mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 20:36:07 +03:00
web: next ui refinement.. accounts are now a permanent sidebar
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,18 +46,18 @@ data HledgerWebApp = HledgerWebApp {
mkYesod "HledgerWebApp" [$parseRoutes|
/ IndexPage GET
/journal JournalPage GET POST
/register RegisterPage GET
/balance BalancePage GET
/ledger LedgerPage GET
/style.css StyleCss GET
/ IndexPage GET
/style.css StyleCss GET
/journalonly JournalOnlyPage GET POST
/registeronly RegisterOnlyPage GET
/accounts AccountsPage GET
/journal AccountsJournalPage GET POST
/register AccountsRegisterPage GET POST
instance Yesod HledgerWebApp where approot = appRoot
-- defaultroute = LedgerPage
defaultroute = JournalPage
defaultpage = AccountsJournalPage
-- | A bundle of useful data passed to templates.
data TemplateData = TD {
@ -106,6 +106,49 @@ server baseurl port opts args j = do
putValue "hledger" "journal" j
basicHandler' port Nothing app
-- | Gather all the stuff we want for a typical hledger web request handler.
getHandlerParameters :: Handler HledgerWebApp
(String, String, [Opt], FilterSpec, Journal, Maybe (Html ()), HledgerWebAppRoute)
getHandlerParameters = do
Just here <- getCurrentRoute
(a, p, opts, fspec) <- getReportParameters
(j, err) <- getLatestJournal opts
msg <- getMessage' err
return (a, p, opts, fspec, j, msg, here)
-- | Get current report parameters for this request.
getReportParameters :: Handler HledgerWebApp (String, String, [Opt], FilterSpec)
getReportParameters = do
app <- getYesod
t <- liftIO $ getCurrentLocalTime
a <- fromMaybe "" <$> lookupGetParam "a"
p <- fromMaybe "" <$> lookupGetParam "p"
let opts = appOpts app ++ [Period p]
args = appArgs app ++ [a]
fspec = optsToFilterSpec opts args t
return (a, p, opts, fspec)
-- | Update our copy of the journal if the file changed. If there is an
-- error while reloading, keep the old one and return the error, and set a
-- ui message.
getLatestJournal :: [Opt] -> Handler HledgerWebApp (Journal, Maybe String)
getLatestJournal opts = do
j <- liftIO $ fromJust `fmap` getValue "hledger" "journal"
(jE, changed) <- liftIO $ journalReloadIfChanged opts j
if not changed
then return (j,Nothing)
else case jE of
Right j' -> do liftIO $ putValue "hledger" "journal" j'
return (j',Nothing)
Left e -> do setMessage $ string "error while reading" {- ++ ": " ++ e-}
return (j, Just e)
-- | Helper to work around a yesod feature (can't set and get a message in the same request.)
getMessage' :: Maybe String -> Handler HledgerWebApp (Maybe (Html ()))
getMessage' newmsgstr = do
oldmsg <- getMessage
return $ maybe oldmsg (Just . string) newmsgstr
-- handlers & templates
@ -115,21 +158,23 @@ getStyleCss = do
let dir = appWebdir app
sendFile "text/css" $ dir </> "style.css"
getIndexPage :: Handler HledgerWebApp ()
getIndexPage = redirect RedirectTemporary defaultroute
getIndexPage = redirect RedirectTemporary defaultpage
-- | A basic journal view, like hledger print, with editing.
getJournalPage :: Handler HledgerWebApp RepHtml
getJournalPage = do
getJournalOnlyPage :: Handler HledgerWebApp RepHtml
getJournalOnlyPage = do
(a, p, opts, fspec, j, msg, here) <- getHandlerParameters
let td = mktd{here=here, title="hledger", msg=msg, a=a, p=p}
editform' = editform td $ jtext j
txns = journalReportAsHtml opts td $ journalReport opts fspec j
hamletToRepHtml $ pageLayout td [$hamlet|
%a#addformlink!href!onclick="return addformToggle()" add one transaction
\ | $
@ -254,21 +299,38 @@ editform _ content = [$hamlet|
formathelp = helplink "file-format" "file format help"
journalScripts = [$hamlet|
scripts = [$hamlet|
<script type="text/javascript">
function filterformToggle() {
f = document.getElementById('filterform');
flink = document.getElementById('filterformlink');
if (f.style.display == 'none') {
flink.style['font-weight'] = 'bold';
f.style.display = 'block';
} else {
flink.style['font-weight'] = 'normal';
f.style.display = 'none';
return false;
function addformToggle() {
a = document.getElementById('addform');
e = document.getElementById('editform');
t = document.getElementById('transactions');
alink = document.getElementById('addformlink');
elink = document.getElementById('editformlink');
jlink = document.getElementById('journallink');
rlink = document.getElementById('registerlink');
if (a.style.display == 'none') {
alink.style['font-weight'] = 'bold';
elink.style['font-weight'] = 'normal';
jlink.style['font-weight'] = 'normal';
rlink.style['font-weight'] = 'normal';
a.style.display = 'block';
e.style.display = 'none';
t.style.display = 'block';
t.style.display = 'none';
} else {
alink.style['font-weight'] = 'normal';
elink.style['font-weight'] = 'normal';
@ -285,9 +347,13 @@ journalScripts = [$hamlet|
t = document.getElementById('transactions');
alink = document.getElementById('addformlink');
elink = document.getElementById('editformlink');
jlink = document.getElementById('journallink');
rlink = document.getElementById('registerlink');
if (e.style.display == 'none') {
alink.style['font-weight'] = 'normal';
elink.style['font-weight'] = 'bold';
jlink.style['font-weight'] = 'normal';
rlink.style['font-weight'] = 'normal';
a.style.display = 'none';
e.style.display = 'block';
t.style.display = 'none';
@ -304,8 +370,8 @@ journalScripts = [$hamlet|
postJournalPage :: Handler HledgerWebApp RepPlain
postJournalPage = do
postJournalOnlyPage :: Handler HledgerWebApp RepPlain
postJournalOnlyPage = do
edit <- runFormPost' $ maybeStringInput "edit"
if isJust edit then postEditForm else postAddForm
@ -356,14 +422,14 @@ postAddForm = do
Left errs -> do
-- save current form values in session
setMessage $ string $ intercalate "; " errs
redirect RedirectTemporary JournalPage
redirect RedirectTemporary AccountsRegisterPage
Right t -> do
let t' = txnTieKnot t -- XXX move into balanceTransaction
j <- liftIO $ fromJust `fmap` getValue "hledger" "journal"
liftIO $ journalAddTransaction j opts t'
setMessage $ string $ printf "Added transaction:\n%s" (show t')
redirect RedirectTemporary JournalPage
redirect RedirectTemporary AccountsRegisterPage
-- | Handle a journal edit form post.
postEditForm :: Handler HledgerWebApp RepPlain
@ -376,7 +442,7 @@ postEditForm = do
Left errs -> do
-- XXX should save current form values in session
setMessage $ string errs
redirect RedirectTemporary JournalPage
redirect RedirectTemporary AccountsJournalPage
Right t' -> do
-- try to avoid unnecessary backups or saving invalid data
@ -390,55 +456,33 @@ postEditForm = do
if not changed
then do
setMessage $ string $ "No change"
redirect RedirectTemporary JournalPage
redirect RedirectTemporary AccountsJournalPage
else do
jE <- liftIO $ journalFromPathAndString Nothing f tnew
(\e -> do
setMessage $ string e
redirect RedirectTemporary JournalPage)
redirect RedirectTemporary AccountsJournalPage)
(const $ do
liftIO $ writeFileWithBackup f tnew
setMessage $ string $ printf "Saved journal %s\n" (show f)
redirect RedirectTemporary JournalPage)
redirect RedirectTemporary AccountsJournalPage)
-- | A combined accounts and postings view, like hledger balance + hledger register.
getLedgerPage :: Handler HledgerWebApp RepHtml
getLedgerPage = do
(a, p, opts, fspec, j, msg, here) <- getHandlerParameters
-- in this view, balance report is filtered only by period, not account/description filters
app <- getYesod
t <- liftIO $ getCurrentLocalTime
let args = appArgs app
fspec' = optsToFilterSpec opts args t
br = balanceReportAsHtml opts td $ balanceReport opts fspec' j
rr = if null a && null p && not showpostingsbydefault
then nulltemplate
else registerReportAsHtml opts td $ registerReport opts fspec j
td = mktd{here=here, title="hledger", msg=msg, a=a, p=p}
hamletToRepHtml $ pageLayout td [$hamlet|
%div.accounts!style=float:left; ^br^
%div.register ^rr^
showpostingsbydefault = False
-- | An accounts and balances view, like hledger balance.
getBalancePage :: Handler HledgerWebApp RepHtml
getBalancePage = do
-- | A simple accounts and balances view like hledger balance.
getAccountsPage :: Handler HledgerWebApp RepHtml
getAccountsPage = do
(a, p, opts, fspec, j, msg, here) <- getHandlerParameters
let td = mktd{here=here, title="hledger", msg=msg, a=a, p=p}
hamletToRepHtml $ pageLayout td $ balanceReportAsHtml opts td $ balanceReport opts fspec j
-- | Render a balance report as HTML.
balanceReportAsHtml :: [Opt] -> TemplateData -> BalanceReport -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute
balanceReportAsHtml _ td (items,total) = [$hamlet|
balanceReportAsHtml _ td@TD{here=here,a=a,p=p} (items,total) = [$hamlet|
$forall items i
^itemAsHtml' i^
@ -448,6 +492,39 @@ balanceReportAsHtml _ td (items,total) = [$hamlet|
%td!align=right $mixedAmountAsHtml.total$
filtering = not $ null a && null p
showmore = if filtering then [$hamlet|
\ | $
%a!href=@here@ show all
|] else nulltemplate
showmore' = case (filtering, items) of
-- cunning parent account logic
(True, ((acct, _, _, _):_)) ->
let a' = if isAccountRegex a then a else acct
a'' = accountNameToAccountRegex $ parentAccountName $ accountRegexToAccountName a'
parenturl = (here, [("a",a''), ("p",p)])
in [$hamlet|
\ | $
%a!href=@?parenturl@ show more
_ -> nulltemplate
allacctslink = True
allaccts = if allacctslink
then -- [$hamlet|%tr.$current$
-- %td
-- %a!href=@?u@ all accounts
-- %td
\ $
%span#showmoreaccounts ^showmore^
<br />
<br />
else nulltemplate
where u = (here, [("a",".*"),("p",p)])
current = "" -- if a == ".*" then "current" else ""
itemAsHtml' = itemAsHtml td
itemAsHtml :: TemplateData -> BalanceReportItem -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute
itemAsHtml TD{a=a,p=p} (acct, adisplay, adepth, abal) = [$hamlet|
@ -457,19 +534,26 @@ balanceReportAsHtml _ td (items,total) = [$hamlet|
%a!href=$aurl$ $adisplay$
%td.balance!align=right $mixedAmountAsHtml.abal$
|] where
current = if not (null a) && containsRegex a acct then "current" else ""
indent = preEscapedString $ concat $ replicate (2 * adepth) " "
aurl = printf "../ledger?a=%s%s" (accountMatchingRegex acct) p' :: String
current = "" -- if not (null a) && containsRegex a acct then "current" else ""
indent = preEscapedString $ concat $ replicate (2 * (adepth + if allacctslink then 1 else 0)) " "
aurl = printf ".?a=%s%s" (accountNameToAccountRegex acct) p' :: String
p' = if null p then "" else printf "&p=%s" p
accountMatchingRegex :: String -> String
accountMatchingRegex = printf "^%s(:|$)"
accountNameToAccountRegex :: String -> String
accountNameToAccountRegex "" = ""
accountNameToAccountRegex a = printf "^%s(:|$)" a
accountRegexToAccountName :: String -> String
accountRegexToAccountName = gsubRegexPR "^\\^(.*?)\\(:\\|\\$\\)$" "\\1"
isAccountRegex :: String -> Bool
isAccountRegex s = take 1 s == "^" && (take 5 $ reverse s) == ")$|:("
-- | A postings view, like hledger register.
getRegisterPage :: Handler HledgerWebApp RepHtml
getRegisterPage = do
-- | A simple postings view like hledger register.
getRegisterOnlyPage :: Handler HledgerWebApp RepHtml
getRegisterOnlyPage = do
(a, p, opts, fspec, j, msg, here) <- getHandlerParameters
let td = mktd{here=here, title="hledger", msg=msg, a=a, p=p}
hamletToRepHtml $ pageLayout td $ registerReportAsHtml opts td $ registerReport opts fspec j
@ -498,10 +582,9 @@ registerReportAsHtml _ td items = [$hamlet|
(firstposting, date, desc) = case ds of Just (da, de) -> ("firstposting", show da, de)
Nothing -> ("", "", "")
acct = paccount posting
aurl = printf "../ledger?a=%s%s" (accountMatchingRegex acct) p' :: String
aurl = printf ".?a=%s%s" (accountNameToAccountRegex acct) p' :: String
p' = if null p then "" else printf "&p=%s" p
--mixedAmountAsHtml = intercalate ", " . lines . show
mixedAmountAsHtml b = preEscapedString $ addclass $ intercalate "<br>" $ lines $ show b
where addclass = printf "<span class=\"%s\">%s</span>" c
c = case isNegativeMixedAmount b of Just True -> "negative amount"
@ -522,49 +605,66 @@ getEditPage = do
-- | Gather all the stuff we want for a typical hledger web request handler.
getHandlerParameters :: Handler HledgerWebApp
(String, String, [Opt], FilterSpec, Journal, Maybe (Html ()), HledgerWebAppRoute)
getHandlerParameters = do
Just here <- getCurrentRoute
(a, p, opts, fspec) <- getReportParameters
(j, err) <- getLatestJournal opts
msg <- getMessage' err
return (a, p, opts, fspec, j, msg, here)
-- | Get current report parameters for this request.
getReportParameters :: Handler HledgerWebApp (String, String, [Opt], FilterSpec)
getReportParameters = do
app <- getYesod
t <- liftIO $ getCurrentLocalTime
a <- fromMaybe "" <$> lookupGetParam "a"
p <- fromMaybe "" <$> lookupGetParam "p"
let opts = appOpts app ++ [Period p]
args = appArgs app ++ [a]
fspec = optsToFilterSpec opts args t
return (a, p, opts, fspec)
-- | A combined accounts and journal view.
getAccountsJournalPage :: Handler HledgerWebApp RepHtml
getAccountsJournalPage = do
(a, p, opts, fspec, j, msg, here) <- getHandlerParameters
app <- getYesod
t <- liftIO $ getCurrentLocalTime
let args = appArgs app
fspec' = optsToFilterSpec opts args t
br = balanceReportAsHtml opts td $ balanceReport opts fspec j
jr = journalReportAsHtml opts td $ journalReport opts fspec j
td = mktd{here=here, title="hledger", msg=msg, a=a, p=p}
editform' = editform td $ jtext j
hamletToRepHtml $ pageLayout td [$hamlet|
%div.accounts!style=float:left; ^br^
-- | Update our copy of the journal if the file changed. If there is an
-- error while reloading, keep the old one and return the error, and set a
-- ui message.
getLatestJournal :: [Opt] -> Handler HledgerWebApp (Journal, Maybe String)
getLatestJournal opts = do
j <- liftIO $ fromJust `fmap` getValue "hledger" "journal"
(jE, changed) <- liftIO $ journalReloadIfChanged opts j
if not changed
then return (j,Nothing)
else case jE of
Right j' -> do liftIO $ putValue "hledger" "journal" j'
return (j',Nothing)
Left e -> do setMessage $ string "error while reading" {- ++ ": " ++ e-}
return (j, Just e)
postAccountsJournalPage :: Handler HledgerWebApp RepPlain
postAccountsJournalPage = postJournalOnlyPage
-- | Helper to work around a yesod feature (can't set and get a message in the same request.)
getMessage' :: Maybe String -> Handler HledgerWebApp (Maybe (Html ()))
getMessage' newmsgstr = do
oldmsg <- getMessage
return $ maybe oldmsg (Just . string) newmsgstr
-- | A combined accounts and register view.
getAccountsRegisterPage :: Handler HledgerWebApp RepHtml
getAccountsRegisterPage = do
(a, p, opts, fspec, j, msg, here) <- getHandlerParameters
app <- getYesod
t <- liftIO $ getCurrentLocalTime
let args = appArgs app
-- opts' = Empty:opts
-- fspec' = optsToFilterSpec opts' args t
br = balanceReportAsHtml opts td $ balanceReport opts fspec j
rr = registerReportAsHtml opts td $ registerReport opts fspec j
td = mktd{here=here, title="hledger", msg=msg, a=a, p=p}
editform' = editform td $ jtext j
hamletToRepHtml $ pageLayout td [$hamlet|
%div.accounts!style=float:left; ^br^
postAccountsRegisterPage :: Handler HledgerWebApp RepPlain
postAccountsRegisterPage = postJournalOnlyPage
-- | Wrap a template with the standard hledger web ui page layout.
pageLayout :: TemplateData -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute
pageLayout td@TD{title=title, msg=msg} content = [$hamlet|
@ -575,40 +675,39 @@ pageLayout td@TD{title=title, msg=msg} content = [$hamlet|
#messages $m$
#messages $m$
where m = fromMaybe (string "") msg
metacontent = "text/html; charset=utf-8"
navbar :: TemplateData -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute
navbar td = [$hamlet|
navbar _ = [$hamlet|
%a.toprightlink!href=$hledgerurl$ hledger $version$
\ $
%a.toprightlink!href=$manualurl$!target=hledgerhelp manual
\ $
navlinks :: TemplateData -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute
navlinks td = [$hamlet|
^journallink^ $
| ^ledgerlink^ $
\ | $
\ | $
%a#editformlink!href!onclick="return editformToggle()" edit journal
\ | $
%a#addformlink!href!onclick="return addformToggle()" add transaction
journallink = navlink td "journal" JournalPage
ledgerlink = navlink td "ledger" LedgerPage
-- | ^balancelink^ $
-- | ^registerlink^ $
-- balancelink = navlink td "balance" BalancePage
-- registerlink = navlink td "register" RegisterPage
accountsjournallink = navlink td "journal" AccountsJournalPage
accountsregisterlink = navlink td "register" AccountsRegisterPage
navlink :: TemplateData -> String -> HledgerWebAppRoute -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute
navlink TD{here=here,a=a,p=p} s dest = [$hamlet|%a.$style$!href=@?u@ $s$|]
navlink TD{here=here,a=a,p=p} s dest = [$hamlet|%a#$s$link.$style$!href=@?u@ $s$|]
where u = (dest, concat [(if null a then [] else [("a", a)])
,(if null p then [] else [("p", p)])])
style | dest == here = "navlinkcurrent"
@ -616,26 +715,30 @@ navlink TD{here=here,a=a,p=p} s dest = [$hamlet|%a.$style$!href=@?u@ $s$|]
filterform :: TemplateData -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute
filterform TD{here=here,a=a,p=p} = [$hamlet|
^filterformlabel^ $
^ahelp^ $
in period: $
^phelp^ $
filter by account/description:
\ $
\ $
in period:
\ $
\ $
%input!type=submit!value=filter $
\ $
ahelp = helplink "filter-patterns" "?"
phelp = helplink "period-expressions" "?"
(filtering, filterformlabel)
| null a && null p = ("", [$hamlet|filter by: $|])
| otherwise = ("filtering", [$hamlet|
%a#stopfilterlink!href=@here@ stop filtering
\ $
by $
(filtering, visible, filterformlabel, stopfiltering)
| null a && null p = ("", defaultdisplay, [$hamlet|%a#filterformlink!href!onclick="return filterformToggle()" filter...|], nulltemplate) -- [$hamlet|filter by $|])
| otherwise = ("filtering", defaultdisplay, [$hamlet|filtering...|], [$hamlet|%a#stopfilterlink!href=@here@ stop filtering|])
defaultdisplay = "none"
helplink :: String -> String -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute
helplink topic label = [$hamlet|%a!href=$u$!target=hledgerhelp $label$|]
@ -14,21 +14,28 @@ pre { font-family:courier,"courier new",monospace; }
.journalreport { font-size:small; }
.balancereport { font-size:small; }
.registerreport { font-size:small; }
#showmoreaccounts { font-size:small; }
/* #addformlink { font-size:small; } */
/* #editformlink { font-size:small; } */
body { margin:0; }
#navbar { padding:0px 6px; }
/* #navbar { padding:4px; background-color:#eeeeee; border-bottom:2px solid #dddddd; } */
#navlinks { display:inline; }
.navlink { }
.navlinkcurrent { font-weight:bold; }
#filterform { display:inline; margin-left:1em; padding:4px; }
.filtering { background-color:#ddd; font-weight:bold; }
.form { margin:1em; }
/* #navbar { padding:4px; background-color:#eee; border-bottom:2px solid #ddd; } */
.toprightlink { margin-left:1em; float:right; }
#messages { color:red; background-color:#ffeeee; margin:0.5em;}
.help { font-style: italic; }
.helprow td { padding-bottom:8px; }
#content { margin:1em; }
#navlinks { margin-bottom:1em; }
.navlink { }
.navlinkcurrent { font-weight:bold; }
.form { margin:1em; }
#filterformdiv { margin:0 0 1em 0; white-space:nowrap; }
#filterform { margin:0; }
#filterform span { padding:4px; }
#stopfilterlink { font-weight:bold; }
.filtering { background-color:#ddd; }
.current { font-weight:bold; background-color:#ddd; }
.description { padding-left:1em; }
@ -42,13 +49,15 @@ body { margin:0; }
/* .even { background-color:#e8f8e8; } */
/* .even { background-color:#f0fff0; } */
table.journalreport { margin-top:1em; }
.journalreport td { border-top:thin solid #ddd; }
table.journalreport { }
.journalreport td { border-top:thin solid #eee; }
.journalreport pre { margin-top:0; }
.ledger .accounts {padding-right:1em; margin-right:1em; border-right:thin solid #ddd;}
.ledger .accounts {padding-right:1em; margin-right:1em; border-right:thin solid #eee;}
.ledger .register { }
div.accounts { padding-bottom: 10em; }
.balancereport tr { vertical-align:top; }
table.balancereport { border-spacing:0; }
.ledger .balancereport td { padding:0; }
@ -59,10 +68,10 @@ table.registerreport { border-spacing:0; }
.registerreport td { padding-bottom:0.2em; }
.registerreport .date { white-space:nowrap; }
.firstposting td { }
.registerreport .even { background-color:#f0f0f0; }
.registerreport .odd { background-color:#f0f0f0; }
#addform input.textinput { background-color:#eee; padding:4px; }
#addform table { }
#addform #addbuttonrow { text-align:right; }
#editform { width:95%; }
/* #editform { width:95%; } */
#editform textarea { width:100%; background-color:#eee; padding:4px; }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user