two more) to sites/_site/
@ -360,23 +368,31 @@ main = do
"site/_site/files/README" : [ "site/_site//*" <.> ext | ext <- webassetexts ] |%> \out -> do
copyFile' ("site" </> dropDirectory2 out) out
-- render all website pages as html, saved in sites/_site/
phony "webhtml" $ need webhtmlpages
-- render all web pages from the main repo (manuals, home, download, relnotes etc) as html, saved in site/_site/
phony "mainpages" $ need mainpageshtml
-- render all pages from the wiki as html, saved in site/_site/.
-- We assume there are no path collisions with mainrepopages.
phony "wikipages" $ need wikipageshtml
-- render one website page as html, saved in sites/_site/
"site/_site//*.html" %> \out -> do
let source = "site" </> dropDirectory2 out -<.> "md"
pageTitle = takeBaseName out
let name = takeBaseName out
| name `elem` wikipagenames = "wiki" </> name <.> "md"
| otherwise = "site" </> name <.> "md"
template = "site/site.tmpl"
siteRoot = if "site/_site/doc//*" ?== out then "../.." else "."
need [source, template]
cmd Shell pandoc fromsrcmd "-t html" source
"--template" template
("--metadata=siteRoot:" ++ siteRoot)
("--metadata=title:" ++ pageTitle)
("--metadata=title:" ++ name)
"--lua-filter" "tools/pandoc-site.lua"
"--output" out
-- render one wiki page as html, saved in site/_site/.
phony "build" $ need packages